#the WINDOWS are covered in carpet except for the windshield driver and front passenger
biracialaymeric · 2 years
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 4
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(Y/n)'s POV
We tear through the night along dark country roads. Wind slams against the Camaro. Rain lashes the windshield. I don't know how Mom can see anything, but she keeps her foot on the gas pedal.
Every time there is a flash at lightning, I look back at Grover sitting beside Percy in the back seat and for a few moments, I wonder if I'd gone insane, or if he is wearing some kind of shag-carpet pants. But no, the smell is one I remember from kindergarten field trips to the petting zoo - lanolin, like from wool. The smell of a wet barnyard animal.
The only thing it seems Percy could say is, "So, you and my mom . . . know each other?"
Grover's eyes flit to the rearview mirror, though there are no cars behind us. "Not exactly," he says. "I mean, we've never met in person. But she knew I was watching you."
"Watching me?" Percy asks.
"Keeping tabs on you. Making sure you were okay. But I wasn't faking being your friend," he adds hastily. "I am your friend."
"Um . . . what are you, exactly?"
"That doesn't matter right now," Grover answers.
"It doesn't matter? From the waist down, my best friend is a donkey -"
Grover lets out a sharp, throaty, "Blaa-ha-ha! Goat!" he cries.
"What?" Percy asks.
"I'm a goat from the waist down."
"You just said it didn't matter."
"Blaa-ha-ha! Some satyrs would trample you underhoof for such an insult!"
"Whoa. Wait. Satyrs. You mean like...Mr. Brunner's myths?"
"Were those old ladies at the fruit stand a myth, Percy? Was Mrs. Dodds a myth?"
"So you admit there was a Mrs. Dodds!" Percy says accusingly.
"Of course."
"Then why -"
"The less the two of you knew, and weren't together as much, the fewer monsters you'd attract," Grover says like that should be perfectly obvious. "We put Mist over the humans' eyes. We hoped you'd think the Kindly One was a hallucination, Percy. But it was no good. You started to realize who you are."
"Who we - wait a moment, what do you mean?" I ask, highly confused.
The weird bellowing noise rises again somewhere behind us, closer than before. Whatever is changing us still on our trail.
"(Y/n), Percy," Mom says, "there's too much to explain and not enough time. We have to get you to safety."
"Safety from what? who's after us?" Percy asks.
"Oh, nobody much," Grover asks, obviously still miffed about Percy's donkey comment. "Just the Lord of the Dead and a few of his blood-thirstiest minions."
I let out a soft noise of disbelief and Mom glances over at me before yelling, "Grover!"
"Sorry, Mrs. Jackson. Could you drive faster, please?"
I try to wrap my mind around what is happening, but I can't do it. I know this isn't a dream. Even I, with a vivid imagination, could never dream up something this weird.
Mom makes a hard left. We swerve onto a narrower road, racing past darkened farmhouses and wooded hills and 'PICK YOU OWN STRAWBERRIES' signs on white picket fences.
"Where are we going?" Percy asks.
"The summer camp I told you about," Mom's voice is tight; she is trying for our sakes not to be scared. "The place you want to send you."
"The place you didn't us to go," Percy asks and I swallow thickly.
"Please, dear," my mother begs and just the desperation in her voice makes tears well up in my eyes. "This is hard enough. Try to understand. You're both in danger."
"Because some old ladies cut yarn," Percy says.
"Those weren't old ladies," Grover says. "Those were the Fates. Do you know what it means—the fact they appeared in front of you? They only do that when you're about to...when someone's about to die."
"Whoa. You said 'you.'"
"No, I didn't. I said 'someone.'"
"You meant 'you.' As in me."
"I meant you, like 'someone.' Not you, you."
"Boys!" my Mom yells.
She pulls the wheel hard to the right, and I get a glimpse of a figure she'd swerved to avoid - a dark fluttering shape now lost behind us in the storm.
Percy's POV
"What was that?" (Y/n) asks, fear creeping into her voice.
"We're almost there," my mother says, ignoring my sister's question. "Another mile. Please. Please. Please."
I didn't know where there is happened, but I find myself leaning forward in the car, anticipating, wanting us to arrive.
Outside, nothing but rain and darkness—the kind of empty countryside you get way out on the tip of Long Island. I think about Mrs. Dodds and the moment when she'd changed into the thing with pointed teeth and leathery wings. My limbs go numb from delayed shock. She really hadn't been human. She'd meant to kill me.
Then I think about Mr. Brunner...and the sword he had thrown me. Before I can ask Grover about that, the hair rises on the back of my neck. There is a blinding flash, a jaw-rattling boom! and our car explodes.
(Y/n)'s POV (Again)
I feel weightless like I'm being crushed, fried, and hosed down all at the same time, and my head slams against the dashboard.
Stars erupt before my eyes and I hear Mom yell, as if in a long tunnel, "Percy! (Y/n)!"
"I'm okay . . ." I hear Percy say.
I try to shake off my daze, as blood drips down into my eyes. The car had swerved into a ditch. Our driver's-side doors are wedged in the mud. The roof had cracked open like an eggshell and rain is pouring in.
Lighting. That is the only explanation. We'd been blasted off the road.
My head, feeling as though it was made of lead, I lift my head and it falls against the head-rest.
"Percy, (Y/n)," Mom says, "we have to . . ." Her voice falters.
My head lolls back, and in a flash of lightning, through the mud-spattered rear windshield, I see a figure lumbering toward us on the shoulder of the road. The sight of it makes my skin crawl. It is a dark silhouette of a huge guy, like a football player. He seems to be holding a blanket over his head; his top half is bulky and fuzzy, and his upraised hands make it looks as though he has horns.
I swallow thickly, "Who is -"
"Percy, (Y/n)," my mother interupts, deadly serious. "Get out of the car."
Mom throws herself against the driver's-side door. It is jammed shut in the mud; Percy tries his as well.
"Climb out the passenger's side!" Mom tells the two of us. "Percy, (Y/n) - you have to run. Do you see that big tree?"
"What?" Percy asks.
Another flash of lightning, and through the smoking hole in the roof I see the tree that she means: a huge, White House Christmas tree-sized pine at the crest of the nearest hill.
"That's the property line," my mom says. "Get over that hill and you'll see a big farmhouse down in the valley. Run and don't look back. Yell for help. Don't stop until you reach the door."
"Mom, you're coming too," I say softly.
Mom's face is pale, her eyes as sad as when she looked at the ocean.
"No!" Percy shouts. "You are coming with us. Help me carry Grover!"
"Food!" Grover groans, a little louder.
"He doesn't want me or Grover," my mother tells me. "He wants the two of you. Besides, I can't cross the property line."
"But . . ." I start to argue.
"We don't have time. Go. Please."
"We're going together," I say, slamming my shoulder against the door.
Together, the three of us escort Grover, stumbling up the hill through wet waist-high grass.
Glancing back, I get my first clear look at the monster. He is seven feet tall, easily, his arms and legs like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazine. He wears no clothes except underwear; the top half of his body is so scary. Coarse brown hair starts at about his belly button and gets thicker as it reaches his shoulder.
His neck is a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and horns - enormous black-and-white horns with points you just can't get from an electric sharpener.
I blink the rain out of my eyes, "That's -"
"Pasiphae's son," Mom interupts. "I wish I'd known how badly they wanted to kill you."
"But he's the Min -" Percy begins.
"Don't say his name," she warns. "Names have power."
The pine tree is still way too far - a hundred yards uphill at least.
I glance behind me again.
The bull-man hunches over our car, looking in the windows - or not looking, exactly. More like snuffling, nuzzling. I'm not really sure why he bothered, since we're only about fifty feet away.
"Food?" Grover moans again.
"Shhh," Percy hisses. "Mom, what's he doing? Doesn't he see us?"
"His sight and hearing are terrible," she says. "He goes by smell. But he'll figure out where we are soon enough."
As if on cue, the bull-man bellows in rage. He picks up Gabe's Camaro by the torn roof, the chassis creaking and groaning. He raises the car over his head and throws it down the road. It slams into the wet asphalt and skids in a shower of sparks for about half a mile before coming to a stop; the gas tank explodes.
Not a scratch, I remember Gabe saying. Oops.
"Percy, (Y/n)," our mom says. "When he sees us, he'll charge. Wait until the last second, then jump out of the way - directly sideways. He can't change directions very well once he's charging. Do you understand?"
"How do you know all this?" I ask, fear creeping into my voice again.
"I've been worried about an attack for a long time. I should have expected this. I was selfish, keeping the two of you near me."
"Keeping me near you?" Percy asks. "But -"
Another bellow of rage and the Minotaur starts tromping uphill.
He'd smelled us.
The pine tree is only a few more yards, but the hill is getting steeper and slicker, and Grover isn't getting any lighter.
The Minotaur closes in. Another few seconds and he'd be on top of us.
Mom must've been exhausted, but she shouldered Grover. "Go, Percy, (Y/n)! Separate! Remember what I said."
I didn't want to split up, but I have the feeling she is right - it's our only chance. I sprint to the left, turn, and sees the creature bearing down on me; his black eyes glowing with hate. He reeks like rotten meat.
He lowers his head and charges, those razor-sharp horns aimed straight at my chest.
The fear in my stomach makes me want to bolt, but that wouldn't work. I could never outrun this thing. So I hold my ground, and at the last moment, I leap to the side.
The bull-man storms past like a freight train then bellows with frustration and turns, but not towards me this time, towards Percy, whose standing in between my mom and Grover, and me.
