#the eventual downfall or departure from here entirely as life simply happens
muu-kun · 1 year
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Does anyone else per chance find the aspect of following someone new terrifying, or am I simply a weakling within the gene pool?
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0l1v3juice · 5 years
Never in my wildest dreams could I have known that I would be granted the opportunity to meet such kind and unique people. I can still remember everything from start to finish, like it just happened yesterday. Even the moments in which I felt consumed by fear, the memory does not fade. I do not think I will ever forget this experience. Then again, I also really do not want to. Who would want to lose any of the memories they have relating to their most cherished relationships, even the ones that hurt or are scary? In the beginning, though, things were neither painful nor scary; things were bleak.
I remember hinting to my friends that we should not leave the village, but of course we would anyway. Whether or not we stayed or left, war would continue to consume our lives and destroy our livelihood. We were far too outnumbered to stand up to either the Alliance or the Horde, so we played an insignificant force in the war as a supplier of food resources. There were a few people here and there who would abandon the village to join the ranks of our oppressors, but the lot of us simply resisted that temptation. We were nothing if not resilient. Our spirits would not be broken by the onslaught of foreign nations declaring war over our own soil. There had been rumors circulating that neighboring villages had driven off all the soldiers from either side that dared to fight on their land, and we used this as our fuel to keep fighting. Eventually, however, one day, we grew weary of the senseless bloodshed.
“There must be a better way to deal with this than to merely ride it out,” I pleaded to my fellow villager.
“When we have the forces to drive them back, we will know. Until then, we must survive. You know in your heart that there is no other way, Hunjun,” she sighed to me. 
As much as I did not want to keep hearing it, I knew that she was right. But I was growing more concerned as the days turned to weeks, and weeks to months. Our numbers were dwindling. Some of us who openly opposed the commandeering of land which was already inhabited and cared for ended up paying the price for speaking out - either by harsh physical labor or other means of subordination. Many of us did not survive the transition into forced servitude. We are a gentle race, but we are also determined and persistent. It was difficult to watch so many of us fall to their torture. We simply would not sit idly by in the face of injustice and cruelty. There was nothing just about the war being fought between the two factions, and so we fought back. 
To fight back was our downfall, as ill-prepared as we were. Our quiet, peaceful village was not as prepared for battle as it should have been. As our numbers grew smaller and more of our resources were stolen by soldiers, our lives diminished before us, and we lost hope of redemption for our village. Soon it was just Maysam, Toolani, Songxue, Shen, Mao Cung, and me.
“I don’t know how much longer we can live like this,” cried Toolani.
“We are not living, we are surviving. If you want to live, first you have to survive,” Shen counseled her.
“But it has been this way for so long. Could you so easily chide our brothers and sisters out there slaving away for our enemies?” Mao Cung rebuked.
“Mao is right; if surviving and holding out were the answer, there would not be so many of us dead or enslaved!” lamented Songxue.
As the days drew nearer to our eventual decision to escape the prison of our last safe house, discussions like this were not uncommon. Shen was always level-headed, but did not understand that we were dealing with entirely foreign forces. Toolani's parents had been a part of the resistance which was stamped out by the soldiers, and it took more and more of a mental toll on her every day. The prospect of our kin being enslaved on our own land enraged Mao Cung beyond belief, especially as the last remaining member of the family who led the village. Songxue knew not what to do besides mourn our losses. Maysam and I typically remained silent during these discussions, since they usually led to nowhere. But not that day. Maysam interrupted the bickering with one thoughtful question:
“What reason do any of us have to oppose the idea of leaving our forsaken village?” 
There was a moment of silence, and Songxue responded first.
“Would we not be abandoning our kin and leaving them to a life of servitude until death?” she remarked.
“Songxue, while it is admirable that you wish to free our brethren, what ability do any of us here have to do so? What makes you feel certain that we would not end up as they have? Should we not carry on a legacy for this village and make our escape before everyone is lost?” Maysam admonished. Songxue lowered her head and nodded in sorrowful understanding.
Mao Cung stewed in his thoughts for a moment before voicing a bothersome detail about Maysam's proposal.
