#the extensions of the antennae(?) inside the helmet too
dailypokemoncrochet · 4 months
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FOTH Farigiraf!!!
Okay scale is very hard to show with this one because SO tall and oh gosh there are so many details 😭😭
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trillhouse-lh · 6 years
Threat Incapacitated (Zombieverse)
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>It had been nearly a year since the outbreak. It had come suddenly, without warning… those in high-density areas, particularly those living in cities, had suffered the most casualties. One or two shamblers were no problem… hell, even a GROUP of them provided little issue, unless you were some sort of idiot. But in large numbers? That was a different matter. All it took was one bite, and you were fucked. >But Bryson was one of the lucky ones. For the first time, he had been glad to live in the outskirts of the city… as soon as the scope of the outbreak became clear, he had wasted no time in gathering supplies and fleeing. While many had opted to flee towards other cities for protection, Bryson had a different plan: stay off the grid. Keep to rural wooded areas where there would be less people and, therefore, less zombies. >Which isn’t to say he hadn’t run into problems along the way. As bad as the shamblers were, the REAL threat were other survivors. Many had become desperate for survival, willingly killing and stealing from others without hesitation. Others were far more reasonable, but unfortunately for them Bryson fell into the former category. He was more than willing to earn a group’s trust and then, when they least expected it, butcher them without mercy. He knew this was harsh, but it was the only reason he had been able to survive thus far. Besides, he’d always been a loner.
>Bryson was not a particularly strong man, but he was clever, deceptive and, above all else, patient. He always waited until the time was right before making his move. And now, he had discovered quite possibly his greatest find yet: a car. An honest to God, fully functional car. Once again, fortune had shined upon the middle-aged man. >That said, there was a small issue… a VERY small issue, in fact. Bryson was not the first person here: a young boy made his way in and out of the auto repair shop, carrying out supplies and packing them into the car. He would be easy enough to deal with, of course, but for all Bryson knew there could be MORE survivors inside… hell, he’d bet his life on it. He couldn’t have been more than eight or nine years old; surely there was no way such a young child could have survived this long on his own.
>The most unusual thing was the boy’s appearance. He wore a white helmet that even at a distance Bryson could tell was little more than a toy, topped with a red beacon and two antennae-like protrusions. It looked like he had a bandolier of some sort strapped across his torso, and perhaps most notably the entire right side of his body looked… wrong, to say the least. It was red and heavily scarred… perhaps he’d been burned. Either way, Bryson didn’t care. He wouldn’t make a move until he knew just what he was dealing with. >Bryson waited until the boy went inside again, then quickly bolted towards the building. He had gotten used to moving both quickly and quietly, and he was able to dart around the side of the building without being seen. He crept his way along to the back, looking for any way to get a handle on the situation.
>His answer came in the form of a row of windows along the back wall. They were high up, perhaps fifteen feet or so, but once again lady luck favored the man: amongst the wood pallets and dumpster were several empty oil drums and a decommissioned vending machine that, combined with his considerable height, would be JUST enough for him to peek through the windows. >Even empty the oil drum was quite heavy, but he couldn’t risk dragging it across the concrete… that would make far too much noise. He gently set it beside the vending machine and carefully climbed onto it. He nearly lost his footing, but was able to grab onto the vending machine for support just in the nick of time. >He let out a grunt of effort as he climbed atop the vending machine, then got to his feet and looked through the window. To his relief, there was nobody else inside… a car had been left on one of the lifts, no doubt abandoned mid-service as the mechanics fled for their lives. And now, with the boy struggling with a particularly heavy box of supplies, Bryson figured it was time to make his move.
>Bryson darted around to the front of the building, ducking down behind the car and out of the boy’s line of sight. Thankfully, the door had been left unlocked, and his face fell slightly as he looked inside. Though the key had been left in the ignition, there was a box strapped onto the seat and what looked to be makeshift wooden leg extensions secured to the gas and brake pedal. He could only assume that the boy had crafted these as a way to actually DRIVE the car, given his short stature. Bryson cursed under his breath; he’d have to remove them before he could make use of the car.
