#the audacity is Stored in the ER doctors
kirishwima · 10 months
is it reaaally a shitty shift if the ER doctor doesnt snap at you?
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fuck-customers · 2 years
💀This is a FUCK CUSTOMERS!!!!!!!!!!! Today (11/29), everyone in the big red circle department store was busy doing online pick up orders cause either not enough people were scheduled or someone called out (not super important to the story), but it means I was up behind the service desk stowing an order with my older co-worker, chatting while we stow. In comes our cart attendant, let's say his name is B. Now B is definitely very neurodivergent (as am i), and sometimes it's very obvious to the customers and to our coworkers but mostly the cart attendants keep to themselves besides having a few work buddies, I am friends with both of the C.A.s.
B comes behind the service desk trying to hang up his drive-up jacket on the hook, i quickly pick up that he is acting differently than he usually does, and so I ask him if he's feeling okay/if he's alright etc. He tells me that some guy just picked up the eco-labs chemical cleaner bottle the store keeps up by the carts to wipe down the handles and stuff and sprayed him in the eyes/face. Luckily B wears glasses so it protected him a little bit but it definitely got in his eye and he was trying to use the eye wash station.
I told him to go wash his eyes out quickly and that I got his jacket. I hung it up and I asked him what happened while he's washing up and he explains what I just typed out, I of course was livid! When he was done our old coworker told him to call the manager/ETL and tell them what happened and so he did and a bit later i see B with one of our ETL's and she made him wash his eyes again and took him into her office to talk about what happened, etc. we carried on with our day, I kept checking in on him throughout though, (it turns out the chemical bottle is a cocktail that has peroxide in it). Before I went home for the day I asked him one final time if he was okay and he said that his eye still hurt and that he could hardly keep it open or something along those lines. I told him to go to the ER if at all possible and to stay safe (as it was also starting to snow).
Needless to say I'm still so fucking MAD!!!!!!! I swear retail workers should get a "once a day smack the shit out of the customers in self defense" card because I would've beaten their ass on behalf of B. The absolute audacity!!!!!! Do people think we just spray down those carts with water????????? Do they not think spraying someone in the face with a chemical bottle with have horrible consequences????????? This isn't your fucking mom's house where she reuses spray bottles for water for plants or vinegar for cleaning!!! That's a living fucking person that's going to have to get checked out by a doctor because you sprayed them with multi purple peroxide cleaner you fucking shit excuse of a creature!!!!!!!!!
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
988. “How do you want this to go? You can play this out, or I can kill you right here and now.” “Dude, we’re playing chess.”
This was prompted by the amazing @sv926! I loved writing something for Allen60 again!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Allen60 (Warnings: time in hospital, short description of violence and wounds)
Being a SWAT-Captain wasn’t the safest job to have, but no matter what his work demanded from him, he still loved it. It felt him with pride with every mission well done and he knew he was doing the right thing. Most of the time he came back unscathed or suffering minor wounds or bruises. He had counted himself lucky that he had never experienced any job that really had gone south and ended with casualties or hospitalisations. Much of it he supposed was because of the new, trusty android by their side. Sixty was a remarkably efficient addition to the force, even if most had been sceptic inviting someone who had nearly killed Connor and possibly Hank. But Sixty proved himself worthy of a place amongst them. Allen didn’t know how many of his men and women had been saved by this one robot alone. Sure, he was a competitive, self-entitled pain in the ass, but not undeserved.
Unfortunately, regardless of the amount of luck one could accumulate, some time it always had to eventually run out. And this had been his time: A raid of a warehouse rented by an android-trafficker had ended in the androids they had tried to safe from being sold as factory-reset machines attacking them, aiding the criminals in their retreat. They faced nearly the triple amount of enemies they had initially expected and had to quickly retreat themselves. Allen had ordered Sixty to leave his side and help another officer that was about to be cornered. But his attention had been with them both for too long, not seeing the two hacked androids charging into his side, ripping his Kevlar-armour open and shooting thrice through the opening before his team could get them off of him.
He had no memories of being outside the warehouse afterwards, an ambulance or even how much it had hurt. They simply stopped after these three bangs and his name being screamed by a familiar voice that normally sounded as if nothing could bother him and he was bored all the time. It wasn’t this time. His memories came back when he had woken up at the hospital, hooked up to all sorts of beeping equipment around him. A doctor had told him what had happened exactly, but he had been too dazed from painkillers to really understand everything. What he got from it though was that it had been bad. Chances fifty-fifty or worse of him dying. But he was stable now, he had defied the odds and from now on it was a question of how fast his body would restore itself.
He spent most of this asleep, but in his waking hours he read the get-well-soon cards on his bedside table. One from his SWAT-team, one from his brother, one from the police-team, one from Fowler and… one from Sixty personally? It was just a white piece of cardboard, “You better heal fast -60” the only thing written on it. He chuckled at the weirdly personal note and regretted it as his chest flared up even through the painkillers.
After a few days the personal visits came. His brother telling him to finally quit this job and find something calmer. Then the SWAT-team was crowding the little room. They all wished him to get better from the heart and Allen appreciated them all coming. But in the end, he couldn’t help but ask: ‘Did Sixty come too?’ It was silent, until one spoke up: ‘We asked him, but he didn’t want to come. Gave us shit because “humans need peace and quiet to get well again”. I’m sure he means well and hopes you come back soon, too.’ ‘Yeah’, Allen waved the embarrassment away. ‘Tell him I’ll hurry.’ This earned him a few chuckles and they took their leave. He was moved by them all coming to wish him well, but somehow Sixty not being there stung.
He was left to go home a few weeks later, upper body wrapped in bandages still and his arm in a sling. But finally leaving the hospital felt like he was finally free. His own home simply felt more comfortable by far. He struggled opening the door with his nondominant hand and was greeted by Leslie frantically wagging her tail and a few low barks. ‘Yeah, missed you too, old girl.’ He stored his clothes away and sat himself on his couch, treating his dog with long overdue clumsy cuddles. In the evening he made himself some instant noodles. Not the best food, but easy enough to prepare with one hand. After eating, he really didn’t feel like suffering through the procedure of “showering” by rubbing himself off with a cloth and went straight to bed.
The next morning started with cereal and coffee together with mindless TV, then he had wanted to catch up on his missed shower, but was caught midway by the doorbell ringing. He looked at it in bewilderment for a moment, before shrugging, hissing at the sudden pain it caused and opening. ‘Sixty?’ ‘Good to see you didn’t get hit in the head’, the android greeted him. ‘Now will you let me in or not?’ ‘Excuse me?’ Sixty sighed as if it was the most obvious thing. ‘You are not capable of caring for yourself with your injuries. As your partner I am obligated to help you until you are back to full functionality.’ ‘What?’ ‘Can you speak in something else despite questions?’ ‘Er… yes. You want to help me?’ ‘Obviously.’ ‘ObViOusLY’, Captain Allen repeated sarcastically. ‘Wouldn’t have thought so after everyone visited me except for you.’ ‘I wouldn’t have been of help there. All I would have done was distracting you from healing.’ ‘That… That isn’t really how it works…’ ‘Fine. Now would you finally let me in? I bought you supplies to cook with.’