“It's a pretty cowardly thing to do. I know staying here would likely result in our ultimate demise, but in facing our ends with pride, we die with honor. You should like to dishonor the name of our village by cowardly retreating in its dying moments?” he criticized.
Maysam was taken aback by his assertion. She meditated on his sentiments for a few moments before he continued.
“We are not living, we are surviving. We must survive until the very end in order to bestow honor upon our village's name and our own names. What would our ancestors think of us, running away and leaving what they have given us to become ruins? Though our defeat is certain, we still must face it with bravery and pride for our loved ones, do you not agree? Certainly you understand what that means,” Mao Cung finished.
“There is a difference, a fine line between bravery and foolishness, Mao Cung. What good would it do us or our ancestors to wait patiently in our seats for the kiss of death? Brave heroes face certain death when it means a greater good is accomplished. Fools await their demise in the name of the so-called ‘honor’ that comes waiting. There is no honor in senseless bloodshed. There is no honor in this war. I am certain that our ancestors would want us to rebuild their legacy where fertile soil awaits. We cannot change the fates of those we loved and lost, but we can continue living for them. Does that not sound like what you would want, Mao?” Maysam spoke. Mao Cung reflected for a moment before agreeing with the sentiments Maysam expressed. Truly, she was making a groundbreaking decision.
With Maysam's speeches granting reassurance to Toolani and Shen that escape was the right thing to do, it seemed as though we were all in agreement with the idea. Then, I spoke on one important detail.
“Where shall we go?”
Songxue and Mao Cung's eyes fixated on me in confusion, while Shen, Toolani, and Maysam shared a look of insightful despondency. They knew what I meant, and they did not have an answer. No one could have.
“Where shall we escape to? A neighboring village already consumed by the war? What about the dense forests that we can trek through to reach the beaches? Will there not be soldiers arriving on those beaches? What would we do then?”
As I barraged them with question after question, the atmosphere quickly withdrew from hopeful to despairing. It was unintentional, but I refused to welcome hope into my heart again only to have it ripped away. They had all forgotten how prevalent the presence was of those pests we were hiding from. Soldiers were on every beach, constantly arriving with new and improved plans to burn our villages and take our resources. How would we expect to get past them? Daunting as the task seemed, Shen remembered to never lose that hope that I had already lost.
“We are all willing to do whatever it takes to carry on our legacy, so there must be a way,” he proclaimed.
A moment of silence passed before Toolani spoke.
“I may have an idea, but you won't like it,” she told us.
I can still remember the feeling that overcame me when she sighed those words. In my heart, I felt grief - grief that was so strong, I almost thought I had already lost her. I am certain we all knew what she was going to say before she shared her plan with us. Toolani was a very skilled mage, of course her idea would include the use of her talents, likely against the invaders. However, something told me that she would likely not make it with us in our journey onward. It seemed that Toolani was the only one willing to accept the fact that we would not all make it. Before she could continue with the details, Maysam sprung into the conversation.
“No! I will not allow you to put yourself on the line and ultimately die at the hands of these savages! Do you want to end up as the rest of our brothers and sisters have?” Maysam implored Toolani not to go through with it. But Toolani's mind was already made up. 
“No, sister, I don’t. And I wish to shield the rest of you from meeting that same fate as well. But I know - I know full well that they will not stop coming. If we are to escape, it must be now. We don't have the luxury of time. We don't have the promise of good fortune. So, I must do everything in my power to protect you all and keep the memory of our beloved village alive. It is my duty. Please, May, let me lead you all to victory,” Toolani calmly spoke. 
We all sat in a moment of silence in respect to the bereavement we knew we would be experiencing soon enough. Following shortly after, Toolani shared with us her plan. It was bold and daring, just her style. She had carefully concocted the idea so we would have a means of escape and a length of time to expect for travel away from our home. Toolani really did think of everything. 
Though her plan was executed perfectly, it still hurt to say goodbye.
