#the crop feeds us and censors gore
m-1-8 · 10 months
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Art for my Incorrect Quote: It's not what it looks like
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cliban · 5 years
So uh. These are 3 (or 4) of my online gaming personas. (https://www.deviantart.com/bellae99/art/The-girls-and-Pyre-805308350) I've been writing this for a while, may have a part 2 soon!
So little bit of backstory here, I used to, I guess, it could be classified as RPing by myself, giving these characters personality, instead of being a blank slate for what I do. It’s also with my favourite games to play there too!
Clea slowed as the gates clanged shut and cursed, the world censoring her by itself. The path was gravelly and provided no clues as to what lay in the darkness beside it. This was not a good thing. Clea jumped off of Xena and stood with her. Hands on her hips, she whistled into the darkness. Nobody else was there. She swallowed and then she felt a hand on her shoulder and was too late to stop the bejewelled hammer from swinging into her face. She sprawled onto the ground and Xena stood over her protectively. Then Xena was thrown aside and Clea cried out as she hit the wall, both of them. The beast looked down at them with a leering grin, tied a rope to them, and started to drag them away.
Elliott slapped the zombie in the face so hard it lost too much HP, turned red, and keeled over. It split into two hunks of rotten flesh and three orbs of XP. Elliott picked up the rotten flesh and absorbed the XP, then turned and walked into the castle. “M’lord. Gotcha your items.” She reached into her inventory and pulled out the items of value. “Hey! You gonna open the door?” She grew impatient and kicked the door open. “Right, here you go, and I’ll take my reward and go.” The King chuckled. “No, I don’t think you will.” Elliott reached behind her and shifted her sword onto her belt. This goddamn dress was getting annoying. She pulled up her mask and vines started to creep around her arms. “I’m sorry?” Her voice was hardly muffled. “You see, you have quite a large bounty on your head. Much more that some blaze rods.” Elliott nodded. “I see. So this is the part where you spring your trap?” The King smirked. “Go. Kill her.” Elliott rolled her eyes and whipped her bow around, pointing it into the face of one of her attackers. She released an arrow and then there were hands on her shoulders and everything went black.
Pyre shifted uncomfortably in her suit. She adjusted her hat and flicked her ears once to make sure they still worked. Stalker wasn’t at this playtime. So she took the role. “Hey, Pyro. You ok?” Pyre yelped and spun round. It was Engie. “Oh. Just you,” she said. Although, of course, it didn’t come out like that. It was muffled to almost the point of just being noise. Engie could understand. Scout couldn’t. But Scout was annoying. Engie flipped his chocolate bar in his hands. “Why, did I scare ya?” Pyre snorted. “Of course not. You ready for today?” Engie nodded. “D’ya think we can’t sc- I mean, be nice to a couple o’ BLUs?” Pyre shrugged. “Well. I’m going. Come on, Engie.” Pyre was distracted by a couple of birds flying past, and then there was a choking sound from behind her. She turned back to see someone hugging Engie. But Engie didn’t seem to be too happy about that. She frowned and yanked the other person back. Engie fell to his knees, rubbing his throat. “Engie! Are you ok?” Pyre asked worriedly. He looked up and his eyes flickered behind her and he croaked “Look out,” but it was too late and something cracked across her head.
Clea blinked her eyes open. Everything was… Fuzzy. Then she realised she was in a room that was not one she recognised. It was small, with a table, and a computer. Pure white walls. A vent at the very bottom. A wooden door. She lifted her head and sat up against the wall. Xena was nowhere to be seen. Clea brushed her straw-blond hair out of her eyes and pulled her hood up. It was a forest green with yellow piping, and had a purple helm that went over her eyes, yet she could see through it. The wings on it fluttered weakly. Then she stood up, unfolding her jean-clad legs and pulling her aqua shirt up. 
Instructions flashed in front of Clea, and she read quickly. Hack all five computers, and don’t let the beast catch you. Easy enough. She tiptoed to the first computer and began to hack it. 
Three minutes later, the computer’s screen turned green and Clea crawled out through the vent onto carpeted floor. It felt like an office, this maze of white walls and blue floor. The door beside her burst open and Clea flattened herself behind it. Xena stepped into the hallway. She was in human form. “Xena,” Clea whispered. “Xena!” The rhino-girl whipped her head around and saw Clea. “I’ve hacked one computer,” she said quietly. “And I think the beast is coming.” She pushed Clea to the other end of the hall and started running as a glow came up from behind them. “Go!” She yelped and darted off in the opposite direction. Clea hid in a locker and watched the beast look around. A chill ran down her spine and the beast moved on. 