We'd reached the crest of the hill. Down the other side, I can see a valley, just as Mom had said, and the lights of a farmhouse glowing yellow through the rain. But It is half a mile away; we'd never make it.
The bull-man grunts, pawing the ground. He keeps eyeing Percy, whose eyes are wide. I sprint towards my brother as the Minotaur charges at him. I dive forward, knocking Percy over as the horns were mere inches from his chest.
The bull-man lets out a roar of anger then eyes Mom, who was just setting Grover down in the grass.
He keeps eyeing Mom, who is now retreating downhill, back towards the road, trying to lead the monster away from Grover.
"Run!" she tells me. "I can't go any farther. Run!"
But I stand there, frozen in fear, as the monster charges at her. She tries to sidestep, as she'd told me to do so, but the monster had learned his lesson. His hand shoots out and grabs her by the neck as she tries to get away. He lifts her as she struggles, kicking and pummeling the air.
"Mom!" I cry, stepping towards the monster.
She catches my eyes, which are welling with tears, and managed to choke out one last word: "Go!"
Then, with an angry roar, the monster closes his fists around my mother's neck, and she dissolves before mine and Percy's eyes, melting into light, a shimmering golden form as if she's a holographic projection. A blinding flash and she is simply . . . gone.
"No!" Percy wails, collapsing to his knees.
Anger replaces my fear; newfound strength burns in my limbs.
The bull-man hunches over Grover, whose lying helpless in the grass. The monster hunches over, snuffling my brother's best friend, as though he were about to lift Grover and make him dissolve too.
I strip off my red rain jacket.
"Hey!" I scream, waving the jacket, running to the one side of the monster, Percy doing the same with his own red jacket. "Hey, stupid! Ground beef!"
"Raaaarrrr!" the monster turns towards me, shaking his meaty fists.
I had an idea - a stupid idea, but better than no idea at all. I put my back to the big pine tree and wave my red jacket in front of the Minotaur, thinking I'd jump out of the way at the last moment.
But it doesn't happen like that.
The bull-man charges too fast, his arms out to grab me whichever way I try to dodge.
Time seems to slow down as my legs tense. I can't jump sideways, so I leap straight up, kicking off from the creature's head, using it as a springboard, turning in midair, and landing on his neck.
How did I do that? I wonder. I didn't have time to figure it out. A millisecond later, the monster's head slams into the tree, and the impact nearly knocks my teeth out.
The bull-man staggers around, trying to shake me. I lock my arms around his horns to keep from being thrown. Thunder and lightning are still strong; the rain is still in my eyes. The smell of rotten meat bringing my nostrils.
The monster shakes himself around and bucks like a rodeo bull. He should have just backed into the tree and smashed me flat, but I am starting to realize that this thing has only one gear: forward.
Meanwhile, Grover starts groaning in the grass. I want to yell at him to shut up, but by the way, I am getting tossed around, if I opened my mouth, I'd bite my tongue off.
As if reading my mind, Percy does yell at Grover, but Grover just groans, "Food!" again.
The bull-man wheels toward him, paws the ground again, and gets ready to charge. I think about how he had squeezed the life out of my mother, made her disappear in a flash of light, and rage fills me like high-octane fuel. I get both hands around one horn and I pull backward with all my might. The monster tenses; gives a surprised grunt, then—snap!
Percy's POV
The bull-man screams and flings my sister through the air. She lands flat on her back in the grass. Her head smacks on a rock. I catch sight of a horn in (Y/n)'s hand and I dart over, grabbing it out of her hands and roll to one side as the monster charges. As the monster barrels past, I drive the broken horn straight into his side, right up under his furry rib cage.
The bull-man roars in agony; he flails, clawing at his chest, then begins to disintegrate - not like my mother, in a flash of golden light, but like crumbling sand, blown away in chunks by the wind, the same way Mrs. Dodds had burst apart.
The monster is gone.
The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbles, but only in the distance. I smell like livestock, and my knees are shaking.
I stick my hand out and pull my sister up from the ground.
My head feels like it is splitting open, and it doesn't help as I look at the back of my sister's head, which was bleeding heavily. I feel weak and scared and trembling with grief. I'd just seen my mother vanish. I want to lie down and cry, but there is Grover, who my sister had stumbled her way towards and was trying to lift the limp figure on her own. Both my sister and my best friend need my help, so I manage to haul him up and my sister and I stagger down into the valley.
(Y/n)'s POV
The pain in my head was almost blinding - from it slamming against the dashboard and the rock - and I hear Percy crying out from our mother, but we both hold onto Grover - neither of us letting go.
The last thing I remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above me, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a bearded man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess's. They both look down at me and Percy, and the girl says, "They're the ones. They must be."
"Silence, Annabeth," the man says. "They're still conscious. Bring them inside."
Word Count: 2896 words
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herradhighpriestess · 3 years
Artificially Sweetened Sodomy
Chapter Three: Whores are Easier to Deal With
Kari pressed her lips together, wincing as she compressed the broken skin as she considered the weight of her situation. “What do I do?” her mind asked on a scream.
Tig nearly choked on the cloud of his exhaled smoke as he watched her pink tongue dart out and moisten her lips.
He was mesmerized by the small movement and didn’t realize at first that she was nodding slightly.
“You’re sure you’re not going to be a problem?” he asked and tried to maintain a cool façade.
Kari nodded again, a little stronger this time.
“Yeah?” he asked as he cocked an inky black eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Kari finally mumbled and rubbed her fingertips against her throbbing temples. She longed for her mostly effective rapid-release migraine medication as she was certain her skull was splitting at the seams.
She looked over when a metallic tinkling noise fell around her ears and she found her abductor holding out a dented flask towards her.
“No thanks,” she finally said and sat up straighter in the seat, thinking alcohol wouldn’t do any good for her head except make her pay less attention and notice details that might be important for later.
Tig pretended to not notice her barely suppress a flinch when he moved away from the door and pulled on the plastic handle. “Where’s the tracker?” he asked as he patted the seat between them.
“There’s no point in denying it,” she thought in the small space before she answered. “Behind the water pump,” Kari mumbled as she stared straight ahead, feeling his eyes memorizing her, practically touching her with the weight of his gaze.
She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he pulled a warm soda from the nylon bag and held it out to her.
“Thanks,” she murmured and took the brightly colored aluminum can from him, careful to avoid their fingers brushing against each other.
“We’ll get out of here in a minute,” he murmured, and she watched him slide out of the sturdy vehicle and pop the broad hood.
Kari found herself gulping the soda as Tig removed and destroyed the government-issued tracker and did a once-over the rest of the SUV before getting back behind the wheel and cranking the large engine to life.
Tig glanced over his shoulder at her as she drummed her fingers on the tops of her thighs and stared down at the floor. He felt a strange sensation slide around inside his gut and light up his central nervous as he found her fingers bare, devoid of any jewelry. “Do you belong to someone?” he thought before he spoke.
“You want to sit up here Agent Stillwater, it’s a little bit of a drive.”
Kari shook her head. “I’m okay here and please no more Agent stuff, can you just call me Kari?”
The pull of his lips into an unreadable smile both frightened and made Kari have a glut of questions.
“As long as you call me Tig,” he murmured as he turned around further in the driver’s seat and they locked eyes.
“What?” Kari finally asked as his expression remained neutral and he remained silent. She wasn’t sure if she should feel like prey on the Serengeti or a pilot fish living symbiotically with a Great White shark.
Tig shook his head. “Nothing,” he muttered as he got the bulky vehicle moving and eventually spilled back onto the interstate.
Kari kept her hands clasped together in her lap as he pushed the accelerator to a comfortable cruising speed, careful to not draw the attention of the CHP.
Tig kept nervously moving his hands around the steering wheel as he kept glancing up at her in the rearview mirror.
She shifted uncomfortably on the seat, her multiple layers and Kevlar vest making her sweat profusely, her anxiety leeched from her pores and she could smell how unpleasantly fragrant she was becoming.
Tig felt his chest tighten when his name fell from her lips.
He looked up in the mirror and met her eyes. “Yes?”
Kari cleared her throat. “Can I have one of those cigarettes?”
“Yeah, here,” he said and passed her the pack and dark green lighter.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, eager to have the acrid cigarette smoke to drown out her body odor.
Tig noticed how she began shifting on the seat as she took slow, deliberate drags off the cigarette. He heard her chuckle and quickly cover her smile when she caught him looking.
“What’s funny?” he asked.
Kari shook her head and retrieved the empty soda can off the floorboard to flick her ashes into. “Just when I thought I was finally going to stop smoking.”
As Tig paid better attention to the sudden stoppage of traffic, back at the Wit Sec house, agents and local police swarmed. Doors were kicked in and windows ripped off in questioning everyone about the abducted agent.
As agents descended on Charming and looked everywhere for their missing agent, Tig continued towards the cheap motel and long-term rentals, at one point, he dumped the Yukon and stole a paneled van, nearly beige with the layer of dirt. Kari slid onto the passenger seat, not wanting to sit on the bare, metal floor of the rear of the van.
They were about half an hour from the motel, Kari had lapsed into a comfortable silence as she stared out the window at everything moving by. “Talk to her,” Tig ordered himself as he glanced over at her, he considered that she was most likely in some kind of medical shock.
“How long you been working ATF?” Tig finally asked, drawing out his words.
Kari glanced over at him and pulled one of the three remaining cigarettes from the pack and offered him one of his own. He accepted and watched her light hers before she offered her lit one in trade for his.
Tig made sure their fingers brushed and felt a static shock as he pulled hard on the filter her lips had just been touching, tasting her breath.
