#that goofy movie car meme but im super late because
hermit-searching · 1 month
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none of these people should be allowed to drive
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hxveidoneenough · 7 years
Reader in labor HC with Sincerely Three!
I’ve never done HC’s before so I apologize if this is crap but this is my first ever request!!! SO lets get started
Lets start with the meme boy Jared
- ok so jared n u have been together since ur senior year of high school
- you now live together in a cute little apartment
- I feel like jared would be the funny guy in an office job so that’s what he does
- he works in an office and you don’t work right now because YOURE REALLY PREGNANT
- As the days get closer to ur due date, Jared is like ’ hhhh maybe I should stay home with you today babe what if u go into labor AND IM NOT HERE’
- u make him go anyways
- but one day this actually happens n you go into labor while Jared is at work lke 30 minutes away so you call his mom first to have her come get you
- she rushes you to the hospital and once youre there, you finally call Jared and are like ‘ so uh remember how I kept telling you I wasn’t going to go into labor while u were at work? Sike, got u.”
- ‘waIT WHAT?!’ he screams so loudly his mom can faintly hear it across the room like this boy has a loud voice anyway but holy hell when he yells
- ‘ I TOLD YOU I FUCKING TOLD YOU DIDNT I FUCKING TELL YOU’ Jared screamed and you could basically hear him running out of the office until he gets stopped by the lady at the front desk 
- ‘no i have to leave my partner is pushing a CHILD out right now. well Brenda i don’t care if ur son fell and broke his arm, my child is being BIRTHED.’
- even though he was 30 minutes away, he got to u in record time
- he basically kicked the door open and jumped into the room
- he is def doing a super man pose and winks at you
- you threaten to throw him out of the room before hes even sat down
- fast forward a little bit n your contractions have gotten pretty bad and youre laying on your side with your eyes closed, your hand gripping on the side of the bed so hard jared think you might break it
- ‘ babe ur joking to she hulk the bed and I CANNOT AFFORD THAT’
- you flip him off but go back to aggressively squeezing the bed until this contraction passed for a few moments and you were able to release the bed
- ‘youll break  my hand are you crazy I NEED THIS HAND TO DEFEAT ZOMBIES’
- you grab his hand anyways and squeeze it even harder than you had been the bed jut out of spite
- u look up at him with these deadly eyes and he instantly shuts up and is just like ‘ i love u (y/n) ‘
- a few hours later and it was time to push so u make sure that Jared’s hand is laced with yours and you squeeze it every time
- hes trying to say encouraging words but its more like ‘wow babe - ow - you’re doing so - fucking ow - wonderful - god my hand is going numb - just keep going babe!!!’
- about an hour later the doctor places a baby boy on your stomach and Jared literally fucking cheers
- the doctor has jared cut the chord and after that they take your son off to clean him up n stuff but the whole time jared sits by your side with that big goofy smile on his face as he tells you that he loves you
- Connor and u were sitting at home when you went into labor bc it was late at night
- ur watching some movie and u glanced up at connor and are like ‘ hhh either i just peed myself or my water just broke’
- the boy literally JUMPS up from where he was sitting and glances at you before he grabs your hands and pulls you up
-he tells you to go out to the ca so you do that while he gathers the bags that you two had spent the time making up in the previous weeks
-he walks outie trying to be as calm as he can but once he gets in the car he just glances over at you and says ‘holy fuck’ before he starts off towards the hospital
-at this point your contractions aren’t close together but when they do hit they fucking hurt like nothing you have ever experienced before so when the first big one hits you groan in pain and COnnor looks over at you all worried and is lik e
- ‘is everything ok, goddammit I’m going as fast as i can without being pulled over but all this fuCKING traffic is making it hard to get FUCKING anywhere.’
