#the drawing is due the 3rd and the paper is due the 5th i move out the 4th
illdothehotvoice · 1 month
Literally spent from 10-4 doing nothing but schoolwork and packing and yet I am STILL stressed and feel I'm falling behind on my responsibilities.
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tagged by: @jamiehobbithenderson​
favourite game from the last 5 years? ‒ I haven’t been playing as many new releases as I used to because of being an adult, but I’m currently really enjoying Owlboy with @onerosetorulethemall​
most nostalgic game? ‒ Probably Tekken 2, good memories of playing with my older brother, and I appreciate fighting games much more now, so it’s a game I can have even more fun with now.
game that deserves a sequel? ‒ F-zero GX COME ON NINTENDO 
game that deserves a remaster? ‒ Astro Boy, Omega Factor.
favourite game series? ‒ Tempting to say smash bros, but honestly MELEEEEE is the only one I’ve sunk any significant time into. If the mainline 3D mario games can be called a series then probably them, otherwise uhhhhh Pikmin or Timesplitters?
favourite genre? ‒ Platformers, both 2D and 3D. I find exploring space really satisfying.
least favourite genre? ‒ SPORTS. As @jamiehobbithenderson​ said so eloquently, the real thing is more fun and less expensive assuming you don’t have to pay people to go outside with you.
favourite song from a game? ‒ Shoutouts to the SoTC and FFCC soundtracks, but as for single tracks I’ve always loved Buoy Base from Supehr Mehrio Gehlexy.
favourite character from a game? ‒ Toss up between Captian Falcon, my main in Melee, and Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur. I really dig the über-sexual BDSM vibe, and the way it feeds into the design of her moves. Sorry for being horny on main (jk I’m not sorry at all). 
favourite ship from a game? ‒ Princess Peach and TEC-XX in Paper Mario 2.
favourite voice actor from a game? ‒ Charles Martinet, exclusively when he’s doing Wario. He’s DE BEST!
favourite cutscene? ‒ When you beat SSB Melee’s Adventure mode fast enough and Bowser’s lifeless statue floats ominously back up onto the stage, SLAMS down, gets struck by lightning and crumbles to reveal Giga Bowser.
favourite boss? ‒ Ballos from Cave Story That glorious feeling of unloading every single rocket I have into his final form’s grinning face after trying to beat Hell god knows how many times, is the second best moment I can remember having while playing a video game. I’m not counting Shadow of the colossus’s colossi as bosses aside from maybe the last one, but my personal favourite video game moment ever was grabbing a hold of the bird colossus (the 4th or 5th one?) and the orchestra music swelling, all the rain particle effects flying all over the place. oh my~
first console? ‒ N64 is the first I remember, dat SM64 life.
current console or consoles? ‒ PC, Wii, 3DS, GBA, PS3. So far nothing in the current gen :’(
console you want? ‒ Switch for SSB Ultimate and zelda, PS4 for Soul Calibur 6 and Last Guardian. 
place from a game that you’d like to visit? ‒ Outset island from Wind Waker.
place from a game that you’d like to live in? ‒ Probably a Pokemon game, my personal favourite due to nostalgia is 3rd gen RSE so that’ll do!
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun? ‒  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dv7-rUdDzs
book that would make a good game? ‒ Ice Station by Matthew Reilly. 
show/movie that would make a good game? ‒ Hot Fuzz. Gameplay based around Investigation and characters for most of the game, then near the end it just turns into a mad Timesplitters-esge or on-rails shooter. 
games you want to play? ‒ SC6 oh my god just give it to me now I NEED IT
have you gotten 100% completion in a game? ‒ Various Kirby games and SC2 I think?
have you cried over a game? ‒ After beating Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, the final level of which having seemingly taken like 6 hours to beat, on the final ‘The End’ screen this simple little tune called ‘Orgel of Water’ plays and it CRUSHED ME.
what power-up or ability would you want in real life? ‒ Rohan Kishibe’s Heaven’s Door from JJBA. Mind reading and making people fly backwards at 70km/h whenever you want? Yes please. Also it might make me better at drawing?
I’m tagging: @onerosetorulethemall​ because one day she might have played enough games to tackle this and I don’t know anyone else on this godforsaken site.
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peculiarpostman · 3 years
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The story (beginning to end):
2nd idea: sketches I picked out the best scenes from the book and also developing from the previous idea. I narrowed down the details and made the delivery of the scene as straightforward as it can. 