Clea darted into the next computer room and started to hack it. It was relatively simple. Just open up the code database, and disable security systems from there. Easy! Just took a little breaking into. Clea grinned as the computer’s screen started glowing a bright green, and jumped through a smashed window into the beast. “Oh.” 
She started running, hearing pounding footsteps behind her. The beast swung, clipping Clea’s leg. She fell, started dragging her leg behind her, fingers sinking into the carpet while her leg recovered. Her leg twisted the right way and she sprang to her feet, started sprinting. She could hear the beast behind her, and sweat trailed it’s way down her forehead. She was pretty doomed.
And then she got lucky. The beast reached for her, put on a burst of speed, and Clea jumped up, up, and to the side. The beast overshot and Clea swung into a room. She pushed her visor up and flicked her blonde hair to the side, then slid her visor back on. The beast went to the window and she rolled under it until the glow that signified the beast’s gem went away and she crawled out through a vent. 
Xena had hacked one computer since she’d split with Clea, and they met up in the bathrooms. “Let’s look for one together, OK?” Clea whispered, and Xena nodded. They peeked out of the door, and saw no beast. Quietly, the two walked towards the centre of the facility. There were several cubicles in the rectangular room, each with a wall of glass and a desk in it. The room’s flooring was metallic, and in the long gap that stretched from door to door, a spiralling staircase led to the second floor. Xena and Clea ran up this staircase now, and spied a computer in the corner. 
Xena kept watch while Clea frantically tapped at the buttons, bringing up pages and tabs of coding. She stuck her tongue out in concentration, and while Xena couldn’t see her eyes because of her visor, Xena knew Clea must have them narrowed in concentration. Xena held up a hand to shield her purple eyes, and jumped in alarm as she saw the glow of the beast. “Clea, beast is here.” Clea grunted and pressed enter. The screen turned green and Xena morphed back into her natural form. “Let’s go Xena.”
Xena scrambled down the stairs, and Clea jumped off the balcony, and landed on Xena’s back. They galloped out of the room, beast trailing after them, and headed for the door out. “Hold on!” Xena rammed the door, once, twice, three times, and it burst open. They ran out into the cool night, and Clea jumped off, hands on her knees once she landed. “We’re out! Let’s get back home.”
Clea leaned on Xena, who affectionately nuzzled her. “Not so fast.” Clea jumped, and reached for her gun, which wasn’t there, of course. “Hands in the air.” Glowering, Clea raised her hands slowly as three police emerged out of the darkness. “You’re under arrest for multiple counts of murder.” Clea’s eyes widened in disbelief. “That’s the beast you’re talking about.” The policeman who was talking to her scoffed. “No-one makes it out of there alive. You’re coming with us.” 
Someone grabbed her hands and shoved them behind her back, and she snarled. “Xena, don’t you dare gore him,” she warned, and then she felt cold metal across her wrists. Her hackles raised but she forced herself not to attack. “No shoving, Ok? Not comfortable with that.” She was led across to their van, and had just enough time to smile at Xena before the van slammed shut.
Elliott stumbled. “Thanks, Sen.” Sen took his hands off Elliott’s shoulders and stepped back. Elliott slung her bow across her back again and looked around. They were at her base, a three block high cave with seventeen rooms. It was built into the side of a mountain, with her and Sen labouring over a few weeks to carve the place out. They were in the entrance, with a five block wide waterfall covering the open end. Sen looked at the water and growled something. “Yeah yeah Sen. You don’t like water. I don’t think any enderman does.”
Tall and lanky, Sen towered over Elliott, who came up to his shoulder at most. They had met when Sen had been caught out in a rainstorm, and Elliott had taken him to her temporary residence in a village, giving him time to recover and be able to teleport. He looked essentially the same as any other enderman, save the odd purple spirals on his shoulders. Now they were inseparable, and went on many adventures together. 
“Right, I’m heading in. I still have the blaze rods, and plus, the mobs need feeding.” Sen nodded, and teleported to the farm, which floated above their mountain. He was off to get whatever crops had grown. Elliott yawned and headed down into the wide corridor, which gradually got higher and higher until it opened into the minecart terminal.
