#thats just the tip of the iceberg but open your damn eyes
butchwestgri · 1 month
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you should still vote for 99.9% hitler because that's better than 100% hitler 🤩 i fucking hate americapilled people
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :) Part 8
News gets out and everyone handles it calmly and respectfully.
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“Hi Tom, Sabine, how are you,” Selina gives a fake smile, not waiting for them to answer, “So Marinette's in town,”
“Yes is something wrong?” Tom asks worriedly.
“No nothing is wrong,” If you didn’t count the villain attacking the pool yesterday as wrong, “It’s just um, you know how I never told you who her father was?”
“Well, apparently Gotham didn’t need the help and figured it out pretty much immediately,”
“So does that mean we finally get to be in the loop?” Tom’s eyes sparkle, he had always bothered her for the identity of his adopted daughter's father.
“Oh no one special, you probably haven’t heard of him,” They most certainly have, “Bruce Wayne?”
“... You dated Bruce Wayne?” The man who had become like a brother to her asks.
“I’m actually engaged to him now,” that already sounded so complicated and it wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. How did her life become so complicated? Well, at least she had managed to keep Marinette from it, well at least for a while.
“Congratulations!” He booms, “Oh what's the theme? We'll make you a cake! Wait no we cant send it by plane… what am I talking about! We’ll come to Gotham to make it! Unless it’s a destination wedding? A beach might be hard but I’m always up for a challenge,”
“Tom, Tom, it’s exciting I know,” Where did Marinette fall on the nature vs nurture scale? Because these two reacted exactly the same way, “But we have bigger problems right now!”
“What's the matter, Selina?” Sabine asks with motherly concern, much better than Selina could ever hope to manage.
“People figured it out… pretty much the second she stepped into Gotham at that,” Selina sighs, “The press is going crazy with theories, paparazzi basically stalking Marinette, Bruce is trying to talk to her about it … and he saw me with her, he knows somethings up,”
“Do you think it’s time we spilled the beans?” Tom asks, calming down from his wedding excitement, “Marinette's always known she was adopted but…”
“Not that I’m her mother? Yeah,” Silence hangs in the air for a while, the screen being the only source of light in her dark safe house, “You know I can try and work through this, no one has to know,”
“Hm…. if you think it’s best,” Sabine nods, before looking to her husband, “But if you want or need to tell people this would be the time,”
“Is… is that alright with you?”
“We love Marinette, and we know she’ll still love us no matter what, if our little family wants to grow then we should let it!” Tom exclaims, she should have known they would be fine with it, always so accepting that's one of the reasons she chose them to take care of her daughter.
“I’ll think about it,” She promises, cutting off the call to be alone with her thoughts.
Apparently her biggest hurdle was actually plucking up the courage to tell everyone. She thought she should at least tell Marinette, but lo and behold here they were in the Wayne manor waiting to hold a meeting about how to handle the rumor and Marinette is still in the dark. Well, she has no other choice but to commit now, try and get Marinette through her trip and out of the city without anyone being the wiser. Hell, she had kept the world's greatest detective from knowing for all these years surely this would be no more trouble.
Despite that, she ran into a little bitty problem while Bruce was explaining to Marinette how to handle the press; her conscience. It had been this annoying thing that started growing more and more as she spent time around Bruce. And now that they were engaged it decided to be a royal pain in her neck trying to convince her to be honest and tell the truth, how was that going to help with their marriage!
Surely this would be the worst possible place to admit it. Not only was Marinette and Bruce here, but the entire damn Batfamily to boot, sans Jason. If she were to tell now there would no doubt be bloodshed. No, the best way, if she was going to tell them, would be later in private, she could get Bruce to drive them back to the hotel and take a detour along the way, then she could tell them and bam! They would both know and her conscience would leave her alone, that was certainly the best plan of action-
And then Marinette smiled at him and Bruce smiled back, she didn’t even know what was said but goddammit-
“Marinette's our daughter!”
Everything in the room stops. Even those happy to mill about their conversation on the other size pause, a glass drops, she doesn't even wait for it to shatter before continuing. Floodgates are open now, no going back.
“Seventeen years ago, took her to Paris, pretended to be her Aunt, let Tom and Sabine raise her!” She stood up, bolting from the room, not stopping until she was far from Wayne manor.
Yep, I think I handled that well.
