#the few fics i could find set after this episode all had jim written as having cheated on his partner(s)
anxiously-going · 2 months
Found another fairly completed WIP, this one set post Elaan of Troyius.
"Jim!" Leonard greeted as the captain strolled into medbay. "Take a seat, would ya?"
Jim did as he was told. "Everything alright, Doctor?"
Leonard ran the tricorder over him. "I dunno, Jim, you tell me."
"You called me down here, remember?"
"I did," McCoy agreed.
"So?" Jim shrugged. "Where's the fire?"
Leonard folded his arms over his chest. "I'm not buying Spock's antidote."
"Is that so?" Jim asked, looking at the ground.
"It is. I know what this ship means to you, but I don't buy that it was enough to overtake some alien infection."
"And what do your instruments say on the matter?"
"They agree."
"Do they now?" His voice was flat and empty.
"'Love potion' is a very unscientific way of saying 'altering the body's biochemistry'. You're giving off some unusual readings here. Not as bad as they would have been right after the infection, I'm sure. But certainly not normal."
Jim nodded slowly. "So it wasn't my fault?" He asked quietly.
Leonard's face fell and he set aside his scanner to put a had on Jim's arm. "No, Jim, of course it wasn't."
"I should've known better-"
"How?" Len challenged. "Did anyone tell you what the ambassador said about the tears?" Jim shook his head. "Then it can't possibly be your fault. If anything…it's my fault. I should have warned. And for that I'm sorry, Jim."
"You didn't have any reason to suspect she'd try anything-"
"That doesn't mean I couldn'a warned you. But playing the blame game isn't going to get us anywhere. Are you okay?"
"I would've said 'no', Bones."
"I know, Jim. I know," Len answered softly.
"I wanted to- I tried, but… it was almost like dissociative, you know? I was just...trapped in my own body and I couldn't do anything. Not anything she didn't want anyway." Len sat next to Jim and rested his hand between his shoulders. "I tried to tell her it was wrong, but she kept saying it was what we both wanted. I wanted to push her away, but part of me was afraid to hurt her, and the other part… I wanted to get away, but it was like something else was controlling me. Like I was just a puppet."
"In a sense, you were. You're human, Jim. It affected you differently than it would have one of her own species. As a species they've adapted to those chemical changes in their bodies to be normal and probably even necessary. But you're not one of them. Your body wasn't prepared for that kind of reaction."
The captain gave a small nod and continued his staring contest with the floor. "Would the antidote do anything at this point, doctor?"
"It'll bring your body back to it's usual equilibrium. The human body is incredibly resilient and it's moving that way anyway, but the antidote will speed up that process."
"You have it on hand?"
Len nodded. "I do." He stood and picked up a loaded hypospray from the table near the bed. Jim tilted his head away and winced a little at the injection.
"Thanks, Bones," he said quietly.
Len sighed. "Look at me, kid."
Jim raised his watery eyes to Len's face.
"The antidote is only good for fixing your biochemistry. The rest is going to take time. It's going to have ups and down just like healing from any traumatic event would. So don't expect all this to just...go away because I gave you a shot. Be kind to yourself, alright?"
Jim ground his jaw and nodded. "Doctor's orders?" He tried to tease with a faltering smile.
Len brushed aside a stray tear with this thumb. "Doctor's orders," he agreed. "Come 'ere, kid." He tugged Jim into his arms and held him tightly.
Jim melted into Len's arm. "Sometimes, part of the healing process is to grieve," Len advised softly. He hugged Jim tighter when the younger man's tears began to wet his shirt.
Several minutes passed before Jim sat back with a sigh. "Thanks, Bones," he said, already sounding calmer.
Len gripped his shoulder. "Do you need a few days leave?"
Jim shook his head. "I'm alright. I'd like to keep this between us, as much as possible though."
"Of course. Whatever you need, just let me know."
"I could do with a drink, if you're offering."
"I think I can fix you up some cocoa."
Jim chuckled tiredly. "I had a feeling you might say that."
"Your system's outta whack as it is. I'm not givin' you anything to unbalance it further."
"I suppose that's fair," he sighed. "Thanks for lookin' out for me, Bones."
"That is what you keep me around for. C'mon. You can stay with me tonight."
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dianadragonfly · 4 years
Okay, hang on bitches, cause Imma bout ta rewatch “The Final Problem.” I’ve seen it once since 2017. And because there is no commentary on the disc I have, I will be providing the commentary.
[[MORE]] Since I started my “rewatch and comment” spree, I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Things that had previously stood out in my mind as being particularly not-good are really not that bad. Most were actually really short moments that stood out in retrospect because they seemed incongruous with how well-written and acted everything else was.
Up till season 2, the writers could do no wrong whatsoever. The exact moment I experienced a “well that was overdone” moment of questioning the writers was when Sherlock broadcast a picture of Mary on the outside of the facade in “His Last Vow.” From there, I had moments of doubt and questioning plot and directing choices that took away from the narrative. But, except for the moment John sees Mary die, I never ever questioned the acting choices. The actors are so amazing. And I’m not just saying that because Ben and Martin are hot.
As I prepare to watch the episode, there are several scenes that I dread. Opening with the girl on the airplane reminds me of how much I hated this trick. If the girl is Eurus messing with them, then why do we see it acted out? If we cannot trust that what we see is a reality, then all of the “Mind Palace” theories of TFP (i.e. that it actually took place in a dream or in the head of a character) have some authenticity to them. Ugh.
Damn. I’d forgotten the “Hello. My name is Jim Moriarty” part of the intro. No need for that if the girl is just something in Eurus’s imagination.
Oh shit. I hate hate hate hate everything about this scene of Mycroft.
First of all, there is security in Mycroft’s house.
Second of all, he would have skewered any of those actors with the umbrella sword or shot one of them with the gun.
Why are the paintings crying blood? John and Sherlock couldn’t accomplish that... once we add scary clown it’s just too much. Even for Sherlock.
Oh stop with the heavy-handed East Wind references. Dammit, I loved this show for its subtly. Killer clowns are not subtle, even in pranks.
Now with Mycroft here, in the client position, refusing to sit, with the Baker Street Boys in their chairs - this is what I came for. The light, the look on their faces, the composition of the shot.
Oohh Hudson throwing some shade. John’s half smile...