- you put your hand on his leg and are just like ‘connor stfu its fine i was having a contraction buts its passed right now so its fine ok’
- he eventually gets you to the hospital and you get into the bed with all the chords attached to your stomach
- i feel like connor has been super nervous for this because hes so scared that hes gonna be a bad dad that when he sits down next to you he just kind of like shuts down and starts to completely doubt himself
- but ofc you know whats going on so you just grab his hand and tell him its all gonna be ok bc obviously neither f you have any real idea how to be a parent yet and youll figure it out together
- he looks at you with those super pretty eyes and u just smile at him
- he loves u so much and he feels so lucky to have someone  like you who makes him feel like this is all going to be ok instead of the way his father had been making him feel by like teling him hes gonna be a bad dad
- a few hours later and its finally time to push and Connor lets you hold his hand the entire time and hes just completely ignoring the fact that youre basically breaking his hand and he just keeps telling u how great youre doing
- ‘youre doing great (y/n), squeeze my hand all you want. Take all the fucking anger out on my hand its fine’
- the doctor puts a little girl on your chest and you tear up as u look at her
- and so does connor because ike ffuck he has a daughter and someone who is going to love him and that he already loves so much?? like he didn’t think he could love anything this much other than u until he saw his daughter
- the doctor has connor cut the chord and he does it really slowly before the little girl is taken away to get cleaned up.
- connor sits down beside of you and he rubs your hair out of your face and kisses your forehead gently
- that boy loves u and his little family so much and he swears that he is going be ten times better than his family ever was to him
- SO LIKE- Evan and you go over to Heidi’s every Tuesday for taco Tuesday and game night right??
- so you guys are sitting there eating and playing uno when suddenly you have this weird pain in your stomach and it’s not at all like when the baby kick so you just kind of pause and it’s your turn so Heidi and Evan both give you a confused look- ’ uh (y/n) are you ok?’
- you just nod your head and shrug your shoulders b are like ya just a pain but it’s gone now- so you start playing again
- Until the pain comes back and it’s worst that before so you once again take a deep breath and just sit there for a moment and this is when evan starts like getting really nervous and yoy can tell because his starting to pull on the corner of his cards- Heidi asks you if you’re sure you’re ok and you just nod your head
- until ur water breaks and ur just sitting a small puddle of water in your seat-u don’t wanna freak out evan so u ask him to go get you a drink from the kitchen and once he leaves, u whisper to Heidi that u think ur water broke
- AND SHE LIKE SQUEALS- Evan comes back in when he hears the squeal and is like ???? what??? -AND HEIDI IS LIKE “(Y/N) THINKS THEIR WATER BROKE”
-and evan drops the glass of water he had in his hands and it goes everywhere and u snicker- ‘now Evans water has broken’ and Evans eyes go wider than before
- ‘this is uh no times for jokes!! we gotta go!!’ Evan says and you nod your head and get up-Heidi drives u to the hospital and drops you and evan off before she goes back to the your and Evans house to get the bags you had packed
- the doctor gets you all situated and checks you and is like ???- had u waited any longer to come in yoy might have been having the baby at home because you were like 8cm
- ur like ??? I barely feel anything what the fuck-the doctor shrugs and chuckled
-evan is sitting by your bed and he’s obviously an anxious mess
- his leg is bouncing and his face is all red and his fidgeting with the bed sheets- bc like what if the baby doesn’t end up liking him and what if he’s a bad dad and messes up when it comes to taking care of the baby and goodness the boy is just a mess
- but u just smile at him and place hand on his and just whisper calming words to him- Heidi shows up with the bags you had packed and she just smiles at the scene of her son and the person he loves all lovey dovey and about to be parents
-the doctor comes in like 20 minutes later and tells u that it’s time to push so you get all situated-evan grabs your hand and is squeezing it WAY tighter than you’re squeezing his and you can’t help but laugh
-it takes like 3-5 pushes and the doctor puts a little girl on your stomach and asks evan if he wants to cut the chord and he nods-but when the doctor puts the scissors in his hands and they’re shaking like crazy and he takes one step into doing it before
- he passes out-like he drops to the floor and you burst out laughing because you knew he was nervous but not that nervous
-Heidi laughs and helps evan up and he cuts the chord with her help and he just keeps staring at the baby and he just can’t comprehend that he made that- he just loves you and his baby so much snd he’s so excited to be a dad now
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