“Just passed the one-year mark, from what I’ve heard, the Wit Sec babysitting is a hazing of sorts,” she said as she shook her head and rolled down the window a few inches, letting the brisk, clean outside suck in her second-hand smoke.
“What was the original plan when you got there? The witness?” Kari asked while he inhaled and signaled for the off-ramp.
Tig ignored her question and looked at the directions he had jotted on a burger chain napkin.
The motel appeared on the left side and was very underwhelming. The faded blue long-term condos were set in the rear of the property and their room was apparently on the ground-floor corner.
Happy’s friends had someone’s nephew go and check-in at the motel under the false name and stolen credit card. The parking spot for the room was just out of the security camera’s entire sweep and the video was recorded over every twenty-four hours.
Tig put the van in park and looked over at Kari as she looked out the windshield at the piss poor room.
She barely suppressed a finch when his hand fell over her hand where it rested on the armrest.
“It’s a short walk to the room, I’m going to come around and open your door,” Tig murmured.
Kari nodded as he added. “There won’t be any problem getting to the door?”
“I will not be a problem,” she said in a strained voice and stared at the room door through the bug-splattered windshield.
Tig tightened his hand around hers as he spoke, “look at me.”
Kari pressed her lips together and turned her head to meet his startling blue eyes. “No problem?” he rasped musically.
“None,” she whispered and fought the urge to try and yank her hand free.
Tig nodded and released his hold on her before getting out of the van, gathering the duffle bags, and opening her door.
Kari climbed out of the van and waited until he pushed the heavy door closed before following him to the room. He slid the plastic keycard until it beeped and flashed a series of green flashes before he pushed the door open.
She followed him inside and fumbled for a light switch and flooded the room with a wan yellow light. Tig pushed the door closed and slid the extra chain lock in place, in addition to the deadbolt.
He watched Kari look around the dingy room, pale yellow carpets and faux wood paneling the single room, extra sitting space in front of an older model flatscreen tv, closet and small bathroom with a cramped tub and shower.
Tig watched her eyes move over the single queen bed in the middle of the room before she briefly met his eyes and turned her attention to looking for the remote control and the local news. “It’s really cold in here,” she remarked as she flipped though the channels.
“These rooms are generally rented at hourly rates, no one cares about the temperature,” he said and winked when she looked over at him.
Kari settled in the creaky chair and adjusted the volume when the commercial break was over.
Tig took the time to walk into the small bathroom and dial Clay.
Clay picked up at the end of the first ring.
“Brother, you okay?”
Tig leaned against the door frame so he could keep Kari in sight as he half-smiled. “It’s okay, got to the motel, thank Happy.”
“Do you have a guest with you?”
Tig chuckled, “yeah.”
“Is she alive?”
“Is she going to stay that way?”
Clay was silent for a minute. “Good,” he finally said. “Do you need more money?”
Tig shook head as he answered, “no, I’d like to get stay here a night or two and keep north.”
“Are you coming back brother?”
Tig gave a ragged sigh and ran a hand through his dark hair. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “I’ve found something,” he added unhelpfully.
“You always have a home here brother, I hope to meet this something someday. Call if you need anything,” Clay added before he ended the call.
Tig pushed his phone in his back pocket as he watched Kari watch the news and casually loosen her braid until she could run her fingers through her tangled hair.
Kari looked over at him when the loud thump of his boots sounded as he kicked them off before slipping out of his jacket.
Tig stretched out on the bed and slipped one hand behind his head before he patted the empty space next to him when he caught her staring.
Kari scoffed and worked on a stubborn tangle when he patted the bed again.
“No,” she finally said and turned her attention back to the shitty tv screen and pretended to be captivated by the weather report of sunny skies the following day.
“I thought you weren’t going to be a problem,” Tig said and sat up when she turned back to him, anger etched in her tired face. “I’m not but I’m not getting into that bed with you.”
Tig’s mind tried to rapidly put together an approach. He reached for his discarded jacket and drained the flask, wincing as the alcohol burned a hot path down his throat and spread warmth throughout his chest and belly. “You need to do this right,” his mind warned and climbed to his feet.
As Tig rose from the bed, Kari also stood from the creaky chair, tension filling her, a cold trickle moved down the length of her spine.
Tig held his hands up in the air and wiggled his fingers. “I promise I’ll keep my hands wherever you tell me, but you need to get in the fucking bed.”
Kari shook her head, her blood pressure rising as she found it hard to breathe with the compression of the vest. She felt herself getting overheated despite how chilly the room was.
Tig’s eyes moved over her face, he could practically see the coiled tension inside her, electricity building and threatening to shoot from her fingers.
“You gotta keep this shit together,” he thought and kept his hands outstretched. “Get in the bed, you have to be tired. I’m not going to do anything out of line.”
Kari narrowed her eyes at him, unable to judge the veracity of his words since he was there to kill that young witness. She fought to keep her shoulders back despite the appeal of laying down and closing her eyes, especially getting out of the fucking vest.
“What if I wanted to stay in that chair instead?” she asked, her voice steady.
Tig shook his head, “it’ll be cold sitting up all night.”
“I’ll risk freezing to death.”
“I can’t have that happen; a dead ATF agent isn’t good.”
“Kidnapping and assault is fine though?” she asked on a scoff.
Tig stood up taller, every moment spent with Kari reaffirming why he liked dealing with whores, livestock and the comatose.
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used Black 2008 Chevrolet Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5" LT w/1LT with 145 amps,17" (43.2 cm) steel spare (spare wheel will not cosmetically match the other 4 wheels),3-passenger,7000 lbs. (3175 kg) (Requires CC10753 models and (L76) Vortec 6.0L V8 SFI engine and (NHT) Max Trailering Pack or CK10753,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Air dam,Alternator,aluminized stainless-steel muffler and tailpipe,analog with speedometer,and tachometer (Includes voltmeter and oil pressure indicators.),Assist handle,Audio system feature,Battery,Black,body-colored,bodyside,Bumper,chrome surround,CK10953,Coat hooks,coil over shock,color-keyed carpeting with rubberized vinyl floor mats (Extended and Crew Cab models also include rear floor mats) (May be substituted with (BG9) Black rubberized vinyl floor covering.),Cruise control,Cup holders,Defogger,Door handles,driver and front passenger,driver and passenger buckle up reminder and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your childs age and size,Dual cargo area lamps,electronic Autotrac with rotary dial controls (Requires 4WD models.),electronic with set and resume speed,engine temperature,Exhaust,Fleetside,Floor covering,folding (includes child seat top tether anchor) (Requires Extended or Crew Cab Models.),Four wheel drive,Frame,frame-mounted (Standard on 4WD Models.),Front,front (Also includes rear cupholders on Extended and Crew Cab models.),front chrome (Includes body-color bumper end caps.),front independent,front intermittent wet-arm with pulse washers,front passenger (Also includes rear assist handles in the headliner on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),frontal,fuel level,Glass,Grille,GVWR,Handling/Trailering,headlamp on,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,heavy-duty includes 46 mm piston monotube shocks and 34mm front stabilizer bar (Includes 36mm front stabilizer bar when (NHT) Max Trailering Pack is ordered.),hydroformed,illuminated entry feature and backlit instrument panel switches,includes light-tinted rear window.),includes rear and rear quarter windows. With Crew Cab models or (C49) rear-window defogger,includes rear window. With Extended Cab models,inside rearview auto-dimming with 8-point compass and outside temperature display,Instrumentation,interior with dome and reading lights,key-in-ignition,keyed cylinder lock that utilizes same key as ignition and door,Lamps,leather-wrapped with theft-deterrent locking feature,Lighting,located on steering wheel,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,manual lumbar control on the driver-side,Mirror,Moldings,odometer,Opal Gray-colored,or CK10543 models. Standard on CK10753,or CK10543 models.),outside spare,Pickup box,Power,power with driver Express-Down,rack-and-pinion,rear 2-stage multi-leaf springs,rear 60/40 folding bench (folds up),rear chrome,rear driver and passenger side,rear-window electric (Not available with (A48) power sliding rear window.),Recovery hooks,Seat,Seat adjuster,semi-elliptic,sliding with clip and illuminated vanity mirror on driver and passenger-side,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver and front passenger-side glass) (With Regular Cab models,Spare tire lock,speaker system (Includes 4 speakers on Regular Cab and 6 speakers on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),StabiliTrak,stability control system with Proactive Roll Avoidance (Requires C*10753 or C*10543 models. Standard on C*10543 models. Required with (NHT) Max Trailering Pack.),Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,step-style with pad,Suspension,Suspension Package,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (does not apply to spare tire),Transfer case,Visors,Warning tones,Wheel,winch-type mounted under frame at rear,Windows,Wipers
0 notes
gregcoatscarstrucks · 5 years
Used 2016 Cadillac Escalade 4WD 4dr Premium Collection in Louisville, KY 40213 for sale at Greg Coats Cars & Trucks via GregCoatsCars.com