Elliott grabbed a minecart and zoomed down to the mob area, and surveyed the scene. The farm animals were sectioned off, and into their separate species when inside. Currently, however, they were outside, grazing. Elliott had other game on her mind. She hitched up her dress and stepped out of the minecart, and grabbed her fire-resistant diamond armour, complete with shield and her beloved diamond sword, Cleaver. She changed from her dress into that, and rolled her shoulders.
Elliott pulled her mask up and walked purposefully to the over world monsters. This was in a glass dome inside a massive cave. She took a deep breath, and opened the iron door. They currently housed eleven zombies, seven skeletons, four creepers, three phantoms, fourteen silverfish, and nine spiders, plus cave spiders of the same number. 
“Everyone! Any sick or injured?” The dome went silent, and two of the phantoms dived down, carrying the third. Most of the mobs were actually able to communicate. Elliott had that gift. “Do you know what happened?” The phantoms growled a negative. “Ok. I’m letting everyone roam the caves, you know the rules.” Elliott picked up the injured phantom and carried it on her back while she exited the dome.
She retracted the glass and the over world monsters started walking, flying, stumbling, or crawling, out of their normal habitat. Elliott whistled and started walking to the minecarts. She felt the phantom flop a little, and sped up. She gently laid the phantom down and jumped into the minecart behind it. 
They sped off to the small clinic Elliott had set up, and rolled gently to a stop just outside. Elliott stepped out and lifted the phantom. She transferred it inside, and all of a sudden Sen teleported in, growling rapidly. “Humans. Outside.” Elliott’s eyes widened and she gently set the phantom down, then ran outside, jumped, and Sen teleported her to the control room. “Attention! All mobs, return to your designated areas. I repeat, return to your designated areas!” She yelled through her microphone. There was a sudden flood of animals and monsters stampeding into their areas. 
Elliott activated everything, and slammed the doors of the mountains closed. She turned to Sen, and squeezed his hand. “We’ll be alright Sen, don’t you worry. Armour up.” Sen looked at her solemnly, and teleported, returning a moment later in full diamond armour. They left Joey, a blaze, in charge, and teleported to the entrance of the cave. 
Elliott took a deep breath, and jumped through the waterfall, letting her elytra carry her safely to the ground. She landed elegantly, and let the vines crawl around her arms to her wrists. There was a party of fifteen, and she raised an eyebrow. “What do you want?” Sen teleported in by her side. 
The leader of the group raised a shaking sword. “Look, if you’re here to capture me, don’t bother.” She stuck a dagger into the person trying to creep up behind her without turning around. The group gasped. “Ah now lads, she’s not that dangerous.”
The group parted to reveal a figure in shining diamond armour. “Will. Will Will Will. What do we have here? William.” Elliott deliberately made her voice as mocking as possible. Will strode forward. “We’ve found you. There’s no running from us now.”
Elliott snorted, and as the group ran forward, they attacked. Sen teleported two into the the air and dropped them, then down again to smack some in the face. Elliott slashed with her sword, kicking anyone who came too close to her. Hearts were lost, and finally it was Will and Elliott standing off. Sen was finishing off two of them. 
“It’s over, Will. Rory may have given you my location, but Sen and I are always together.” Will gave her a dashing wink. “Fear not, for I have a solution.” He pulled a squirming endermite out of his pocket and threw it at Sen. Elliott frowned, and then the endermite bit down on Sen’s skin and his teleportation particles turned red, along with the spirals on his shoulders and his eyes. “He’ll be a fine addition to the army.”
Will poured a bucket of water on the ground, and whistled. Sen began shambling over to it. Elliott’s eyes widened and she tackled Will. “Kill me, and Sen stands in the water.” Elliott backed off and started to head over to Sen, when Will made his offer. “Come with me and I’ll call off the Endercution.” 
Elliott swallowed, looked at Sen, and raised her hands slowly. Will whistled again and bound her hands behind her back, using a splash potion of slowness, just for good measure. He wrapped an arm around Elliott’s waist despite her protests. Then he grabbed an ender pearl, and ignoring Sen’s horrified warbling, threw it, and they teleported to the city.