Is the skull portrait glowing? I can’t tell.
“That’s why he stays!” Fuck yeah. John’s half smile again...
“Middle child. Explains a lot.” As a middle child, I resent that remark. And sort of get it.
So the flashing back and forth in time, with the ashes of Musgrave Hall in the apartment, 5 year old Eurus answering grown-up Mycroft’s questions, the pebble: all of that would be okay, if not a tiny bit less than subtle, had we not just fought a goddamn clown in the scene before.
Oh goddamn. The stupid fucking patience gernade and that song.
Of course Mrs. Hudson vacuums to Iron Maiden.
It’s Sherlock’s turn to half-smile. Cute.
Beautifully shot here with the above view and all three of them at different points on a circle around it.
Ugh. I have to turn away at the “action shot” of them jumping out the window. This is not “Die Hard.” It’s not a cop buddy movie. We just got a really well played, fun little scene where they talked a about Oscar Wilde to avoid talking about the fact that they might die. That’s what I watch Sherlock for.
There was a fan fic written around 2012 that mentions “The Importance of Being Ernest.” Coincidence? Creators reading fanfic? I know Wilde and ACD were contemporaries, but it’s interesting. I can’t think of any other literary works that are alluded to in canon. It’s funny it should be this one.
And now we’ve commandeered a boat. Seriously.
All of the other episodes, I had more patience with on this go-around where I get a chance to type out reactions and reflect on how they are put together. But I’m finding that isn’t the case with this one. I’m just pissed. Give me one or two unbelievable moments or plot twists in an episode and I can sustain it. But between the airplane, killer clowns at Mycroft’s, the patience gernade, and this, I’m already done and we’re 20 minutes in. Sherlock looks like a goddamn vampire bat. And seriously, why does Mycroft need to steal a boat? And write a message in the sand? What the hell? Why dress up?
Sherlock’s security guard act cracks me up.
Oh his face when he sees Eurus. His. Face. Curiosity. Heartbreak. Empathy. Pain. Doubt. Fear. THIS is my show. Not patience gernades, killer clowns, dressing up like a sea captain etc in one damn episode.
She “enslaves” people... magical Eurus who makes people kill their family. Really?!
Oh no. He ignores “Vatican cameos.” I forgot that. He chooses to ignore John’s warning.
His face.... Jesus Benedict can act.
Big bouncy red alert! Okay, what was with the spinning John face when he gets knocked out?
This constant shift between wondering what the hell is happening, wondering if the show has become a parody of itself, and then bouncing back to this heart wrenching narrative — is that the point of this episode? Like “The Empty Hearse” or “The Abominable Bride”? But those episodes explained themselves after they pulled the rug out. As soon as something got to the point of absurdity, it was explained. Sherlock didn’t swing in a window at Bart’s and kiss Molly but we briefly were led to believe he did. Moriarty and Sherlock aren’t really kissing on the roof. (By then we knew what was up though). Sherlock didn’t really attempt to dig up a dead Amelia Rocoletti. We understand it’s a drug-induced dream.
This rapid jumping back and forth with half-assed explainations — I’m coming to believe this off-balance feeling is the point of the episode but I don’t like it. I like it even less than I did before.
Oh Andrew Scott. I love you.
The bastards wait till 5 minutes into the Moriarty scene to tell us it’s 5 years ago. That constant pulling out the rug — I will at least excuse that because there is a plausible explaination given. But it’s a cheap trick. This episode is one cheap trick after another, with only a few moments, here and there, of characters actually interacting.
So it’s late and I don’t know if I have the heart to make it through this whole episode tonight. To be continued....
Starting at scene 5 on the DVD because that's when Sherlock sees Eurus for the sort of first time. I kind of just want to bask in Ben's performance here again.
After the last episode, clean-shaven Sherlock in a suit is a relief. He's back... at least a little.
His small smile when he asks her how she got out. . .
I'm realizing how much of this scene had to be Benedict looking directly into the camera and talking to Eurus. That had to be intimidating.
***I've skipped ahead to closer than where I was last night because the small people in my house will want food soon. Parentig gets in the way of fangirling. ****
I still love the Hungry Donkey story.
OH MY GOD! I forgot how much I love Andrew Scott here!!!
Are they making out through the glass?
And now the four of them wake up in a cell but this one has glass. Ugh. The plane again. I love how Sherlock changes his voice here to talk to the girl. He isn't incapable of reading people and reacting to them. He just usually can't be bothered. There’s a fan theory that says Sherlock is autistic. I was going to comment that this skill of his is evidence that he’s not but I stopped myself. He -knows- HOW one needs to act to get people to respond to him, but it’s a learned skill. Which actually might add evidence to the “autism” theory more than the sociopath theory.
Mark Gatiss - I forget what an incredible actor he can be. Whoa.
These scenes - these scenes where they have to apply themselves to a task that Eurus sets for them -- they are so fucking good. Tense and well-acted. I can see every emotion on every actor's face. The rest of the episode should have been better to make it worthy of these performances. It physically hurt watching John try to shoot the governor.
Someone said that Jim Moriarty went from a criminal mastermid to manical Thomas the Train Engine on this episode and I can't unthink that any time he flashes on the screen.
I had a moment, when Eurus was using such clinical language of behavioralism ("prompts") etc that I flashed back onto my life as an ABA instructor. Seriously. I know they are a million miles away but no one watching this would ever think, even for a second, that Eurus was morally right. Why, then, do we do a smiliar thing to autistic children? I had a moment of revulsion then. (Restirct physical liberty and autonomy, make them complete a command that's nonsensical for either reward or aversive. Give prompts. Follow through (deny reward) if one deviates from the prompt). She might as well been saying "Touch table, Sherlock." ("Touch table" is one of the first directives often given in ABA. It's easy to manually prompt (force) a kid to do and helps the kid realize the link between following the requests and obtaining rewards.)
Sorry. ABA rant is slightly off topic.
To be continued in comments ..
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youknowmymethods · 5 years
Content Creator Interview #8
Here we are again folks, number 8! This time we’re continuing on from last week’s interview with a bit of role reversal, @ellis-hendricks posing questions to her friend and beta @geekmama, chatting about Brit-picking, bad writing habits, favourite authors, and, most importantly, which of Sherlock’s shirts does it for her. 