Used Black 2016 Cadillac Escalade 4WD 4dr Premium Collection with Engine, 6.2L V8 with Active Fuel Management Spark Ignition Direct Injection (SIDI) and Variable Valve Timing (VVT), includes aluminum block construction (420 hp [313.2 kW] @ 5600 rpm, 460 lb-ft of torque [621 N-m] @ 4100 rpm),Air cleaner, high-capacity,Transfer case, active, 2-speed with Neutral for dinghy/flat towing (4WD models only.),Differential, heavy-duty locking rear,Rear axle, 3.23 ratio,Four wheel drive,Cooling, external engine oil cooler, heavy-duty,Cooling, external transmission oil cooler, heavy-duty air-to-oil,Alternator, 170 amps,Trailering equipment, heavy-duty includes trailering hitch platform, 7-wire harness with independent fused trailering circuits and 7-way sealed connector,GVWR, 7500 lbs. (3402 kg) (4WD models only.),Suspension, Magnetic Ride Control with selectable sport mode,Automatic load leveling, rear,Steering, Electronic Power Steering (EPS),Fueling system, capless,Brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc,Brakes, DuraLife rotors,Brakes, Hill Start-Assist/Hill hold,Brake, parking, electronic powered,Tires, P285/45R22 all-season, blackwall,Spare tire lock, hoist shaft,Luggage rack, roof-mounted, chrome,Moldings, bodyside, chrome,Shutters, front active aero,Headlamps, LED high beam/low beam, light pipe,Headlamps, IntelliBeam, automatic high beam on/off,Headlamps, automatic on/off,Lamps, front cornering,Tail lamps, LED illumination,Glass, deep-tinted (all windows, except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver- and front passenger-side glass),Glass, acoustic, laminated, windshield and front door glass,Windshield, solar absorbing,Mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, power-folding and driver-side auto-dimming, color-keyed with integrated turn signal indicators, ground illumination and programmable to provide curb view when in reverse,Wipers, front intermittent, Rainsense,Wiper, rear intermittent with washer,Door handles, illuminated,Liftgate, power, hands free open and close, programmable,SiriusXM Satellite Radio is standard on nearly all 2016 GM models. Enjoy a 3-month All Access trial subscription with over 150 channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainment. Plus listening on the app and online is included, so you'll hear the best SiriusXM has to offer, anywhere life takes you. Welcome to the world of SiriusXM. (IMPORTANT: The SiriusXM Satellite Radio trial package is not provided on vehicles that are ordered for Fleet Daily Rental ("FDR") use. If you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates. Fees and taxes apply. To cancel you must call us at 1-866-635-2349. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at www.siriusxm.com. All fees and programming subject to change.),Radio, HD,Bluetooth for phone streaming audio for music for select phones,Audio system feature, Bose Centerpoint Surround Sound system with 16 speakers,Active Noise Cancellation,Console, overhead,Floor covering, color-keyed carpeting,Steering wheel, heated,Steering wheel controls, mounted audio and Driver Information Center controls,Tow/haul mode selector, button located at end of shift lever,Gauge cluster, 12" color, reconfigurable with Driver Information Center,Head-Up Display, 4-color, reconfigurable,Adaptive Remote Start,Universal Home Remote includes garage door opener, 3-channel programmable,Defogger, rear-window electric,Power outlet, 110-volt,Wireless Charging located on the top of the center console (Requires separately purchased adapter.),Accents, interior, piano black and chrome finish,Mirror, inside rearview auto-dimming, includes OnStar controls,Lighting, interior, door handle release, door storage, console and footwell,Lighting, interior, with theater dimming,Cargo net, rear,StabiliTrak, vehicle stability enhancement system with Rollover Mitigation, includes disable switch,Front and Rear Automatic Braking,Air bag, driver inboard se #Louisville #KY #usedcars #usedtrucks #forsale #PrestonHwy #affordablecars #autoloans #Indiana
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triadautosolutions · 6 years
Used White Diamond Tricoat 2010 GMC Acadia with Audio system feature,USB port-receptacle,Audio system feature$COMMA Bose premium 10-speaker system with sub-woofer (Upgraded to (UQS) Bose advanced 10-speaker system with 5.1 surround sound when (U42) rear seat entertainment system is ordered.),Audio system$COMMA AM/FM stereo with CD player and MP3 playback seek-and-scan$COMMA digital clock$COMMA auto-tone control$COMMA Radio Data System (RDS)$COMMA speed-compensated volume$COMMA TheftLock$COMMA auxiliary input jack$COMMA USB port-receptacle and (UQA) Bose premium10-speaker system with subwoofer (When (U42) rear seat entertainment system is ordered (UUJ) audio system with rear seat entertainment will be included. Upgradeable to (U4H) audio system with rear seat entertainment and navigation. May be upgraded to (UUM) audio system with navigation without (U42) rear seat entertainment system.),Audio system controls$COMMA rear with headphone jacks,Bluetooth for phone personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio system and HMI (Human Machine Interface),Fog lamps$COMMA front round halogen,Body$COMMA power rear liftgate,Wheels$COMMA 4-19 x 7.5 (48.3 cm x 19.1 cm) machined aluminum (Includes (QCW) P255/55R19-H-rated tires.),Headlamps$COMMA dual halogen projector lamp,Mirrors$COMMA outside heated power-adjustable$COMMA body-color$COMMA manual-folding with integrated turn signal indicators,Wipers$COMMA front intermittent with washers,Luggage rack$COMMA side rails$COMMA roof-mounted,Tires$COMMA P255/60R19 H-rated,Glass$COMMA Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver and front passenger side glass),Wheel$COMMA 17 (43.2 cm) compact steel spare,Spoiler$COMMA rear,Wiper$COMMA rear intermittent with washer,Headlamp control$COMMA automatic on and off,Door handles$COMMA chrome (Bright beltline molding.),Moldings$COMMA body-color bodyside,Remote vehicle start,Seats$COMMA heated driver and front passenger (Included with (**2) leather-appointed seats only.),Mirror$COMMA inside rearview auto-dimming,Air conditioning$COMMA rear manual,Cup holders$COMMA 2 front on the floor console,Visors$COMMA driver and front passenger$COMMA padded with cloth trim$COMMA color-keyed and illuminated vanity mirrors,Seat$COMMA 2-way power front passenger with manual recline and lumbar control,Remote Keyless Entry$COMMA programmable with 2 transmitters$COMMA panic button and extended range$COMMA no remote start provisions,Floor mats$COMMA carpeted front$COMMA second and third row$COMMA removable,Trim$COMMA interior$COMMA chrome metallic instrument panel/console,Theft-deterrent system$COMMA vehicle$COMMA PASS-Key III$COMMA engine immobilizer,Console$COMMA front center with 2 cup holders and storage,Cruise control$COMMA electronic with set and resume speed,Lighting$COMMA interior with theater dimming$COMMA cargo compartment$COMMA reading lights for front seats$COMMA second row reading lamps integrated into dome light$COMMA door-and tailgate-activated switches and illuminated entry and exit feature,Seat$COMMA 8-way power driver with power recline and lumbar control,Floor covering$COMMA color-keyed carpeting,Air conditioning$COMMA tri-zone automatic climate control with individual climate settings for driver and right-front passenger and second/third row controls for second and third row passengers,Reclining front buckets,Door locks$COMMA power programmable with lockout protection,Storage system$COMMA rear cargo area under floor,Rearview camera system$COMMA integrated into rearview mirror (If navigation radio is ordered$COMMA camera will be integrated into navigation display. With (U42) rear seat DVD entertainment system$COMMA navigation radio will be (U4H) audio system with rear seat entertainment and navigation. Without (U42) rear seat entertainment system$COMMA navigation radio will be (UUM) audio system with navigation.),Cup holders$COMMA 2 in the second row,Steering column$COMMA tilt and telescopic with brake/transmission shift interlock,Universal Home Remote includes ga
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2017 Kia Soul EV
New Post has been published on http://auto.tintoantap.com/2017-kia-soul-ev/
2017 Kia Soul EV
   The 2017 Kia Soul EV and iconic Soul were redesigned together to provide exceptional comfort and maximum flexibility. The Soul EV’s split-folding rear seats offer ample cargo space and a variety of storage options. And the under-floor battery means plenty of interior space for your friends. From the exclusive bio-sourced materials and available leather seating all the way down to the distinctive highlight stitching—this modern interior looks, feels, and does good.
What does it take to be the first ever vehicle to receive UL Environment recognition? The rigorous evaluation of materials and manufacturing. Nineteen parts of its total interior mass are composed of bio-based materials, earning the Soul EV the first and only UL environmental claim validation in the industry. Plus, the Soul EV is more than freedom from the pump and harmful emissions. On certain interior parts, we used paint that’s free of harmful chemicals like benzene so that you can breathe cleaner air.
From headliner to trim to carpet, the Soul EV’s earth-friendly plastics are made from plant-based materials like sugar cane and corn, all validated by UL Environment.
The sound system, vent, and floor console are covered in BTX-free and water-borne paints, reducing levels of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC) for better air quality in the cabin.
With the Soul EV, you don’t have to compromise interior space or versatility. The 60/40 split-folding rear seats offer up to 49.5 cubic feet of cargo volume, and the hidden luggage under tray makes storing your 120-volt charging cord easy. From the ample headroom and legroom to the flexible cargo space, the Soul EV is made for hauling friends and all your gear.
When you feel the smooth grip of the standard Heated Steering Wheel and queue up your favorite playlist on the six-speaker sound system, you know you’re in a Soul. And with the eStatus Light that tracks your charge status, and standard eco-friendly seats with contrast stitching for stylish comfort, the Soul EV interior offers a bold new design with a purpose.
Plug in your Soul EV and the eStatus Charge Light illuminates with 3 light levels to tell you when you reach full charge. A clear view through the windshield lets you quickly check your status from outside your car.
The Eco Cloth seat fabric is made out of plant-based materials like sugar cane and corn. It’s soft and durable, so there’s no tradeoff in quality for being eco-friendly.
The translucent white, double-injection molding provides a 3D effect for eye-catching style. And, in Soul EV form, it’s made from bio-based materials.