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Name: Thomas Kenley Birthday: December 21st (21/1000+) Species: Vampire/Witch Hybrid (Siphoner Vampire) Lookalike: Henry Cavill Availability: NPC (Deceased)
Thomas is cunning, calculated, a charismatic. To those that oppose him he can come across as harsh and strong-willed, but to those who he can call friend, he is incredibly loyal and would go to the ends of the Earth for them, and has many times. After turning, all of these traits were heightened, making him someone who should not be underestimated. He has no hesitation in taking sides and striking down anyone who should threaten those that he cares about. This probably stems from the fact that his family was killed when he was a teenager and thus he doesn’t want to take the chance of losing anyone else. While he can be very outgoing, Thomas has learned how to be okay being alone and spent many centuries doing so. Isolation is something he had learned to handle regardless of whether he likes it or not. However, he truly flourishes amongst friends and can, at times, become a little clingy once he finds someone, romantically or not, that he truly connects with. Thomas is also the type to help someone in need, especially other witches. He wishes that he had someone to guide him when he was first learning his craft and so he always make sure to do the same if he comes across another in need of help. Despite his vampire side, he will always first and foremost be more loyal to the witches (with the exception of a few) as they were his family first. 
Born in the late 900s, Thomas was the youngest member of a coven of witches in a tiny town in England. However, Thomas was different. He didn’t have the same powers as everyone else. As a matter of fact, he technically didn’t have any powers at all. He was a siphoner and could only derive magic from other supernatural creatures or objects. To protect him from ridicule and isolation, his parents kept this fact hidden from the rest of the coven, hoping that eventually they’d collect enough dark objects that Thomas would be able to pass off his magic as his own.
Unfortunately, when Thomas was fifteen, his coven was met with turmoil. A pack of werewolves had moved into the area and were causing problems for the group. Soon, conflict broke out between the two factions which resulted in the extinction of the entire coven, with the exception of Thomas who was able to escape undetected. With no magic of his own, he hadn’t been strong enough to protect his family from harm and he had to learn how to survive without them. He fled to London, hoping to find a means of survival there.
Thomas lived in London, England for six years, working whatever jobs he could find in order to keep a roof over his head and food in his stomach. Over time his frustration grew that he had no one to guide him in the ways of magic, nor any magic to siphon for himself. Eventually he would have to figure out another way to do things, especially now that he was no longer a child. He was a man and he was tired of feeling week and helpless.
It was when Thomas was 21 that he met Tristan de Martel, his lovely sister Aurora, and their traveling companion, Lucien Castle. However, at the time they were known to him as Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus Mikaelson, respectively. Thomas and Tristan quickly formed a bond, having similar personality traits and a drive for power. After learning of their vampirism, Thomas couldn’t have been more intrigued. He craved the power that they possessed. As a vampire, he would have the strength that he always desired, the strength he should have had when his family was overrun all those years ago. After much thought, Thomas approached Tristan, asking him to turn him into a vampire. They were friends after all, how could Tristan not want to help him? Much to his dismay, Tristan denied his request, seeing as Thomas was just as power hungry as he and he did not want to have anyone close to him who could possibly pose a threat. Thomas did not take well to this and turned to other means of getting what he wanted.
Aurora, or Rebekah as he knew her at the time, was someone who Thomas knew would easily fall for his charms, besides he found her quite lovely regardless. They already had a strong rapport so it would be rather easy to get what he wanted from her. He went to her, hurt and injured (purposefully inflicted), knowing that she would offer her blood to heal him. Once he left Aurora’s side, fully healed, but with vampire blood in his system he went to his own chambers and grabbed a sword, piercing it through his own heart. He fully believed the stories he had heard from his new companions; that anyone who died with vampire blood in their system would return as a vampire themselves. And return he did.
However, what he didn’t expect was a small twist in his tale. Unlike the others who had awoken simply as vampires, Thomas became something else entirely. As a siphoner, Thomas was able to keep his witch powers upon death. He garnered the ability to siphon from himself and thus had an unlimited source of power, making Thomas Kenley the first witch/vampire hybrid in existence and the first person that Aurora had ever sired.  
Thomas acquired more power than he ever could have dreamed. No longer did he have to be weak and vulnerable. He could, and would, protect himself and anyone else who fell into his good graces. His loyalty ran far and anyone whom he cared for would without a doubt have his protection.