Pyre collapsed to its knees and glared at whoever had hit it, confused. “Hey! You ok? Do you need something?” Pyre got up, flicking its tail, and approached the person, cautiously. It had an idea, reached behind it.
And brought out its axe. Engie winced as it approached the terrified assassin menacingly. It held out the axe and tapped the poor man’s shoulder with the flat of the blade, then nodded, satisfied. It lifted the axe and swung.
Pyre handed the lollipop to the guy and he smiled and waved. Pleased, Pyre waved back, and the guy laughed and flew away. Pyre turned back to Engie and helped him up.
Engie winced at the blood splatter and gore in the doorway, and let Pyro help him up. “Who was that?” Mmph. “I don’t know either.” Pyro waved at him and went to go get someone. 
Pyre bounced happily through the halls, swinging its arms. Scout stepped out in front of it and it skidded to a stop to avoid collision. “Oh! Hey dere Pyro, uh, watcha doin’ this earlyyy…..” Scout looked Pyre up and down. “Pyro, who did ya help?” Pyre shrugged.
Scout looked Pyro up and down in horror. Its suit was splattered with blood and fragments of bone, and its goggles had bloodstains on them. “Pyro, who did ya kill?” Pyro stood still, then shrugged slightly. “Well, go clean yaself up then!” Scout turned and marched briskly away, muttering under his breath.
Confused by the interaction, Pyre looked down at its suit. Silly Scout, getting all antsy about rainbows. It walked on.
Medic had just finished dissecting a heart, courtesy of Stalker, when Pyro walked into his lab. He clicked his tongue in displeasure and put the heart down. “Yes, Pyro, what iz it?” 
Medic had been busy with his odd flower-growing project when Pyre opened the door. He had rainbows all over his hands. “Sorry Medic! I was just coming to tell you that Engie doesn’t look at all well.” Pyre clasped its hands behind its back. 
Medic frowned, silently deciphering the mumbles of that creature. “Oh. Vell, I shall be back just now.” He grabbed his medigun and started to follow Pyro through the maze of twisting hallways.
Pleased, Pyre led Medic back to its room. Engie was still there, coughing a little. He smiled a little and Pyre exited the room to go find Sniper. He was on watch today, and Pyre wanted to know why the person had been let in.
Sniper was cosied up in his nest, wrapped up in a blanket to help fight off the chill of the cold morning. A trail of mumbling signified that Pyro had appeared behind him, and he waved it over. It sat down beside him, curling its tail around itself, and passed him a note in Medic’s elegant writing. 
Sniper, there was an attacker in the base today. Do your job properly or I will come over there and personally dissect you for organs. -Medic.
“Blunt, ain’t ‘e.” Sniper muttered, and folded the note up. Instead of giving it back to Pyre, he slipped it into his vest pocket. “Well, oi’ll be off then. Thanks for the note, Pyro.” Pyre nodded, and slipped back to the main room.
Suddenly, Pyre’s contract communicator sprang to life. “Heyyyyy Pyro! It’s Miss Pauling here! Can you do something for me? Would you like to do something for Miss Pauling?” Pyre nodded, delighted, and mumbled an affirmitive. “Oh thank God. Can you keep inside for a while? And tell the team to be on defensive mode for a while? The rest of the team’s mics aren't working and I think there’s-” Her voice cut out, accompanied with a lot of crackling. 
Alarmed, Pyre dashed to the intercom. It switched on the mic and started announcing Miss Pauling’s message. It could hear Demo audibly frowning, and pinched the bridge of its gas mask. “Need help?” There was a decloaking sound and Spy appeared behind it. “Yes. I do. Miss Pauling said I needed to tell everyone to be on defensive mode.” 
Spy relayed the message and Pyre thanked him, then dashed to the armoury. Before it could get there, however, something thunked into its leg. Frowning, it plucked a dart from its leg, and then darkness rushed to cover its vision.
Clea decided she didn’t like cells. “Yo!” She called. “Any chance I get to go now?” The guard shook his head and Clea sighed, leaned back on the small bed. The cell was quite large, with a toilet and a sink and a bed, but no windows except the door. Which was barred. And the barred wall beside the door. 
The prison was tall, and Clea was on the third level. She flopped back and yawned, putting her arms behind her head. Xena was somewhere in…. She didn’t know where Xena was. 