But starting off with a recap of last week’s intro...
We are, respectively, a Californian and a Geordie, and we got to know each other through reading and reviewing each other’s fics (geekmama’s ‘Time of the Season’ series was one of the first fics I read and loved). Geekmama has been writing in the fandom for around 3 years, and I’ve been doing the same for around 2 years, spurred on by the end of series 4 (and the ILY scene in particular). We started beta-reading each other’s work around a year ago, and are always discovering new and unexpected words and phrases that don’t translate across the pond! Although we’ve used the same set of questions for these interviews, we haven’t seen each other’s answers – so it does mean that if nobody else is interested, at least we will be!
 ellis-hendricks: Was there a particular moment in the series that set the ship sailing for you?
geekmama: I think it was A Scandal in Belgravia, and specifically Sherlock’s unprecedented apology to Molly, that got me thinking that the possibility was there, that it wasn’t just Molly’s schoolgirl crush vs. Sherlock’s needs when the game was on. I have to say, even though the Sherlock/Molly ship is easy to board, Mofftiss, etc., were very clever about leaving the way open for other pairings throughout the series. Even the ILY scene and its fallout could be interpreted very differently, if one was so inclined. It is really thanks to all the amazing fanfic authors out there that I jumped on board and took up residence on the good ship Sherlolly.
ellis-hendricks: What's your favourite episode and why?
geekmama: I love bits and pieces of all of them, but the one that I’ve watched more than any other is The Sign of Three. It’s heartwarming, hilarious, and only mildly heartbreaking. Even the villain of the piece, as little as we see him, has a motive one can understand.
ellis-hendricks: If you could ask/tell the series writers one thing, what would it be?
geekmama: Killing off Mary was a mistake, and I don’t care if that event sets up the entire story arc of season four, you should have thought of something else. Come on! You are brilliant writers, you could have done it.
ellis-hendricks: Do you have a controversial opinion about the series? E.g. a character who everyone else hates, but who you love?
geekmama: Or everyone loves but you hate? I’d say Moriarty qualifies. Andrew Scott is very cute, but though he’s in a number of the episodes we’re never given much insight to his character’s motives. Moriarty is pretty much just murderously insane in canon, and I don’t understand how one gets around that to write Molly/Moriarty or any of the slash pairings.
ellis-hendricks: Have you ever, when watching an episode, cracked a case before Sherlock?
geekmama: Well, if the writers want us to, then we’re given the information to crack the case before Sherlock.  The series is about him, after all. The cases are secondary.
ellis-hendricks: With whom would you rather be stuck at a wedding table –
Janine or Irene?
geekmama: Janine, she is just fun and rather ordinary, whereas Irene has numerous ulterior motives under her veneer of smug vanity.    
ellis-hendricks: Donovan or Anderson?
geekmama: Anderson, since he actually felt remorse for what they did to Sherlock, and came to admire him, too. There might be more to Donovan than what we’re given, and certainly that’s what fanfic is for -- I’ve made her a sympathetic character in a couple of my own fics. And apparently she and Sherlock have some pretty interesting history between them.
ellis-hendricks: Who would you rather bring back in series 5 - Mary or Moriarty?
geekmama: Mary, of course -- she is a far more well-rounded (and loveable) character. One wants to know more about her.
ellis-hendricks: Whose house would you prefer to live in - Sherlock's, John & Mary's, Molly's or Mrs Hudson's?
geekmama: Probably Molly’s, though Sherlock’s would be tempting. Molly’s looks pretty state-of-the-art in the ILY scene, if rather bland -- I couldn’t imagine Molly living in a place that’s all granite gray. It doesn’t reflect her personality at all, and I didn’t even think it could be her home the first time I saw that episode.
ellis-hendricks: In your opinion, who has been the best series villain - Jim Moriarty, Charles Magnussen, Culverton Smith, or Eurus Holmes?
geekmama: Eurus. We’re at least given some idea of her motives, and one can feel some sympathy for her, even though she is as insanely murderous as the other three. The other three are pretty equally revolting.
 Your writing
 ellis-hendricks: What was your first fic? What prompted it, and how do you feel about it now?
geekmama: My first in the Sherlock fandom was Visiting Hours, written in March 2016. I first watched seasons 1-3 of Sherlock in October 2015 and I’d been reading other authors’ work for several months. There were ideas I wanted to explore, and I wanted to see if I could still write at all, lol! I hadn’t written anything since July of 2013, when I celebrated a decade of being in the Pirates of the Caribbean fandom with a series of ten 50 word drabbles. Visiting Hours is only 100 words, official drabble length, and it’s held up pretty well, I think. I don’t hate it, at least.
ellis-hendricks: Which fic are you most proud of/most attached to, and why?
geekmama: This is a really difficult question since I’ve written quite a few Sherlock fics. If I had to narrow it down, maybe Idiots in Love, which is part of the Aftermath series and from Greg Lestrade’s pov, which is always fun, and The Kensington House, kid!fic from my Time of the Season series. But then there are all  the holiday fics… and the historical AU’s…
ellis-hendricks: You write great AUs set in other historical periods - do you prefer this or present day?
geekmama: I’ve read, and written, a lot of historical fiction, and certainly writing it comes much more easily to me than writing something set in the present day -- particularly current culture in the UK. It’s a good thing my dear Ellis_Hendricks is willing to Brit-pick for me. I did my best, but I’m sure my early Sherlock fic has plenty of errors in that regard. That was the most difficult thing for me when I was beginning to write in this fandom. However, I have grown to enjoy writing fic set in the present almost as much as writing historical fic.
ellis-hendricks: What are your worst writing habits?/What are your most overused phrases, plotlines, etc?
geekmama: Wow. There are probably a LOT of bad habits (run-on sentences, excessive use of parentheses and ellipses, etc. etc.etc.), and overused phrases/words. As for plotlines, I find the (comparatively) reality-based canon of Sherlock to be somewhat limiting to begin with (which is why AU’s were invented, I suppose). I try not to repeat plotlines, but of course I’ve used post-ILY scenarios multiple times (and no doubt will again -- the anniversary is coming up on the 15th), and I tend to overdo the h/c as that’s one of my favorite things.
