#the code is just a new manifestation because of codeflippa and the whole decay and grief shit hes got going on
codecicle · 6 months
.anyway ,, qcharlie's entire thing is loving devotion in its most raw fucked up form. codefippa could stab him in the heart and he would kneel down thinking she is knighting him for his service. everything he does is for her. that includes getting better (promising juanaflippa he would get his "rash" checked out during the day of the dead stream because she seemed worried) and getting worse (his entire talk with cellbit. the parallels of his code and the knife). he loves so strongly that it consumes him, quite literally. the loss and grief from his love consumed charlie so he created gegg as a last resort when nobody else would let him throw himself away in their name (foolish rejected the marriage, and mariana wouldn't log on. he was still staying by flippas grave day in and day out. charlie would be doing the same if flippas final words to him turned out different, but in his mind he needs to make it up to her. he needs to stay exiled. he cant return until he's paid the price and attoned for his misclick.) gegg was meant to be quackity's son and even then quackity wanted nothing to do with him. gegg was elquackity's kid more than anything and when gegg died elq was the only person charlie checked on. actually after geggdeath charlie nearly broke the cycle and found his hope again in the other eggs!! he met richarlyson and tallulah properly on his birthday and was given codeflippa as a gift at the very end. he is genuinely letting himself get consumed by the code just to keep her in his life <3 it's fucked up and bloody, pure raw grief and love at the same time manifesting as decay and rot through the code <3 <3 <3 i literally hate him so much it's insane <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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