They all stood frozen, staring at the door Aunt, no Selina, her Mother had just run out. Everything was silent, for about two seconds before incomprehensible screeching. Or at least that's what it sounded like to her as everyone started shouting over each other.
“Did you know!?”
“No! How would I know?!”
“How could you not know! Everyone else did!”
“You didn’t!”
“That's because he said it wasn't true!”
“How the fuck-”
“Bruce why ,”
“By god how reckless can you be!?”
“This is… wow,”
Marinette didn’t stick around to hear the rest, slipping out the door Selina had disappeared through, like mother like daughter she guessed. Speaking of, she needed to call her Maman and Papa first, had the known all along? She was meant to just be an average girl… who’s a superhero… and vigilante…. And famous fashion designer…. And guardian- ok maybe she hadn't done a great job at the whole ‘ordinary girl’ thing, be she had liked to think she was normal at least once in her life… apparently not.
“Marinette sweetie!” Her Papa’s voice boomed over the call, “How are you?”
“Aunt Selina- not- how- I-”
“Oh, she told you?” Her Maman spoke more quietly than her Papa, calm voice calming her down.
“Me, and everyone else,” Marinette sat down at the steps to Wayne Manor, looking out at the front gardens without really seeing anything.
“Yes we thought she might, are you ok sweetie?”
“I’m shocked,”
“Yes well knowing her she didn’t handle it too well,” Papa spoke knowingly.
“She bolted now I’m stuck at Wayne Manor,” Marinette supplies, not that she really had a better place to be.
“Yes, that's like her,” She can hear her Maman laugh a little, “How are you feeling?”
“A little confused,” A lot confused.
“When she was pregnant with you she came to us, she and Bruce apparently didn’t have a very stable relationship back then and didn’t think either of them could take care of you,” Maman explains, “So she came to us, asking for just to raise you, she wasn't going to be a part of your life but I think she loved you more than expected because she kept coming back and eventually became your Auntie Selina,”
“Thats… wow,”
“Need some time?”
“Take all the time you need,” Papa encouraged, “We’re always here for you, and we love you,”
“I love you too,” Marinette smiles, letting the call drop staring off into nothingness.
The Kwamis came out of hiding to cuddle close but left her to her thoughts which Marinette appreciated. They sat in silence for a long time, Marinette worked out that she didn’t mind so much. Sure it was a shock, but it didn’t change how much she loved her parents, and it meant her family had just gotten a little bigger, or a lot bigger as Bruce had introduced her to a lot of people. The only thing left to worry about was the others, they didn’t seem very happy at the news.
Before Marinette can let the dread of that fester too long the front door opens, catching her attention as Bruce steps through. He seemed tired, and was that bruise a punch mark!?- no nevermind she wasn't going to ask. He comes to sit down next to her, neither talking for a while as they both stare out at the garden.
“... So Selina left?” He asks eventually.
“Yep, and I don’t think she’s coming back any time soon,”
“Of course not,” She shakes his head, a little amused, “Did she tell you?”
“No, but my parents knew- wait I didn’t mean!-”
“It’s fine,” He assures, settling her panic, “I just found out, I can hardly be considered a parent,”
“Guess not… What about the others?”
“Oh they’re a little shocked,” Bruce puts it lightly, his bruise being a dead give away, “I think they expected me to adopt you long before suspecting we were already related,”
“Just how many siblings do I have,” Marinette half mutters to herself, “wait- are they my siblings?”
“Depends who you ask, Dick? Yes, I think he already left to find decorations for your room,”
“I have a room?”
“If Dick has anything to say about it, also I suspect Alfred already set you up one, although I couldn't tell you when,”
“Of course he did,” That man seemed to know more than all of them combined, “So does that mean I can stay over some time?”
“Certainly, although I might suggest waiting a day or two,” He looks back at the mansion, light-catching his bruise.
“I might give it three, just to be sure,” She smiles, still wondering what happened there.
They start talking, catching up on each other's lives. Marinette skirts around anything that doesn't pertain to her identity as Marinette, Ladybug, MDC, Starling the whole gang. They are only interrupted by Marinette's phone buzzing, she picks it up, Adrien was the one to call but both Chloe and Kagami are there with him.
“Marinette,” Adrien says urgently, “Remember Cuppy?”