Eventually, the Trinity had to move on from London for fear of Mikael’s impending arrival and they had to leave Thomas behind. Before they left, Thomas shared with Aurora what he had become and promised her his protection if she were to stay. However, as she believed herself to be Rebekah, she chose family, always and forever, leaving Thomas to be alone once again. Months after their departure, he decided to leave London and travel the world, wanting to see what else was out there now that he had the ability to do so and keep himself safe at the same time.
Thomas spent years living his life in a solitary manner, but had made the choice to break out of his shell. With his newfound power, he charmed his way into the lives of many, creating a rather bountiful life for himself. For centuries he lived in such a way, dining beside Kings and living in lavish households. However, if anyone got too close and asked questions, he made sure to cover his tracks.
It wasn’t until the 1920s that Thomas discovered the truth of the trio of vampires that he had met all those years ago. They weren’t the Mikaelsons, but rather Tristan, Aurora, and Lucien as he had been informed by other vampires who knew of them. Their whereabouts were unknown at the time, but Thomas caught wind that their sires, the Mikaelsons themselves, had found their way to Chicago. Thus to the Windy City he went, hoping that he’d be able to find the Original vampires, specifically Rebekah, and learn more about what had transpired between them and the Trinity. However, upon his arrival he just missed them, but found someone else instead. Stefan Salvatore.
Thomas and Stefan became fast friends and had questionable influences over one another. He only egged on the ripper that was inside of Stefan, regardless of Thomas having rather good control over his own bloodlust. It was a means of passing the times, especially after his plans to find the Mikaelsons came up empty. Little did he know that Stefan knew them quite well but unfortunately had been compelled to forget. The two traveled together, causing mayhem until April of 1922 when Stefan’s close friend Lexi Branson got a hold of him, determined to get him back under control.
Once again, Thomas found himself on his own, but that was alright, he was rather good at being by himself. He continued his lifestyle as it once was, living here and there. It wasn’t until the 2010s that Thomas’ wish of meeting Rebekah Mikaelson was fulfilled, however, he chose not to reveal who he was to her and only spoke to her for a few moments in passing. It wasn’t the time, nor the place, as he had heard news of tensions throughout the Mikaelson family and those in a small town called Mystic Falls. He did not wish to get wrapped up in drama between the most powerful family in existence. Besides, his questions could wait until he found Aurora again.
Since then, he has kept tabs on the whereabouts of all the Mikaelsons, for he knows that if something were to happen to Rebekah that that would mean his downfall as well. As he swore to Aurora when he believed her to be Rebekah that he would protect her, the same should be said for the real Rebekah also. As long as the sire line remains intact that is.
Thomas has been trying to find the de Martels, as well as Lucien, since he first discovered their true identities. However, it seems as if Tristan’s coven of witches have found him first as Tristan wants to make sure that the vampire/witch hybrid stays in check. One would be naive to believe that Tristan didn’t know they were being searched for by their old friend for so long. However, he knew that Thomas held a vendetta against him and did not wish to be found. As it were though, Thomas is not one who should be underestimated. With the witches finding him, he was able to reverse the spell and track them, narrowing in on Virginia. Mystic Falls. That’s where they must be. And where they were the de Martels were sure to be close by. He has now made his way to the town to reunite with those he once new and get the answers to the questions that have always lingered in his mind. Besides, if he could enact even the smallest revenge upon Tristan that would only be a plus. 
Tristan de Martel, Aurora de Martel, and Lucien Castle
His relationship with them is complicated. Thomas holds great resentment against Tristan for being so selfish that he would not help him. He is mostly indifferent to Lucien as he made sure never to get on his bad side but to never get too close either. However when it comes to Aurora his feelings towards her are a little more difficult to sum up. She is his sire, as well as someone he held affection for some time ago, regardless of the fact that he used her to turn him.
Rebekah Mikaelson
Origin of his sire line. Thomas knows that in order to live, Rebekah has to remain alive and well. He keeps her safe from afar and is planning on officially introducing himself to her soon.
Stefan Salvatore
Old friend. The pair spent a few months together traveling and stirring up trouble. They can bring out the best or the worst in one another depending on their mood. Thomas has no idea that Stefan resides in Mystic Falls.
