#that shit was so stressful and vaguely confusign that i would actually say i would rank a few movies above it
oflgtfol · 2 years
Top three star wars.. things? (Like series, movies, that kinda thing im not sure how to word it properly)
i think i get what you mean. like media?
THE MANDALORIAN OF COURSE!!!!!! the start of it all. i went years looking at sw tumblr and saying "psh. not me though. i will never watch star wars" and then i watched mando and well. here i am. i am, unfortunately, a star wars blog. but mando is so good!!!! the single dad & baby dynamic grabbed me by the fucking throat. it's like here take this middle aged man who hasn't had a close relationship in years after spending a majority of his life on the run, doing soulless bounty hunting work just to be the sole provider of his covert as they hang by a thread to survive. and then let's throw a baby at him. and watch him deny that he cares for the baby for episode upon episode yet still, inexorably, fall into a fatherly role. apparently the single dad thing has become a sw trope but i hold that din is the #Original, he is the blueprint, he is the moment. nobody else can do it like him. fuck hunter fuck obi-wan fuck everyone else. none of them can hold a candle to din&grogu
2003 clone wars. the first general star wars media i watched outside of mando. the animation is fucking phenomenal, the storytelling is concise and really great at showing these small snapshots of the larger war, and just. the atmosphere is so good. also it was the debut of both ventress and general grievous and i firmly hold that the 2003 cw versions of their characters are far superior to how they appear in any subsequent media. in particular, 2003 grievous my beloved. holy crapola he is wonderful in this show. the animation does him so much justice, the way he moves is hypnotic, like he's TWIRLING and SPINNING and DANCING on the battlefield and yet whenever he lands a jump, the ground cracks underneath him. he has this sense of such heavy weight despite also moving with such agility, it is sooo fantastic to watch. plus he's portrayed as an actual threat, like in his very first scene he kills what, 3? 4 jedi? and seriously injures 2 more? he singlehandedly traumatizes ki-adi-mundi? it's great. it's wonderful. and what's truly wonderful is that while the animation style does so much justice to the way he fights, it also depicts him in such a silly way. it's the tension between the two, this spine chilling jedi hunter vs. this absolutely silly rectangle guy. it's great. it's totally great. i love this show so much. also look at my 2003 grievous fancam while we're at it
lego star wars. like just in its entirety. i cant choose a favorite lego thing in particular because it's all great. i love how irreverent it is while still not being like... mocking? like it takes the best parts of star wars but doesn't take itself seriously at all. it's like my exact brand of humor, nevermind the inherent silliness of the lego designs
( ask me top 3 anything )
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