#the kya~ distressed princess >//__//< kind
zushimart · 1 year
he fantasizes romantic scenarios in bed to lull himself to sleep
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unicornbitchface · 4 years
Raat ki Rani
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
Background: A story set in the colonial past of India.
Beta’d by my lovely friend @madbaddic7ed​​ !
Warnings: harsh languange
Chapter 3
The hall looked magnificent as if the ghosts of the past had brought them back to the days of glory. The chandelier was lit up, its jewels reflecting light upon every nook and corner.
The musicians played with vigor, expecting a heavy reward for their best efforts and the sweet-scented welcome of every guest added to the pomp.
Every high born around the state was to be present in the feast, and there they were, happy to make the acquaintance of the new British resident. The only glitch was that the said officer was nowhere to be seen, making the Maharaja jittery and a little annoyed.
Soon everyone would start asking questions, for how long was he supposed to distract guests with starters? With this thought, Ganga nodded at Kulwant, asking him to get an update.
Late again! But the blame was on the delay with the dress they insisted to be worn. What was wrong with the old ones? Nothing when I see them!
Who in their right minds would wear these? UGH. I will have to talk to the culprits after this goddamn feast for that buffoon!
As Damini walked through the seemingly deserted halls of the palace, fixing her stubborn hair, adding a gajra and cursing the dressmaker, she did not realise that she took a wrong turn.
Distressed by her woes of fashion and etiquette that mandated her presence in that debauchery, she walked in a jiffy towards her dear friend, Ashwanth.
The gajra, long forgotten, embraced the side of the marble tile near a very special room. Only the melody of her heavy gold trinkets echoed in the air paired with a certain gift, attracting the attention of a handsome blue-eyed devil who was switching to his suits after giving the Indian kurta a chance.
The sound made him curious like the first night, and his feet dragged him to the halls. Only half dressed, shirt unbuttoned, he looked around and tried to trace the echo. All that he could concur, was a moving shadow with the curves of silk, the bells moving in sync with those voluptuous hips. Coming back to his allotted room, the only remnant of that siren laid across the floor.
The gift.
That smell.
His hand snatched the bunched flowers, as if the grounds would swallow them if he wasn’t quick enough. One whiff and he knew he needed it in his life more than the opium his friends favoured.
So, it belonged to a person after all, and by the accompanying silhouette, a woman.
His woman.
A sudden realization had his pupil dilated, as he went back to the room. She might be at the feast.
If he heard them right, everyone significant would be present in that hall, and she was the most significant.
He chuckled at his poetry, what is wrong with me, he thought. He moved around the room with swiftness but also a renewed interest, humming tunes while he applied a dash of cologne and adjusted his jacket to perfection.
He passed the mirror one last time, stopping to fix his hair. He had to look perfect for his sweet maiden. His brows furrowed, a troubling thought flashing his mind. What if she was spoken for? What if she was claimed already, her heart in someone else’s hands?
Blue eyes turned colder than a foot of ice.
Hands on the desk,
He looked at himself,
A crooked smile gracing, 
Then what?
A war like no other.
A war that would put Trojan and Mahabharata to shame.
A knock at the door tamed the raging storm in his eyes. Lord Cavill looked up, frowning at the distasteful intrusion upon his whims and fancies.
Ah, the big bad boulder.
“Come in, General! I assume you are here to escort me to the venue?”
“Khamba Ghani Cavill Saab. I heard that the British people are always on time, and yet here I find you, barely dressed for the occasion.”
A smirk laced the British resident’s face as he retorted, “Well you’re not wrong, but I happen to be the guest of honour and I may arrive whenever I may please. In fact, just for that comment, I would like to take a few more minutes before I leave.” And he turned towards his desk and picked up a recent correspondence from the Crown. 
Kulwant couldn’t help but roll his eyes, a movement instantly caught by the blue-eyed man. 
“Keep going! I will take an extra minute for each time you roll your eyes, kind sir.”