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Thomas Kenley Accepted! You know what to do, Sarah!
Name: Sarah
Age: 21
Timezone: EST
State an account where we can message you: This one!
How active you’re going to be: (1-10) 6, as much as I can between school and my internship :)
How did you find out about this roleplay? I’m in it! :D
Why do you want to play this character? Because I was hit with inspiration and came up with an idea I think would be really really cool.
Anything else you would like to tell us? (Changes, suggestions…etc)
Preferred Ships: Thomas/Chemistry
Sample para: RFP.
Name: Thomas Kenley
Birthday: December 21st (21/1000+) Species: Siphoner turned Witch/Vampire Hybrid Lookalike: Henry Cavill Availability: Taken
Thomas is cunning, calculated, a charismatic. To those that oppose him he can come across as harsh and strong-willed, but to those who he can call friend, he is incredibly loyal and would go to the ends of the Earth for them, and has many times. After turning, all of these traits were heightened, making him someone who should not be underestimated.
Born in the late 900s, Thomas was the youngest member of a coven of witches in a tiny town in England. However, Thomas was different. He didn’t have the same powers as everyone else. As a matter of fact, he technically didn’t have any powers at all. He was a siphoner and could only derive magic from other supernatural creatures or objects. To protect him from ridicule and isolation, his parents kept this fact hidden from the rest of the coven, hoping that eventually they’d collect enough dark objects that Thomas would be able to pass off his magic as his own.
Unfortunately, when Thomas was fifteen, his coven was met with turmoil. A pack of werewolves had moved into the area and were causing problems for the group. Soon, conflict broke out between the two factions which resulted in the extinction of the entire coven, with the exception of Thomas who was able to escape undetected. With no magic of his own, he hadn’t been strong enough to protect his family from harm and he had to learn how to survive without them. He fled to London, hoping to find a means of survival there.
Thomas lived in London, England for six years, working whatever jobs he could find in order to keep a roof over his head and food in his stomach. Over time his frustration grew that he had no one to guide him in the ways of magic, nor any magic to siphon for himself. Eventually he would have to figure out another way to do things, especially now that he was no longer a child. He was a man and he was tired of feeling week and helpless.
It was when Thomas was 21 that he met Tristan de Martel, his lovely sister Aurora, and their traveling companion, Lucien Castle. However, at the time they were known to him as Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus Mikaelson, respectively. Thomas and Tristan quickly formed a bond, having similar personality traits and a drive for power. After learning of their vampirism, Thomas couldn’t have been more intrigued. He craved the power that they possessed. As a vampire, he would have the strength that he always desired, the strength he should have had when his family was overrun all those years ago. After much thought, Thomas approached Tristan, asking him to turn him into a vampire. They were friends after all, how could Tristan not want to help him? Much to his dismay, Tristan denied his request, seeing as Thomas was just as power hungry as he and he did not want to have anyone close to him who could possibly pose a threat. Thomas did not take well to this and turned to other means of getting what he wanted.
Aurora, or Rebekah as he knew her at the time, was someone who Thomas knew would easily fall for his charms, besides he found her quite lovely regardless. They already had a strong rapport so it would be rather easy to get what he wanted from her. He went to her, hurt and injured (purposefully inflicted), knowing that she would offer her blood to heal him. Once he left Aurora’s side, fully healed, but with vampire blood in his system he went to his own chambers and grabbed a sword, piercing it through his own heart. He fully believed the stories he had heard from his new companions; that anyone who died with vampire blood in their system would return as a vampire themselves. And return he did.
However, what he didn’t expect was a small twist in his tale. Unlike the others who had awoken simply as vampires, Thomas became something else entirely. As a siphoner, Thomas was able to keep his witch powers upon death. He garnered the ability to siphon from himself and thus had an unlimited source of power, making Thomas Kenley the first witch/vampire hybrid in existence and the first person that Aurora had ever sired.  
Thomas acquired more power than he ever could have dreamed. No longer did he have to be weak and vulnerable. He could, and would, protect himself and anyone else who fell into his good graces. His loyalty ran far and anyone whom he cared for would without a doubt have his protection.