Taglist (sorry put the taglist for another fic before fixed it now)
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda @awkward0ghostfan @theymakeupfairies @tikki-marinette @insane-fangirl-of-everything @elmokingkong @inarachi02 @slytherinhquinn @moongoddesskiana @dast218 @buginetye @redscarlet95 @biodad-bruce-month @hansa-12 @waiting247 @toodaloo-kangaroo @how-to-fuction-properly @trippingovermyfeet @greekmythgal @whatthefox22 @the-alice-of-hearts @bigpicklebananatree @indecisive-mess-named-me @nalu-ismyjam @deepestobservationwombat @salamonka
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Diamante d’Italia: Chapter 6
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(Chapter 6: Fools fly where Angels fear to tread...)
Narancia rather liked solo missions.
Sure, a mission with Mista or with Fugo was always a wild time too, most espescially when they got to kick the shit out of someone, then laugh about it, before blasting the shit out of them if the target didn't cooperate.
Those missions were ALWAYS chaotic, VERY explosive, PACKED with action and punctuated by the voices of six shrieking bullets but most of all, they were the most memorable.
Missions with Bucciarati could be a treat, a little on the more rare side however as the man almost always paired himself with Abbacchio when not flying solo (he and the others swore those two were a thing but lacked any evidence to prove that just yet).
Just watching how many times the man could unzip someone to pieces and make unusual objects spill out of their mouth before they finally cracked was just always funny to Narancia. Not to mention, listening to Bruno talk and stir up a plan so easily on the spot was something akin to dazzling in the boys eyes.
It always made him feel like he was invincible and he could feel himself glowing from the inside out when the man praised him for doing a good job, Bucciarati was his hero afterall.
Sometimes he'd even get treated to some gelato afterwards.
Missions with Abbacchio could be fun, being also on the rare side and only sometimes chaotic. Watching Abba beat the absolute shit out of a dirtbag (whether it was their actual target or just some chump who made the mistake of telling the Mafioso that makeup was for Women) was always entertaining, but the mission itself really depended on the Goths mood and their target.
His favorite memories with the stone-faced man however would be when they drove down the highway, blasting some sort of loud and unholy music from a strange screaming punk-rock band Abbacchio liked while sipping on fizzy sodas, whether to or from said mission.
Yes, going on missions with his friends were fun and all.... but he absolutely loved going solo once in a while.
Aerosmith circled overhead, high above the buildings of the street and trailing behind Narancia like a tamed hawk would with its master. Narancia walked the streets casually, keeping his eyes out as he compared the man in the picture he had been given to the other bystanders on the street around him making their morning commute.
Today would be simple enough; find the asshole, get the info out of him where a recent traitor to the Boss was and if he refused to cooperate, use "gentle persuasion".
He hoped it wouldn't come to that of course, he didn't quite like to torture-... er.... "persuade" people himself and hopefully the idiot would be smart enough to know that if he fought and perhaps even got away he'd be hunted down by someone else much, much more powerful than Narancia or even Bucciarati for that matter and be given a more unmerciful and much crueler demise than just being shot by a small bombing plane.
There was an entire organization above their little team afterall. A big, BIG organization of thieves, thugs, hitmen, dealers and Mafiosi alike all working under one Man.
Narancia was quite literally just a snowflake resting on the very tip of an iceberg.
Still, being out on his own was always exciting. It always made him feel important when Bucciarati trusted him with these things.
He could go about things how he wanted it, put his own mind to the test and then proudly brag about his skills when reporting back.
Bucciarati always treated him very well after a successful solo mission of course.
He could hardly contain his excitement when he finally spotted the bastardo ducking into an alley off the street ahead, he couldn't have chose a better place to go in behind because it was right behind the spindly teens favorite Gelato spot.
The stronzo matched the picture alright; olive skin (check), strange yellowish hair thats texture sort of reminded him of rice (double check), scar on the cheek (checkaroo), wonky looking left eye (checkity-checkcheck).
"Bingo." He grinned, casually stuffing his hands in his pockets, tucking away the picture along with one, as he shuffled down the street. That intel was already as good as his.
The only thing he had to worry about now was what flavor Gelato he was in the mood for when this was all over.
Once in his life Josuke believed that there was absolutely nothing better in this world than treating yourself to some Icecream on a warm sunny day.
Now however, he knew better.
Because if there was anything better than that, it was treating yourself to some Gelato on a warm sunny day in Italy.
Christ, he never knew how rich and smooth this frozen dairy treat could be.
All this time, he and Okuyasu had been scammed into being sold the now seemingly regular-old-not-at-all-exciting Icecream when he could've been tasting this absolute delicacy all along?!
