#the Wee Free Men
stupidphototricks · 20 days
I think that the Tiffany Aching books, for all of the crazy Nac Mac Feegle antics, have at least as much that hits hard and makes you think as the main Discworld series. It's crazy that these are children's books, except really it's wonderful that there are children's books like this.
"Ye ken how to be strong, do ye?" "Yes, I think so." "Good. D'ye ken how to be weak? Can ye bow to the gale, can ye bend to the storm?" -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
"We dinna mourn like ye do, ye ken. We mourn for them that has tae stay behind." -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men (Actually in large part that's what we mourn for too)
"Ye'll find the way if ye tak' yer time. Just don't stamp yer foot and expect the world to do yer biddin'." -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
"Them as can do has to do for them as can't. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices." -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
She wasn't being brave or noble or kind. She was doing this because it had to be done, because there was no way that she could not do it. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
I've been given something for a while, and the price of it is that I have to give it back. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
He just looked like someone who'd been frightened for so long, it had become part of his life, like freckles. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
But you had to start small, like oak trees. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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potato-lord-but-not · 13 days
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ALSO !! my entire kofi store is 25% off with code TOWEL until June 1st!! so go grab some extra stickers if you’d like!!!
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dimity-lawn · 16 days
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“Tiffany Aching was lying on her stomach by the river tickling trout. She liked to hear them laugh. It came up in bubbles.” —Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
As soon as I saw The Little Fishergirl by Lucien Pissarro, I thought of Tiffany tickling trout and listening to their bubbling laughter.
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The Little Fishergirl Lucien Pissarro 1894
Here’s another variation of the Tiffany Aching version at the top of the post:
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pratchettquotes · 3 months
Nothing's louder than the end of a song that's always been there.
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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dk-thrive · 2 months
She opened her eyes and then, somewhere inside, opened her eyes again. She heard the grass growing, and the sound of worms below the turf. She could feel the thousands of little lives around her, smell all the scents on the breeze, and see all the shades of the night … She knew exactly where she was, and who she was, and what she was.
— Terry Pratchett, from The Wee Free Men (HarperCollins, 2006) (via Wait - What?)
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iateyourburrito · 11 months
One of my fav quotes from The Tiffany Aching series by Terry Pratchett
"All witches are selfish, the Queen had said. But Tiffany’s Third Thoughts said: Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine!
I have a duty!"
This one is from the last few chapters of The Wee Free Men and it's so so so good. I need to re-read it
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milfdarthrevan · 9 months
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I love Tiffany already. From this conversation, I think she might get along with a certain Duchess of Sto Helit.
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goodgrammaritan · 8 months
"Them as can do has to do for them as can't. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices."
Granny Aching, The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett
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hollyevolving · 1 month
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Shout out to Siobhan for the Terry Pratchett reference, and as always: GNU Sir Pterry
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stupidphototricks · 10 days
Drawing an unexpected line between Granny Aching and Death: Two beings who can't be anything other than exactly what they are, but who vaguely worry that they don't quite fit what their grandchildren want or need them to be.
Death, with the bony knees and the all-black garden and the logically-constructed tire swing. Granny Aching, with the boots and the pipe and the not looking like a china shepherdess.
Neither of them able to be the sort of typical doting grandparents who play and cuddle, but both finding their own quiet ways to connect.
Both of them loved and respected by their grandchildren but not knowing it, because the lack of communication goes the other way too.
These awkward family dynamics that are so real and beautifully imperfect.
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potato-lord-but-not · 6 months
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finished The Wee Free Men and HAD to draw something for it or I’d never forgive myself
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Today is cover reveal day!
This October, this wonderful tome will be released to the world.
Tiffnay Aching's Guide to being a Witch written by Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent with illustrations by Paul Kidby is the ultimate guide to (surprise surprise) being a witch!
When we have more information and pre-order links, we will share them with the world !
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pratchettquotes · 3 days
William coughed politely. "And the big wave threw up a lot of sunken vessels full o' trrrreasure," he said. "We stopped off for a wee pillage."
The Nac Mac Feegle held up wonderful jewels and big gold coins.
"But that's just dream treasure, surely?" said Tiffany. "Fairy gold! It'll turn into rubbish in the morning!"
"Aye?" said Rob Anybody. He glanced at the horizon. "Okay, ye heard the kelda, lads! We got mebbe half an hour to sell it to someone! Permission to go offski?" he added to Tiffany.
"Er...oh, yes. Fine. Thank you--"
They were gone, in a split-second blur of blue and red.
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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grumpyoldsnake · 6 months
So I've been saying for years that the Discworld series (by Sir Terry Pratchett) and the Vorkosigan Saga (by Lois McMaster Bujold) share several of the same thematic bones
But I never go into specifics
So! For tonight! I will present one case among many.
The Wee Free Men and The Mountains of Mourning
It's about taking action because these people are yours and you have a duty. It's about speaking up for those with no voices of their own. It's about saying, sure, maybe your motivation is selfish, but the impact of your actions sure as hell is not going to be. It's about finding a center to which you can return, when the challenges you face nearly undermine your purpose.
It's about someone who died, and whose memory you refuse to betray.
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I was re-reading some Discworld books, and it really struck me how different the endings of The Wee Free Men and Harry Potter were.
Harry Potter is all about how death is a nice thing, a good thing, that it's ok to lie down and die. And that is a good thing to know. But. But The Wee Free Men takes such a different approach.
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Tiffany fights to live. It's a very selfish thing, and that's ok. That's the point. You have to want to live, so want. And the Discworld books don't make you fear death. Death is a major character. There is an entire book on why Death is important, is needed.
But when JK Rowling teaches children to die for other people, Terry Pratchet teaches kids how to live for themselves. And that's important.
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