Eventually, the Trinity had to move on from London for fear of Mikael’s impending arrival and they had to leave Thomas behind. Before they left, Thomas shared with Aurora what he had become and promised her his protection if she were to stay. However, as she believed herself to be Rebekah, she chose family, always and forever, leaving Thomas to be alone once again. Months after their departure, he decided to leave London and travel the world, wanting to see what else was out there now that he had the ability to do so and keep himself safe at the same time.
Thomas spent years living his life in a solitary manner, but had made the choice to break out of his shell. With his newfound power, he charmed his way into the lives of many, creating a rather bountiful life for himself. For centuries he lived in such a way, dining beside Kings and living in lavish households. However, if anyone got too close and asked questions, he made sure to cover his tracks.
It wasn’t until the 1920s that Thomas discovered the truth of the trio of vampires that he had met all those years ago. They weren’t the Mikaelsons, but rather Tristan, Aurora, and Lucien as he had been informed by other vampires who knew of them. Their whereabouts were unknown at the time, but Thomas caught wind that their sires, the Mikaelsons themselves, had found their way to Chicago. Thus to the Windy City he went, hoping that he’d be able to find the Original vampires, specifically Rebekah, and learn more about what had transpired between them and the Trinity. However, upon his arrival he just missed them, but found someone else instead. Stefan Salvatore.
Thomas and Stefan became fast friends and had questionable influences over one another. He only egged on the ripper that was inside of Stefan, regardless of Thomas having rather good control over his own bloodlust. It was a means of passing the times, especially after his plans to find the Mikaelsons came up empty. Little did he know that Stefan knew them quite well but unfortunately had been compelled to forget. The two traveled together, causing mayhem until April of 1922 when Stefan’s close friend Lexi Branson got a hold of him, determined to get him back under control.
Once again, Thomas found himself on his own, but that was alright, he was rather good at being by himself. He continued his lifestyle as it once was, living here and there. It wasn’t until the 2010s that Thomas’ wish of meeting Rebekah Mikaelson was fulfilled, however, he chose not to reveal who he was to her and only spoke to her for a few moments in passing. It wasn’t the time, nor the place, as he had heard news of tensions throughout the Mikaelson family and those in a small town called Mystic Falls. He did not wish to get wrapped up in drama between the most powerful family in existence. Besides, his questions could wait until he found Aurora again.
Since then, he has kept tabs on the whereabouts of all the Mikaelsons, for he knows that if something were to happen to Rebekah that that would mean his downfall as well. As he swore to Aurora when he believed her to be Rebekah that he would protect her, the same should be said for the real Rebekah also. As long as the sire line remains intact that is.
Thomas has been trying to find the de Martels, as well as Lucien, since he first discovered their true identities. However, it seems as if Tristan’s coven of witches have found him first as Tristan wants to make sure that the vampire/witch hybrid stays in check. One would be naive to believe that Tristan didn’t know they were being searched for by their old friend for so long. However, he knew that Thomas held a vendetta against him and did not wish to be found. As it were though, Thomas is not one who should be underestimated. With the witches finding him, he was able to reverse the spell and track them, narrowing in on Virginia. Mystic Falls. That’s where they must be. And where they were the de Martels were sure to be close by. He has now made his way to the town to reunite with those he once new and get the answers to the questions that have always lingered in his mind. Besides, if he could enact even the smallest revenge upon Tristan that would only be a plus.
Tristan de Martel, Aurora de Martel, and Lucien Castle
His relationship with them is complicated. Thomas holds great resentment against Tristan for being so selfish that he would not help him. He is mostly indifferent to Lucien as he made sure never to get on his bad side but to never get too close either. However when it comes to Aurora his feelings towards her are a little more difficult to sum up. She is his sire, as well as someone he held affection for some time ago, regardless of the fact that he used her to turn him.
Rebekah Mikaelson
Origin of his sire line. Thomas knows that in order to live, Rebekah has to remain alive and well. He keeps her safe from afar and is planning on officially introducing himself to her soon.
Stefan Salvatore
Old friend. The pair spent a few months together traveling and stirring up trouble. They can bring out the best or the worst in one another depending on their mood. Thomas has no idea that Stefan resides in Mystic Falls.