Allen finally let Sixty in, more because he knew he couldn’t argue with the stubborn machine anyways. ‘So, you are not at work then?’, he asked instead. ‘Are they even capable to work with your mechanical genius gone?’ ‘They have to. You are my partner, I still technically can’t so anything without you around even with the laws in place. Whether I’m at work or here makes no difference and here I can be of help.’ ‘And… Just out of curiosity… How long do you plan on staying?’ ‘Until you are fit to come back to work of course.’ ‘Of course…’
It had been a week since Sixty had decided to temporarily move in. The Captain found that he was indeed thankful for his help. Eating something actually cooked was a welcome alternative to takeout and frozen pizza. Someone helping with cleaning and taking the dog out when it was raining, and you couldn’t hold an umbrella and the leash without getting the bandages wet was also a huge relief. What was his main problem with this arrangement was the small-talk. They both had a lot of free time and just sitting there in silence wasn’t really an option for him. Sixty didn’t seem to mind, but Allen lived in an atmosphere of awkwardness he despised. They talked about work first. Allen had asked how the rest of the team was faring, whether they had caught their traffickers again and as he learned, that no, they hadn’t, what steps they were taking to get back on their trail. But after that it was difficult to find anything to talk about. Sixty mostly giving him one-worded answers didn’t help, too. ‘Hey, what do you do after work normally?’ ‘Usually more work.’ ‘Usually?’ ‘Hobbies otherwise.’ ‘Hobbies?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘What hobbies are you interested in?’ ‘Hmm… several.’ ‘Could you name one?’ ‘Yeah.’
Allen stopped trying after a while and ended up on the sofa most days. But the boredom nagged at him and he couldn’t help but groan. ‘Everything okay?’ ‘Yes…’, he sighed. ‘Just bored.’ ‘Do something then.’ ‘Yeah, and what?’ ‘Dunno.’ ‘Hmmm. Same.’
In the end he rummaged through his cupboards, trying to find anything he could fumble with. He knew his old Rubik’s cube had to be here somewhere. He had never managed more than one row, but maybe now his time had come. He didn’t find it, maybe he would have had he searched more, but he stopped as his hands had found a  certain box. ‘Hey, Sixty, you up for a game?’
Allen had just set up the pieces on the table, as Sixty leaned over it. They started taking turns playing and the android had been silent, as always. Until at a certain point he leaned back and grinned. ‘Now, how do you want this to go? You can play this out, or I can kill you right here and now.’ Allen looked up from the board. ‘Dude, we’re playing chess.’ ‘And? I never half ass things. Get your head in the game, I could end this in four turns.’ The Captain sighed. ‘Wouldn’t hurt you to relax a little…’ ‘Relaxing nearly got you killed.’ Allen blinked. ‘What did you just say?’ ‘Relaxing nearly got you killed’, Sixty repeated. ‘Excuse me?’ He couldn’t believe the audacity of- ‘If you want to insult my abilities, you really have bad timing. If you want a fight, I would wait until I’m not only a brawl away from opening my wounds again!’
Sixty immediately had his hands up to stop him. ‘Me relaxing nearly got you killed, Captain. It is my fault you are suffering like this.’ Maybe these were the most words Sixty had continuously spoken this week, but the human didn’t realise it. ‘You- Are you really blaming yourself for what’s happened to me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You have to explain that to me.’ ‘You ordered me to go help Charly. But Had I stayed by your side this wouldn’t have happened.’ ‘Then I shouldn’t have sent you away. Or I should have watched my surroundings more. This isn’t your fault, Sixty. Stuff like this happens.’ ‘Not if I can help it.’ ‘Sixty, you may be an android, but you too are not without error. No one is. And I definitely don’t blame you!’ The android stayed silent and stared at their forgotten chess-match. ‘Is this why you are doing this?’, Allen asked softly. ‘Is this why you didn’t visit me at the hospital with the others? Are you feeling guilty about this?’ ‘Yes! Yes, I am! Are you happy now? I failed protecting my partner. I may not be completely perfect, but I could have done better than that! You should ask for a different partner. I would understand it.’
Captain Allen sat there staring at the angry, pouting android. He couldn’t help but laugh. ‘What? What is your problem, human? What’s so funny?’ ‘God, Sixty, you surely are the most stubborn person I have ever met! I am not happy knowing you stress yourself about a known and frequent risk this job simply brings along. You don’t know how much you helped reducing that risk, but it is never gone completely. No one knows everything. Not even you. I would never in my life ask for a different partner, you are stupid for thinking I would. Maybe you could have done better, who knows. Then this will be a lesson to learn for us. No one died. I’m the only one of us severely injured. For not knowing we would be up against triple the amount of people, this mission went extraordinarily well. Please, don’t blame yourself. Who knows what would have happened had you stayed, and Charly would have been alone? Personally, I don’t want to think about that scenario.’ ‘This isn’t exactly something I can simply switch off, Captain.’ ‘I know. Believe me, I know… The guilty feeling never leaves you really. But it is the past. I know if I can help it, I’ll never get into a similar situation again and if I can’t, well… I chose this job. I know what it entails.’ Again the android didn’t say anything. ‘I don’t know what the future holds in check for me. For us. For everyone out there. But I know, I would rather face it with you by my side, okay?’ There was a faint blue blush on Sixty’s face and before Allen could think about what he had just said, he answered lowly: ‘I feel the same way. I’m sorry I wasn’t there at the hospital, it had been selfish of me.’ Allen smiled. ‘You are here now.’
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Birthday Surprise
Requested: Nope! This is a birthday present to the wonderful Henrik von Schneeplestien!
Pairing: Henrik x Reader
Genre: Comedy
Word Count: 907
Warnings: Language...
A/N: I got the idea fro this story from a post @beerecordings made! It’s not the greatest, and I apologize, but I hope you enjoy it!
Henrik didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. He specifically told everyone that there were to be no birthday celebrations.
“No celebrations?” They thought. “What about pranks?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to drive him too far up a wall. After a 16 hour shift at work, you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the after-prank annoyance. 
But, they didn’t listen to the voice of reason. Then again, do they ever? You stuck to buying him a simple gift. A coffee mug that said “Best Doctor” and some of his favorite coffee to go with it.
They settled on calling the hospital on setting up a plan. A plan that the hospital and all his coworkers couldn’t pass up. After all, they needed to have some fun too. At what better way than helping make Henrik’s birthday one to remember?
They all went to bed early the night before. Henrik was suspicious, but he didn’t think they’d plan something away fro home. So,he woke up early, kissed your forehead, and snuck around the house to get ready for work. He made sure to walk to work, taking back-alleys and the most unpredictable route he could.
He makes it to the front door and looks around. He was in the clear. He grinned to himself, and walked to his office to look over his patients for the day. Billy Harris. Potential fractured wrist. 