>”Wh-who are you?” >Bryson bolted upright, quickly drawing his handgun and aiming it at the intruder. It was the boy, of course… he stood a distance away, trembling and glaring right at the man. Now that he had a closer look, it was clear just how fucked up the kid actually was. Even mostly concealed by his tattered clothing, Bryson could tell that the entire right side of his body was severely burned. The crazed look in his exposed left eye left no doubt that this boy had seen some shit. >”I-I said, who are you?!” The boy repeated in a demanding tone, apparently unfazed by the gun pointed at his head. “State your name, rank a-and assigned s-starship.” Bryson cocked an eyebrow. >”The hell you on about, kid…?” >”Are y-you not with Starfleet?” The boy asked. The man’s brow furrowed as he realized that the bizarre child before him was completely out of his mind. He let out a short laugh and holstered his weapon.
>”…Yeah. Yeah, I am. And you are…?” He asked, figuring it best to play along with the child’s nonsense for now. Besides… he had to admit it was pretty amusing. >”I-I am Second Officer Robert Loud o-of the Starship Epsilon.” The boy stated. Bryson smirked. The boy had fallen right into his trap, introducing himself first so he would know the proper means of doing so. “N-now, I won’t say it again,” Bobby said, “State y-your name, rand a-and assigned starship!” >”Right, sorry. I’m… Captain Bryson Howard of the Starship… Detroit.” Bryson said. “At ease.” Bobby’s eyebrow raised slightly in surprise. >”I… I have not heard of a starship by that name…” The troubled boy mumbled. >”We’re, uh… we’re new.” Bryson said with a dismissive wave of his hand. Bobby frowned and gave a small nod. >”I-I see. My apologies, captain… one cannot be too careful in this hostile world.” He said. “It would seem much h-has changed in my a-absence. A-are you s-stranded here as well?” >”Er… yeah… crashed here a few months ago. Damnedest thing.” Bryson muttered. “Pretty nice ride you got here, Robert.” He added, resting a hand on the car.
>”…Yes, finding a craft in such condition was fortuitous indeed.” Said Bobby. >”I’ll bet. Anyway, I’m afraid I’m going to be… commandeering this vessel.” The man said with a smirk. Bobby frowned. >”I c-cannot let you do that,” The boy said. “I have need of it. You are more than welcome to a-a-accompany me if you wish, but I will not relinquish o-ownership to you.” >”Yeah, see, that’s kind of a problem… I’m something of a loner, you see.” Bryson sneered. “And I’m a captain. That means you gotta do what I say.” Bobby narrowed his eye. >”…Tell me, captain.” Bobby’s tone grew stern. “What is your serial number?” Bryson sighed. >”Uh… 90210. Satisfied?” He scoffed. Bobby’s suspicious expression suddenly shifted to a furious glare; he quickly drew the toy gun from his thigh and aimed it right at the man before him.
>”That is NOT a valid Starfleet s-serial number,” Bobby hissed. “Y-you’re one of THEM, aren’t you?! A r-r-reptilian!” >”Well shit, ya got me.” Bryson chuckled, shrugging in defeat. “Either way, I’m taking this… so be a good little boy and fuck off, alright?” But Bobby didn’t budge; he flicked a small switch on the side of the toy, not taking his eye off the man for a second. >”Ph-phaser set to stun…” The boy muttered. “Step away from the craft. You have five seconds to comply.” Bryson simply let out a loud, booming laugh. “…Four seconds.” Bobby said. >”Uh oh, looks like someone’s pissed.” Bryson laughed. “What ever will I do?” >”Three seconds.” >”Ooohhh, PLEASE, officer! Don’t shoot!” Bryson pleaded, holding up his hands in mock fear. >”Two seconds.” Bobby said, ignoring the man’s taunts. Bryson rolled his eyes; quite frankly, he’d played around more than enough. Now the shtick was just getting old. >”Alright, fuck it.” The man huffed, reaching for his pistol. The kid was living on borrowed time as it was… may as well speed things along, right?
>No sooner had his fingers touched the gun than a shot rang out, and Bryson felt a sharp pain in the left side of his chest. He looked down to see a red spot spreading across his shirt… he’d been SHOT. >”Th-the fuck…?!” Bryson wheezed, his punctured lung beginning to fill with blood. He looked up to see Bobby standing there with his gun in hand, a faint wisp of smoke billowing from the barrel… and then, he spotted it. Jutting out slightly from the funnel-shaped opening was the barrel of a handgun. It wasn’t a toy at all. >Bobby lowered the gun slightly and pulled the trigger again. Bryson cried out in pain as the next bullet pierced straight through his knee, dropping him to the ground. >”Shit…!” The man hissed, quickly reaching for his gun again, but a third shot blew off half his hand. He screamed in agony, coughing up blood from his collapsed lung. >”Subject would not comply,” He heard Bobby say. He looked up to find the boy walking towards, him, seemingly unfazed by what he was doing… he simply stared down at the man with the same wide-eyed gaze as before. He raised the gun again, this time pointing directly at Bryson’s head. The man’s eyes went wide with horror. ”…Use of non-lethal force d-deemed necessary.”
