#the amount of stress and panic with every mission when Mac runs off
lailuhhh · 2 years
Okay no but I’d’ve loved if we had a Macgyver episode told from someone else’s pov
I mean you can argue that it’s no one’s specific pov throughout the show because of the switching storylines but
Mac was the one that narrated episode openings also the show is literally his name but hey we’re being deeper than that
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The Clones+ Thrawn and procrastinating;
Like Palpatine, I too am back from the dead bitches. I am also procrastinating. Said goodbye to my Masters degree peers, since I finished lectures on Friday. So, I am back. This time for a lot longer. Not requested but I am procrastinating from work so… (More under the cut!)
·         Echo; He does not procrastinate. At all. Full stop. He will get his work out of the way, he’ll feel bad if he even takes a small break. He gets to enjoy himself whilst everyone rushes around trying to get stuff done. He doesn’t care if it takes hours. It needs doing or it will irritate him.
·         Fives; Everything is done at the last minute. Doesn’t have a pen? Green Crayon to fill his forms in it is. Literally makes guestimates and wild guesses. Was Echo on the last mission? Force knows, but he was now. He’ll sit in his bunk, playing on his console and be like “Ah I’ve two weeks to do it” Then it’ll be “Ah I’ve three days to do it” then “Ah I’ve got an hour to do it… shit.” Then the panic ensues. Will get Echo to help, then till him to shut up whilst he’s rushing. Littered with mistakes, spilt coffee on it and sometimes just wrote on scrap paper. Handwriting his atrocious and barely legible. Rex has to get Dogma and Echo to work it out. Fives thinks if he can’t read it, it will work out for the best, since he won’t be able to tell if its right or not. Will throw the work into Rex’s office just before he locks it for the night. Rex is not impressed, gives him the trademark, unimpressed look.
·         Rex; He is better than Fives but not as good as Echo. Skywalker has brushed off on him. If the work is boring or too tedious, he will get easily distracted. Nobody knows this because he has his own office. Therefore, nobody sees him distracted. The amount of times he’s been doing requisition forms, gotten bored and just started to either fall asleep or get easily distracted is un-real. He does this thing, where if someone indicates they may have the slightest of inconvenience, he will volunteer his every waking moment to help. If he is bored enough. Cody once complained he’d run out of tea. Que Rex volunteering to go grab him some, but then making it the longest journey ever to get it. He will get his work done, he has to set an example. He just covers it using fake tasks. Don’t ever accuse him of it though, or you will end up scrubbing the mess.
·         Cody; Doesn’t procrastinate much at all. He will do his forms with Kenobi. Or in his free time. He factors in paperwork and all of that. He is organised to boot and has a schedule to follow. There is a certain period of time designated to it. He’ll make himself some tea, turn everything off (Except in case of emergencies) Sit down and get it out of the way with. He’ll put a giant “Do not disturb” Sign on his door. He wants it over and done with. Once it’s done he feels a sense of accomplishment and he can relax more.
·         Dogma; Everything has to be done in accordance to regulations. If the paperwork needs to be done in two days, then it is getting done the same day its handed to him. He’s like Echo but more on it and stressed about it. Echo doesn’t judge others not doing it, he will try and convince Fives to. But Dogma, Dogma is the type of person to go on about it. He doesn’t mean to, he knows it winds people up. But he does it when he is nervous. He wants to make sure everyone does it and nobody gets into trouble. People take it the wrong way but he’s trying to be helpful. It’s not a boast he got his work done in under an hour, its him trying to tell people you can get it done in an hour. He’s trying to help in his own way. If its not done (his or someone he cares about) then it will drive him up the wall. He’s fingers start to itch and he needs to do it. Poor baby doesn’t know how to switch off.
·         Wolffe; Nobody will dare to ask him if he’s procrastinating. He’ll glare at them, raise an eyebrow before asking; “What do you think?” Nobody wants to answer. In truth, it depends on who the work is for and how much he likes them. Plo asks for some forms doing, he will do it ASAP no distractions. It’ll be on his desk within the hour, even if he says no rush. Anyone else? Get in line. Even though his line is empty. Paperwork bores him to death. He ends up watching cute dog videos on his datapad. Nobody dares enter his office, so he’s left in peace. Much like Rex. Nobody knows he’s doing it, but people are more afraid to ask. He is a Clone Commander, he has no time to answer stupid questions. Especially with all the work he’s swamped with! Not.
·         Tup; Much like Fives he leaves everything till the last minute. He will stare at the pile of work mounting up from his bed. He just wants to lay in bed like a lazy blanket burrito. Echo will keep prodding him, trying to convince him to do it. Tup will bat him away before watching TV on his datapad. He isn’t going to spend his free time filling out silly pieces of paper. When Rex threatens to send anyone majorly behind on their work to the Jedi Temple to help out; Tup darts out of bed, throws the mass of mugs, books and junk from his desk and works on them all. Runs out of paper, so he’ll use pieces from his sketchbook. Rex once received a drawing of him as a lothcat, on the back of Tup’s fire safety refresher sheet. Rex is too tired to care in all honesty. At least it’s done and in pen. *glares at Five’s work in crayon*
·         Hardcase; Offers to give his work in the form of an interpretive dance. Rex has no words or time for this tomfuckery. Tells him it has to be done, in pen and on paper and on his desk by Monday. Hardcase thinks that’s plenty of time. And to be fair, he works well at the last minute and under pressure. So, he gets easily distracted, but that’s Hardcase to a T. He once got distracted from training because he saw a cloud shaped like a cookie. He was just so mesmerised by it. He’ll heavily procrastinate till the end. Like Echo mentioned something under his breath reading, he will have a twenty-minute-long discussion, divulging into him theorising how to make the perfect Mac N Cheese. Nobody asked but here it is! He’d be the last one to start it and the second to last to finish it. Him and Fives both race down the corridor to throw it in Rex’s office. Except under pressure and last minute, is where Hardcase thrives. Rex is impressed by the standard and quality. Procrastinating is Hardcase and Hardcase is procrastinating. Rex doesn’t know how he works but he’s like “You do you. Just make sure it does get done”
·         Thrawn; He isn’t one for procrastinating. He can get distracted a little, but he knows the importance of paperwork. Will often stare at his pieces when he feels stressed. Its more to help him find motivation once more, for working, rather than him distracting himself. He is always on it though. Like if forms need filling out and they’ll take all night, then you better get some coffee, because he will complete them. Everything is done to the highest of standards, correct and well within time. Poor Eli in the academy, would watch. Disgruntled from his bunk as Thrawn worked on assignments and paperwork. Pillow pressed against his head to shield the light. Whether it’s the lamp or Thrawn’s eyes who knows? It made him the envy of the academy. People didn’t like how organised he was, instead of blaming themselves and using it for motivation; they just decided they didn’t like him or his working style. Chiss are organised and Thrawn is no exception. He does get distracted by Art, but he will find a way to use it in his work. Somehow.
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