That’s when the complaints were heard. It started, a female voice grumbling about something, and it steadily grew louder. Clea got up and curiously grasped the bars. “...Listen, I’m not going in prison, what about Sen? He’s gonna waste away Will, mark my words, and then you’ll have killed one of an already endangered species-” A girl was shoved into view. 
She wore a green dress with a darker gradient, and a belt was tied above her stomach. It hung down to her knee on one side, then sloped down to just above her ankle on the other. Her hair was long, and looked like it hadn't been washed in a million years. It was of a curious colour, purplish undertones overshadowed by a lightish brown. A flower crown rested nestled in that hair, matching the vines that marched around her arms, coiled like snakes peering out from her wrists. Her eyes were a light blue, and there was a mask pulled up to just below her nose. She wore no shoes, and her eyes were steely. This girl was being shoved along by a flamboyant man in shining diamond armour. From the Minecraft universe, then.
Elliott furiously allowed herself to be pushed next to the door to the cell that had the girl in it. She wore a green hood, rimmed with yellow, and ended into a hooked purple visor that didn’t shine like a see-through material. She wore a teal shirt that rose up at the belly. She had a purple undershirt to cover this. Her legs were long, clad in skinny jeans and sneakers. Two bits of straw-blond hair poked out from under her hood. 
Elliott was turned, and the shackles binding her wrists were unclipped. Then she was pushed into the cell. With the girl. 
It had been half an hour. Clea sat in one corner of her cell, and the girl in the dress in the opposite. “Do you talk?” Clea broke the silence. “Yes.” 
“What’s your name? I’m Clea.”
“Isn’t that a traditional guys name?”
“I’m trans.”
“For the record, you make a wonderful female.”
“What are you in for?”
“Murder. Stealing.”
“Murder, apparently. I didn’t do it though.”
Elliott raised an eyebrow. “Sure.”
“No seriously. I escaped from the murderer.”
“Tell me about it, then.”
So Clea told Elliott about her escape from the beast.
“You’re from Dead by Daylight?”
“Nah. Roblox. There’s a variation. You’re from Minecraft?”
“Who’s Sen?”
Elliott had her knees to her chest already, her arms wrapped around her legs, but she hugged them tighter. “My best friend. An Enderman.”
“Don’t they attack you if you look at them?”
“Sen’s different. He doesn’t mind. Except if you look into his eyes.”
“Ah. Just checking, you aren’t gonna kill me or anything, right?”
“No. I kill people who cheat me, or that I’m hired to kill.”
“Reassuring, aren’t you?”
“I’m not used to talking with people.”
There was another silence as the minutes stretched into hours. Then the cell’s door was opened again and a dark mass was dragged in. Elliott made a dash for the open door, but was shoved back again. “Who is that?” The two made their way cautiously over. Well, Elliott made her way cautiously. Clea darted over and started shaking the person’s arm. Elliott slapped Clea’s hand away and gently rolled the person onto their back.
Both drew back and gasped. The person was wearing a baggy red suit, with ashy, singed edges, that tucked into their black boots. There was a belt, and two straps like suspenders hooking over it. They wore grey gloves, with bands, and finally, had a gas mask. Their hat was old-fashioned, like an old detective movie, but what had gotten both of the girls attention, was the strangers singed green ears and tail.
“What the… Humanoid fox?” Clea whispered, and Elliott shook her head. “Don’t think so.” Then the figure sat up and rubbed its head. 
After some restrained screams, difficulty communicating, and finally resorting to sign language, Clea and Elliott became acquainted with ‘Pyro’. The masked nightmare had been darted and had woken up here. It seemed to pine for nine other people, with the exception of possibly one. But even Scout, as it said, would have been a welcome blessing. 
“There’s two bunks; who’s sleeping on the floor tonight?” Clea broke the silence again. “Or! Wait, two of us could share a bunk.” Elliott shook her head vehemently. “No way in Nether.” Pyro gave a muffled mmph, and Elliott shrugged. “Sure. You share with Clea.” 
“Right, no other awkward silences, let’s talk about our past. Edgy teenager Elliott, you first.” Elliott shot Clea a death glare. “I’m not an edgy teen.” “Edgy adult?” “No.” Pyro mmphed warningly. “Fine.” Elliott took a deep breath. “I was spawned in a village inhabited by ‘players’ like me. I grew up without event, apart from being one of the hardest workers and strongest. And I could talk to mobs. I had the appreciation and friendship of everyone in the village. But my best friends were Rory and Will.”