ellis-hendricks: Do you have a writing routine? Where and when? And is everything digital, or are things ever handwritten first?
geekmama: Laptop, ideally in the morning, alone in bed (except for a pile of snoozing dogs), with no distractions like music etc. I can write with the TV or music on, but it takes a lot longer to produce anything. I haven’t produced finished handwritten works since I was in high school, and when I first got back into writing in late 2003 it was on a laptop I borrowed from work -- and it was a revelation! I wouldn’t bother handwriting more than a drabble or the outline of a story, now. Computers FTW!!!
ellis-hendricks: Who do you enjoy writing the most?
geekmama: Sherlock (if I have to choose -- I love Molly, Mycroft, and Lestrade pov, too).
ellis-hendricks: Who do you find easiest/hardest doing first person POV? - Sherlock seems fairly easy a lot of the time (hopefully readers agree -- I may be way off base, who knows?), and maybe Molly for hardest. We see so little of Molly over the course of the series it’s sometimes difficult for me to get a handle on her.
ellis-hendricks: Which fic would you recommend to someone who has never read your stuff before? - Benefit of the Doubt, maybe. I like the way it came out. It was one of those that practically wrote itself.
ellis-hendricks: What do you value most when it comes to feedback?
geekmama: Any feedback is very much appreciated, from Kudos to brief comments, but it’s always nice when someone references a particular phrase or idea they liked. I know how difficult that is to do, sometimes, though.
ellis-hendricks: Would you ever go back and revise old fics - or do you consign them to history once they're published?
geekmama: If I discover (or someone points out) an error I will go back and correct it, but I don’t really revise my stories once they are posted.
ellis-hendricks: What's the nicest/weirdest bit of feedback you've ever had? And does feedback ever influence what you write next, either within a story or in terms of future fics?
geekmama: I have to say I’ve had a lot of great, encouraging comments over the years, and maybe a few negative ones, mostly on FF.net, which I pretty much ignore, though one or two brought up interesting points. I think mostly people leave a comment if they really like something, or just go away if they don’t. Feedback does influence what I write to an extent -- say if someone really wants more of a certain story, or aspect of a story, that gets me thinking how it could be done.
ellis-hendricks: Do you - or would you - write other pairings?
geekmama: Well, yes, I’ve written Mycroft/Lady Smallwood, and John/Mary, and I have a few fics that reference Lestrade/OFC. And of course there are other F/M possibilities. But mostly it’s Sherlock/Molly.
ellis-hendricks: How would you define your style? (E.g. mine was called 'fluffy realism’, which I quite liked!)
geekmama: I agree with that ‘fluffy realism’ definition, the sweetest stuff and easily related to. I would call mine “Romance” if I had to choose a word, the old definition of romance that entails fluff, angst, humor, adventure -- all the stuff that makes a story interesting and fun to read.
ellis-hendricks: What's your method in approaching a story? Do you plan methodically, or wing it?
geekmama: I am somewhere in between. With longer fic I sometimes use an outline, but more often I have a basic plot in mind, complete with ending, and think about it until I’m finally ready (and have the time) to write it.
ellis-hendricks: Who do you write for? Is it you, or are you thinking about trying to please your audience?
geekmama: Mostly me. I started writing fanfic in the Pirates of the Caribbean fandom because I wasn’t seeing fic that went where I wanted to go with that story. With Sherlock it was some of that, and the fact that I wanted to further explore these compelling characters, and writing fic was the best way to do that. But I do write for my audience, to an extent, and it is fun to accept a prompt or theme from someone and write to it. In the PotC fandom we had a weekly drabble challenge for years, and I really miss that sort of thing.
ellis-hendricks: Do you have any WIPs, and do you think new chapters will ever see the light of day?
geekmama: I do have a WIP, Souvenirs, for which I’ve written a couple of additional chapters, and hope to finish some day. But it sort of got waylaid by the whole post-ILY thing. I may finish it. You never know. I also hope to write some more of that Regency AU, Uncertain Terms.
ellis-hendricks: Are you working on anything at the moment?
geekmama: I’m going to try to write something for the ILY Anniversay (January 15th).
ellis-hendricks: What’s harder for you - writing the start of a fic, or coming up with a decent title?
geekmama: Writing the start, I guess. Titles are usually easy. It’s plot and particularly a good ending that take a lot of work.
 Reading other people's fics
 ellis-hendricks: What are your favourite tropes in the fandom?
geekmama: Post-ILY scenarios, for sure, h/c, kid!fic, Mary is still alive, Christmas stories. Etc.
ellis-hendricks: What things are likely to turn you off a fic?
geekmama: Bad characterizations (we read fanfic because we want more of the characters we love);  poor editing / grammar; too many crazy tags; Intro posts that have TMI (I don’t want to know that you’re bad at titles/summaries/etc.), or that solicit reviews too blatantly. Well, those things and just stuff I don’t want to read -- bad porn, excessive violence (torture in particular), stories focusing on characters I dislike. I’m kind of picky, actually. But we write and read in a particular fandom for personal pleasure, and I think authors have to expect that their work won’t please everybody (or maybe anybody - who knows?).
ellis-hendricks: Can you recommend 3 favourite fics that aren't your own?
geekmama: Only 3??? Well, I’ve printed out miabicicletta’s A fearful hope was all the world, and sunken_standard’s Fumbling Toward Ecstasy, so I guess that counts for something. It’s virtually impossible to choose one of  Ellis_Hendricks’ fic, they reference so many of my favorite tropes and are all of them deliciously  memorable. But then, how can I leave out Quarto’s Competition? Or Emma_Lynch’s Quarantine? Or so many others?
ellis-hendricks: What compels you to leave comments on top of kudos?
geekmama: If some idea or turn of phrase stands out for me, and if the fic is well-done in general.
 ellis-hendricks: Quick-fire questions!
 John's TEH moustache or his TAB moustache?
geekmama: TAB (I don’t think we are meant to like his TEH moustache, are we?).
Sherlock's purple shirt or white shirt?
geekmama: Gah! Why do I have to choose? Purple, then.
Molly's stripy jumper or cherry cardigan?
geekmama: Stripy jumper, I think, as their relationship is more fully developed at that point.
Mary's christening outfit or black-ops gear?
geekmama: Christening outfit, for sure.