2017 Kia Soul EV Price
MSRP : $33,950
2017 Kia Soul EV Specs
EPA MPGe (City/Highway/Combined) : 120/92/105
EPA Range (mi.) : 93
Brake Type : 4-Wheel Disc with Antilock Braking System (ABS)
Front Diameter (in.) : 11.8″
Rear Diameter (in.) : 11.1″
Minimum (lb.) : 3289
Maximum (lb.) : 3,340
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) : 4,321
Layout : Front-Wheel Drive (FWD)
Body Type : Steel Unibody
Steering Type : Motor Driven Power Steering (MDPS)
Front Suspension : MacPherson Struts, Gas Shock Absorbers, Stabilizer Bar
Rear Suspension : Coupled Torsion Beam Axle (CTBA), Twin Tube Gas-Charged Shock Absorbers
Steering Wheel Turns : 2.8
Vehicle Turning Circle (ft.) : 35
2017 Kia Soul EV Exterior
Body-Color Bumpers with Contrasting Color Accents : Standard
Body-Color Front Grille Charge Port Door : Standard
Dual Body-Color Heated Power Mirrors : Standard
Mirror-Mounted LED Turn Signal Indicators : Standard
Auto Light Control : Standard
Headlights, Projector Beam : Standard
LED Positioning Lights, Jewel Type : Standard
Rear Combination Lamps, LED : Standard
Solar Control Glass : Standard
Privacy Glass : Standard
Heated Rear Glass w/ Timer : Standard
Variable Intermittent Windshield Wipers : Standard
Rear Wiper/Washer : Standard
Wheelbase: (in.) : 101.2
Track: Front/Rear (in.) : 62.0/62.4
Length: (in.) : 163.0
Width: (in.) : 70.9
Height: (in.) : 63.0
Ground Clearance: (in.) : 5.9
16″ Alloy Wheels, Dark Gray with Satin Metal Spokes : Standard
Size : 205/60R16 (SLRR)
2017 Kia Soul EV Interior
UVO eco with Navigation, 8″ Color Touch-Screen Display, Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay™ , SiriusXM® Traffic and HD Radio™, AM/FM/MP3/SiriusXM® : Standard
Rear-Camera Display : Standard
BLUETOOTH® Wireless Technology Hands-Free Connectivity with Steering-Wheel-Mounted Controls : Standard
6 Speakers with Dash-Mounted Tweeters : Standard
USB/Auxiliary Input Jacks, Illuminated : Standard
Steering-Wheel-Mounted Audio Control Buttons : Standard
Steering-Wheel-Mounted Cruise Control Buttons : Standard
Supervision Meter Cluster with 3.5″ Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) Color Display : Standard
Trip Computer : Standard
Tilt and Telescopic Steering Column : Standard
FlexSteer™ : Standard
Active Eco System : Standard
Power Windows with Driver One-Touch Auto-Up/Down and Anti-Pinch : Standard
Push-Button Start with Smart Key and Immobilizer : Standard
Heat Pump Heating and Air Conditioning System : Standard
Automatic Climate Control with Cluster Ionizer : Standard
Air Induction Control w/ Auto Defog System (ADS) : Standard
Individual Climate Control : Standard
Climate Scheduling : Standard
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) with Auto-Hold : Standard
Glove Box with Illumination : Standard
Center Console with Armrest : Standard
Rear-Seat Folding Armrest with Cup Holder : Standard
Front & Rear Door Bottle Holders : Standard
Dual Front Cup Holders : Standard
Day/Night Interior Rear-View Mirror : Standard
Interior Lighting with Delay Off : Standard
Dual Illuminated Visor Vanity Mirrors : Standard
Luggage Under-Floor Tray : Standard
Bio Fabric Seat Trim : Standard
6-Way Adjustable Driver’s Seat : Standard
Heated Front Seats : Standard
Height-Adjustable Front Seat-Belt Anchors : Standard
60/40 Split-Folding Rear Seat : Standard
Rear-Seat Adjustable Headrests : Standard
Bio-Material Interior Trim : Standard
Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel : Standard
Heated Steering Wheel : Standard
Soft-Touch Dash and Upper Door Panels : Standard
Satin Chrome Interior Door Handles : Standard
Head Room: Front/Rear Seat (in.) : 39.6/39.5
Shoulder Room: Front/Rear Seat (in.) : 55.5/54.7
Leg Room: Front/Rear Seat (in.) : 40.9/36.0
Hip Room: Front/Rear Seat (in.) : 53.2/49.3
Passenger Volume (cu. ft.) : 97.1
Cargo Volume: Rear Seat Upright (cu. ft.), with Luggage Under Tray : 18.8
Cargo Volume: Rear Seat Upright (cu. ft.), with Luggage Under Tray : 49.5
2017 Kia Soul EV Safety
Dual Front Advanced Airbags : Standard
Dual Front Seat-Mounted Side Airbags : Standard
Full-Length Side Curtain Airbags : Standard
Rollover Sensor : Standard
Front Seat-Belt Pretensioners : Standard
4-Wheel Disc Brakes w/ Antilock Braking System (ABS) : Standard
Pedestrian Warning System (PWS) : Standard
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) : Standard
Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) : Standard
Brake Assist System (BAS) : Standard
Hill Start Assist Control (HAC) : Standard
Tire-Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) : Standard
Side-Impact Door Beams : Standard
Front and Rear Crumple Zones : Standard
Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) : Standard
Rear Child-Safety Door Locks : Standard
2017 Kia Soul EV Electric motor
Type : Permanent Magnet AC Synchronous
Voltage : 360 V
Max. Power Horsepower (hp) @ rpm : 109
Max. Power Kilowatt (kW) @ rpm : 81.4
Max. Torque Pound-Feet (lb.-ft.) @ rpm : 210
Max. Torque Newton meter (Nm) @ rpm : 285
Regenerative Braking : Standard
Gear Shift Mode : Standard
2017 Kia Soul EV High-voltage battery
Type : Lithium-Ion Polymer
Capacity (Ah) : 75
Energy (kWh) : 27
Power (kW) : 90
Battery Heating System (Limited Market Availability) : Optional
Pack-Level Energy Density (Wh/kg) : 98.4 (w/o heating system) / 97.5 (w/ heating system)
Weight (lb.) : 605 (w/o heating system) / 610.7 (w/ heating system)
Volume (ℓ) : 241 (8.5 cu. ft.)
2017 Kia Soul EV Charge
Charge Port – AC with Port Nozzle Lock : SAE J1772
Charge Port – DC Fast Charge : Standard
On-Board Charger (OBC) : 6.6kW
Charge Status Indicator – 3 Levels : Standard
High Voltage PTC Heater : Standard
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used No Color 2008 Chevrolet Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5" LT w/1LT with 145 amps,17" (43.2 cm) steel spare (spare wheel will not cosmetically match the other 4 wheels),3-passenger,7000 lbs. (3175 kg) (Requires CC10753 models and (L76) Vortec 6.0L V8 SFI engine and (NHT) Max Trailering Pack or CK10753,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Air dam,Alternator,aluminized stainless-steel muffler and tailpipe,analog with speedometer,and tachometer (Includes voltmeter and oil pressure indicators.),Assist handle,Audio system feature,Battery,Black,body-colored,bodyside,Bumper,chrome surround,CK10953,Coat hooks,coil over shock,color-keyed carpeting with rubberized vinyl floor mats (Extended and Crew Cab models also include rear floor mats) (May be substituted with (BG9) Black rubberized vinyl floor covering.),Cruise control,Cup holders,Defogger,Door handles,driver and front passenger,driver and passenger buckle up reminder and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your childs age and size,Dual cargo area lamps,electronic Autotrac with rotary dial controls (Requires 4WD models.),electronic with set and resume speed,engine temperature,Exhaust,Fleetside,Floor covering,folding (includes child seat top tether anchor) (Requires Extended or Crew Cab Models.),Four wheel drive,Frame,frame-mounted (Standard on 4WD Models.),Front,front (Also includes rear cupholders on Extended and Crew Cab models.),front chrome (Includes body-color bumper end caps.),front independent,front intermittent wet-arm with pulse washers,front passenger (Also includes rear assist handles in the headliner on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),frontal,fuel level,Glass,Grille,GVWR,Handling/Trailering,headlamp on,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,heavy-duty includes 46 mm piston monotube shocks and 34mm front stabilizer bar (Includes 36mm front stabilizer bar when (NHT) Max Trailering Pack is ordered.),hydroformed,illuminated entry feature and backlit instrument panel switches,includes light-tinted rear window.),includes rear and rear quarter windows. With Crew Cab models or (C49) rear-window defogger,includes rear window. With Extended Cab models,inside rearview auto-dimming with 8-point compass and outside temperature display,Instrumentation,interior with dome and reading lights,key-in-ignition,keyed cylinder lock that utilizes same key as ignition and door,Lamps,leather-wrapped with theft-deterrent locking feature,Lighting,located on steering wheel,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,manual lumbar control on the driver-side,Mirror,Moldings,odometer,Opal Gray-colored,or CK10543 models. Standard on CK10753,or CK10543 models.),outside spare,Pickup box,Power,power with driver Express-Down,rack-and-pinion,rear 2-stage multi-leaf springs,rear 60/40 folding bench (folds up),rear chrome,rear driver and passenger side,rear-window electric (Not available with (A48) power sliding rear window.),Recovery hooks,Seat,Seat adjuster,semi-elliptic,sliding with clip and illuminated vanity mirror on driver and passenger-side,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver and front passenger-side glass) (With Regular Cab models,Spare tire lock,speaker system (Includes 4 speakers on Regular Cab and 6 speakers on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),StabiliTrak,stability control system with Proactive Roll Avoidance (Requires C*10753 or C*10543 models. Standard on C*10543 models. Required with (NHT) Max Trailering Pack.),Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,step-style with pad,Suspension,Suspension Package,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (does not apply to spare tire),Transfer case,Visors,Warning tones,Wheel,winch-type mounted under frame at rear,Windows,Wipers