Elliott sighed. “I always played with them, helped them whenever I could, snapped at them a few times, apologised, and never thought that Will had ambitions. When we were sixteen, Will joined the army. He was always a flamboyant guy, with dreams and a funny accent. Then it was Rory and me. A year later, it was the update that ruined my life. It brought witches. It was decreed that players could turn into witches, and witches could disguise themselves as players with powers.”
“I knew then that I could never reveal my ability. Rory and I made a pact not to tell anyone. An uneasy two years passed, and everything seemed like it was going to be fine. Until Will turned up at my doorstep - he was commander of the army. He had slain the Enderdragon, Withers, and countless mobs. And he’d remembered my ability.”
“I was hidden away by Rory, who told everyone I had died. Will stayed for a while.” Elliott laughed bitterly. “And Rory and Will fell in love. The two married within two years. Rory, obviously thinking Will, her true love, was more important than me, gave me up. Fair enough, I thought, and ran. I hid out in an abandoned village, cast away my normal brown apron, and used iron armour for a while.”
“I lived there for a few weeks before finding Sen. I saved him from a rain storm, and he stuck by my side. And he helped me when I realised I wasn’t happy living as a guy any more. So I changed my gender. I found the material I used for my normal dress, hooded up, and went to some people who didn’t know me. Now, I’m perfectly female.”
“I hollowed out a cave with Sen’s help, and we opened a sanctuary for mobs. We have a blaze in third command taking care of them right now. I started doing Assassin and mercenary jobs, and…. Yeah. Rory figured out my location, and Will nearly killed Sen unless I allowed myself to be captured. And now I’m here.”
Clea’s mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. “What about you, Pyro?”
Pyro shrugged. “Not much to say, to be honest. I very vaguely remember dancing in these wonderful rainbows, calling for my family to come join me. Then someone came in and told me to come with him. Didn’t know who he was at the time, but he sounded terrified. Not at me though. For me. He took me to the RED base, and gave me this suit to wear.”
“Turns out that was Engie. He signed me up for my job now, where I get to help people! He’s my very best friend. Sometimes, on days that I feel headachy, he turns into a flying dolphin. Just like Miss Pauling turning into a butterfly, or Solly turning into a unicorn. But I don’t know why I’m here. They took my lollipop and my rainbowthrower! It’s no fair.” 
Elliott leaned back, deep in thought. “Maybe they thought you were dangerous. Not to other people, but they thought you were working yourself too hard whilst helping people. Which makes them not bad, just misguided.” Pyro scratched its mask. “Makes sense.” The two looked at Clea. “What about you?”
“Well. I don’t really have an interesting backstory, really. You wouldn’t want to know it.” Elliott raised an eyebrow. “Bore me to sleep then.” Clea shook her head. “No, really.” Elliott gave her a look. “Just go on. Lie to me, and I will consider killing you.” Clea gulped and sat back.
“I…. I used to be a spirit. Not a ghost, just a spirit. And an evil one, at that. I used to roam the horror games, the dark games. Kill people. Destroy. Have fun with the other spirits. By killing people. Until I possessed this body to scare a group of children.  But somehow, our minds merged. We became one entity. The body I took, her name was Claire. The spirit’s name was Althea.”
“Claire refused to let Althea leave her body. She was perfectly fine with sharing a body. She believed Althea could change, become a good spirit. And eventually, Althea began to change. She would make better choices. She stopped scaring people, she stopped killing.”
“Finally, the day came when Claire deemed it a good thing for Althea to leave. Althea thanked her, and left. Claire continued on her way, and then, someone killed her. Althea felt her pain and rushed to her dying friend. Desperate to save her, she merged with Claire’s body once more.”
“In her haste, she poured too much power into her fusion, and fused her soul with Claire's. She heard only one thing - thank you - before they fused into Clea. That’s me.”
“Technically, I’m they/them, but I like the pronouns she/her. But anyway, our personalities fused, and so I get Althea’s enthusiasm, but also Claire’s shyness. I get Althea’s killing urges, toned by Claire’s logic and reasoning. I get Althea’s interest in reading, boosted by Claire’s love for learning and smarts.”