(left to right)
1st image: Bilodo (the main character is secretly putting the letters inside his pocket while pulling his trolley filled with items to be delivered. At the plot, he’s a postman who steam open the letters meant for the customers and read them at night before sending them the next day.  2nd image: One of the letters he has opened is from a Guadeloupean woman named Segolene and he has fell in love with her. In the scene where I drew this idea is when Bilodo was in his room looking at the picture of Segolene which he acquired when Segolene sent her picture to the original person it was meant to, Grandpre. He photocopied her picture and hanged it. This allowed Bilodo to create a more realistic and detailed imagination of the woman. The illustration would be showing a woman looking so dreamy and her surroundings will be filtered by sparkles and twinkles to beautify her identity in the book as Bilodo imaged her. She is seen roaming around a traditional Guadeloupean market which Bilodo imagined her standing out from the rest of the crowd.
 Bilodo has a feeling of jealousy to Grandpre because this person shares letters with Segolene. There’s no sorts of connection between Bilodo and Grandpre, never once interacted until one cloudy and stormy day when Grandpre went out of his house wearing his kimono robe chasing the last post pick up by Robert (friend/ colleague of  Bilodo) and Bilodo.  3rd image: Grandpre got hit by a truck as he crossed the road to hand the letter to the two men meant for Segolene. As the image shows, the road looks like flooding and the leaves from the trees are falling suggesting how bad the storm was when the accident happened. The hand represents the death of Grandpre and the eyes which described in the book ‘dilated’  and ‘flooding like lake’ due to the heavy rain is being symbolised by the images. The very bottom image below is the completed version of the image I just described.
4th image: Motivated by the guilt from keeping his silence for a while about Grandpre’s death to Segolene although he’s not obligued to and his loneliness as the letters eventually stopped, Bilodo decided to act and moved into Grandpre’s old aparment and gradually begun to be immerse on the dead man’s identity. Grandpre has an extreme passion for Japanese culture thus his room is highly inspired by Japanese simple interior. The image will show traditional Japanese furniture and one huge bookshelf which is the only object with a western touch as described in the book. In this environment, he’s able to get himself fully engage in his fantasies and also begun to get a strange almost supernatural powers to perfect Haiku which is the content of every corresponding letters between Grandpre and Segolene. The Japanese vibes has become more expressed by the inclusion of nature around him as if reflecting the Haiku he is writing/ practicing.
Everything is going well for Bilodo until one day he decided to send her a tanka after Segolene brought out a Japanese known poet named Basho. A poem with 5-7-5-7-7 pattern in comparison to Haiku which only has 5-7-5 pattern.He sent it out but regret it the next second and had to ask his friend Robert for a favour to retrieve it. As a token of gratitude, for once he agreed to go out fro drink with him.
The next morning, with no recollection of what happened that night, Robert found out his peculiar hobby and secret. The two has gotten into a fight at Grandpre’s apartment after Robert read out Segolene’s letters and ripped it to mock Bilodo.
5th image: The image shows flying shreds of paper and broken objects to show the aftermath of the fight.
After the fight they had, Robert took revenge by spreading Bilodo’s secret and made him a loner at work and the restaurant he’s frequent. He eventually took a 6 months leave from work but letters with Segolene. Everything was perfect, months has passed and Bilodo completely got completely accustomed to his new life living secluded from the society and spent all of his hours writing tanka poems with Segolene that turned sexual and provoking. The feelings has gone so intense until Bilodo woke up to his senses when Segolene suddenly wanted to see him in Canada. He got into a panic and frustration of why Segolene had to ‘ruin’ their perfect relationship.He was cornered more when the publisher who originally rejected to publish Grandpre’s poem which he re-submitted got back to him and decided to publish it. He was ready to take his life away and the rope was ready to hang him until the girl who likes him from the restaurant he frequently used to go to rang his bell to say her final goodbye that she’s moving on from him.
 After the talk, his decisions change. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw the image of Grandpre instead of himself (might be important; that needs an illustration to show how important this scene in the book). Months without proper shaving and hygiene as he was completely immersed into writing poems.He wrote back to Segolene and he came down to post it but the collection time was done. Bilodo swallowed his pride and let out a great shout to draw the attention of the clerk; it was Robert. He turned around and spotted Bilodo.Bilodo tore down the stairs and dashed out onto the flooded road. The other guy, the postman, started motioning with his arms, called out something indistinct to him. Then there was a crash like the first episode of the book, Bilodo suffered the same fate as Grandpre and motioned the same actions. The enso curse loop happened again. (6th image)
I had to create changes with the style of my drawing to make sure it fits the language and mood of the story. And also add more illustration that would contribute to the development of the story to make the picture story telling clearer. E.G. maybe illustration for one poem they have exchanged and also how Bilodo’s reflection in the mirror has metaphorically changed to Grandpre suggesting how Bilodo’s identity has completely been taken over by Grandpre.
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