OOC: Password: huskypuppy Name: Sarah Age: 21 Timezone: EST State an account where we can message you: This one! How active you’re going to be: (1-10) 6, as much as I can between school and my internship :) How did you find out about this roleplay? I’m in it! :D Why do you want to play this character? Because I was hit with inspiration and came up with an idea I think would be really really cool. Anything else you would like to tell us? (Changes, suggestions…etc) IC: Preferred Ships: Thomas/Chemistry Sample para: (Not needed as it is an additional character) Name: Thomas Kenley Birthday: December 21st (21/1000+)Species: Siphoner turned Witch/Vampire HybridLookalike: Henry Cavill Availability: Taken Personality: Thomas is cunning, calculated, a charismatic. To those that oppose him he can come across as harsh and strong-willed, but to those who he can call friend, he is incredibly loyal and would go to the ends of the Earth for them, and has many times. After turning, all of these traits were heightened, making him someone who should not be underestimated. Past: Born in the late 900s, Thomas was the youngest member of a coven of witches in a tiny town in England. However, Thomas was different. He didn’t have the same powers as everyone else. As a matter of fact, he technically didn’t have any powers at all. He was a siphoner and could only derive magic from other supernatural creatures or objects. To protect him from ridicule and isolation, his parents kept this fact hidden from the rest of the coven, hoping that eventually they’d collect enough dark objects that Thomas would be able to pass off his magic as his own. Unfortunately, when Thomas was fifteen, his coven was met with turmoil. A pack of werewolves had moved into the area and were causing problems for the group. Soon, conflict broke out between the two factions which resulted in the extinction of the entire coven, with the exception of Thomas who was able to escape undetected. With no magic of his own, he hadn’t been strong enough to protect his family from harm and he had to learn how to survive without them. He fled to London, hoping to find a means of survival there. Thomas lived in London, England for six years, working whatever jobs he could find in order to keep a roof over his head and food in his stomach. Over time his frustration grew that he had no one to guide him in the ways of magic, nor any magic to siphon for himself. Eventually he would have to figure out another way to do things, especially now that he was no longer a child. He was a man and he was tired of feeling week and helpless. It was when Thomas was 21 that he met Tristan de Martel, his lovely sister Aurora, and their traveling companion, Lucien Castle. However, at the time they were known to him as Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus Mikaelson, respectively. Thomas and Tristan quickly formed a bond, having similar personality traits and a drive for power. After learning of their vampirism, Thomas couldn’t have been more intrigued. He craved the power that they possessed. As a vampire, he would have the strength that he always desired, the strength he should have had when his family was overrun all those years ago. After much thought, Thomas approached Tristan, asking him to turn him into a vampire. They were friends after all, how could Tristan not want to help him? Much to his dismay, Tristan denied his request, seeing as Thomas was just as power hungry as he and he did not want to have anyone close to him who could possibly pose a threat. Thomas did not take well to this and turned to other means of getting what he wanted. Aurora, or Rebekah as he knew her at the time, was someone who Thomas knew would easily fall for his charms, besides he found her quite lovely regardless. They already had a strong rapport so it would be rather easy to get what he wanted from her. He went to her, hurt and injured (purposefully inflicted), knowing that she would offer her blood to heal him. Once he left Aurora’s side, fully healed, but with vampire blood in his system he went to his own chambers and grabbed a sword, piercing it through his own heart. He fully believed the stories he had heard from his new companions; that anyone who died with vampire blood in their system would return as a vampire themselves. And return he did. However, what he didn’t expect was a small twist in his tale. Unlike the others who had awoken simply as vampires, Thomas became something else entirely. As a siphoner, Thomas was able to keep his witch powers upon death. He garnered the ability to siphon from himself and thus had an unlimited source of power, making Thomas Kenley the first witch/vampire hybrid in existence and the first person that Aurora had ever sired.   