#the chancellor maybe?? lmfao
rochenn · 1 year
it's fucking crazy to me how high-ranking obi-wan is during tcw. letting this guy spearhead an ATTACK BATTALION is like handing dwight d eisenhower a rifle and a bangalore and letting him storm the beaches of normandy himself. absolutely batshit INSANE
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verifiedhawke · 3 years
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@wannakissrobits​ damn you do be knowing me....
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happyemoqueer · 3 years
Just found out Germany has a president. What the fuck.
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soclonely · 3 years
The Clones and What They Think About Palpatine
Rex- Skywalker trusts him, so that means we can too.... right? Echo- Indifferent. I’m just here to do my futy Fives- *slams on tinfoil hat* Where do I even fucking start.. Well for one, the guy is an alien. He isn’t even from Coruscant.  Jesse- He isn’t a Pal or a Teen, not friendly  Kix- LMFAO have you seen his wardrobe? How can someone from Naboo wear clothes that look like some old ladys curtains? Tup- Terrible hairline. Maybe I should give him some tips and tricks.  Dogma- He’s a politician of course I don’t like him Hardcase- 0 stars. Will send him back to Amazon AND pay them to take him. Don’t need a refund Coric- Concerned about his hygeine. every time he passes buy he smells like rotten eggs Bly- The perfect ugly friend to take to a bar with you. 99- he sucks at seniors bingo night. Cody- Wants me to execute order 6-something. I dunno I hung up before he could finish Waxer/Boil- Not a grandfatherly figure for our children. Wolffe- He reminds me of Old Daka the night sister *shudders* Boost/Sinker- Lol bet we can get him to slip down an elevator shaft Hunter- Senses something a bit... electrifying about the chancellor.  Wrecker- fights the uge to throw him three systems over Tech- knows he is a sith, he has done his research. blackmails the chancellor for science funding Crosshair- Wants to set palps up on a date with professor umbridge  
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that-irishman-fan · 2 years
dr. strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb headcanons!
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Hello everyone, new to this blog or old friends, and welcome to my first real fanfic post on this blog! I have recently been extending my taste in film further due to my love for cinema, and this movie is one of the many I adore. I hope you don’t mind me straying from my typical content, and will allow me to indulge here! These are an array of my personal headcanons for the movie Dr. Strangelove ( 1964, Stanley Kubrick ) and its characters! Please note that these are merely my opinion and are not all canon in the official Kubrick universe. With that, let’s get right into this--its been a long time coming!
Trigger warnings: Mention of verbal abuse, orphaning, Christian upbringing, Nazi mentions, swearing, implied violence, and general tomfoolery. 
There is little to no content on Tumblr revolving around this criminally underrated and under-appreciated film, so I’m here to help fill that void, and maybe even bring some of you into the fanbase of this fantastic movie.
I’ll start with some backstories on the characters, all of which are my personal opinions and are subject to change if new information comes out about them ( highly unlikely though, which is sad! )
General Buck Turgidson was born Bartholomew Turgidson in a rural small town of Texas in the early 1920s. He was a military brat from a young age; with a navy commander father and nurse mother, who had returned from WW1 before he was born. An only child, he grew up in a rigid Baptist Christian home where discipline was the foundation. He joined the military at seventeen, dropping out of school to climb the ranks to where he is at the start of the actual movie. 
President Merkin Muffley was born in the 1920s as well, but to an upper class American family reminiscent of the Kennedy’s or Roosevelt’s. His father and uncles were all in politics, as senators, mayors, lawyers, or prosecutors, so it was inevitable that he would follow suit. His mother died when he was six, traumatizing the boy and leaving him under the cruel reign of his stepmom. She was verbally abusive, demeaning the boy and degrading him, and subsequently shows why he’s so submissive in the future. But he had a great relationship with his dad and three siblings, his brother and two sisters who all became prominent like him. He is a Democrat, and ran against a significant Republican candidate. He won for his diplomatic approaches and stance on nuclear war. 
My personal favourite character, Dr. Strangelove is next! My canon name for him is Jürgen Werner Merkwuerdigliebe, of which he changed to Jürgen Strangelove when he became an American citizen after the war. I will not try to glorify his appalling Nazi background, not at all. It is fucked up, and I hate him for it. But I must make a backstory for him, which I’ll do here. Strangelove was born in Berlin to a high class family who were pretty much second class royalty. His dad was a famous eugenicist and military scientist, whilst his mom was the daughter of the Chancellor of Germany, a gorgeous German version of Marilyn Monroe. Strangelove was not born paralyzed though, but he was physically weaker than boys his age. He was ridden to a wheelchair after an experiment exploded in his early career for the Nazis, taking off his arm and leaving him crippled. 