It was beyond the General’s comprehension that a man as petulant as this entitled bleached monkey, could even hold the post of a hawaldar in court, let alone be a Lord of some sort. Nevertheless, he was a guest, and of honour at that.
Thus, the loyal servant of the court stood tall and quiet while the firang made his point, albeit unnecessarily.
Once he was done having fun at the General’s expense, Cavill agreed to be escorted to the event. He reached the hall, and couldn’t believe his eyes for a minute. 
The hall looked straight out of a fairytale, and the worth of the mere jewels studded on the walls could help him buy a couple of kingdoms.
He reigns in his musings, and walks toward Maharaja Ganga Singh. 
“We don’t have time! Baba will decorate his court with my head! Let’s go!”
“Damu! Come on, wait! You don’t even have flowers in your hair.”
“You think I care, Ashwanth!? I can barely move in this outfit! It’s so heavy and so unnecessary! All for that invader and his honour! What can be more honourable than stealing lands you have no business with, right?”
“Damu, don’t be silly! You’re a princess, and you cannot just march into the hall like a maid! Here, let me put these roses and..Can you just.. oho! THERE.”
“That’s right! I am a princess and this is my palace! Watch me..”
The two friends kept bickering along the way. Anyone who had seen these two would mistake them for longtime lovers, and yet things remained strictly platonic, at least from Damini’s end. 
For someone with an expertise in strategising, warcraft and literature, the princess often missed the veiled looks Prince Ashwanth threw at her. How he always brought gifts, only in exchange for her ruthless company and how he bowed down to all her incessant demands, all for her pleasure.
To Ashwanth, she was the key to his future and beyond. To Damu, he was the ever constant confidant, seemingly balanced and loyal to a fault.
As they moved towards the hall, she made eye contact with her father and naturally started walking to him, just like she has been trained to, her seat to his left calling out to its rightful master. What she didn’t realise was a figure moving in the same direction.
Lost in conversation and the pull of the decorum, she collided with a commoner, which only fueled her frustration.
“Dekh ke nahi chala jata kya? Humare raste aane ki himmat kaise hui?” (Can't you see where you're going? How dare you get in my way?)
“What did you just say?! How dare you use that tone with me?
“Poore mahal mein yeh gorey deemak ke bhaanti badhte hi ja rahe hain! Ek din ka bhi chain nahi hai!”(These white people are everywhere, like pests! Give me a break)
“Damu yeh..”(Damu this is….)
“Honge apne desh mein nawab, yahaan pe inki aukaat humaare naakhoon baraabar bhi na hain! Aur aise kya ghoor rahe hain yeh, laaj lajja kuch hai inko?” (He might be a Lord in his country, but here he isn't worth my toenail! And why are you staring at me like that? Have you any shame?)
Lord Cavill fumed at this disgrace of a woman, one who dared to look him in the eye and dared to speak while addressing him directly. Although he could not understand her words, her tone and posture were enough to get her backhanded, had they not been in the presence of company.  
This unruly child must be taught a lesson.
If anyone asked Lord Cavill, a woman’s tongue is only good for two things, sewing her mouth shut and on his cock whenever he pleased. If he didn’t expect the siren of his dreams to be in attendance, he would have put her in her place. Even if he could not punish this puny, dusky troll, he still had a reputation to defend.
“You listen to me carefully woman! You are messing with the wrong man, and spewing gibberish in some primitive language is not going to save you! Do you even know who I am? You are in MY bloody court and if I please, I can rip that serpentine tongue out of that pretty little hole! So you better apologise!”
“Cavill Saab.. please.. that’s my..”
“APOLOGISE? For what? Standing on my own soil? Or comparing you to a termite? None of which are false in my eyes. So get out of my way and know your place or you know what, go cry to your incompetent Lord!”
A storm raged in their eyes, wrath of all oceans combined in his and a black blizzard stirred concurrently in hers.
“Eyes down now, foreigner. ” The Tigress growled in warning.