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used Silver 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 4dr 1500 LT with 160 amps,17" (43.2 cm) full-size,3.08 ratio,335 lb-ft of torque [452.2 N-m] @ 4000 rpm,348 lb-ft of torque [469.8 N-m] @ 4400 rpm),4-wheel antilock,4-wheel disc,4-wheel drive,7-wire harness with independent fused trailering circuits mated to a 7-way sealed connector and (VR4) 2" trailering receiver,7300 lbs. (3311 kg) (Standard on 4WD models.),active,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Alternator,analog with speedometer,Assist handles,Audio system feature,Battery,Bluetooth for phone personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio system and HMI (Human Machine Interface) with specific steering wheel controls (Deleted when (UE0) OnStar,Bose premium 9-speaker system with subwoofer in center console,Brakes,capable of running on unleaded or up to 85% ethanol (with gas - 320 hp [238.6 kW] @ 5400 rpm,Cargo Lights,children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant,Cloth,color-keyed,color-keyed bodyside,color-keyed carpeting,Cooling,Daytime Running Lamps with automatic exterior lamp control,Defogger,delete is ordered.),does not include neutral. Cannot be dinghy towed. (Requires (GU4) 3.08 rear axle ratio. Not available on 2WD models or with (K5L) heavyduty trailering package.),door handle or Remote Keyless Entry-activated illuminated entry and map lights in front and second seat positions,Door handles,driver and front passenger illuminated vanity mirrors,driver and right-front passenger safety belt unfasten and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (right-front passenger air bag status on overhead console) (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your child's age and size. Even in vehicles equipped with air bags and the Passenger Sensing System,driver- and passenger-side door switch with delayed entry feature,dual halogen composite with automatic exterior lamp control and flash-to-pass feature,dual-stage frontal,electronic Autotrac with rotary controls,Engine,engine temperature,extends on rod,external engine oil cooler,Fascia,Floor covering,Fog lamps,Front,front coil-over-shock with stabilizer bar,front color-keyed,front passenger and second row outboard,fuel level,Glass,GVWR,halogen (Included and only available with (PDA) Texas Edition and (PEB) Regional Value Package.),Headlamps,Headliner,Heater,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,heavy-duty air-to-oil,inside rearview manual day/night,Instrumentation,integral to driver side of radiator (Included and only available with (K5L) Heavy-Duty Trailering Package.),interior with dome light,iron block,key-in-ignition,leather-wrapped,Liftgate with liftglass rear door system with rear-window wiper/washer,Lighting,lockable outside spare winch-type mounted under frame at rear,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,Mirror,Moldings,odometer with trip odometer,oil pressure and tachometer,padded with cloth trim,PASS-Key III,Pedals,Power,power with driver Express-Down and lockout features,power-adjustable for accelerator and brake (Includes memory function with (AN3) front bucket seats.),Premium Smooth Ride,rear auxiliary with rear passenger heating ducts,Rear axle,rear color-keyed,rear intermittent with washer,rear multi-link with coil springs,rear-window electric,single-speed,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver- and front passenger-side glass),StabiliTrak,stability control system with traction control,steel spare,Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,Suspension,Suspension Package,Theft-deterrent system,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Trailering equipment includes trailering hitch platform,Transfer case,VAC power,vehicle,Visors,voltmeter,Vortec 5.3L V8 SFI FlexFuel with Active Fuel Management,Warning tones headlamp on,Wheel,Windows,Wiper,with E85 ethanol - 326 hp [243.1 kW] @ 5300 rpm
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used Black 2012 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 4dr 1500 LT with 160 amps,17" (43.2 cm) full-size,3.08 ratio (Not available with (K5L) Heavy-Duty Trailering Package.),335 lb-ft of torque [452.2 N-m] @ 4000 rpm,348 lb-ft of torque [469.8 N-m] @ 4400 rpm),4-wheel antilock,4-wheel disc,4-wheel drive,7-wire harness with independent fused trailering circuits mated to a 7-way sealed connector and (VR4) 2" trailering receiver,7300 lbs. (3311 kg) (Standard on 4WD models.),active,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Alternator,analog with speedometer,Assist handles,Audio system feature,Battery,Bluetooth for phone personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio system and HMI (Human Machine Interface) with specific steering wheel controls (Deleted when (UE0) OnStar,Bose premium 9-speaker system with subwoofer in center console,Brakes,capable of running on unleaded or up to 85% ethanol (with gas - 320 hp [238.6 kW] @ 5400 rpm,Cargo Lights,child or booster seat. Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of any vehicle equipped with an active frontal air bag. See the Owner's Manual and child safety seat instructions for more safety information.),children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant,Cloth,color-keyed,color-keyed bodyside,color-keyed carpeting,Daytime Running Lamps with automatic exterior lamp control,Defogger,delete is ordered.),does not include neutral. Cannot be dinghy towed. (Requires (GU4) 3.08 rear axle ratio. Not available on 2WD models or with (K5L) heavy-duty trailering package.),door handle or Remote Keyless Entry-activated illuminated entry and map lights in front and second seat positions,Door handles,driver and front passenger illuminated vanity mirrors,driver and right-front passenger safety belt unfasten and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (right-front passenger air bag status on overhead console) (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your child's age and size. Even in vehicles equipped with air bags and the Passenger Sensing System,driver- and passenger-side door switch with delayed entry feature,dual halogen composite with automatic exterior lamp control and flash-to-pass feature,dual-stage frontal,electronic Autotrac with rotary controls,Engine,engine temperature,extends on rod,Fascia,Floor covering,Fog lamps,Front,front coil-over-shock with stabilizer bar,front color-keyed,front passenger and second row outboard,fuel level,Glass,GVWR,halogen,Headlamps,Headliner,Heater,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,inside rearview manual day/night,Instrumentation,interior with dome light,iron block,key-in-ignition,leather-wrapped,Liftgate with liftglass rear door system with rear-window wiper/washer,Lighting,lockable outside spare winch-type mounted under frame at rear,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,Mirror,Moldings,odometer with trip odometer,oil pressure and tachometer,padded with cloth trim,PASS-Key III,Pedals,Power,power with driver Express-Down and lockout features,power-adjustable for accelerator and brake (Includes memory function with (AN3) front bucket seats.),Premium Smooth Ride,rear auxiliary with rear passenger heating ducts,Rear axle,rear color-keyed,rear intermittent with washer,rear multi-link with coil springs,rear-window electric,single-speed,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver- and front passenger-side glass),StabiliTrak,stability control system with traction control includes electronic trailer sway control and hill start assist,steel spare,Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,Suspension,Suspension Package,Theft-deterrent system,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Trailering equipment includes trailering hitch platform,Transfer case,VAC power,vehicle,Visors,voltmeter,Vortec 5.3L V8 SFI FlexFuel with Active Fuel Management,Warning tones headlamp on,Wheel,Windows,Wiper,with E85 ethanol - 326 hp [243.1 kW] @ 5300 rpm
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used Black 2008 Chevrolet Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5" LT w/1LT with Suspension Package,Handling/Trailering,heavy-duty includes 46 mm piston monotube shocks and 34mm front stabilizer bar (Includes 36mm front stabilizer bar when (NHT) Max Trailering Pack is ordered.),GVWR,7000 lbs. (3175 kg) (Requires CC10753 models and (L76) Vortec 6.0L V8 SFI engine and (NHT) Max Trailering Pack or CK10753,CK10953,or CK10543 models. Standard on CK10753,CK10953,or CK10543 models.),Recovery hooks,front,frame-mounted (Standard on 4WD Models.),Transfer case,electronic Autotrac with rotary dial controls (Requires 4WD models.),Four wheel drive,Battery,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,Alternator,145 amps,Frame,hydroformed,Pickup box,Fleetside,Suspension,front independent,coil over shock,Suspension,rear 2-stage multi-leaf springs,semi-elliptic,Steering,power,rack-and-pinion,Exhaust,aluminized stainless-steel muffler and tailpipe,Glass,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver and front passenger-side glass) (With Regular Cab models,includes rear window. With Extended Cab models,includes rear and rear quarter windows. With Crew Cab models or (C49) rear-window defogger,includes light-tinted rear window.),Spare tire lock,keyed cylinder lock that utilizes same key as ignition and door,Wheel,17" (43.2 cm) steel spare (spare wheel will not cosmetically match the other 4 wheels),Tire carrier,outside spare,winch-type mounted under frame at rear,Bumper,front chrome (Includes body-color bumper end caps.),Bumper,rear chrome,step-style with pad,Air dam,Black,Moldings,bodyside,body-colored,Grille,chrome surround,Lamps,dual cargo area lamps,Wipers,front intermittent wet-arm with pulse washers,Door handles,Black,Audio system feature,speaker system (Includes 4 speakers on Regular Cab and 6 speakers on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),Seat adjuster,manual lumbar control on the driver-side,Cruise control,electronic with set and resume speed,located on steering wheel,Defogger,rear-window electric (Not available with (A48) power sliding rear window.),Floor covering,color-keyed carpeting with rubberized vinyl floor mats (Extended and Crew Cab models also include rear floor mats) (May be substituted with (BG9) Black rubberized vinyl floor covering.),Seat,rear 60/40 folding bench (folds up),3-passenger,folding (includes child seat top tether anchor) (Requires Extended or Crew Cab Models.),Steering column,Tilt-Wheel,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Steering wheel,leather-wrapped with theft-deterrent locking feature,Instrumentation,analog with speedometer,odometer,fuel level,engine temperature,and tachometer (Includes voltmeter and oil pressure indicators.),Warning tones,headlamp on,key-in-ignition,driver and passenger buckle up reminder and turn signal on,Windows,power with driver Express-Down,Cup holders,front (Also includes rear cupholders on Extended and Crew Cab models.),Mirror,inside rearview auto-dimming with 8-point compass and outside temperature display,Visors,driver and front passenger,sliding with clip and illuminated vanity mirror on driver and passenger-side,Opal Gray-colored,Assist handle,front passenger (Also includes rear assist handles in the headliner on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),Coat hooks,rear driver and passenger side,Lighting,interior with dome and reading lights,illuminated entry feature and backlit instrument panel switches,StabiliTrak,stability control system with Proactive Roll Avoidance (Requires C*10753 or C*10543 models. Standard on C*10543 models. Required with (NHT) Max Trailering Pack.),Tire Pressure Monitoring System (does not apply to spare tire),Air bags,frontal,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your childs age and size,even in vehicles equipped with air bags. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat. See the vehicles Owners Manual and child safety seat instructions for