Thomas acquired more power than he ever could have dreamed. No longer did he have to be weak and vulnerable. He could, and would, protect himself and anyone else who fell into his good graces. His loyalty ran far and anyone whom he cared for would without a doubt have his protection. Eventually, the Trinity had to move on from London for fear of Mikael’s impending arrival and they had to leave Thomas behind. Before they left, Thomas shared with Aurora what he had become and promised her his protection if she were to stay. However, as she believed herself to be Rebekah, she chose family, always and forever, leaving Thomas to be alone once again. Months after their departure, he decided to leave London and travel the world, wanting to see what else was out there now that he had the ability to do so and keep himself safe at the same time. Thomas spent years living his life in a solitary manner, but had made the choice to break out of his shell. With his newfound power, he charmed his way into the lives of many, creating a rather bountiful life for himself. For centuries he lived in such a way, dining beside Kings and living in lavish households. However, if anyone got too close and asked questions, he made sure to cover his tracks. It wasn’t until the 1920s that Thomas discovered the truth of the trio of vampires that he had met all those years ago. They weren’t the Mikaelsons, but rather Tristan, Aurora, and Lucien as he had been informed by other vampires who knew of them. Their whereabouts were unknown at the time, but Thomas caught wind that their sires, the Mikaelsons themselves, had found their way to Chicago. Thus to the Windy City he went, hoping that he’d be able to find the Original vampires, specifically Rebekah, and learn more about what had transpired between them and the Trinity. However, upon his arrival he just missed them, but found someone else instead. Stefan Salvatore. Thomas and Stefan became fast friends and had questionable influences over one another. He only egged on the ripper that was inside of Stefan, regardless of Thomas having rather good control over his own bloodlust. It was a means of passing the times, especially after his plans to find the Mikaelsons came up empty. Little did he know that Stefan knew them quite well but unfortunately had been compelled to forget. The two traveled together, causing mayhem until April of 1922 when Stefan’s close friend Lexi Branson got a hold of him, determined to get him back under control. Once again, Thomas found himself on his own, but that was alright, he was rather good at being by himself. He continued his lifestyle as it once was, living here and there. It wasn’t until the 2010s that Thomas’ wish of meeting Rebekah Mikaelson was fulfilled, however, he chose not to reveal who he was to her and only spoke to her for a few moments in passing. It wasn’t the time, nor the place, as he had heard news of tensions throughout the Mikaelson family and those in a small town called Mystic Falls. He did not wish to get wrapped up in drama between the most powerful family in existence. Besides, his questions could wait until he found Aurora again. Since then, he has kept tabs on the whereabouts of all the Mikaelsons, for he knows that if something were to happen to Rebekah that that would mean his downfall as well. As he swore to Aurora when he believed her to be Rebekah that he would protect her, the same should be said for the real Rebekah also. As long as the sire line remains intact that is. Present: Thomas has been trying to find the de Martels, as well as Lucien, since he first discovered their true identities. However, it seems as if Tristan’s coven of witches have found him first as Tristan wants to make sure that the vampire/witch hybrid stays in check. One would be naive to believe that Tristan didn’t know they were being searched for by their old friend for so long. However, he knew that Thomas held a vendetta against him and did not wish to be found. As it were though, Thomas is not one who should be underestimated. With the witches finding him, he was able to reverse the spell and track them, narrowing in on Virginia. Mystic Falls. That’s where they must be. And where they were the de Martels were sure to be close by. He has now made his way to the town to reunite with those he once new and get the answers to the questions that have always lingered in his mind. Besides, if he could enact even the smallest revenge upon Tristan that would only be a plus. Connections: Tristan de Martel, Aurora de Martel, and Lucien Castle His relationship with them is complicated. Thomas holds great resentment against Tristan for being so selfish that he would not help him. He is mostly indifferent to Lucien as he made sure never to get on his bad side but to never get too close either. However when it comes to Aurora his feelings towards her are a little more difficult to sum up. She is his sire, as well as someone he held affection for some time ago, regardless of the fact that he used her to turn him. Rebekah Mikaelson Origin of his sire line. Thomas knows that in order to live, Rebekah has to remain alive and well. He keeps her safe from afar and is planning on officially introducing himself to her soon. Stefan Salvatore Old friend. The pair spent a few months together traveling and stirring up trouble. They can bring out the best or the worst in one another depending on their mood. Thomas has no idea that Stefan resides in Mystic Falls.
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