The entire hall was suddenly quiet at the outburst. The musicians had stopped playing, and by the look of amusement on their faces, this was not the first time Damini Bai Sa had been the centre of attention.
Ashwanth tried pulling her back, her father was shooting daggers at her, while her siblings stood with aggravated expressions, exasperated by this wild child. It was Ganga Singh, who walked towards the ruckus and roared, which broke the deadly silence that had thickly draped the occasion.
“DAMINI! Are you out of your mind?! Do you even know WHO that is? Forgive me my Lord! This is my youngest child, Rajkumari Damini Bai, and I do not know what got into her, she is nothing like this!”
Renu and Revati Bai snickered at this comment and tried to hide their glee when they could see their father’s plan failing. No way will Lord Cavill bed this wild boar! They were preparing themselves for saving the kingdom, all the while reaping the seeds of pleasure from it.
“Damu, this is Lord Cavill himself. What is wrong with you, my child? Apologise, right now!”
“I would rather do Jauhar..” (light a pyre)
“It’s alright, Mr. Singh! I cannot expect common courtesy from uncultured brats like her. It just saddens me that you bear this burden on your shoulders! She certainly must have brought tremendous shame to the title of a Princess!”
Damini was about to give him a piece of her mind when Ashwanth pulled her back and gave her a solid glare.
Lord Cavill continued, “ Forgive me, but Maan Singh and your daughters seem like true blue-blooded beings. Has she been adopted from the streets?” His condescending tone should have had all the swords in the realm drawn up, but the language barrier and a father’s resolution to shove his daughter at him, saved the British neck.
Damini could not tolerate the insult and charged at him, “ Oh this is it! You goddamn plague sore! I will..” but was blocked by Ashwanth who was done watching her embarrass the Rajputana pride like a common whore.
“THAT IS ENOUGH DAMINI! Go take a seat!” The Maharaja ordered. But when she moved to her designated seat, her father grabbed her by the arm and lashed out with gritted teeth, “Sit with the guests. That seat belongs to your Master now. And don’t you dare embarrass me further. You are to serve him, and make sure he is left wanting for nothing. Nothing.”
Tears threatened to fall as the Tigress straightened her back, the princess coming to the fore, taking her position in the room, finding her place in the oppressive hierarchy.
Cavill watched her change her stance, a subtle nod to whatever her father threatened her with and for a second, he was impressed by the precise mutation. That is when he noticed the princess for the first time. Not so bad for a desert kingdom, blooming in all the right places. 
Back home, feisty women were his speciality, and he would often tame the likes of this woman, ploughing through their virgin lands.
His eyes wandered to her navel, as she walked to the guy who took her away earlier. Must be fucking her, and not enough at that! If she were in the right bed, she would be blissed out and her tongue tired. He could see her under him, screaming for an entirely different reason.
As the lust awoke, the mere thought of breaking this ballsy female had blood rushing to his groin, steeling his resolve as well as his cock. He had never bedded a princess, and was primed to claim her body for one night.
If that man could have her, she was fair game to all.
He strode towards the prize, steps decisive and eyes frigid. That is when he heard her voice, lowered but not discouraged by any means.
“Ashwanth, they let him take my seat, MY seat! And how could he say that about my lineage!? It was my seat!”
Ashwanth patiently replied, “ Don’t create a scene Damu, a chair does not define your position in the house, neither does some outsider! And can you please stop talking in English? You know how our people feel about it!”
Damini was feeling suffocated and needed to take a breath, but her luck soured the moment she felt thick fingers grabbing her arm, and felt his breath at the nape of her neck.
“You don’t need to get so riled up, princess. You know you can always sit on my lap like the little bitch you are.”
Damini looked at him with such fire in her eyes that it would have put Hestia to shame.
"Take. Your. Hands. Off. Me."
Taken aback, Cavill's grip loosened and she jerked out of his grasp with a rippling force. Much to the astonishment of the onlookers, she turned on her heel and stormed off.
The pride of her tears matched with the stride of the Tigress, refusing to fall before anyone.
