#the bad batch does arts and crafts as therapy (and as hobbies)
archivistofnerddom · 8 months
The Bad Batch and arts and crafts hobbies
It’s October, and I’m in that mood. Here we go.
If you guessed that he’s into carpentry, woodworking, and whittling, you’d be absolutely correct. He likes working his hands, and he’s good with knives. The amount of detail work involved with these hobbies helps him calm down and focus his senses.
Hunter likes to make intricate pieces for his family and friends, especially as gifts to mark significant events. The rest of the Batch all have tables and bookshelves that he made for them as they settled into a more peaceful life. His earlier efforts are rough, but his siblings love them regardless. Omega especially loves the (somewhat lopsided) desk that he made for her to do her schoolwork on.
He also picks up pottery as another way to focus and calm his senses down. Hunter is surprisingly good at working with clay and etching detailed designs into the pots, bowls, vases, and cups he creates. While he’s not going to be a standout master of the craft, he finds the process to be very therapeutic.
Crosshair can draw like there’s no tomorrow. (He designed all of the Batch’s tattoos.) In his retirement, he’s the most content with a sketch pad and some pencils, charcoal, or watercolors in hand. It’s not uncommon to find him stretched out somewhere and capturing something in his sketchbook.
While he has many sketchbooks tucked away on a bookshelf, Crosshair doesn’t always love to show his work to those outside his close circle. It’s a sign that he likes someone when he gifts them a personal sketch.
Crosshair is also an origami nerd. He appreciates the detail work that goes into folding paper into intricate shapes. This is a skill that he picked up many years ago and rediscovered in retirement. It becomes an open recurring joke that you can always find Crosshair by the trail of origami designs he leaves in his wake, if you look close enough. (He won’t say it out loud, but he likes the way people light up when they happen upon one of his little designs. Seeing his little efforts find new homes makes him happy.)
Guess who turns out to be good at glassblowing? Of course, it’s Tech. He finds the whole process to be fascinating and full of interesting possibilities. Tech can visualize what he’s going to create (and then actually create the thing) in a way that’s almost supernatural. The results of his efforts are always unique and beautiful.
He often enjoys talking with other glassblowers to learn about their processes and different methods. A byproduct of this effort is the growing number of little glass objects that rotate through the Batch’s house(s). Tech is always down to share his efforts with anyone who is expresses an interest in this hobby.
Tech also gets into metalwork. It’s a natural crafty hobby jump from glassblowing. Once he feels like he’s mastered it well enough, he starts combining them with his glassblowing. It’s not uncommon to find him putting up new pieces in trees around the neighborhood, situating them in ways that will catch the light.
Oh boy, Wrecker can sew with the best of them. You wouldn’t expect that from a man of his size, but he can. Sewing is something that requires him to slow down, stay focused, and be gentle with his efforts. He loves sewing so much and is often times found making puppets, toys, and other little things for the kiddos in his life. Things that he makes are extremely durable and have a habit of lasting for a long time.
Any time someone he knows welcomes a new child into their family, said new child gets a special blanket and little stuffy from their honorary Uncle Wrecker. (The stuffy design is always based on his Lula. That’s okay, because every kid loves Lula and should have their own.)
Wrecker also gets super into collages and scrapbooking. All he needs is a general idea for something and he can create the most perfect product. He pours his whole heart into preserving his family’s history. Making a collage or a scrapbook for someone is a sign of much he loves them.
Echo likes cross-stitching. He usually has some project tucked away somewhere to work on during lulls between missions and on long flights. It’s a good way to pass the time and to let his brain rest from the amount of electronic data he’s got going through his brain at any given time.
He likes creating little samplers of his brothers’ unique helmet designs and giving them those samplers. (It’s a mark of honor to get one of these from Echo.) Doing this is also a way he can memorialize the brothers they’ve lost over the years.
Echo is also a calligraphy nerd. Oh boy does he enjoy this craft as a hobby. It started as a way to train the fine motor control in his left hand after he got rescued from Skako Minor, but soon expanded from there. Being able to create a beautiful piece of calligraphy takes time, patience, and skill. Echo appreciates everything that goes into that and finds practicing this art to be rewarding. The fact that his efforts usually result in ridiculous puns and little shit insults is often left unsaid.
Omega didn’t have much external stimulation before she met the Batch. She would entertain herself by looking at images from anywhere that wasn’t Kamino and Tipoca City. Once she joined the Batch, she discovered the art of photography and never looked back.
It took her brothers a while to get used to being her initial subjects. They weren’t used to having someone take their pictures. However, that wore off when they saw the candid photos Omega took of them. She captures them as they are away from the battlefield and when they’re happy as a family. Her favorite subjects to photograph are people who are just living their lives. She loves to show how wonderful ordinary people and lives are.
Omega also takes up crocheting as a way to pass the time during long flights. She’s a growing kid with a lot of energy, so having something to occupy her hands and mind really helps her. Plus, all her brothers wind up with many special blankets from her. She’ll often hang out with Wrecker as he’s sewing or mending something. (He cries when she gives him her first successful crocheted project, a rather lopsided replica of Lula. Wrecker doesn’t mind that this crocheted doll is a bit lumpy in places. Omega made it for him, and that’s what matters the most.)
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