General Jack D. Ripper was born John Daker Ripper ( how many of you will catch what I did there, LMFAO, comment if you did ) in the 1900s in Alabama. However, he was orphaned at a young age, as was Lionel Mandrake. I’ll detail Mandrake’s past in another post, and Ripper’s further as well, but I am currently facing writer’s block here. 
I hope these were okay, I’m running out of ideas right now due to my block, but I wanted to give you guys something here. Have a great rest of your week and look forward to more content to come!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Your annoying partner in crime, 🐣reporting for duty!
- Yes Luna!! I think Din wanted to honor his brother, Paz this way as it is also related to astrology,
- Also Big uncle paz as a godfather!!
- Luna and Andromeda bestie goals 😍,
- Jax sounds great as well, but what about Echo??,
- Maybe uncle Boba suggest that name 🤭,
- omg little Rex and Cody 😭,
- from the start they have a fixation on army related stuff, these little soldiers figurines, toy guns all that jazz,
- bothering uncle Paz about war stories,
- Cody and Rex wanting to join army when they grow up,
- Boba singing boys lullabies 😍,
- you jokingly saying that Boba should record an album( Guys stream Tem's songs on spotify!!!),
- omg movie theater at Boba's place,
- Boba has access to latest premiers,
- All family watching Star Wars!!,
- Paz hyping up Han Solo, and Boba being salty saying that this green space cowboy is way cooler lmfao,
- At this point, Din knows all Mando's lines by heart,
- All the kids love Ahsoka and Anakin,
- imagine the group mourning after watching latest season of CW and then ROTS 🥺,
- After having seen the movies so many times, Din still cannot undesrtand that Palps= Chancellor and Anakin=Vader,
- All kids wear costumes related to their fav characters,
- Rex and Cody dress upnas their favorite captain and commamder, Andromeda as Ahsoka, Grogu obviously as Baby Yoda,
- Little Luna in ewok onesie knitted by Paz 😍,
- Jax/Echo as Jar Jar (he likes the character because Din was babytalking to him in this mesa/yousa language ahh this himbo, bless his soul),
- Also watching Into the spiderverse is a must as well!,
- Everyone snuggling undere these huge, cozy blankets made by Paz 😍,
- Kids secretly feeding Fennec with popcorn,
- Din arguing with you that Anakin's point of view was kinda right and that the space wizards were in the wrong,
- Boba is the biggest hater of Bo-Katan lmfao,
- Also, everytime you insist on bringing more drinks and snacks Boba offers his help,
- Yeah, he totally drags you to your bedroom for a qucik wrestling session,
- Paz and You totally nail the love confession scene between Leia and Han,
Sorry this is not much for now. But I didn't want to leave you on read for so long, my darling. I promise I will come up with more headcanons! - 🐣
Welcome back! Now let's get to it!
First off, ECHO!!! Yes I love that
Paz would totally cry when Din asked him to be the godfather
Luna and Andromeda would totally be the best friends and are constantly taking turns staying at eachother's houses
Cody and Rex totally love to sit on Uncle Paz's lap as he tells them stories (pg ones of course)
Boba totally records an album of him singing so that you can listen to it when he is away on business
And because his singing is sometimes the only thing that will put the kids to sleep
Family movie nights!!!
The kids totally take turns picking movies
You and Paz totally quoting Han and Leia's lines to each other
Din is a himbo who likes that togruta is a type of food in Star Wars
All the kids all dressing up as their favorite characters when you have star wars nights
Boba totally ranting about Bo Katan and you just rolling your eyes
Boba totally trying to get handsy with you under your blanket
But also him going to the bathroom at the exact same time as you going to get snacks/drinks is TOTALLY not suspicious
Din can totally quote the fight scene dialog from ROTS
Din absolutely loves those terrible arcs from clone wars with Jar Jar
Both you and Din get in fights over the politics of Star Wars
Paz totally loves Spiderham, so you introduce him to John Mulaney
Now for some spiciness, because I need it
Imagine some dude coming up to you and flirting with you at a club when you go with Boba, and Boba gets jealous so he takes you to the vip area and rails you into the couch
Also buying some blue lingerie, and surprising Paz with it one night after he's already relaxing in bed
Or surprising Din with a weekend to yourselves as Andromeda sr. took the kids, and just spending the entire weekend in bed, minus clothing 😉😉
I will go to my corner now....
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