Hindi Terms:
Khamba Ghani: Rajasthani salutation and a way to say hello. 
Firang: A derogatory term used for Europeans/ Colonisers, loosely translating to outsider.
Saab: Sir
Maharaja: King
Gajra: A traditional weave of scented flowers used as hair accessory by women.
Chapter 2
@madbaddic7ed @henrythickcavill @toomanyfandomsshreya @inana999 @maximumninjavoid @mistress-of-ward
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zukkaloo · 4 years
Moon!Sokka ramblings:
Imagine if the southern tribes were taken in by the Northern tribes when the raids started, taking that power from the fire nation and fortifying themselves and merging the tribes and families.
This happens back before Katara and sokka were born. Maybe when kya was pregnant with sokka she was injured during their travels. When they reached the north, she was in labor and sokka was a stillborn or whatever. They do the yue deal and beg the moon spirit to give him life.
(Alternate concept: then the ocean spirit gives life to yue and she has black hair? )
That or yue isn’t the one who is a stillborn.
Regardless. Sokka and Katara mostly grow up in the north. The tribes merge and hakoda is a ‘brother’ to the chief. This helps them all look stronger. So yue and sokka and Katara all grow up in the royal palace or whatever the water tribe equivalent is. Hakoda and other water benders go out randomly to do battle and they have been trying to protect the air temple that isn’t too far by? Idk i like the idea of event chains that cause a ripple effect.
The story begins after a few years of silence from the fire nation. When the letter comes, everyone is confused and kind of in disbelief. It is a diplomatic letter basically stating that they would like to send their prince to the water tribe to ‘learn the customs of their neighbor’ and maybe mentioning the potential for a marriage alliance between the two young royalchildren. Yue is taken aback. She is betrothed. Sokka doesn’t like the idea at all. He has become very protective of yue. Since they grew up together he kind of has come to terms with having fallen out of love and into a more familial love. Like twelve year old sokka thought he was in love. Current sokka does not think the same.
He is technically the cousin of princess yue but everyone is adamant that the southern water tribe will rise again one day, but they still are not high enough in numbers to really return home. That being said, sokka and yue attend a lot of political stuff together since he is the son of the chief and all. He would be a prince if the southern tribe ascribed to a monarchy or whatever idk
So politically sokka is pretty aware of what is going on.
When zuko arrives he is kind of torn between wanting to be a big brother type of character and also kind of excited to talk to someone his age that is kind of in the same boat in terms of royalty, though zuko is fire nation and they lost a lot of people to fire nation.
Sokka doesn’t interact a whole lot in the beginning. He does find himself making eye contact with zuko semi regularly during meetings and meals, and if he sees him he definitely tries to make idle conversation.
There ends up being some kind of problem after his second week there. He was supposed to stay for a month, which is time to get settled, get up to speed, do diplomatic stuff, get situated to leave and so forth.
Maybe on his second week he gets a letter and he seems quite upset bout it. Sokka only knows because the letter came with a ship and on that ship was zuko’s uncle, who seemed nice enough… but when he brought the message to zuko (personally, by entering zukos room and shutting the door) sokka had heard the sounds of pots or something breaking, and iroh trying to soothe his distressed nephew. Sokka hasn’t seen zuko actually lose his temper— even though he is quick to outburst from certain kinds of teasing, zuko is actually surpsingingly laid back.
Sokka wants to know what is bugging zuko so he goes to yue and he’s like pst yue when you go on one of your arranged dates with zuko can you give him the slip so i can come in and snoop. And yue knows zuko likes sokka cuz zuko is always asking about him and when they go by the courtyard during martial arts training, zuko is never looking at her. She is down for this, even though she doubts sokka is aware of his own feelings or zuko’s, she is gonna be the best wing man 😆
Sokka and Zuko get along in a way that they seem to read rather others energy easily. One knows when the other is getting worked up and both have spent lives with emotionally volatile sisters, so they diffuse conflicts a little more naturally. The first thing they end up heatedly arguing about is over a map, in which zuko’s recollection of a map they have doesn’t line up with that of sokka’s map and they go back and forth for a hot minute before sokka is all omg wait how old is this map LOLOL wait hang on and he’s got some old historical map that has kiyoshi island still as one island or something. Basically their banter got reallly heated but sokka was getting riled up in a good way. They kept getting closer together and when Zuko gets worked up his brain is practically steaming and his comebacks are terrible and sokka LOVES IT.