>”N-NO, PLE-“ Bryson was silenced by a single shot through the forehead, spattering Bobby’s shirt and face with blood. He didn’t seem to notice, or care… he simply watched with a stoic expression as the man slumped over, dead. >”…Threat has b-been incapacitated.” Bobby muttered. Then, Bryson’s body twitched; the child let out a frightened yelp and emptied the rest of the clip into the dead man’s head, reducing it to little more than a scrambled mess of blood, flesh and chunks of brain. He stood breathing heavily as the body finally went still. Bobby swallowed, taking a moment to compose himself before fishing out his tape recorder from his pocket. >”O-officer’s Log… s-s-stardate 4503.2. Encountered a hostile native of th-this world… use of non-lethal f-force was deemed necessary. An entire p-power cell was needed to stun target… either reptilians have g-grown resistant to nadion particles, or my ph-phaser is in need of recalibration. For now, I am resuming the mission. S-second Officer Robert Loud, signing off.” Bobby stopped recording and looked down at the corpse lying before him. “D-do not worry… the immobilization should w-wear off within the hour.”
>And with that, Bobby resumed loading his supplies into the car. It didn’t register within Bobby’s mind at all that he had just brutally killed a man: all he saw lying there was a stunned reptilian. He didn’t notice that the man’s body had begun to attract flies, nor the giant pool of blood spreading out from beneath it… not even when he stepped through the puddle as he got into the car. After all, he was a proud officer of Starfleet… he would never use lethal force unless there was absolutely no other option. >Bobby got into the car, strapping himself into his self-made ‘piloting frame’. He turned the key and, once the engine had revved to life, drove off; after all, he couldn’t waste any more time than he already had. >The mothership was out there somewhere, waiting for him.
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demialwrites · 7 years
Pleasure in Unexpected Places
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Notes: My first non-Reader Insert fanfic! Story is told from both their perspectives in an alternating fashion. Starts with cyborg Genji, then young Genji, etc.
Where was he? His quarry was drunk that night, but he wasn't that drunk. He should have been easier to find. The chrome pieces on Genji's upper back glinted as he moved swiftly through a patch of moonlight.
He just needed to occupy his target until the night was over, and hopefully, everything will change for the better for him.
Genji almost tripped over one of the stones in the back pathway. He was sneaking back inside the house for what felt like the billionth time. He had gotten lucky earlier that evening. In fact, he was about to score a second round when the young woman's roommate had caught them.
He hummed in annoyance. His body was still buzzing with unspent sexual energy. He brushed his messied green hair back from his forehead, deciding just to go back to his room and rub one out. He continued to pick his way down the stone path, half-listening for anyone nearby that might catch him.
Genji finally spotted himself, disheveled and almost stumbling, and using a path he knew well to sneak back into his house. His younger self had his gazed fixed on the ground, making sure to plant each foot on each stone. Genji lowered his body and started forward. Oh, this was going to be easy.
He snuck up behind the drunk, younger man, wrapping his hand over his mouth and using his other arm to bind the younger's mans arms to his body. Genji lifted, carrying the struggling bundle in the direction a gazebo he knew was off the path.
His younger self struggled, but Genji was essentially the stronger and more skilled version of himself in this time. His quarry kicked backwards into his armoured shins. Genji merely grunted and stumbled a step, not feeling any pain.
Genji continued to carry his younger self towards the gazebo, and he stopped struggling. That did not surprise Genji. He had always been a clever man. The young man in his arms was probably trying to figure out why he was being kidnapped and how he could escape. His family had many enemies, so he was probably mentally running down the list. Genji was not concerned with him figuring out that he was being kidnapped by himself.
The truth was, Genji was trying to mentally talk his now-prominent erection into going down. It was probably a result of the mix of the excitement of the situation and his leftover sexual frustration. It was probably of no concern to the mystery person holding him, despite how obvious the tent in the front of his pants was.