 Submitted by OhAine: this is a joint question for Ellis and geekmama: Do you feel that working together as betas has changed the way you both write?
geekmama: Not really, my process is the same and any input from Ellis_Hendricks is given after the fact. I edit the story accordingly, but there are usually only minor changes involved. I am particularly grateful for her “Brit-picking” skill, which obviously makes her far more valuable to me than I am to her -- it’s surprising how many little differences there are between the UK’s culture and California’s. I was woefully ignorant about that when I became involved in this fandom, and I don’t feel I’m much better now, really.
Next week, Friday 12th April 2019, @thisisartbylexie interviews @writingwife-83
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Hi, how did you feel about Kanjigar as a character and his death? Were there any Trollhunters' pairings that felt forced and rushed, or ones you like, but either became bland or felt tacked-on? And finally, how would Trollhunter Claire's relationships go with Blinky, AAARRRGGHH and Draal?
Kanjigar’s death:
Kanjigar’s death is a necessary aspect of the show’s premise, since there can be only one Trollhunter at a time, chosen by the Amulet. (Unlike in the original novel, where there could potentially be many, and Jim Sturges and Claire Fontaine were both revealed to have genetic predisposition to be paladins - another name for Trollhunters, which I think Netflix chose not to use in order to avoid conflation with Voltron - and the amulet was just a translator device.)
Kanjigar’s death not only sets up the Amulet choosing a new Trollhunter, but also provides a bunch of exposition within the first few minutes of the show - that Bular is dangerous (Kanjigar clearly concluded he wasn’t getting out of that fight alive); that sunlight doesn’t just hurt trolls, but can outright kill them; and that this is a show where characters can and will die.
The fact it was a suicide which led to the selection of a new Trollhunter might be a deliberate parallel to how Jim’s use of the transformation potion in Season Three was filmed like a suicide, ‘killing’ Human!Jim to replace him as Trollhunter with supposedly-hybrid Troll!Jim.
Setting aside Doylist analysis and switching to Watsonian, Kanjigar was shortsighted.
Based solely on evidence in the show, we don’t know if Blinky was watching the fight and Kanjigar knew it and just didn’t call attention to him in order to protect Blinky from Bular, or if Blinky went looking for Kanjigar later and just happened to arrive in that drainpipe at the right moment to see Jim get the Amulet. (Supplementary books say Blinky and AAARRRGGHH were both witnesses but Kanjigar didn’t know they’d followed him.)
From what is shown on camera of Kanjigar’s knowledge at that moment, as far as Kanjigar knew, Bular could have climbed down from the bridge and stolen the Amulet immediately at sunset, before anyone from Trollmarket even knew Kanjigar was dead.
Supplementary comics justify this to some degree by showing the Amulet fly to Kanjigar following the death of his predecessor; but again, from evidence presented on camera in the show, there was no reason to expect that to happen … unless you count the Amulet vanishing by mid-afternoon when Jim tries to go back for it in Unbecoming, which I interpreted on my first watch to mean the Changelings had stolen it - which could well be the case, since they didn’t know yet that they needed the Amulet and the Trollhunter, and they might have let Draal find it after they did learn as much; Nomura’s dialogue with Strickler regarding the Trollhunter in that episode is basically, “he’s someone I know well enough to easily manipulate.”
So, Kanjigar’s ‘heroic sacrifice’ was narratively necessary but a dumb move on his part. Having a well-meaning hero create problems by trying to protect everyone and solve things alone seems to be a theme in this show.
Kanjigar personally:
Kanjigar is … what Jim could become. I don’t mean that as a compliment. I mean an admired and well-meaning figure, who nonetheless causes serious emotional harm to himself and those close to him by pushing away their attempts to support him and feeling like he shouldn’t bond emotionally with anyone, in an attempt to “keep them safe”.
Jim is good(ish) at teamwork when he starts out as Trollhunter, but as the series goes on he tries more and more to contain any fallout by cutting out the rest of his team, most notably when he goes into Darklands (just after Kanjigar ‘reminds’ Jim that “a day will come when you must finish the fight alone”) and uses Merlin’s potion (after being left alone with the wizard strongly implied to have created, not just the Amulet, but the Trollhunter job in the first place).
Likewise, the supplementary materials imply Kanjigar used to bring Draal, Blinky, and AAARRRGGHH along on missions, but it’s repeatedly stated in the show that Kanjigar had created distance between himself and Draal by the time of Kanjigar’s death, and Blinky and AAARRRGGHH never share any personal memories of interacting with him.
My opinions on various ships:
Jlaire was developed about as much as any straight relationship between teenagers in an animated series ever is. My reflexive response when Jim’s crush on Claire was introduced was “Oh No, Another Obligatory Unnecessary Hetero Romance Subplot To Prove The Protagonist Is Straight”, so its presentation actually exceeded my expectations by a lot. I could enjoy Trollhunters just as well without Jlaire being a thing - I’ve actually got a short essay on how I think that ship has a negative impact on my perception of Claire’s character, because it feels like she’s only there to be the love interest, even though I recognize she actually is plot-significant in her own right - but it’s fine. It has its roots in the original novel and there was no real reason to cut it from the script.
Darby was very much a background relationship. Something I noticed during my full-series rewatch was that Darci doesn’t get a lot of screen time or definitive characterization; I was trying to take notes on her so I could better write her in my fic, because I feel like I haven’t developed her character much, but I didn’t actually learn anything new about her. She and Toby are cute, and they have at least one ‘off-camera’ date (stated by Toby in the double-date episode) as well as their on-camera date. Definitely hoping to see more scenes between the two of them in the next season of 3Below - we know Toby’s going to feature because of the trailer where Eli is recruiting Toby to help him investigate extraterrestrial presence in Arcadia.
Stricklake starts out really intriguing, but gets fumbled with how clumsily Strickler’s redemption arc is written. What I would’ve preferred would be if he actually says the words “I’m sorry” during the doorway scene, mentions when Morgana tries ‘tempting’ him that Barbara would never forgive him if he lets her son be trapped in the Shadow Realm forever, and the next time they meet is because Barbara contacts him. We have no idea how or why he shows up in Parental Guidance, but a scene of Barbara calling him, as another adult who the Nuñezes and Nana are likely to listen to, to back up her story, would cover that base and give Barbara more agency in their interactions that season. So, yes, getting them together by the end of Season 3 feels rushed.