He smiled to himself as he walked to the hospital room. This one should be easy for a doctor such as himself. He walked into the hospital room expecting to see someone in pain.
“Heya doc!” Chase said grin slowly turning to an evil smile. He was decked out in a hospital gown, tubes in his nose, and a fake IV in his arm. In his hands was a birthday cake.
Henrik shakes his head eyes rolling as he calls for security, only jokingly. Jackie comes waltzing in, wearing his finest dark sunglasses. Upon his appearance, Henrik groans, which only causes Jackie and Chase to laugh harder.
Henrik walks out of the room, leaving the two laughing their asses off. He walks off to his next patient and sighs happily, seeing that this is a normal patient, not a brother in disguise.
“I see the nurse hasn’t hooked up the IV. Let me go get that started.” Henrik calls for a nurse, only to be confronted by Jameson, dressed up as a nurse, mustache hidden under a surgical mask. And not just any mask, one decorated for his own birthday. 
Upon closer inspection, the “patient” sitting on the hospital bed was the new nurse he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet. He ran his hands down his face. “I swear on my grave, if this doesn’t fucking stop...” He let his sentence trailed off. 
He walked back to his office, only to see a passed out Marvin sitting on his chair, asleep. Marvin even had the audacity to drink his coffee! He got Marvin out of his chair and sat down to just work on some paperwork. 
While they were all nagging Henrik, you were at home trying to be normal and not get on your boyfriend’s bad side. You needed to rearrange the bedroom, so naturally you were doing anything but that.
You decided to go for a walk around town. You went to walk into the store when you got hit by a car. Not hard. Not really even enough to do any damage. Just enough to knock you down and make you hit your head. 
You sat up and looked up at the person, frantically apologizing and calling an ambulance. You weren’t exactly there enough to tell him you were alright, so you sat there and waited for an ambulance to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Guess you were going to bug him after all.
“Dr. Schneeplestein, we need you down in the E.R. We have a patient coming in via ambulance.” 
He looked over at the snickering Marvin. “If this is another part of your elaborate plan, I will fucking kill you.” 
He headed down to the ER, the others following him. You were already sat in a room, IV getting put into your arm.
You smiled slightly upon seeing Henrik. “Hey Henrik. How’s your birthday going?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Really? You too? Of all the people I thought would do this, you had to join the madness too?”
The others gasped quietly upon seeing you. “No... Not unless they did this without letting us know.”
The EMT walked in and looked at Henrik. “Patient got hit by a car. Nothing too serious as far as we could tell. Moderate concussion and a bit scraped up, but that’s it.”
“This wasn’t part of their plan?”
“Nope! However, I do know the entirety of the plan, so unless you do a good job, doc, I’ll help them evolve this idea.”
He shook his head. “I thought I said no birthday surprises!” 
You shrugged. “Oops? And, you said no birthday celebrations. Unless we’re celebrating my ability to attract danger, this is completely within the limits of what you said.” 
He laughed. “I guess this is true.”
You grinned. “Plus, I couldn’t just not see how this insanity was going. You must’ve wanted to kill them after the breakroom.”
“The breakroom?”
“Y/N! No! He hasn’t been there yet!”
“What did you do to the breakroom?!”
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prehistoricsounds · 4 years
Great Australian Warehouse Sale
Today was originally supposed to be Record Store Day Australia 2020 (it will be later in the year) But today is the beginning of the Great Australian Warehouse Sale. We have over 500 items on offer!
We have plunged the depths of our own warehouse as well as some great offers from our suppliers. Some of the items could have slight imperfections but are priced accordingly.
Items start at less than $10! With discounts of up to 60%!
We're open from 11am till 2pm today or visit https://www.prehistoricsounds.com.au/store/Warehouse-Sale-c48362068
Warrnambool Residents can choose the local pick up option and either pick up or we will deliver for free!
Here’s The List
!!! - All U Writers / Gonna Guetta Stomp [12"], Single, Ltd - $9.50 !!! - Thr!!!er [LP] - $22.00 Adam Torres - Pearls To Swine [LP] - $20.00 Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation [LP] - $25.00 Agenda Of Swine - Waves Of Human Suffering [LP], Ltd, Gre - $14.00 Agustin Pereyra Lucena - Agustin Pereyra Lucena [LP], RE, RP - $20.00 AIR - Casanova 70 [12"], Single, Ltd, RE, (Clear) - $20.00 Albino Python - The Doomed And The Damned [LP], Ltd, (Purple) - $22.00 Alexandre Desplat - Godzilla (OST) [2LP], Ltd, Num, (Red) - $30.00 Alicja-Pop - Rats (Home Recordings 2009-2013) [LP] - $20.00 Aloe Blacc - Lift Your Spirit [LP] - $22.00 Alpha Tiger - iDENTITY [LP], (Red) + CD - $20.00 Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka-Spel - I Can Spin A Rainbow [2LP] - $32.00 American Wrestlers - American Wrestlers [LP] - $20.00 Amorphous Androgynous - A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding In Your Mind - The Wizards Of Oz [2LP], Comp, Mixed, Gat - $50.00 Andrew W.K. - 55 Cadillac [LP], Ltd - $40.00 Angry Angles - Angry Angles [LP], Comp - $25.00 Angus & Julia Stone - A Book Like This [2LP] - $25.00 Animal Collective - Danse Manatee [LP], RM, DMM - $25.00 Armored Saint – Armored Saint [12"], EP, Ltd, RE, (Red) - $22.00 Art & Language And Red Krayola - Corrected Slogans [LP], RE - $18.00 Atomic Suplex - Bathroom Party [LP] - $18.00 Atreyu - Long Live [LP] - $25.00 Audacity - Butter Knife [LP], Ltd, (Gold) - $18.00 Augie March - Bootikins [LP] - $34.00 Austra - Future Politics [LP], Ltd, (Red) - $24.00 Axegrinder - The Rise Of The Serpent Men [LP], RE, (Red) - $30.00 AXIS:SOVA - Motor Earth [LP] - $25.00 Barb Wire Dolls - Desperate [LP] - $20.00 Bardo Pond - Looking For Another Place [12"], Ltd - $32.00 Bayside - Vacancy [LP], (Yellow) - $24.00 Beat Connection - Product 3 [LP] - $20.00 Beck - Dreams [12"], Single, Ltd, Emb - $25.00 Becky Lee And Drunkfoot - Hello Black Halo [LP] + CD - $20.00 Beech Creeps - Beech Creeps [LP] - $20.00 Belphegor - Conjuring The Dead [LP], Ltd - $34.00 Bible Of The Devil - For The Love Of Thugs & Fools [LP], Ltd, (Clear) - $20.00 Big Jim Sullivan - Sitar Beat [LP], RE - $22.00 Big Scary - Four Seasons [LP], Comp - $30.00 Big Smoke - Time Is Golden [LP], RE - $32.00 Big Star - Complete Columbia: Live At University Of Missouri 4/25/93 [2LP], Ltd, RE - $32.00 Birth - Birth [12"] - $18.00 Bison Machine - Hoarfrost [LP], Ltd - $28.00 Blaak Heat Shujaa - The Edge Of An Era [LP] - $20.00 Black Magic Six - Halfway To Hell [12"], MiniAlbum, Ltd - $18.00 Blackwood Jack - Triggers [12"], EP - $18.00 Blank Realm - Illegals In Heaven [LP] - $17.50 Blessed Feathers - There Will Be No Sad Tomorrow [LP], Club, (Purple) - $19.50 Blues Control - Valley Tangents [LP] - $15.00 Bob Evans - Familiar Stranger [LP] - $32.00 Bobby Darin - Bobby Darin [LP], RE - $16.00 Bon Jovi - This House Is Not For Sale [LP] - $30.00 Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Wolfroy Goes To Town [LP] - $22.00 Born From Pain - Reclaiming The Crown [LP], Ltd, RE - $25.00 Born Of Osiris - The Eternal Reign [LP], (Orange) - $42.00 Brat Farrar - Brat Farrar [LP], (Clear) - $15.00 Brendan Welch - The Gleaner [LP] - $18.00 Brian May - Mad Max 2: Road Warrior OST [LP] - $18.00 Brian May - Patrick (OST) [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Blood Red) - $24.00 Brian May - The Day After Halloween (OST) [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Orange) - $30.00 Brian May - Thirst (OST) [LP], Ltd, RM, (Blood Red) - $24.00 British Sea Power - Machineries Of Joy [LP] - $25.00 Bruce Gilbert · Graham Lewis - 3R4 [LP], RE - $25.00 Bubbles - Raw And Unreleased [LP], Comp - $20.00 Buffalo Summer - Second Sun [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $25.00 Bunny Lee - Kingston Flying Cymbals (Dubbing With The Flying Cymbals Sound 1974 - 1979) [LP], Comp - $20.00 Burn Pilot - Riots In Jerusalem [LP] - $20.00 Bushman - Higher Ground [LP] - $15.00 Buzzcocks - A Different Kind Of Tension [LP] - $30.00 Carcass - Choice Cuts [2LP], Comp, Ltd, (Red) - $36.00 Catherine's Horse - Garage (Blue)es From Connecticut [LP], Ltd, RP - $24.00 CCR Headcleaner - Lace The Earth 2013 With Arms Wide Open [LP] - $16.00 Cellar Darling - This Is The Sound [2LP] - $26.00 Cellophane Suckers - White Pants, White Heat. [12"] - $24.00 Cellos - Bomb Shelter [12"], EP, Ltd, (Gold) - $20.00 Chadwick Stokes - The Horse Comanche [LP], Gat - $32.00 Charley Patton - Complete Recorded Works In Chronological Order Volume 4 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Cheater Slicks - Destination Lonely [LP], RE - $18.00 Cherry Glazerr - Stuffed & Ready [LP], Ltd, (Red) - $38.00 Children Of Bodom - I Worship Chaos [LP] - $24.00 Clever - Kewdi Udi  [12"], Ltd - $22.00 Clint Mansell - In The Wall (OST) [LP], Ltd, Bro - $26.00 Clock Cleaner - Auf-Wiedersehen [12"] - $18.00 Coda Chroma - Coda Chroma [LP], Ltd, Num, (White) - $25.00 Coin Banks - Heads & Tails [LP], Comp, Ltd, Sil - $22.00 Cola Freaks - Cola Freaks [LP] - $16.00 Conan - Existential Void Guardian [2LP] - $25.00 Courtney Barnett - Kim's Caravan [12"], Ltd - $15.00 Cowbell - Skeleton Soul [LP] - $18.00 Crobot - Welcome To Fat City [LP] - $28.00 Crystal Fairy - Crystal Fairy [LP] - $26.00 Cuntz - Force The Zone [LP] - $20.00 Cuntz - Here Come The Real Boys [LP] - $20.00 Cuntz - Solid Mates [LP], Ltd - $18.00 Cybotron - Sunday Night At The Total Theatre [LP], RE - $22.00 Damien Jurado - Brothers And Sisters Of The Eternal Son [LP] - $20.00 Dan Melchior - K-85 [LP] - $20.00 Daniel Vega - La Noche Que Precede A La Batalla [LP], RE - $17.50 Danny Graham - Danny Graham [LP], RE, RM - $25.00 Dark Angel - Live Scars [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $20.00 Daughter - Not To Disappear [LP] - $24.00 David Bridie - Wake [LP], Ltd - $34.00 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous (Remixes EP) [12"], EP - $16.50 Dead Farmers - Wasteland [LP] - $18.00 Dead Fucking Last - Proud To Be [LP], RE, Gre - $20.00 Dead Hookers - The Burial/The Rebirth [LP] - $18.00 Deaf Wish - Deaf Wish [LP], Ltd, RE, Gre - $22.00 Deap Vally - Femejism [LP], Ltd, Mar - $40.00 Deftones - Covers [LP], Comp, Ltd - $22.00 Dexter Romweber - Carrboro [LP], 180 - $25.00 Diablo Blvd - Follow The Deadlights [LP] - $20.00 Die Kreuzen - October File [LP], RE - $20.00 Diskaholics Anonymous Trio - Live In Japan Vol. 1 [LP] - $22.00 Dixie Witch - Let It Roll [LP] - $20.00 Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult - I Declare: Treason [LP], Ltd, Glo - $16.00 Dor Koren - Bigfoot [LP], (Purple) - $22.00 Drakkar Sauna - 20009 [LP] - $12.00 Dreadnaught - Caught The Vultures Sleeping [LP] - $25.00 Drnwyn - Gypsies In The Mist [LP], RE - $20.00 Dub Narcotic Sound System - Boot Party [LP] - $22.00 Duran Duran - Budokan [LP], Ltd - $36.00 Dwarves - Invented Rock & Roll [LP] - $20.00 Earthless - Sonic Prayer Jam [12"], Gre - $26.00 Eat Skull - III [LP] - $16.00 Els Masturbadors Mongolics - Els Masturbadors Mongolics [LP] - $22.00 Empire Of The Sun - Two Vines [LP], Gat - $26.00 Ennio Morricone - Butterfly (Original Soundtrack) [LP], RE - $20.00 Esben And The Witch - Wash The Sins Not Only The Face [LP] + 7" + CD + Ltd - $22.00 Every Time I Die - Low Teens [LP] - $20.00 Exene