The two of them reached the gazebo steps, and Genji easily carried his younger self up the steps. Genji placed the oddly-cooperative bundle on the wooden floor, and spun him around so that they were face-to-face. He wanted to explain that he meant no harm and stall for time until he thought they were safe.
Genji was taken aback with what he saw. The disheveled, sweaty hair on the other man made it clear what he had been up to earlier that night. Said hair fell back over his heavily-lidded, drunk gaze. His younger self gathered his legs underneath him into a kneeling position, highlighting the outline of straining cock. He leaned forward, and his eyes roamed slowly over his older self's cyborg body. Up his thighs, over his chest, and alighting on each broad shoulder. Genji suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable. And confused. He was warned extensively about meddling too much with the past, but no one mentioned a situation like this. His younger self shouldn't be looking at him this way. He would fix that.
Hi omnic kidnapper roughly flipped him over, so that his stomach was pressed against the cool wood paneling of the gazebo floor. He cried out when the head of his cock painfully hit the floor.
Metal fingers grasped his wrists, and the omnic firmly pulled Genji's arms behind his arching back. He gathered both of Genji's wrists into one hand. Cool air hit his neck as his bright orange scarf was pulled his neck. Not a second later, his vision went dark. Something soft and warm was wrapped over his eyes. To top it off, the omnic pressed his knee down across his thighs, holding his legs in place. He didn't need to check to know that he wasn't going anywhere. The rough treatment had his dick pressing harder against the floor. Knowing himself, the front of his underwear had a small wet stain.
"Shouldn't we at least go on a date first before we fuck?"
What a smartmouth. Genji pushed more of his weight down on his knee and pulled harder on the younger man's arms as a warning to shut his mouth or suffer the consequences. There were no actual consequences, but he didn't know that.
"Mmm, I guess we can skip right to it, then."
Genji made a disgusted face beneath his helmet but held steady. Was he always this ready to go? No wonder Hanzo had been so angry at him.
"Changed your mind? Maybe we should go inside to a more private place. Like my room."
The omnic seemed to be weighing his options. If Genji could get him to agree to go inside, he could either get some or give the omnic the slip through one of the many hallways of his home. Either way, no one would be stupid enough to harm a son of the former patriarch of the Shimada clan.
Genji was frustrated. He knew he had to find some way to occupy his younger self, because, if he remembered correctly (and he did; how could one forget a night where they came so close to death?), Hanzo would come looking for his younger brother very soon. Maybe he could give in to the desires of the younger man below him. Just for now. If all goes to plan, Genji may even cease to exist as he is right now. It didn't matter what happened tonight. And it had been so long since he had someone young and attractive at his mercy...
Genji let go of his younger self's arms and stood. He kept a firm hand on the scarf, though.
"Made up your mind, have you?"
The scarf covering Genji's eyes didn't alarm him. In fact, it made the situation all the more exciting. And the extra layer of danger from potentially being caught had him leading the two of them towards the wooden bench he knew was in front of them. He let the omnic spin him around again and sit him down on the bench. He felt the other male pull open his legs and settle between them. Genji gave him his signature lopsided smirk when the omnic's hand slid his hand up the inside of his thigh, pausing to cup his clothed dick.
"Want that, do you?"
Maybe Genji shouldn't have been so surprised and disappointed that his younger self was letting himself be taken advantage of like this. He didn't know who Genji was. And he had no intention of revealing himself. That meant maintaining his silence. Time to get, and keep, the other man's attention. He pulled the scarf down and set it beside them.
"I have never met a cock-loving omnic before."
The male below him looked cute, with his cat-ear antennae and the way he was nuzzling his face plate into front of his pants. Genji was almost disappointed when the omnic leaned back to unzip the younger man's pants. A cool metal finger pulled his underwear down and tucked it under the straining shaft.
His lips parted briefly when he saw the omnic wrap his fingers around him.
Genji noted how quickly he was able to get his counterpart's eyes to glaze over with lust. It was too easy. Genji remembered exactly how he used to like it. He knew how tight to grip and where. He literally and figuratively had his younger self in the palm of his hand. An unashamed groan from above him confirmed it.
"I did not expect you to be this good."
He also knew that just a handjob wasn't going to cut it. If he really wanted to keep the young man's attention, he would have to use his mouth.
Shit, it was Hanzo, Genji realized, looking in the direction of his voice. How did he know that Genji was out here? He sounded strange. Where was he? Maybe if he and the omnic got up now, they could elude his brother and make it back to his bedroom.