BlinkAAARRRGGHH was heavily implied but technically left to the audience imagination. I personally would not call it ‘baiting’, because to my knowledge the show was not marketing itself as “hey there’s a canon gay relationship” and then leaving it in subtext, but it is disappointing.
Dromua, meanwhile, happened entirely off-camera, casually referenced and hinted at by Draal and Nomura both, but never shown other than an ambiguously flirty moment between them after the escape from the Darklands. Again, I would have liked to have seen more.
Trollhunter Claire’s dynamics with Blinky, AAARRRGGHH, and Draal:
Claire wouldn’t see Blinky as a father figure. She has a dad already and seems to have a mostly-positive relationship with him. (Less ‘under pressure’ than her dynamic with her mom, at least, with some cute moments.)
Blinky would approve of Claire’s academic inclinations. Her interest in Shakespeare could be used as a framing device to explore troll literature, poetry, and theatre. For example, a scene could begin with Claire and Blinky discussing some troll playwright, and then somebody (probably Bagdwella, maybe Vendel) comes in looking for the Trollhunter.
Her dynamic with AAARRRGGHH probably wouldn’t change much. In canon, he’s about equally affectionate with all the kids (until Toby becomes his favourite, but even then, he stays affectionate with all of them.)
Draal, I don’t know. Claire’s certainly got enough of a temper to challenge him to a fight, so that would probably happen. It’d be more difficult to sneak him into her basement since her house is more populated. If he moves in before Enrique is kidnapped, I could see that creating tension when Claire discovers Not Enrique - “you said you were going to protect my family!” - and maybe she’d even throw him back out, forcing him to find alternate lodgings since he still can’t show his face in Trollmarket? Also I feel like Claire would introduce Draal to punk rock at some point.
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eatapinkwafer · 6 years
Fangirl Asks:
So i completely forgot i had a bunch of these, sorry! But new tags reminded me of it, so im going to do all of them now.. Read it all of you’d like. I was tagged by @bbcshipper @rosehipsyrups @elasticmonk @cooldoyouhaveaflag @my-little-yellowbird thanks lovelies! 
Questions from @bbcshipper
1. How much do your real life friends/family know about your fandom life?
I think i answered this before, but a few of my friends and family members know i have Tumblr and that i’m obsessed with CtM but they don’t really know the extent of it
2. Have you ever embarrassed yourself fangirling?
i don’t really fangirl with people who i’m not comfortable with or i know wont judge me so i don’t get embarrassed much, i guess when i first told my friend about my Tumblr and a lot of things i do i was slightly embarrassed.
3. What’s a recurring theme of fanfictions of you OTP that you find annoying/dislike?
hahaha ummm, unppopular opinion and don’t come at me with stakes, but i dont care much for when Tim says mushy stuff all the time, but it’s other people’s writing and they can right what they like and i’ll still enjoy it.
4. What are some prompts/ideas you might want explored more in fanfic? (asking this one for some ideas, hope that’s okay!)
i’ve always wanted to read something from Angela’s perspective, that would be interesting even though i know she’s still young
5. What’s the meaning behind your tumblr name?
Its from one of the best episodes, 6x08, when Shelagh is in labor and says i could eat a pink wafer...and then eats it and its such a perfect scene
6. Favorite moment(s) with your OTP?
Hand kiss, smoking together after the Carter birth, misty road, tent scene, dancing together “you and Jim Reeves”, and basically every scene they have together
7. How far would you travel to meet your OTP in real life?
if i have money, anywhere.. since i don’t have any money i’ll stick with anywhere in the states
8.Do you have a playlist for your OTP? (again, looking for ideas!)
Not really sorry, just whatever Turnadette has sang together
9. What about your real life would shock your OTP?
How much i stay in bed? i don’t know
10. What have you learned from being a part of the fandom?
that there are actual people out there who love something as much as i do and i don’t have to be ashamed about it
11. What’s the best thing about your fandom?
the community, they’re the absolute best
Questions from @rosehipsyrups :
1. Have you ever written fanfic?
Nope, just like reading it
2. Describe a scene from your favourite fandom that’s made you laugh
When Shelagh puts on her girdle in the 2017 CS, i’m still laughing about it
3. Have you ever stayed up all night watching a show?
hahahahahahahahahaahaha... let’s just say i saw all 6 seasons of CtM in 3 days
4. Top three favourite books?
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Moon Daughter, The Help
5. Do you like stories best if they’re set in the past, present, or future?
With Fanfic i like all, and with books i prefer past and present
6. Who do you look the most like in your favourite fandom?
Umm i dont think anyone, im hispanic girl with very curly hair... no one looks like that in CtM
7. Who are you most like personality wise in your favourite fandom?
Im going to go with Delia, because @weshallc said i was like her so i’ll just go with that
8. Favourite movie?
Notting Hill, i’m a hopeless romantic
9. Describe a scene from your favourite fandom that’s made you cry
The misty road scene has made me cry a couple times
10. Currant OTP?
11. One wish for your fandom’s future?
That they are happy, that’s all lol
Questions from @elasticmonk :
1. What was your first fandom?
On Tumblr? Outlaw Queen; not Tumblr Gilmore Girls and Friends
2. What’s your favorite thing about your main fandom now?
The community, again they’re the lovliest
3. What is your main fandom?
4. Whose your favorite character of all time?
Phoebe Buffay
5. What three quality’s do you think you share with your favorite character (of anything)?
I don’t think a lot, she’s a lot more eccentric and bold than me, i just love her
6. Where would you like to see your OTP vacation and why?
Obviously LA where i’m from, imagine them being tourists on the Hollywood Walk of Fame or at Disneyland? Venice Beach? That would be amazing
7. What’s your favorite gif from your fandom?
The i could eat a pink wafer gif and then when she eats it, oh also Hello Nurse
8. What’s your favorite picture from your fandom?
oh man i dont know, all of them. Probably anything with Laura
9. Who was your first OTP?
Luke and Lorelai
10. When did you start your main fandom?
I lurked last year for about 4 months and then started my blog in October
11. AU or canon complaint fanfiction?
Questions from @my-little-yellowbird :
1.How has fangirling made an impact in your life?
