#thanks revy ur a demon!
intrulogical · 5 months
I loved ur orange side theory post. However, My orange side trait theory is that he actually represents thomas' hatred 4 carrots. In WTIT we all think that thomas is upset nico 4 not responding but in actuality, he was just remembering those boiled carrots from FWSA & when he met nico the first time. He calmed down when nico called bcuz nico actually has this sort of nice, calm magic that he puts on thomas. (Nicos also a witch btw)
Also when Logan throws the paper ball at Roman in LNTAO and there's orange light coming downt hebstairs, that also has nothing to do with like how Logan's being treated. Its because, once again, thomas hates carrots. Now i know this one might sound a bit tricky but its very easy to see once i explain. You see, in LNTAO, something the viewers dont see is that earlier in the day he was forced to eat carrots and he didn't really like that. He talks about how being asked "but what do you really do" by a person after telling him he does youtube is what upset him, but REALLY its because they made Thomas eat a carrot & now he resents them. Same thing w/ the wedding, they had carrots there. He did NOT like them.
Its a really subtle thing in sanders sides & im not surprised no one catches it
(This entire post is a joke) - @transfemlogan
this theory actually explains why orange in particular seems to be able to overtake a side's eyesight, as we know carrots help improve vision. orange actually wants thomas to stop eating carrots because he himself can provide thomas the eyesight he needs without carrots
as we also know carrots are also green which coincides with my theory of remus and orange being opposites in a way which implies remus actually loves carrots and is trying to combat orange to get thomas to eat every carrot he needs
/j btw we r just being /silly
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