Cervenka - The Excitement Of Maybe [LP], Ltd - $16.00 Exhaustion - Biker [LP] - $25.00 Exhaustion - Phased Out [12"], EP - $14.00 Exhumed - Garbage Daze Re-Regurgitated [LP] - $24.00 Exploded View - Exploded View [LP] - $30.00 Eyes Ninety - Eyes Ninety [LP] - $18.00 Fear Like Us - Succour [LP] - $18.00 Finch - What It Is To Burn X Live [2LP], (White) - $32.00 Finntroll – Bloodsvept [LP] - $26.00 Flat Duo Jets - Go Go Harlem Baby [LP], RE - $22.00 Footy - Record [LP] - $15.00 Gerald V. Casale w/ Italy's Phunk Investigation - It's All Devo [LP], Ltd - $22.00 Germs - Germicide [LP], RE, 180 - $32.00 Get The Hater - Get The Hater [12"] - $12.50 GG King - Unending Darkness [LP] - $20.00 Giuda - Racey Roller [LP], RE - $28.00 Godflesh - Decline & Fall [12"], EP - $20.00 Gone Is Gone - Gone Is Gone [12"], EP, Ltd, (Clear) - $24.00 GravelRoad - Psychedelta [LP], (Yellow) - $20.00 Grim Tower - Anarchic Breezes [LP], (White) - $18.00 Guided By Voices - Let's Go Eat The Factory [LP] - $24.00 Guided By Voices - The Bears For Lunch [LP] - $20.00 Handguns - Disenchanted [LP], Hal - $18.00 Hanni El Khatib - Moonlight [LP] - $20.00 Heads. - Heads. [LP], Ltd, 180 - $20.00 Heavy Times - Fix It Alone [LP] - $18.00 Heavy Trash - Midnight Soul Serenade [LP] - $22.00 High Priest Of Saturn - High Priest Of Saturn - $22.00 Holy Balm - It's You [LP] - $16.00 Home Blitz - Frozen Track [12"], EP, Ltd - $10.00 Honey Hahs - Dear Someone, Happy Something [LP] - $28.00 Howard Eynon - So What If Im Standing In Apricot Jam [LP], RE + Flexi, 7", Ltd - $20.00 Howl At The Moon - A Slave To The Ghost [2LP], Dlx, Bla - $30.00 Howlin Rain - Mansion Songs [LP] - $20.00 Hudson Mohawke - Ded5ec - Watch Dogs 2 O5T [2LP], Ltd - $26.00 I Am Duckeye - Songs From The Gunt [LP], Ltd, Gre - $20.00 Iggy Azalea - Reclassified [2LP] - $30.00 Indica - Stone Future Hymns [LP], Ltd - $30.00 Jaala - Joonya Spirit [LP] - $26.00 Jad Fair & Norman Blake - Yes [LP], (Red) - $22.00 Jaga Jazzist - Starfire [LP] - $20.00 Jail Weddings - Four Future Standards [12"], EP, Ltd, (Red) - $16.00 Jail Weddings - Love Is Lawless [LP] - $18.00 James Mccann And The New Vindictives - James Mccann And The New Vindictives [LP] - $22.00 James McCann's Dirty Skirt Band - Lost Property [12"], MiniAlbum, Ltd, Num - $18.00 Jay Reatard - Blood Visions [LP] - $20.00 Jayne Mansfield - Jayne Mansfield In Las Vegas [LP], RE, Unofficial, Pin - $15.00 Jeff Grace - The House Of The Devil [LP] - $32.00 Jeff The Brotherhood - Wasted On The Dream [LP] - $25.00 Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $25.00 Joe Delia - Ms.45 - OST [LP], Ltd, RM, (Clear) - $26.00 Joe Satriani - Joe Satriani [12"], EP, Ltd, Num, RE, RM, 180 - $25.00 Joe Strummer - Gangsterville [12"], EP - $18.00 John Sangster - Ahead Of Hair [LP], Ltd, RE - $26.00 John Sangster - The Joker Is Wild [LP], Ltd, RE - $26.00 John Wesley Coleman - The Last Donkey Show [LP] - $18.00 Junior Kimbrough + Daft Punk - I Gotta Try You Girl (Daft Punk Edit) [12"], S/Sided, Etch, Ltd - $15.00 Justin Greaves - The Devil's Business [LP] - $24.00 Kalevala - People No Names [LP], Ltd, RE, RM - $55.00 Katastrophy Wife - All Kneel [LP], S/Edition, (Blue) - $30.00 Keith Hudson - Entering The Dragon [LP], RE - $25.00 Kelley Stoltz - Double Exposure [LP] - $24.00 Kid Creole And The Coconuts - I Wake Up Screaming [2LP], Gat - $22.00 Kid Rock - Cocky [2LP], RE, Tur - $36.00 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - 12 Bar Bruise (Green) [LP] - $32.00 King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Gumboot Soup (Baby Blue) - $32.00 Kitty, Daisy & Lewis - Superscope [LP] - $24.00 KLOZAPIN - Klozapin [LP] - $16.50 Kurt Cobain - Montage Of Heck: The Home Recordings [2LP], Dlx, 180 - $45.00 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 2 OST [2LP] - $25.00 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From The Upside Down (Pic Disc) [LP] - $18.00 L.A. Takedown - II [LP], 180 - $34.00 L7 - The Best Of The Slash Years (Green) [LP] - $50.00 Lacksley Castell - Princess Lady [LP], RE - $50.00 Leadfinger - Friday Night Heroes [LP], Num + CD - $32.00 Lee Perry - Holiness Righteousness [LP], Ltd, 180 - $22.00 Les Baxter - Les Baxter's Barbarian [LP], RE, 180 - $26.00 Little Cub - Still Life [LP], 180 - $24.00 Long John Baldry - Long John's Blues [LP], Mono, Ltd - $25.00 Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - On Welfare [LP] - $20.00 Lower Plenty - Life/Thrills [LP] - $15.00 Lower Plenty - Sister Sister [LP] - $20.00 Lymbyc Systym - Shutter Release [LP], (White) - $24.00 Lyres - A Promise Is A Promise [LP], RE, Gat - $22.00 Lyres - Lyres Lyres [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Lyres - On Fyre [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Machine Gun Fellatio - Paging Mr. Strike [2LP] - $45.00 Mad River - Mad River [LP], RE - $25.00 Madball - Hardcore Lives [LP] - $34.00 Man Man - Six Demon Bag [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $32.00 Man Or Astro-Man? - Your Weight On The Moon [LP], Comp, Pic - $30.00 Mark Lanegan - Scraps At Midnight [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Mark Lanegan Band - A Thousand Miles Of Midnight (Phantom Radio Remixes) [2LP] - $32.00 Mark Lanegan Band - Phantom Radio [LP], 180 - $35.00 Marty Friedman - Inferno [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Marvelous Darlings - Single Life [LP], Comp - $18.00 Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Purple) [LP] - $20.00 Mastodon - The Motherload [12"], Single, Ltd, Pic - $25.00 Matthew  E. White, Flo Morrissey - Gentlewoman, Ruby Man [LP] - $20.00 MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin) [LP], RE - $32.00 MDC - Shades Of Brown [LP], RE, (Blue) - $32.00 MDC - This (Blood Red)od's For You [LP], RE, (Clear) - $22.00 Meat Loaf - Welcome To The Neighbourhood [LP] - $45.00 Meat Puppets - Monsters [LP], RE, RM - $22.00 Megadeth - The Threat Is Real [12"], Ltd, (White) - $18.00 Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Sierra Kilo Alpha [LP], 3D - $36.00 Men With Chips - Attention Spent [12"], Ltd - $25.00 Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers [3LP], RE, RM - $49.50 Mike Adams At His Honest Weight - Casino Drone [LP] - $22.00 Mike Patton - Mondo Cane [LP], RE - $40.00 Miles Tackett - The Fool Who Wonders [LP] - $18.00 Minkions - Distorted Pictures From Distorted Reality [LP], Ltd, (Yellow) - $16.00 Miriam Linna - Nobody's Baby [LP] - $20.