I’ve found a really good community that i can share what i love with. And  when i first started looking at Tumblr and watching CtM, it was a really hard time for me and it allowed me to escape for a bit and brought some joy into my life
2.What makes fangirling most worthwhile to you?
Again as before, the people i get to share my love for things with and they understand me and don’t make me feel bad for it
3.What have you learned about yourself by being a part of a fandom?
I don’t think anything new but possibly that i don’t have to be ashamed for loving something so much and there are people out there like me (these questions were deep lol, i just repeated myself 3 times)
Questions from @cooldoyouhaveaflag
1. If you’ve written fanfiction, do people in your real life read it? Would you want them to if they don’t?
Never written any
2. Are you usually active in your fandoms? If yes, how long before you join in, if no, why not? (No right or wrong answer, I just think it’s interesting!)
Umm i am active in the Turnadette one now, it took me like a month to be more active after i started my Tumblr. If you mean like on a daily, it doesn’t take for me too long to participate
3. What is your dream fic about your OTP? (no restrictions, it can be anything from a cannon one-shot to a 200,000 word multi chap space alien AU)
hmm i’m a sucker for jealousy storylines for some reason, actually i know the reason. It’s because then they can declare how much they love each other and make up and i find that super adorable. Even though i know jealousy isn’t great, but nothing like they get angry or yell just that they’re a bit jealous. Like an old friend of Shelagh’s visits and he’s young and good looking and Pat is a bit jealous. That would be great
My Questions: 
1.What’s something you’d never thought you’d do but have because of a fandom?
2. If you could be in any tv show/movie which would it be and what role would you like to play
3.Is there any storyline that has impacted you personally?
4.How would you describe your favorite show/ movie to someone to convince them to watch it?
5.Have you convinced anyone to watch a favorite show/movie of yours and they got hooked?
6.Have you ever cancelled plans or left early in order to watch an episode of your favorite show or for a fandom thing? If so, tell the story
7.   How many fandoms have you been in and what are they?
8.What scene first got you hooked to your OTP?
i’ll tag @cooldoyouhaveaflag @miss-ute @elasticmonk @cooldoyouhaveaflag @fourteen-teacups @tangledupinmist @kaguyahime1224 @ramblingviolinist @chariot-to-somewhere @mg-bsl381 @lovetheturners @sincerelygeertje @like-an-officer-and-a-sergeant @snoopctm @turnt4turnadette 
Only do it if you’d like, sorry if you were tagged already or answered some of these questions
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xfilesnews · 7 years
FanWorks Wednesdays - ML
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by Keva Andersen
We're taking another walk down X-Files fandom memory lane this week with an author who has been a fan of the show since that fateful day in 1993. Meet ML! She's a longtime writer with a fantastic body of work. ML writes with a mix of warmth, angst, humor and insight that's so fitting of our heroes. And with 150 works listed on Gossamer you've got a lot of reading to do.
The show didn't give Mulder much of a chance to rebound after learning about what really happened to Samantha in "Closure"  so ML takes that on in "Land of the Living." Mulder and Scully take some time away to sort things out and maybe, just maybe, finally get the chance to move on.  
I have a major soft spot for Scully angst, and the time when Scully was searching for Mulder in Season 8 always hits me right in the gut. "In the Bleak Midwinter" is a perfect example of that. We know Scully doesn't share her feelings well, and this story set during Christmas with her family makes me want to reach out and hug her. Bonus points for a more human depiction of big brother Bill, as well. 
I remember reading this one over and over when it first appeared on Ephemeral in 2001 and it still resonates today. I won't give away too much but "Age Cannot Wither" is an a/u that deals with "Requiem" and Scully's immortality in a very moving way.
We talked with ML about writing, fandom, and of course The X-Files.
How long have you been a Phile?
Since the Pilot. I’ve always liked science fiction and the premise was intriguing to me. I was hooked from the beginning by the stories. It took me a little longer to warm up to Mulder; I remember feeling a little sorry for Scully at first.
What was your first episode?  
The Pilot
How long have you been writing fic?  
Long ago, I wrote little vignettes for TV shows I liked for my own amusement.  I had no idea that I was writing fanfic. I think the first thing I wrote was inspired by the soap opera “Dark Shadows”. I didn’t even discover that there was such a thing as XF fanfic until S5, I think, when I finally had regular access to a computer. I read avidly for about a year, everything I could get my hands on. Then nearly at the end of S6, I started writing a story that ended up taking years to finish. I did manage to post a vignette for “Requiem” right after it aired, and it was promptly lost in the thousands of wonderful post-ep stories also posted. What a great summer for reading and writing that was!
What inspired you to start writing?  
The Samantha eps: “Sein und Zeit,” and “Closure.” That’s the story that took me years to finish (“Land of the Living” for those who are interested).
Who is your favorite XF character to write? 
I love The Lone Gunmen (and they didn’t die, by the way). I also enjoy taking a secondary character (a guest star, if you will) and doing a story from his or her POV.
Are there any XF characters you dislike or find too difficult to write?
I’m not too crazy about Diana Fowley, though not for the usual reason. I just find her kind of a blank. I’m going to have to tackle one from her POV one of these days. Same with Bill Scully Junior; on the show, he’s just angry, and I admire the authors who have fleshed out his character and made him more “human.”
Is there a story you're most proud of or that's a favorite? 
I love all my children! But I am fond of “Age Cannot Wither” and its sequel, “Nor Custom Stale.” I think they hold up fairly well.
With so many archives to choose from these days, where is the best place to find your work?
Most of my work is available at Gossamer. I will still post any new story on Ephemeral. I have a site that hasn’t been updated for a while:  www.invidiosa.com. I also post now on Dreamwidth, and my name there is ML_Griffonnage. There might be a few stories there that didn’t make it to Gossamer. I haven’t tried AO3 yet, but I’m thinking I may start putting some stories there. If I do, I’ll announce it on Dreamwidth and on any story I post to Ephemeral.
You've been well known in the fandom for a long time, do you still write for XF or have your skills been focused elsewhere?  
XF is the only fandom I’ve ever had the urge to write for. I still have that urge but RL gets in the way a lot more than it used to. I haven’t posted a story for a long time, but I have one in the works right now.