He looked down at the omnic, but-
He no longer had the metal face anymore. It was gone. In its place was a decidedly human face, but it was marred with uneven colour. Scars cut into his cheekbones and across his nose. He couldn't help but notice that the man would have been gorgeous had something not happened to his face.
"I am so sorry. I did not realize you were not an-oh, fuck, okay..."
The cyborg flicked the tip of tongue at the head of cock, interrupting, and locking brown eyes with him. He grinned hungrily, distorting the scars on his cheeks, and communicating his intentions to continue their tryst right here, right now.
The cyborg started with the head. The foreskin was already pulled back, revealing the wet, shiny flesh underneath. He watched as the older man gently lapped at the tip and made a show of swallowing the precum that had collected there.
The older man's eyes widened briefly at that, but he continued with enthusiasm. He pressed the flat of his tongue against the head and licked a stripe down towards the base. Once there, he pressed his nose into the black pubic hair. He relaxed his tongue and used it to massage the testicles there, sucking at them gently.
Genji sighed mildly in disappointment when the other man stopped what he was doing to pop his cock properly in his mouth. He regretted that sigh when the cyborg dug his fingers into Genji's thighs and sucked on his dick like the cure for his scars was contained in his cum.
Hanzo called again, sounding closer. The older Genji remembered the sound of his brother's voice that night. He remembered that Hanzo had seemed oddly calm that night for the passionate person that he was. Up until Hanzo's blade had started to cut through his skin, he didn't notice the murderous look that had been in his eyes during their prior conversation. He just needed to distract his other self until Hanzo gave up looking and went back inside to calm down.
His younger self was looking in the direction of Hanzo's voice. Genji reached up and snapped his fingers in front of the other man's face.
Genji returned his gaze to the man below. The way the cyborg's eyes burned desperately into his, and the way he flicked his tongue at the head of his cock had Genji gripping the bench for dear life. He quickly brought his hand up to cover his mouth to cover his loud moan. The older man was working him exactly as he liked, and e didn't want Hanzo to hear the noise he was inevitably going to make when he came. Genji bit into his palm, watching the other man's lips pull on his length. There was something strangely familiar about his eyes...
Had he always been this noisy? Hanzo will find them both in no time if Genji didn't do something to shut his younger self up. Genji's eyes fell to the scarf sitting on the floor. He grabbed it, pulled the younger man's hand away, and then stuffed the scarf into his mouth.
The scarf did its job. It muffled his moans so that no one would hear unless they came close. The problem was, now the younger man was shaking his head furiously and tugging on the ribbon attached to the back of his helmet.
Too much. It was too much! Being gagged pushed Genji dangerously close to the edge. Another flick of the tongue, and Genji's eyes rolled back into his head, crying out behind the fabric of the scarf. He emptied his load into the other man's mouth. It wasn't a full one, since he had orgasmed earlier that night, but it still a good amount.
"Genji! I know you are here!"
Hanzo sounded even closer. Genji was about to look towards the source of his brother's voice, when the older man pulled back and opened his mouth wide. Cum covered his tongue and threatened to spill down over his bottom lip.
Fuck, he thought. How did this cyborg know that was a weakness of his?
Even closer. Genji pulled the scarf from his mouth and tossed it on the bench beside him.
Hanzo was so close, but surely he would give up soon? Success seemed a only few minutes away. The situation had never felt so desperate until now. Genji tilted his head, listening closely, trying to figure out how close exactly Hanzo was. Genji closed his mouth, about to swallow. Funny how tonight had turned out, he thought with the tiniest smile.
"No, you don't..."
A pair of human hands grabbed his metal arms and pulled Genji up. He inhaled through his mouth in surprise, and his younger self pushed his tongue inside. He closed his lips around the cyborg's and sucked greedily on his tongue. Genji relaxed into the kiss and the younger man desperately cleaned his mouth of cum. When they pulled away, a single drop remained on his scarred chin. The younger man grinned at the cyborg and flicked his tongue out, taking the last little bit.
Hanzo had stopped calling for him. Finally. What a drag he was. He nearly ruined a fantastic night. He reached up and ran his hands down his face. He was spent, but he could probably go a third round. Judging by the way the older man had behaved, he wanted it, too. He opened his eyes to invite the cyborg inside, but he was gone.
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