“In all, I’m technically two different people.”
Elliott nodded her head, impressed. “And where does Xena come into all of this?” Clea’s mouth tightened. “Xena is our soul remnant. She was formed of the split pieces of both our souls.” Elliott was still. “Alright. The lights should go out at any moment, so let’s get to the bunk.”
The other two nodded and Elliott jumped up, grabbing the fifth-to-last-rung of the ladder and hauling herself up. Clea, the smallest, curled up in the bottom bunk, and Pyro lay beside her on its back. Before Clea nodded off, she realised she had neglected to learn about the vines that wrapped around Elliott’s arms.
The lights went out, and Clea and Pyro started to sleep. Elliott lay awake for a while, contemplating how Sen was doing, how she had been captured, and, of course, how to escape. 
The lights turned on and Elliott grumbled, turning her head to the side. She had her hands tucked behind her head, and her legs crossed. She stared up at the ceiling for a while, before jumping down. She looked at Pyro and Clea and snickered. The two were curled up, Pyro with an arm wrapped around Clea’s shoulder, and Clea pressed into Pyro’s chest. 
Pyro blearily opened its eyes. It was tired. It swivelled its ears to hear Elliott pacing just behind the bars. It nearly rolled, but remembered Clea quickly, and realised its arm was wrapped around Clea’s shoulders. It's tail rested in Clea’s arms and as it tried to take it back, Clea mumbled and tightened her grip. Pyro smiled internally, and gently shook Clea awake.
Clea jumped out of her bed and yawned, then immediately went to the door. Still locked. Pyro slowly got up, and the trio looked across the prison. Soon, their door was unlocked, and they grouped to the courtyard. 
“Right, so now that we appear to be a group, how are we escaping?” Elliott wasn’t one to indulge in small talk. “Well, all our weapons should be stocked over there, along with our clothes.” “And how do we get in there?” 
Elliott thought for a moment. “Well, we could make our own weapons. We could use-” She was cut off by someone yelling. “Over there! Hands up!” Scowling, Clea raised her hands. “We’re already in prison, how can we get in any deeper trouble?” 
Two guards rushed over. “How come you don't have your uniforms on?” Elliott shrugged. “We were just chucked in a cell.” The guards frowned. “All three of you? In one cell?” Pyro nodded. “This is extremely against protocol,” the taller guard muttered. “Sorry. I don’t really know how prison works.” Clea offered.
The guards talked into their walkie-talkies and the shorter one nodded. “Alright, if you would come with us?” Elliott glanced at her comrades, and nodded. “Ok. Where are we going?” The guards started walking, with the trio following. “To get you registered and everything else.”
They had just closed the door when Pyro mmphed something. “Sorry, but could the other guard turn around?” The two translated, and the taller guard turned slowly to see the shorter, choked out in Pyro’s grip.
The guards were tied up, and everyone had retrieved their weapons. Then they darted off to find Sen and Xena.
Sen had finished talking with Xena, and languished in the corner. He had a magic-binding bracelet on, preventing him from teleporting. Xena was stuck as a rhino due to the collar that also bound her magic. 
The cell was cold, and damp, and the bars were just close enough for Sen not to be able to fit through. “Xena, give up. Already.” Sen had had just enough of Xena trying to ram the door. Xena did give up, and lay down with a huff.
Sen got up and wandered the cell, which didn’t take very long. He stuck an arm through the bars, retracted it, and then heard running footsteps. He frowned and looked through the bars. To see Elliott and two others running towards the cell.
Elliott saw Sen and put on a burst of speed. “Right. Keys!” Pyro chucked her the keys and she unlocked the door as quickly as possible. “Let’s get out of here!” She opened the door and Xena and Sen tumbled out. “Sen, can you teleport us?” Sen pointed to the band on his wrist.
“Magic binder.” Elliott snarled in fustration and took out her dagger. “Right. Arm.” Sen held out his arm and Elliott cut through the binder. Sen nodded appreciatively and teleported around a little. Elliott did the same for Xena, and counted quickly. “Right, how many can you teleport at once?” Sen frowned. “Three.” Elliott pulled her mask up. 