If you do still write XF fic, where does your inspiration come from after so many years?  If you're not, is there anything in particular that caused you to stop writing XF fic?  
I always seem to see something new when I watch XF – I especially like looking at Mulder and Scully through a secondary character’s eyes. Or, something in the news triggers a thought about XF. I stopped for a long time mostly due to lots of changes in my life that left me no time to think, and for me, writing starts with a lot of brain time, and then the words come.
Have you written your own original characters outside of fandom? 
Yes, but unseen by any eyes but my own (and likely to stay that way!)
Anything you’d like to share about your writing process? 
I’ll watch an ep over and over again to find a “hook” or a place to start to get into the story I want to tell. I almost always come up with a title first, which usually ties thematically to what I want to write. Sometimes I’ll hear a word or a phrase that triggers an XF memory or scene, and sometimes that’s all the inspiration I need.
What do you find most difficult about writing?  
Finding the time! As I mentioned above, I need a lot of brain time in order to write. Finding an hour or two to just sit and think, or doodle on a page, is in short supply these days.
Do you have a favorite author? (fanfic or published)  
My favorite authors outside of fandom are Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. Contemporary authors are folks like Kate Atkinson, Lois McMasters Bujold, Charlaine Harris, Neil Gaiman, and Jim Butcher. Inside of fandom, there are literally too many to list whom I love. I’ve been lucky to become good friends with a few in RL so I’ll give a shout out to Donna, Jacquie LaVa, and Tess.
Is there any advice you'd give to aspiring writers? 
Read anything and everything you can get your hands on, both fanfic and non-fanfic. Write what you love. Ask someone you trust to read and give you feedback. Pay attention to the rules of grammar! Thank your feedbackers. And, be prepared for the characters to sometimes take the story places you hadn’t originally planned… 
Anything else you'd like to share that I missed?
I would just like to say thanks to the folks at X-Files News for keeping the flame alive!
Thanks to ML for chatting with us!
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prismatic-bell · 7 years
So I finally watched the Sherlock holiday special
@sailorzeo and I put it on together.
My takeaways:
2) I’m 90% sure this was predominantly a Gatiss episode. Like, it still has problems and I will be the first to say so? But it didn’t suffer from horrible blatant racism, it was . . . actually really nice to the female characters, and it was probably the strongest “this story is not directly adapted from the original Canon” episode of the ten. Which is super-ironic, when you consider it’s set against the backdrop of “during the time of the original Canon.”
4) I’m not even really in this fandom particularly, I just watch the show. (Although you could tempt me with some good Irene/Sherlock fic.) But goddamn I ship it.
5) Y’know, part of me is saying “that whole scene with Moriarty and the gun was horrible queerbaiting.” Part of me is saying “unless they decide to make him actually into dudes, in which case ugh, Villainous Gay Or Possibly Bi It’s Not Really Clear Yet.” But then there’s this whole other part of me that’s like “so Sherlock’s daydreams consist of Moriarty sucking on a gun and saying his rooms smell manly. WELP. Aaaaaaall right then. I am going to take away from this exactly what you intended me to take away from this because you can have all the fake flirting in the world, but the moment he started giving a gun a blowjob you went from subtext to text.” (And another part of me is saying “if this was a Gatiss episode as I suspect, there miiiiiiiight be a reason for that.”)
6) So if Moriarty is “back” but not “alive,” potentially playing on the original-Canon theory from the original Canon that "Moriarty” is sort of like the Dread Pirate Roberts, who’s the new Moriarty?
7) Mycroft. Mycroft is the new Moriarty. Why? Because as beautiful as I would find it to have it be Irene, they would be accused (and rightfully so) of stealing from Elementary. And, too, Mycroft has been doing this since Season Two. He hired Irene to distract Sherlock. He had Sherlock running apparent life-or-death missions during his “death.” He put him on the scent of Milverton, then “tried” to yank him off. He enables Sherlock’s bad habits (cigarettes, drugs). And perhaps most damning? Irene straight-up says “Jim Moriarty says hello.” Mycroft and Moriarty already had some kind of association.
8) I really loved the whole running gag with Watson publishing the original stories. That was just really fabulous and well-done.
10) If this is the direction the show is going, I feel way, way better about continuing to enjoy it. Stuff like the Black Lotus episode really pissed me off, and it’s like, I don’t demand ideological purity of my entertainers or my entertainment but you only get so much wiggle room before I’m like “no, I cannot shut off my brain anymore, I can’t do this” and that episode was probably the closest I’ve come to quitting the show altogether. Seeing that kind of bullshit get left in the past makes me quite happy and gives me hope the show can improve.
11) The cinematography still makes me want to have the editor’s babies. Jesus wept. I would legit watch something else this photography and editing team worked on just to see more of it in action. It’s so creative and unlike anything I’ve seen before.
12) I realize this was probably an accident, but Holmes’ face when Watson goes “you must have had . . . urges, you know . . .” gave me LIFE. Maybe after a few years of being told they were being assholes they decided to make Sherlock ace after all. (Okay sidenote, assuming they actually followed through with it, I’m not saying they have to do anything I’m just saying the-ace-ace-detective with the-spy-superstar-dominatrix would be pretty fucking rad. And potentially funny as hell, if it was played right.)
13) Yes, yes, @sailorzeo had me start Elementary. I still don’t know how I feel about it and how different it is from the original. Like, I’m actually having an easier time with super-competent not-disabled female Chinese-American Watson than I am with Holmes. Part of that is that I really dislike how much modern adaptations want to go “DRUUUUUUUUGGG ADDIIIIICT!!! DRUUUUUUGGG ADDICT HE DID DRUUUUUGS” while ignoring that a more one-to-one adaptation would have a modern Holmes doing shit like yoga or researching raspberry ketones (legit, have any of these writers, Moffat and Gatiss included, ever actually looked at Canon!Holmes’ motivation for taking cocaine? Ever? For even two seconds??), but part is that in my head he just . . . very, very strongly looks a certain way, and that way is like the Paget and Rathbone Holmeses had a baby, and Elementary!Holmes just looks way too fucking different for me. (I felt the same way about RDJ Holmes.) It keeps jarring me out of the story. I definitely liked some of the callbacks to the original Canon, though, and I was deeply amused and satisfied by the way they dealt with the whole “we’re not making this a romance” thing right off.
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