That’s all I have for now, I’ll add to it later if I think of more stuff 🤔
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likeabxrdinflight · 5 years
some people still describe modern queer representation as being mere peanuts and not enough, and while there may be some validity to that...
20 years ago, there was nothing. Ellen was out and Will and Grace existed but that...was kind of it. I’ll just go off the fandoms I interact with, but you’ve got your canon Korrasami + gay Aunt Kya, (ATLA/LOK), Ruby/Sapphire and Pearl/Rose (SU), Dumbledore/Grindelwald (still a work in progress I know but just let the story unfold), Aunt Josephine and Cole (Anne with an E), Thomas Barrow (Downton Abbey), Robert and Sol (Grace and Frankie), Mulan and Alice/Robin (OUAT), arguably the entire cast of she-ra (some people say this is queerbaiting/not explicit enough but I hate to break it to y’all but the slow burn romance doesn’t resolve itself in only one season...you’re gonna have to wait a bit longer.) 
and that’s just a small sample, all exploding onto the scene in the 2010s. I don’t think people realize exactly how new this all still is. And there’s such a demand for queer rep that I think people want everything confirmed instantly and are forgetting about some of the conventions of storytelling. There’s still a long way to go with queer rep- star wars really needs to get on it (in the MOVIES the extra material is nice but it’s not mainstream. and interviews saying lando is pan also do not count). Comic movies could really improve as well, though I hear Harley and Ivy are now canon so that’s good? And disney has very little excuse remaining as well- we’re due a gay prince or princess movie in the next 20 years or so. (since it took them until 2009 to do a black princess...)
My point being, yes, there’s a long way to go still. and it really is fine to say “hey this is great but we can do better, we can do more.” but it’s still important to acknowledge that we have come immeasurably far since I was a child in the 90s. I grew up with nothing. Kids as little as six years younger than me had so much more representation than I ever did. that’s incredible, and I think it’s been taken for granted. 
You have no idea how much I would have needed even the “breadcrumbs” of a ship like Korrasami or the “problematic” rep in steven universe. I’ll never stop being amazed at how far things have come even in the last ten years alone, and I really don’t think anyone should. If you’d asked me ten years ago, when I was in high school, if I thought we’d see legal gay marriage in 2015 or two women explicitly marrying each other in a kids cartoon in 2018, I’d have said you were crazy, there’s no chance. 
And what’s truly incredible is that it’s very likely that my generation, the 90s kids, may have been the last to (by and large) grow up with little to no exposure to queerness in their media. 2000s kids (the earliest of gen z), by and large had shows like Glee, which may not have been perfect but it DID have representation. And it cannot be stated enough how incredible that is for kids growing up now. It is so taken for granted that kids are understanding what being gay means at younger and younger ages. I think it’s amazing that 10-12 year olds know what being gay is and have a way to conceptualize feelings that might otherwise have been confusing and deeply distressing. I think it’s amazing how many young teenagers are not only able to be out to themselves, but can be OUT to others too. There was a very specific type of distress that went along with being queer that I truly think is decreasing- and it came from not having the langauge or the ability to conceptualize what you were feeling, it came from feeling utterly and completely alone in the world. It came from feeling broken and defective because there it seemed there was no one else like you. It came from hiding, and everyone else hiding just as much as you were. It came from having no exposure to queerness at all. 
So the representation we’re seeing nowadays aren’t breadcrumbs to me. Non-textual reveals of a character’s sexuality have become unpalatable, that I will grant you- but anything in the canon text? I don’t take that for granted, I never have, and neither should you. 
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