He felt like he had been robbed, cheated even, dare he say betrayed, his whole life and didn't realize it until now!
The place he had stopped at wasn't quite like the shop he frequented back in Morioh before school on Monday either, not a cheep little stand on the sidewalk where you grabbed your cone and had no choice but to keep walking for fear of the guy running the place shoving you along with a broom for "loitering", this place was a store in itself and right out in the open too!
A sea of flavors and colours coating the entire counter, all scrumptious frozen dairy treats that absolutely dazzled the eye.
It was like finding an Oasis out in the scorching desert to someone who was dying for something sweet and cold on such a hot day like today.
They even had an area out front of the counter to sit and enjoy everything. The tasty treat, the sights and sounds and smells of the streets and all.
Italy just kept getting better and better by the second.
'Why on earth would someone ever leave here? Or even want to leave here?' The teenager couldn't help but wonder as he finished the last delectable lick of his Vanilla Gelato.
Tonio was always very vague on the topic of his move from Naples to Morioh and usually didn't say more than a simple "I wanted to fulfill my dream!" Or "I needed to see the world!" Before quickly changing the subject to his food and the art of his cooking.
None of them ever pressed the man for the details but now that he was experiencing this place and all its wonders himself, Josuke found himself wishing that he did know why Tonio left.
Maybe one day he'd be lucky enough, or perhaps close enough to the man at least, to find out....
A low hum rang in his ears, coming from right overhead.
His metaphorical thought-bubble was promptly popped with the sharpness of the noise and his attention was ripped away from his reminiscing of Home.
It sort of sounded like-
"A plane?" He muttered to himself, bringing a hand over his eyes and squinting to block out the bright golden sunshine of the late morning.
A tiny little red spot circled overhead, for something so small it puttered really loudly. No one else around seemed to notice it however.
It flew closer into his sights, it was a plane alright with wings a propeller and everything.
It swerved through the air, rolling over once as it sharply turned and disappeared behind the building suddenly with an almost obnoxious whirr.
Was it a toy? He had seen some pretty sweet remote control toy cars and helicopters much like that plane before when passing toy shops or flicking through store magazines that came with the loads of junkmail every week.
He glanced around, hoping to spot the kid who might be holding the remote control (he wouldn't admit aloud that he wanted a turn with it if you perhaps asked him).
'Not a toy.' Came a voice from the corner of his mind, he could feel the phantom of Crazy Diamond standing by his side, though not manifested. 'That was a stand, I could feel its energy.'
In an instant, Josuke was out of his seat, his eyes growing more and more huge by the second as he remembered Moody Blues and all their glory from yesterday.
Another stand? And a special one at that! Non-Humanoid stands were even cooler than the normal ones. And this one was a PLANE!
He looked around, no obvious signs of a user from what he could see, the streets held a few passerby's but nobody seemed focused on the stand like he was, so presumably the plane was following them into the alley?
"Oh wow!" Josuke whispered in excitement. "I gotta take a closer look!"
He would never forgive himself if he never saw the little plane again without finding the wielder of it. He started off down the street, turning into the alley, keeping his ears open and his eyes on the sky.
"I'm tellin' ya kiddo, I don't know nothin'!" Osso Bucco, a much taller and more built man in size than Narancia, said putting his hands up with a helpless smile. "I don't even know what you're askin' about."
Narancia rolled his eyes, folding his arms as he glared down the man. They had been going back and forth for a few minutes and this was just getting tiring.
"Yeah sure, you don't dipshit." He snapped. "So I'm gonna help you jog your memory."
Osso was always a man of keeping himself in check, keeping your cool was a sure fire way to getting out of a mess like this.
He knew this spindly little shit was a stand user under that damned Passione but as long as he kept himself calm, he would be walking away without a worry and could get back to helping his new Boss organize some things.
Starting a rival Organization was tough under the threat of the one already in motion but as long as he stuck to the plan, his Boss assured him everything would work out in the end.
Osso liked to follow a stronger side afterall, it was just the way you survived out on these streets.
The beefy man barely even twitched when a deep puttering whirr came just inches about his head, clenching his hands into fists when a little plane hovered at Narancia's side, the teenager already had his radar out over his eye.
"I'm gonna ask you again, cazzone. What. Is. His. Name?" Narancia growled out, giving it his all to seem like a brooding threat (all his time watching Abbacchio being his bitter self really helped with that) as Aerosmiths gun turrets appeared, locking right onto its target.