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used No Color 2008 Chevrolet Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5" LT w/1LT with 145 amps,17" (43.2 cm) steel spare (spare wheel will not cosmetically match the other 4 wheels),3-passenger,7000 lbs. (3175 kg) (Requires CC10753 models and (L76) Vortec 6.0L V8 SFI engine and (NHT) Max Trailering Pack or CK10753,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Air dam,Alternator,aluminized stainless-steel muffler and tailpipe,analog with speedometer,and tachometer (Includes voltmeter and oil pressure indicators.),Assist handle,Audio system feature,Battery,Black,body-colored,bodyside,Bumper,chrome surround,CK10953,Coat hooks,coil over shock,color-keyed carpeting with rubberized vinyl floor mats (Extended and Crew Cab models also include rear floor mats) (May be substituted with (BG9) Black rubberized vinyl floor covering.),Cruise control,Cup holders,Defogger,Door handles,driver and front passenger,driver and passenger buckle up reminder and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your childs age and size,Dual cargo area lamps,electronic Autotrac with rotary dial controls (Requires 4WD models.),electronic with set and resume speed,engine temperature,Exhaust,Fleetside,Floor covering,folding (includes child seat top tether anchor) (Requires Extended or Crew Cab Models.),Four wheel drive,Frame,frame-mounted (Standard on 4WD Models.),Front,front (Also includes rear cupholders on Extended and Crew Cab models.),front chrome (Includes body-color bumper end caps.),front independent,front intermittent wet-arm with pulse washers,front passenger (Also includes rear assist handles in the headliner on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),frontal,fuel level,Glass,Grille,GVWR,Handling/Trailering,headlamp on,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,heavy-duty includes 46 mm piston monotube shocks and 34mm front stabilizer bar (Includes 36mm front stabilizer bar when (NHT) Max Trailering Pack is ordered.),hydroformed,illuminated entry feature and backlit instrument panel switches,includes light-tinted rear window.),includes rear and rear quarter windows. With Crew Cab models or (C49) rear-window defogger,includes rear window. With Extended Cab models,inside rearview auto-dimming with 8-point compass and outside temperature display,Instrumentation,interior with dome and reading lights,key-in-ignition,keyed cylinder lock that utilizes same key as ignition and door,Lamps,leather-wrapped with theft-deterrent locking feature,Lighting,located on steering wheel,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,manual lumbar control on the driver-side,Mirror,Moldings,odometer,Opal Gray-colored,or CK10543 models. Standard on CK10753,or CK10543 models.),outside spare,Pickup box,Power,power with driver Express-Down,rack-and-pinion,rear 2-stage multi-leaf springs,rear 60/40 folding bench (folds up),rear chrome,rear driver and passenger side,rear-window electric (Not available with (A48) power sliding rear window.),Recovery hooks,Seat,Seat adjuster,semi-elliptic,sliding with clip and illuminated vanity mirror on driver and passenger-side,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver and front passenger-side glass) (With Regular Cab models,Spare tire lock,speaker system (Includes 4 speakers on Regular Cab and 6 speakers on Extended and Crew Cab Models.),StabiliTrak,stability control system with Proactive Roll Avoidance (Requires C*10753 or C*10543 models. Standard on C*10543 models. Required with (NHT) Max Trailering Pack.),Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,step-style with pad,Suspension,Suspension Package,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (does not apply to spare tire),Transfer case,Visors,Warning tones,Wheel,winch-type mounted under frame at rear,Windows,Wipers
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used Black 2012 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 4dr 1500 LT with 160 amps,17" (43.2 cm) full-size,3.08 ratio (Not available with (K5L) Heavy-Duty Trailering Package.),335 lb-ft of torque [452.2 N-m] @ 4000 rpm,348 lb-ft of torque [469.8 N-m] @ 4400 rpm),4-wheel antilock,4-wheel disc,4-wheel drive,7-wire harness with independent fused trailering circuits mated to a 7-way sealed connector and (VR4) 2" trailering receiver,7300 lbs. (3311 kg) (Standard on 4WD models.),active,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Alternator,analog with speedometer,Assist handles,Audio system feature,Battery,Bluetooth for phone personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio system and HMI (Human Machine Interface) with specific steering wheel controls (Deleted when (UE0) OnStar,Bose premium 9-speaker system with subwoofer in center console,Brakes,capable of running on unleaded or up to 85% ethanol (with gas - 320 hp [238.6 kW] @ 5400 rpm,Cargo Lights,child or booster seat. Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of any vehicle equipped with an active frontal air bag. See the Owner's Manual and child safety seat instructions for more safety information.),children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant,Cloth,color-keyed,color-keyed bodyside,color-keyed carpeting,Daytime Running Lamps with automatic exterior lamp control,Defogger,delete is ordered.),does not include neutral. Cannot be dinghy towed. (Requires (GU4) 3.08 rear axle ratio. Not available on 2WD models or with (K5L) heavy-duty trailering package.),door handle or Remote Keyless Entry-activated illuminated entry and map lights in front and second seat positions,Door handles,driver and front passenger illuminated vanity mirrors,driver and right-front passenger safety belt unfasten and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (right-front passenger air bag status on overhead console) (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your child's age and size. Even in vehicles equipped with air bags and the Passenger Sensing System,driver- and passenger-side door switch with delayed entry feature,dual halogen composite with automatic exterior lamp control and flash-to-pass feature,dual-stage frontal,electronic Autotrac with rotary controls,Engine,engine temperature,extends on rod,Fascia,Floor covering,Fog lamps,Front,front coil-over-shock with stabilizer bar,front color-keyed,front passenger and second row outboard,fuel level,Glass,GVWR,halogen,Headlamps,Headliner,Heater,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,inside rearview manual day/night,Instrumentation,interior with dome light,iron block,key-in-ignition,leather-wrapped,Liftgate with liftglass rear door system with rear-window wiper/washer,Lighting,lockable outside spare winch-type mounted under frame at rear,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,Mirror,Moldings,odometer with trip odometer,oil pressure and tachometer,padded with cloth trim,PASS-Key III,Pedals,Power,power with driver Express-Down and lockout features,power-adjustable for accelerator and brake (Includes memory function with (AN3) front bucket seats.),Premium Smooth Ride,rear auxiliary with rear passenger heating ducts,Rear axle,rear color-keyed,rear intermittent with washer,rear multi-link with coil springs,rear-window electric,single-speed,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver- and front passenger-side glass),StabiliTrak,stability control system with traction control includes electronic trailer sway control and hill start assist,steel spare,Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,Suspension,Suspension Package,Theft-deterrent system,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Trailering equipment includes trailering hitch platform,Transfer case,VAC power,vehicle,Visors,voltmeter,Vortec 5.3L V8 SFI FlexFuel with Active Fuel Management,Warning tones headlamp on,Wheel,Windows,Wiper,with E85 ethanol - 326 hp [243.1 kW] @ 5300 rpm