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order Volume 4 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order Volume 5 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 1 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 2 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 3 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Missy Higgins - On A Clear Night (Clear) [LP] - $24.00 Missy Higgins - The Sound Of White (White) [LP] - $24.00 Mmoss - I [LP] - $20.00 Modest Mouse - Building Nothing Out Of Something [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $25.00 Moon Duo - Escape [LP] - $24.00 Mordbrand - Imago [LP] - $22.00 Mother Earth - Stoned Woman [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $30.00 Movie Star Junkies - Son Of The Dust [LP] + CD - $20.00 MS MR - How Does It Feel [LP], (Red) - $30.00 Mudhoney - My Brother The Cow [LP], RE, 180 + 7", Promo, RE - $35.00 Mudhoney - Since We've Become Translucent [LP], RE - $26.00 Nachtmystium - Addicts - Black Meddle Pt. II [2LP], Ltd, Gre - $26.00 Nathan Bowles - Whole & Cloven [LP] - $25.00 Necronomicon Beast - Sowers Of Discord [LP] - $18.00 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Colorado [2LP+7"] - $55.00 New Memphis Legs - Aaaa The New Memphis Legs [12"] - $20.00 Nickelback - The State [LP], RE - $24.00 Nico Fidenco - Emanuelle Perche' Violenza Alle Donne? - The Degradation Of Emanuelle [LP], Ltd, RE, (White) - $30.00 Night Horse - Perdition Hymns [2LP], (Red) - $20.00 Nü Sensae - Sundowning [LP], (Blue) - $18.00 OBN III's - Third Time To Harm [12"] - $20.00 Obnox - The Juke That Sat By The Door [12"], EP, (Clear) - $20.00 Of Montreal - Snare Lustrous Doomings [2LP], (Orange) + LP, (Yellow) + Album, Dlx, Ltd, 180 - $26.00 Old 97's - They Made A Monster: The Too Far To Care Demos [LP], Comp, Ltd, (Yellow) - $26.00 Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Octopus Kool Aid [LP], Tra - $45.00 Oneohtrix Point Never - Commissions II [12"], EP, Ltd - $15.00 Opeth - Watershed (Gold) [2LP] - $28.00 Oren Ambarchi, Jim O'Rourke - Behold [LP] - $24.00 Otis Clay - I Can't Take It [LP], RE - $20.00 P.O.D. - The Awakening [LP] - $22.00 P'Taah - Staring At The Sun [2LP] - $24.00 Painted Wives - Obsessed With The End [LP] - $22.00 Palace Of The King - Valles Marineris [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $26.00 Palma Violets - Danger In The Club [LP] - $22.00 Pascal Comelade + The Limiñanas - The Nothing-Twist [LP], Ltd, RE, (Yellow) - $24.00 Paul McCartney - Egypt Station [2LP] - $18.00 Peace - The World Is Too Much With Us [LP] - $18.00 Pere Ubu - Lady From Shanghai [2LP] - $26.00 Pererin - Tirion Dir [LP], Ltd, RE - $20.00 Perfect Pussy - Say Yes To Love [LP] - $22.00 Peter Buck - Peter Buck [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Philm - Fire From The Evening Sun [2LP], Ltd - $24.00 Pissed Jeans - The Best Of Sub Pop 2009-2013: "Live" At The BBC [12"], EP - $16.00 Powerwolf - Blessed & Possessed [LP], Ltd - $32.00 Prince Fatty Meets Mutant Hi-Fi - In Return Of Gringo! [LP] - $20.00 Purling Hiss - High Bias [LP] - $22.00 Purling Hiss - Weirdon [LP] - $20.00 Puscifer - Donkey Punch The Night [12"] - $15.00 Quatrain - Quatrain [LP], RE, (Red) + LP, (Orange) + Album - $25.00 Queen - A Day At The Races [LP] - $32.00 R.L. Burnside - An Ass Pocket Of Whiskey [LP] - $25.00 Ralph Jones - The Slumber Party Massacre [LP], Ltd, RE, (Clear) - $32.00 Rammstein - Rammstein [2LP] - $25.00 Rat Vs Possum - Let Music And Bodies Unite [LP] - $16.00 Rattus - Turta [LP] - $25.00 Raw Power – Tired And Furious [LP], Ltd, Gre - $32.00 Ray Campi - Rockabilly [LP], Mono, Ltd, RE - $20.00 Red Krayola - Amor And Language [12"], RE - $22.00 Red Krayola With Art & Language - Black Snakes [LP], RE - $20.00 Reggie And The Full Effect - No Country For Old Musicians [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $18.00 Regurgitator - Mish Mash! [LP], RE, RM - $32.00 Retox - Beneath California  [LP] - $20.00 Rimauri - D.O.C. [LP] - $10.00 Roger McGuinn - Cardiff Rose [LP], RE, 180 - $30.00 Rozwell Kid - Precious Art [LP], (Orange) - $24.00 Russell St Bombings - Russell St Bombings [LP] - $20.00 Samiam - Astray [LP], Ltd, Sil - $32.00 Sarofeen And Smoke - Sarofeen And Smoke [LP], RE - $40.00 Sea Bastard - Scabrous [2LP] - $30.00 Seaweed - Actions And Indications [LP], RE, RM - $26.00 Sewers - Hoisted [LP], Ltd - $15.00 Sewers - Weight [LP], Ltd - $18.00 Shawn Lee & Clutchy Hopkins - Fascinating Fingers [2LP] - $35.00 Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Moods And Grooves [2LP] - $28.00 Shihad - The General Electric [2LP] - $50.00 Shovels - Shovels [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Silver Apples - The Garden [LP], RE - $26.00 Silverchair - Diorama (White) [LP] - $24.00 Silverchair - Young Modern (Blue) [LP] - $24.00 Silverstein - This Is How The Wind Shifts [LP], RP, Hal - $22.00 Sixtyniners - Too Drunk To Truck [LP] - $20.00 Sky Needle - Rave Cave [LP] - $16.00 Sleaford Mods - Fizzy [12"], S/Sided, Etch - $22.00 Sleaford Mods - Live At SO36 [LP] - $25.00 Sleaford Mods - Tiswas EP [12"], EP, Ltd, (Orange) - $25.00 Soma Coma - Dust [12"] - $15.00 Some Jerks - Strange Ways [LP], Ltd, Num - $30.00 Sonic Youth - Slaapkamers Met Slagroom [12"], EP, RE - $25.00 Sonny And The Sunsets - Talent Night At The Ashram [LP], (Red) - $22.00 Sonny Vincent - Cyanide Consommé [LP] - $22.00 Sons Of Otis - Seismic [LP], Ltd - $24.00 Space God Ritual - Eldritch Tales [LP], Ltd, Num, (Clear) - $28.00 Spacejunk - Bite Your Tongue [LP] - $30.00 Speedy Ortiz - Major Arcana [LP] - $20.00 Spider Fever - Spider Fever  [LP] - $18.00 Spock's Beard - The Oblivion Parti(Clear) [2LP], 180 + CD - $30.00 Spray Paint - Dopers [LP] - $20.00 Spray Paint - Punters On A Barge [LP] - $22.00 Stark Reality - Roller Coaster Ride [2LP], RE, RM - $28.00 Stereo Total - Les Hormones [LP], (Blue) + CD - $30.00 Steve Earle - Copperhead Road [LP] - $25.00 Steven Wilson - Transience [2LP] - $25.00 Stickmen - Man Made Stars [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Blue) - $26.00 Stickmen - The Stickmen [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, Tip - $25.00 Straight Arrows - Rising [LP], Bla - $22.00 Strand Of Oaks - Hard Love [LP], Ltd, Gre - $28.00 Strawberry Alarm Clock - Best Of The Strawberry Alarm Clock [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $26.00 Stray Trolleys - Barricades And Angels [LP], RE - $28.00 Subtle Turnhips – Redhair With Some [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $24.00 Summer Blood - Comet [12"], MiniAlbum, Num, (Red) - $15.00 Sun Dial - Sun Dial [LP], Ltd - $24.00 Superchunk - I Hate Music [LP] - $24.00 Superchunk - No Pocky For Kitty [LP], RE, 180 - $25.00 Surfer Blood - Astro Coast [LP], Ltd, RP, (Red) - $26.00 Sweet Apple - The Golden Age Of Glitter [LP], (Blue) - $22.00 Sylvie Simmons - Sylvie [LP] - $18.00 Tad - Infra(Red) Riding Hood [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Tapiman - The Singles [LP], MiniAlbum, Comp, RM - $25.00 Teramaze - Her Halo [2LP] - $25.00 Terveet Kädet - Musta Jumala [LP], Comp, RE - $32.00 Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe - Cocaine Cat - $19.50 Tex Napalm & Dimi Déro - Sticky Singers [LP] - $16.00 The Acacia Strain – Gravebloom [2LP], (Clear) - $34.00 The Afghan Whigs - Do To The Beast [2LP], 180 - $24.00 The Ancients - Night Bus [LP] - $17.50 The Black Keys - Thickfreakness [LP] - $25.00 The Cairo Gang - Goes Missing [LP] - $20.00 The Casualties - Under Attack [LP], Ltd, RE, (Red) - $26.00 The Clang Group - The Clang Group - $22.00 The Comfort - What it is to Be [LP], Sea - $40.00 The Dacios - Monkey's (Blood Red)od [LP], Ltd, Num, RM - $20.00 The Daisy Chain - Straight Or Lame [LP], Mono, Ltd, RE - $26.00 The Deathtrip - Deep Drone Master [LP], Ltd - $28.00 The Devil Wears Prada - 8:18 [LP], Gat - $30.00 The Devil Wears Prada - Transit Blues [LP], Ele - $20.00 The Easybeats - Absolute Anthology 1965-1969 [2LP] - $40.00 The Flesh Eaters - No Questions Asked [LP], RE - $20.00 The Fleshtones Featuring Lenny Kaye - Brooklyn Sound Solution [LP] - $17.50 The Future Primitives - Into The Primitive [LP], Spl + CD - $22.00 The Hecks - The Hecks [LP] - $24.00 The Hives - Barely Legal (Bronze) [LP] - $36.00 The Ides Of March - Ideology 1965-1968 [LP], Comp, Mono - $25.00 The John Steel Singers - Midnight At The Plutonium [LP] - $26.00 The Junior Raymen - Rumble '66 [12"], MiniAlbum - $14.00 The Kills - Ash & Ice [2LP] - $32.00 The King Khan & BBQ Show - Bad News Boys [LP] - $25.00 The Krewmen - Klassic Tracks [LP], Comp - $24.00 The Lions - Soul Riot [2LP] - $25.00 The Love Language - Libraries [LP] - $20.00 The Loved Ones - Magic Box (Pink) [LP] - $22.00 The Mekons - Ancient & Modern 1911-2011 [LP] - $20.00 The Men - Tomorrow's Hits [LP] - $22.00 The Midwest Beat - Singles 2005 - 2011 [LP], Comp - $20.00 The Monochrome Set - Cosmonaut [LP] + CD - $24.00 The Murlocs - Old Locomotive (Blk/Silver) [LP] - $32.00 The Murlocs - Young Blindness (Neon Pink) [LP] - $32.00 The New Pornographers - Brill Bruisers [LP], Gat - $25.00 The Ocean Party - Restless [LP] - $30.00 The Order Of Apollyon - The Sword And The Dagger [LP], (Red) - $25.00 The Pandoras - It's About Time [LP], RE - $20.00 The People's Temple - More For The Masses [LP], Bla - $20.00 The Phenomenal Handclap Band & Peaches - Walk The Night [12"] - $12.00 The Psyched - The Psyched [LP] - $15.00 The Psychic Paramount - II [LP] - $22.00 The Raveonettes - Pe'ahi [LP] - $19.50 The Reach Around Rodeo Clowns - Rockabilly Deluxe [LP], (Gold) - $20.00 The Red Paintings - The Revolution Is Never Coming [2LP], Num - $34.00 The Residents - Intermission [12"], EP, Ltd, Num, RE - $25.00 The Revelators - We Told You Not To Cross Us... [LP] - $20.00 The Ronettes - Volume 2 [LP], Comp - $25.00 The Scrapes - The Songs Of Baron Samedi [LP], Ltd - $26.00 The Spinning Rooms - Complicating Things  [LP], Ltd, GAT - $16.00 The Spoils - The Spoils [LP], Comp - $18.00 The Staple Singers - Freedom Highway [2LP], RE - $40.00 The Stevens - A History Of Hygiene  [LP] - $22.00 The Still - The Still [LP] - $30.00 The Strollers - Waiting Is . . . [LP], Gat - $22.00 The Third Power - Believe [LP], RE, (Red) - $32.00 The Treble Spankers - Hasheeda [LP], RE, 180 - $25.00 The Tree People - Human Voices [LP], RE - $18.00 The Tree People - It's My Story [LP] - $18.00 The Tunas - The Tunas [LP] - $18.00 The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan [2LP] - $32.00 The White Stripes - Icky Thump [2LP] - $25.00 The Youngbloods - Earth Music [LP], Mono, RE - $20.00 The Yum Yums - ...Play Good Music [LP] - $18.00 The Zingers - The Zingers [LP], Ltd - $12.00 Thee Mighty Fevers - Fuckin' Great R'N'R [LP], Bla - $22.00 Therapy? - Nurse [LP], RE - $36.00 Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes [LP], RE, (White) - $34.00 Tim Hart - The Narrow Corner [LP] - $25.00 Titus Andronicus - S+@dium Rock: Five Nights at the Opera [LP] - $22.00 Tombstoned - Tombstoned [LP] - $22.00 Torres - Sprinter [LP], Club, 180 - $24.00 Totally Mild - Down Time [LP], Ltd, RP, Fou - $28.00 Totally Unicorn - Sorry [LP] - $25.00 Tracer - El Pistolero [LP], (Red) - $20.00 Tracer - Water For Thirsty Dogs [LP], (Yellow) - $28.00 Trap Them - Blissfucker [LP], 180 - $22.00 Tricky Featuring Milo Johnson & Luke Harris - Skilled Mechanics [LP] + CD - $22.00 Turbonegro - Sexual Harassment [LP], Pin - $40.00 Turbowolf - Two Hands [LP] + CD - $24.00 TV Haze - Scrap Museum [LP] - $20.00 Twitch - Dark Years [LP], Mono, Num, RM - $32.00 Tyrannamen - Tyrannamen  [LP] - $28.00 Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Wasteland [LP], (Orange) - $40.00 Unity Floors - Life Admin [LP] - $32.00 upsidedownhead - complex [12"], EP - $30.00 UV Race - Made In China [LP] - $22.00 Vader - Live In Decay [12"], RE, (White) - $25.00 Various - "Doused In Mud, Soaked In Bleach" [LP], Comp, Ltd, Sil - $30.00 Various - 20 Big Ones 1992-2012 [2LP], Pin + LP, Gre + Comp - $24.00 Various - Absolute Belter [2LP], Comp - $32.00 Various - Axels & Sockets (The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project) [2LP], 180 + CD - $40.00 Various - Bill Brewster After Dark (Nocturne) [2LP], Comp, Ltd - $35.00 Various - Bonehead Freaks [LP], Comp, Ltd - $30.00 Various - Epitaph For A Legend [2LP], Comp, RE - $32.00 Various - Generations: A Hardcore Compilation [LP], Comp, RP, Gre - $20.00 Various - Greased Buckskin Belters [LP], Comp, Ltd - $30.00 Various - Head Start To Purgatory [LP], Comp - $15.00 Various - Hot Wacks [LP], Comp - $10.00 Various - Just A Little Bit Of The Jumpin' Bean [2LP], Comp - $30.00 Various - Kanine Records Presents Non Violent Femmes [LP], Comp, Ltd, Pin - $18.00 Various - Kaptain Kavemen From Brisbane [LP], Mono - $28.00 Various - Land Of Nod: An Atlanta Punk And Hardcore Omnibus [LP] - $16.50 Various - Like Nashville In Naija [2LP], Comp, Ltd - $34.00 Various - Live At The Bootleggers:  Featuring Lattie Murrell And William Floyd Davis [LP] - $22.00 Various - Live From High Fidelity: The Best Of The Podcast Performances [LP], Ltd, Tra - $24.00 Various - Los Alamos Grind! [LP], Comp, Ltd, (Blue) - $24.00 Various - Monster Skies [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - Normalised : The Detonic Collection [LP], Comp, (Clear) - $18.00 Various - Recutting The Crap, Volume One [LP], Comp, Ltd, Num - $20.00 Various - Reverend Beatman's Dusty Record Cabinet Vol. 2 [LP], Comp - $24.00 Various - She Bop [LP], Comp + CD - $22.00 Various - Sub Pop 1000 [LP], Comp, (Blue) - $18.00 Various - Sugar Lumps 3 [LP], Comp - $26.00 Various - Suicide Squeeze Records Presents:Forever Singles [LP], Comp, Ltd, Num, Gre - $16.50 Various - Sunday Nights: The Songs Of Junior Kimbrough [2LP], Comp, Ltd, (Blue) - $32.00 Various - Texas Flashbacks Vol. 1 Dallas [LP], Comp - $22.00 Various - The Rough Guide To South African Jazz [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - This Is Fort Apache [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - Todo Muere Volume 4 [LP], Smplr - $20.00 Various - Todo Muere Volume 5 [LP], Comp, Ltd - $24.00 Various - Yesterdays Universe [2LP], Comp - $20.00 Various – Bored Teenagers Vol.8: 19 Great British Punk Originals '77-'82 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Velvet Illusions - The Velvet Illusions  [LP], Comp - $22.00 Voïvod - Target Earth [2LP], Ltd, (Purple) - $32.00 Weezer - Everything Will Be Alright In The End [LP] - $22.00 White Kaps - Cannonball Man [LP] - $16.00 Wil Malone - Wil Malone [LP], RE, (Blue) - $28.00 Willie Nelson - Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin [LP] - $26.00 Winters - Winters [12"], EP - $12.00 Witch Hats - Deliverance [LP] - $20.00 With The Dead - With The Dead [LP], Sol - $35.00 Wooden Shjips - Vol. 1 [LP], Comp - $20.00 Wymyns Prysyn - Head In A Vise [LP] - $18.00 Yes I'm Leaving - Mission Bulb [LP] - $15.00 Yes I'm Leaving - Slow Release [LP] - $19.50 Yo La Tengo - Here To Fall Remixes [12"] - $16.00 Yonatan Gat - Iberian Passage [12"], EP - $18.00 Zodiac - Grain Of Soul [LP], Ltd - $25.00 Zombiefication - Procession Through Infestation [LP] - $18.00
3 notes · View notes
You know what I HAVEN’T bitched about yet? I haven’t complained about my time with covid on this blog yet. I still have so many feelings knotted up in that shit. 
I’m still upset with out it was handled and how the doctor handled it. Like, he was super chill and cool at the time but looking back he was trying really hard to minimize the issue. I was sick as shit and could barely breath. Fuck, there was a whole ass night where I couldn’t move or speak or breath and all I could think of was “This is is, this is how I die”. 
Doc had the audacity to tell me on my return visit that he considered sending me to the ER for the issue but he didn’t even let me get tested for it back when you needed a DR note to get the test cause the US was a mess and there weren’t many testing kits available yet. 
OH yeah, and that fucked me up at work because of it. I called in and said I was diagnosed but couldn’t get tested so they all decided that meant I DIDN’T have Covid despite me saying that my dr denied me getting the test even though I asked for it for this reason. 
I fucking STRUGGLED with that shit and when I went back I got lectured because I “obviously didn’t have covid” and was “just attention seeking to scare your coworkers”. 
My lungs were still swiss cheese after that and I ended up with bronchitis like a week later cause my immune system was shot to high hell. 
Man, honestly that job pissed me off so much with how it handled us employees during the crisis and how I specifically got treated for the same reason. 
Also, fuck the desk having higher ups in that store. They had gone full blown don’t-touch-me-I’m-sterile while we up front had to deal with customers in close ranger and then the higher ups had the audacity to bitch at us front end workers about how we were working. They acted super hypocritical. 
0 notes