It seemed like a neat trick, having a working plane at your own whim and all, but Osso knew he had an even better one up his sleeve.
Or rather... set in stone.
The corner of his lip twitched as the unmistakable vibrations of oncoming footsteps passed through the stone beneath his feet, someone was headed this way, a street rando was now at his disposal.
This was going to be easy for him to give the runt a slip. Chances were this little stronzo probably didn't even know shit about Earth Angel, the stand of his own possession.
His Boss ensured the discreet nature of all his workers, most especially their abilities.
"Y'know kid. You shouldn't be playin' with guns." The big man said as casually as he could, keeping his hands raised as he waited with all the patience in the world to feel the footsteps come within his range. "You could end up hurtin' someone."
Narancias brow twitched, he had him now.
Ossos lips curled up, it was time.
Josuke had barely rounded the corner before suddenly, his foot caught on something.
Or rather... something caught his foot.
The teenager fell forward, right down into the hard stone pavement, skinning his hands in the process as he yelped.
For a split second he thought he had tripped over his own feet in his hurry (he knew he was clumsy afterall), but nothing could prepare him for when he rolled over to see a hand made of stone stretching out of the very ground, fingers wrapped tightly around his ankle.
He tried to scream but it barely came out, turning into more of a loud inarticulate grunt, and frantically tried to pull his leg from the hand in blind panic.
The fingers crackled as they tightened into even more of a vice-like grip, they were hard like any rock but undeniably humanoid and mobile.
The hand pulled and Josuke clawed at the ground in a momentary desperate attempt to fight back.
He realized that the pavement was swallowing him up suddenly, not like he was falling down a hole but akin to being dragged into water, the hand pulling him further and further down.
His final cry was drowned out as he was swallowed whole by the stone, along with the last bit of sunlight he could see.
His hand was the last thing in sight to the world around him before he vanished completely.
Narancias head snapped in the direction of the sound of someones voice coming down from towards the end of the alley, leading out to the street.
Someone had screamed, almost as if crying out for help but it had cut off suddenly. Narancia blanched at the feeling of a shiver creeping up his spine, the deafening silence that followed was absolutely haunting.
His focus faltered for a moment, alarm bells ringing in his head as he realized someone was in danger.
His focus snapped onto place again as Osso began to laugh. Narancia opened his mouth to yell for his stand to fire at will before jumping back, the command dying in his throat as a figure shot straight up from the ground between them, effectively blocking Osso.
Two figures that was.
Josuke had no absolutely idea what in the Hell was happening once again. One second he was running, next he was on the ground, then he was underground and now he was here?!
He squirmed, the realization his arms were pinned tightly at his sides hitting him as he tried to scream again, only to have a hand made of stone clamp tightly over his mouth.
Narancia gaped, staring in shock at the squirming teenager trapped in the vice-like embrace of a tall Angelic statue.
Earth Angels expression was stoic, somehow bearing that sweet sadness feeling of nostalgia when looking upon a carved memory of an ancient one in the soft, yet chiseling, features of its stone face and body.
The way it moved was almost mesmerizing, so mobile and unstiff as if it were completely human but carried that hard and undeniable look of stone, the sound of rock grating and clicking as it moved.
"Now, ya'wouldn't want to be shootin' a kid now, would ya?" Osso grinned, peering around the neatly tucked concrete wings of his stand to take a look at the helpless Josuke, whose eyes were darting around frantically in wide sockets.
"You BASTARD!" Narancia roared, clenching his fist as his chest started to burn with rage.
He hated this cheep fucking move, it was nothing but cowardness to have to threaten the life of an innocent and unaffiliated person just to make a quick getaway.
It happened only a few times to him on a mission, but only when he had been with one or two of the others, and they barely succeeded each time.
Once there had been a VERY close call, where their target threatened to throw a lady he held hostage off a bridge. Thank goodness for zippers and the  portals it opened that day.
But that was then and this was now.
And Narancia was all alone.
The young Mafioso tried to move, ready to pounce on the fucker himself so he could get out of that poor confused teenagers way and get a clear shot at his ugly mug, but stumbled slightly.
His violet eyes went wide as he looked down at his own legs.
They were becoming one with the ground, rooted to the very spot he stood but worst of all, turning to stone.
It was almost up to his knees now, his legs looking very much like he had gotten the great Michelangelo himself to carve him a set of ampute limbs.