“Sen, we’re gonna need you to cry. Ender pearls.” Sen nodded and looked directly into the sun, which made his eyes water, and allowed himself to cry three ender pearls. “Right! Let’s go!” Sen teleported outside, and waited for the others to catch up. They did, and Sen placed his hands on the two stranger’s shoulders, and Elliott climbed onto Xena. Then they teleported-
-back to base. Except this wasn’t base. Clea looked around and started to shake. “Oh no. Ohhhhhh no.” Pyre shielded its visors. “Where are we?” Clea swallowed. “We’re in a horror speedrun.” At that moment, Pyre became aware of breathing sounds behind it, and turned to see a dragon. Quite cute, if it was being honest. The tall rainbow person shifted, and Clea giggled. “Run!” Pyre clapped its hands. Tag! It loved tag.
Pyro turned and Elliott looked to see a terrifying thing of nightmares. A maniacal grin twisted the creatures torn lips, and needles pierced its eyes. It had no other features, other than being a tall, slender humanoid with no right proportions. Sen shifted uneasily, and Clea whimpered. “Run!” 
Somewhere, back at the prison….
The shadow moved slightly at the window. “You lost them, you say. You stupid, stupid, idiot.”
Tired of the arguing, Elliott beckoned to Sen and whispered to him. He shook his head repeatedly, but Elliott kept whispering and soon his face changed. "O….k." He reached for Elliott's shoulder and Clea glanced at him, then snarled. "Oh no you don't."  He backhanded his subordinate, who went flying. He grabbed the next one. “Find them, now.” 
Clea cartwheeled to a stop. “What the hell.” Elliott sat up and held her head. “Sen, do you have some food?” Sen nodded and handed her a piece of steak. She ate ravenously and sighed in relief as energy flooded her. 3 hearts changed to full health. Pyro snuggled its new friend, the monster that had been chasing them. 
Sen folded his arms and sat back. “Us have to get to Minecraft. Now.” Elliott stood. “Sen’s right. If we can just, get to my base, we’ll be fine.” Clea shook her head. “No way. We’d be safer at my home.” Pyro mumbled something. 
Elliott scowled and folded her arms. "Well! I'm going. I don't know why I even helped you guys. Soft-hearted weaklings," she muttered. 
Clea frowned and a weak red glow filtered faintly from under her visor. "Oh no you don't. I saved your life, you ungrateful little-" Pyro frantically mumbled and was ignored. 
Elliott put her hands on her hips. "Oh, so now I owe you something? Is that how it goes? You save my life, I save yours? Well listen up, sunshine, cause you would never have gotten out of that prison without me!" Xena snorted threateningly and Sen stood by Elliott's side. "I cannot believe you! You're all 'independent' and angsty, so you can't even accept help? And you've done hardly anything for us!" Elliott's eyes hardened. Well, they went more steely than they already were. "I didn't ask to get locked up with you! I was only there because Sen was threatened! I'm out of here! Fend for yourself, demon-girl." Clea became very still. "What did you just call me?" Elliott sneered. "You heard me! Or is deafness part of being evil?" Pyro whimpered and clutched its pet tighter.
Pyre didn't understand! Why were they being harsh? This was the first time something like that had happened….. it wasn't fair, it WASN'T! Why, why, why? Why were they arguing? It wanted to go home…. It wanted to see Engie and Medic and Sniper and Miss Pauling. Heavy, Solly, Spy, Demo…. Even Scout. What it would give to hear the Announcer’s voice yelling at them again. 
Clea could feel her wings beginning to unfurl. “I. Am. Not. Evil. You’re disrespecting Claire by saying that! And all her work with Althea! I - We! We are not evil!” Elliott laughed, irritatingly. “Oh, right, right. Sorry - I just thought, with your history of being a demon, and everything~” Clea’s lip curled. “Alright, you shut up now.” Elliott raised an eyebrow. “Also a side effect? You think you’re above everyone else?” Pyro whimpered again and Clea’s anger surged. “Now look what you’ve done! Pyro’s upset!” Elliott snarled. “You started this!” Clea remained silent for a while. 
Elliott sniggered at seeing such a simple rebound silence Clea. The idiotic girl would not leave her alone. It was quite funny, if she was being honest. “Come on Sen, we’re going.” Sen took her hand and they began to vaporize into purple particles. Clea growled and reached for them, Xena rushing forward as well - Pyro joining in and touching Elliott’s shoulder, with its buddy on its back, arms wrapped around its neck. Then they all teleported. 
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