#the lads and the ale are absolutely pillars of the community and our culture
schumigrace ยท 5 months
@merenwenformulauno for some reason the hellsite won't let me edit my answer ? so anyway posting it separately
"so for Scottish people NC is mostly seen as 'the first train stop in England on the way to London' aaaaand the place we go for big birthdays and stag dos. But, I know it is actually a beautiful part of the country so what do you wish people knew about your city and/or area that they don't?"
Honestly you can't really dispute the reputation toon has for being a football loving drunk city because that's.. very true. but there's soooo much to it that isn't boozing
we have sooooo much history to begin with. I always recommend people go to see the Castle and Cathedral if they're interested in roman history (a lot of links to Hadrian naturally) and Norman history, and especially if you're an architecture nerd like me (Grey Street is also a great place for architecture). Plus we were the second city for a looong time
There's also a lot of museums and science centres people don't seem to think about much. The life centre and the great North museum are both great days out as well as Shipley art gallery (technically gateshead). Also the discovery museum!!! It has the whole British Film Institute archive and tons of maritime history
Mostly though, people don't realise how many wonderful green spaces there are near toon. Tyne Riverside and Derwenthaugh are both stunning !!! Also, I have spent sooooo much time at Jesmond Dene just sitting and watching the waterfall. Also the coastline in the summer is glorious and heading up to whitley bay when the weather is nice is just *chefs kiss*๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Not to forget the amazing surrounding areas, you're so close to Durham which is a gorgeous city and of course Alnwick in the other direction (if anyone is ever there, try going through the Poison garden without passing out)
cant forget BYKER GROVE the best tv show ever created
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