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used Silver 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 4dr 1500 LT with 160 amps,17" (43.2 cm) full-size,3.08 ratio,335 lb-ft of torque [452.2 N-m] @ 4000 rpm,348 lb-ft of torque [469.8 N-m] @ 4400 rpm),4-wheel antilock,4-wheel disc,4-wheel drive,7-wire harness with independent fused trailering circuits mated to a 7-way sealed connector and (VR4) 2" trailering receiver,7300 lbs. (3311 kg) (Standard on 4WD models.),active,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,Alternator,analog with speedometer,Assist handles,Audio system feature,Battery,Bluetooth for phone personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio system and HMI (Human Machine Interface) with specific steering wheel controls (Deleted when (UE0) OnStar,Bose premium 9-speaker system with subwoofer in center console,Brakes,capable of running on unleaded or up to 85% ethanol (with gas - 320 hp [238.6 kW] @ 5400 rpm,Cargo Lights,children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant,Cloth,color-keyed,color-keyed bodyside,color-keyed carpeting,Cooling,Daytime Running Lamps with automatic exterior lamp control,Defogger,delete is ordered.),does not include neutral. Cannot be dinghy towed. (Requires (GU4) 3.08 rear axle ratio. Not available on 2WD models or with (K5L) heavyduty trailering package.),door handle or Remote Keyless Entry-activated illuminated entry and map lights in front and second seat positions,Door handles,driver and front passenger illuminated vanity mirrors,driver and right-front passenger safety belt unfasten and turn signal on,driver and right-front passenger with Passenger Sensing System (right-front passenger air bag status on overhead console) (Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your child's age and size. Even in vehicles equipped with air bags and the Passenger Sensing System,driver- and passenger-side door switch with delayed entry feature,dual halogen composite with automatic exterior lamp control and flash-to-pass feature,dual-stage frontal,electronic Autotrac with rotary controls,Engine,engine temperature,extends on rod,external engine oil cooler,Fascia,Floor covering,Fog lamps,Front,front coil-over-shock with stabilizer bar,front color-keyed,front passenger and second row outboard,fuel level,Glass,GVWR,halogen (Included and only available with (PDA) Texas Edition and (PEB) Regional Value Package.),Headlamps,Headliner,Heater,heavy-duty 600 cold-cranking amps,heavy-duty air-to-oil,inside rearview manual day/night,Instrumentation,integral to driver side of radiator (Included and only available with (K5L) Heavy-Duty Trailering Package.),interior with dome light,iron block,key-in-ignition,leather-wrapped,Liftgate with liftglass rear door system with rear-window wiper/washer,Lighting,lockable outside spare winch-type mounted under frame at rear,maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory power,Mirror,Moldings,odometer with trip odometer,oil pressure and tachometer,padded with cloth trim,PASS-Key III,Pedals,Power,power with driver Express-Down and lockout features,power-adjustable for accelerator and brake (Includes memory function with (AN3) front bucket seats.),Premium Smooth Ride,rear auxiliary with rear passenger heating ducts,Rear axle,rear color-keyed,rear intermittent with washer,rear multi-link with coil springs,rear-window electric,single-speed,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted glass on windshield and driver- and front passenger-side glass),StabiliTrak,stability control system with traction control,steel spare,Steering,Steering Column,Steering wheel,Suspension,Suspension Package,Theft-deterrent system,Tilt-Wheel,Tire Carrier,Trailering equipment includes trailering hitch platform,Transfer case,VAC power,vehicle,Visors,voltmeter,Vortec 5.3L V8 SFI FlexFuel with Active Fuel Management,Warning tones headlamp on,Wheel,Windows,Wiper,with E85 ethanol - 326 hp [243.1 kW] @ 5300 rpm
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used No Color 2005 GMC Canyon Ext Cab 125.9" WB SLE Z71 with Differential,automatic,locking,rear,Rear wheel drive,Battery,heavy-duty,690 cold-cranking amps,includes rundown protection,Alternator,100 amps,Pickup box,Fleetside,all-welded steel with double wall construction and corrosion protection with 8 cargo tie-downs and tailgate,locking,2-position,Recovery hooks,2 front,frame-mounted,GVWR,5300 lbs. (2404 kg) (Standard on (T*15653) Extended Cab Models and (T*15643) Crew Cab Models. Refer to the Engine and Axle section for compatibility requirements),Suspension Package,High-Stance Off-Road,Suspension,front,adjustable torsion bars,and stabilizer bar,Suspension,rear,semi-floating axle with 2-stage multi-leaf springs,Shock absorber,gas charged,twin tube,hydraulic (2WD Models only),Jounce bumpers,Urethane,Tires,P265/75R15,on-/off-road,blackwall,Tire,spare P235/75R15,all-season,blackwall,located at rear underbody of vehicle. Includes steel wheel.,Wheels,4 - 15" x 7" (38.1 cm x 17.8 cm) aluminum,cast,Steering,power,rack-and-pinion,Bumpers,front and rear,chrome,rear step includes Ebony pad,Air dam,Ebony,Regular production accessory,Splash guards,molded,Dark Smoke Gray (SPO-supplied,dealer installed),Wheel flares,front and rear,large,body-color,Grille,chrome with Dark Smoke Gray bars and composite headlamps,Daytime running lamps,includes automatic exterior lamp control,Fog lamps,front,Mirrors,outside rearview,Dark Smoke Gray,foldaway,manual (Regular and Extended Cab Models only),Glass,Solar-Ray deep tinted (all windows except light tinted glass on windshield,driver and front passenger) (Extended Cab and Crew Cab Models),Tailgate,locking,2-position,Doors,rear,rear-opening,rear-hinged (T*15653 Extended Cab Models only),Wipers,intermittent,front,includes pulse washers,SLE decor,Seats,driver and passenger side rear jump,forward facing,flat folding. includes rear seat storage compartment (Extended Cab),Floor covering,color-keyed carpeting,Steering wheel,leather-wrapped rim,Comfort Convenience Package,Tilt-Wheel and cruise control (Extended and Crew Cab Models),Theft-deterrent system,PASSLock,Instrumentation,analog,includes speedometer,odometer with trip odometer,fuel level,engine temperature,tachometer and Driver Information Center,Warning tones,headlamp on,key-in-ignition,driver safety belt unfasten,turn signal on and critical Driver Information Center active,Door locks,manual (Regular and Extended Cab Models only),Windows,manual,driver and front passenger (Regular and Extended Cab Models only),Air conditioning,front manual,Power outlets,covered,2,12-volt,Accents,interior,includes titanium colored air outlets,center control stack,door handle bezels and uplevel instrument cluster bezel,Door trim,with integral armrest,driver and passenger side map pockets,Visors,padded,Opel Gray,includes vanity mirror,passenger-side,Assist handle,front passenger and outboard rear seats,Coat hooks,driver and passenger side,Air bags,frontal,driver and right front passenger,includes passenger side deactivation switch (Deactivation switch not included with Extended Cab Models with (AJ2) Seat,driver and passenger side,rear. Always use safety belts and proper child restraints,even with air bags. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat. See the Owner's Manual for more safety information),Safety belts,3-point,outboard,driver and front passenger,adjustable with center front position lap belt,Safety belts,3-point,rear outboard,all positions ((T*15653) Extended Cab Models only)
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goldenmotorsonline · 5 years
Used No Color 2008 HUMMER H2 4WD 4dr SUT with Engine,Vortec 6.2L V8 SFI (393 hp [293.1 kW] @ 5700 rpm,415 lb-ft of torque [562.7 N-m] @ 4300 rpm),Suspension Package,Standard Ride,5-link coil springs (Requires 1SA or 1SC Preferred Equipment Group),Throttle control,electronic,Differential,full-locking rear,electronic driver-selectable,Rear axle,3.73 ratio,Cooling,engine oil cooler,Battery rundown protection,Alternator,160 amps,Trailering equipment,heavy-duty,includes front winch receiver provisions,Underbody protection,includes driveline protection,skid plates and rocker protection,Frame,ladder-type,GVWR,8600 lbs. (3901 kg),Suspension,front independent with torsion bar and stabilizer bar,Steering,power,Tire,full-size spare with cover,Recovery hooks,front and rear,Luggage rack side rails,Bumpers,front and rear painted Silver,Grille,chrome,Headlamps,dual composite halogen with automatic exterior lamp control,Wiring provisions,auxiliary front lighting,Daytime Running Lamps,Lamps,identification markers,3 front and 3 rear,Lamps,clearance marker,2 front and 2 rear,Mirrors,outside heated power-adjustable,power-folding and driver-side auto-dimming with memory,Glass,Solar-Ray deep-tinted (all windows except light-tinted on windshield driver- and front passenger-side glass),Door handles,chrome,Wipers,front intermittent wet-arm with pulse washers,Doors,triple-sealed,Midgate,foldable door between cargo box and cab,Fuel filler door,chrome aluminum,Tailgate,manual,Spare tire carrier,rear,bumper-mounted with jack storage provisions,Sunroof,power,tilt-sliding,with express-open and wind deflector,Seat,rear 60/40 split-folding,Seats,heated first and second row,Floor covering,color-keyed carpeting,Steering wheel,leather-wrapped,Driver Information Center with trip computer (personal and business trip odometer,fuel used,average speed,average fuel economy,trip timers,15-day vehicle speed history,annual mileage and personalization features) and message center (monitors up to 23 different systems including low fuel,transmission temperature,engine coolant,security,oil level,oil pressure,and oil change),Windows,power with driver and global Express-Down,Remote vehicle starter system,Cruise control,electronic with set and resume speed,Retained accessory power,Theft-deterrent system,vehicle,PASSlock,Air conditioning,dual-zone automatic climate control with individual climate settings for driver and right-front passenger,Defogger,rear-window electric,Glovebox,passenger-side,Cup holders,front console and rear seat armrest,Map pockets,Mirror,inside rearview auto-dimming with 8-point compass and outside temperature display,Visors,driver and front passenger,padded with cloth trim,extenders and secondary shades,color-keyed,Assist handles,front passenger and rear outboard,Lighting,interior with front and interior dome,reading,instrument panel courtesy,console,glovebox,door switches and illuminated entry,Brakes,4-wheel disc,hydraulic power,Steering column,Tilt-Wheel,adjustable with brake/transmission shift interlock,Air bags,frontal,driver and right-front passenger with passenger-side deactivation switch (Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of any vehicle equipped with an active frontal air bag. Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your child's age and size,even in vehicles equipped with air bags. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat. See the vehicle's Owner's Manual and child safety seat instructions for more safety information.),Air bags,head curtain side-impact,first and second row outboard seating positions with rollover sensor (Head curtain side air bags are designed to help reduce the risk of head and neck injuries to front and rear seat occupants on the near side of certain side-impact collisions. Always use safety belts and the correct child restraints for your child's age and size,even in vehicles equipped with air bags. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat. See the vehicle's Owner's Manual and child safety seat ins
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