He whimpered unconsciously as the stone started to creep higher, he could feel a horrible stiffness in his knees and thighbones already, worse than any arthritis he may ever experience in his later years.
That spindly boy, the weilder of the little plane, was in trouble. Josuke knew this and his heart screamed for him to do something, however Earth Angels grip was powerful and unrelenting.
The soft grating of stone clicked close to his ear as the statue turned its head to look at him with its pupiless half-lidded eyes, their soft carved expression never changing.
If he wasn't being attacked by it, he might've actually been comforted by the ethereal beauty perfectly captured in marble they radiated.
Josuke knew he had to stay calm and focused. Whoever this big guy controlling the statue was, he seemed like bad news.
He now fully knew how that poor lady being held hostage felt that time he and Okuyasu witnessed that convince store being robbed.
The plane started to circle by Narancias command, looking for a place to open fire on Osso.
However, the alley was very narrow and there was no open space for the stand to make a full circle, forcing Aerosmith to have to fly up one end and round back quickly.
Josuke almost screamed again as it came barreling back down the alley, gun turrets ready, before the statue moved (dragging Josuke along with it) to block the man from his exposed side once more.
If Narancia hadn't reacted half a second before he did, Josuke would've been packed full of bullets.
"Nice try, kiddo." Osso grinned. "You don't give up, but you ain't gonna win today."
The teenage Mafioso now started to scream as stone crept up his body more and more, faster by the second. It was up to his hips now and starting at the tips of his fingers as well.
Josuke watched in silent terror of it all, his heart wrenching a little as Narancia actually started to cry.
Josuke wracked his brain, trying to formulate a plan, readying to summon Crazy Diamond at his side. Maybe he could break the statue and then get a good shot at the asshole pulling the strings for torturing this other kid.
Narancia Ghirga was sure he was going to die and he didn't want to die, he really REALLY didn't! There was so much stuff he still wanted to do with Fugo and Mista and Abba and Bucciarati!
A thousand things flooded his head as he stared in utter terror down at his marble legs.
Mista still owed him a soda. He had tutoring with Fugo at 3:00 today. Abbacchio had promised him he'd teach him how to properly do make-up. He was going to show Bucciarati the Sailor Moon series this weekend.
He wished Bruno had paired him up with someone, he really did, because he couldn't do this on his own.
He needed help.
He desperately needed his Family!
And worst of all, this other kid was gonna die too! Narancia bit back a sob as the very thought of it came to mind.
"You're gonna be one hell of a statue kiddo." Osso laughed cruelly, indulging in Narancias loud reactions almost as much as he enjoyed watching him continue to try and shoot him. "Ya got no choice now, if you keep tryin' shit, it'll just go faster. Or worse, the freak with the mop gets it."
Josuke froze solid, the plan he had been trying to scrap up his head suddenly getting wiped clean from the slate.
The world around him seemed to slow and the sounds of the lean teenager crying out in fear deafened as his ears rang.
His heart started to pound, thumping so hard in his chest you could see it rattling his collarbone.
What did he just say?
What did that fucking piece of shit just say?
Josuke was unaware of his teeth grinding painfully in his mouth, his fists clenching so hard his knuckles shined white, his own face burning hot red like a knife that had been thrust into fire.
'He called your hair a mop.' Came the bitter answer, whispered in his head.
The soft grating of stone in his ear as Earth Angel turned its head to stare at him again wasn't heard to Josuke.
Osso had even stopped laughing, tilting his head to listen closely to the low growl the kid was emitting, that animalistic look in his unfocused blue eyes made him raise his eyebrows in question.
What the fuck was wrong with this weirdo?
Narancia had even stopped screaming, the dread he felt now forgotten as he watched with apprehension and interest.
Oh shit... he had definitely seen this before.
This guy was MAJORLY pissed off.
Far, FAR too many times had be been on the receiving end of this look with Fugo before to know what exactly was happening.
There was practically steam coming out of his ears, this stranger was going to blow! The sight of a bright fire emitting off the pompadour sporting teen almost didn't phase him because it fit how fucking pissed he looked.
'He called my hair a fucking mop...' came the only thought and it rang in his head over and over. 'HE CALLED MY HAIR A FUCKING MOP!!!'
Josuke didn't see. He didn't hear. He didn't think.
He didn't even feel it when his own fists tore through stone.
[To be continued ...》
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