#thanks for the ask nube! ❤️
smokeys-house · 1 year
Lots of Moominmamma content today, Smokey! c:
Do you have any favorite Mamma moments?
That's tough to say, every moominmama moment is a great one! I love the 2019 episode with the hot air balloon and her. In the 90s series, her little adventure in "the secret ingredient" is a huge winner.
Overall I'd say the one that I've been thinking about the most is when she's consoling everyone in the cave in the comet in moominland book! I'll reblog with the excerpt when I get home.
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boasamishipper · 7 months
writing wip wednesday
tagged by @doodledrawreblogs - thanks cy!!
tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it ❤️
have an excerpt of modern architecture ch5, which just passed 32k and is rapidly becoming my White Whale™️:
“Anyway, Lupe…she found me mucking out the cow pens. Said I looked like more of a nube negra than usual.”
“The fuck’s that?”
“A black cloud,” Perry said. “I was already half drunk, so she took it upon herself to get me the rest of the way there.” He took another puff and handed the cigarette back to Pete, who stubbed it out in the ashtray he’d borrowed from Ham’s study. “She wanted to know what had me down, and I didn’t want to get into it, so I just told her I fucked up.”
Pete squeezed Perry’s hand. “What’d she say to that?”
Perry put on a gravelly, sultry voice. “‘You fuck up all the time, papi; what makes today so special?’ So then I said it wasn’t what I fucked up but who I fucked up with, and she told me love was a losing game and poured me another shot of rye.” Pete pressed a kiss to Perry’s shoulder, and Perry sighed. “Then this guy knocked into me and I spilled booze all down the front of my shirt. He wouldn’t apologize, kept saying it was my fault, so I took a swing at him, and then he took a swing at me. I missed. He didn’t. After that, everything’s pretty much a blur until I woke up in the bathtub around eleven.”
Pete tried to picture that, Perry bruised and drunk and miserable and curled up in the bathtub where the two of them had developed photos together for years. He squeezed Perry’s hand again, and Perry squeezed back.
“Lupe got a hold of Della while I was out,” Perry said, and oh, Pete could only imagine how that conversation had gone down. “The two of them put me under a cold shower until I woke up and got sober enough to swear at them in complete sentences.”
“Regular pair of Clara Bartons, those two.”
“Yeah, well.” Perry looked away. “No more than I deserved.”
Pete let go of Perry’s hand and scooted down deeper under the blankets, turning onto his side. Perry did the same, so they faced each other, and Pete took Perry’s hand, brought it to his mouth, and kissed his fingertips. Perry swallowed and continued.
“I thought Della was going to scalp me after Lupe left the room, but she just asked what happened, and I…I told her the truth. That you left. And that it was my fault.” Perry pressed his lips together so they wouldn’t tremble. “When I stopped crying—”
Pete’s heart twinged painfully. “You cried?”
“Jesus, Pete, I spent the whole fucking weekend thinking you were done with me. The only time I wasn’t crying was when I was drunk or unconscious.”
It took Pete several seconds to find his voice again. “You were saying about Della?”
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dont-f-with-moogles · 9 months
Ohhhh love me some writers' ask games! Don't know if you did these already but how about 3, 6, and 19?
Have a nice week Terra! 💫
3. What genres have you written so far? Angst. Mostly angst in fact. I realised the other day that none of my fics have ever been given a happy ending. Read into that what you will.
I've also been practising writing smut! I remember almost being too embarrassed to publish Never Enough on AO3 and now I'm just answering prompts as they come in. It's all thanks to Squad Denial and the Levihan community for giving me the bravery I needed!
6. What topic would you love to explore in your writing? I would love to write a really compelling redemption arc. Either that or a heart-breaking betrayal. My favourite characters to write for are the anti-heroes; those who struggle with their moral compasses. I would want to create a narrative where readers are never really sure whether or not these guys can be trusted.
19. Show us the line you want readers to remember from your story. I've always liked this line from one of my Levihan drabbles:
"Then again, she never needed to open her eyes, for Levi’s mouth would curve upwards as she kissed him back.” Thanks for the questions, Nube! Hope your week goes well too ❤️ Got another for me? Check out this list ✍️ Writer’s Ask Game.
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smokeys-house · 1 year
Sometimes I'm convinced you are magical, like if I saw you making things levitate I wouldn't question it/pos
Anyway ily Smokey!! 🥺🪄✨
Aww thanks nube ily 2 🥺❤️ /plat
One of the students asked my coworker if I was a witch bc of my outfit and he said "if she was, she wouldn't be a janitor". If I could levitate things I'd use it to get everything off the carpet tbh like a magic vacuum
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smokeys-house · 1 year
I have been trying to come up with a nice ask for like half an hour, like usual brain is empty :(( So I just have silly questions.
Umm do you have any favorite Puukko entries? Or just overall Puukko moments, maybe you liked writing them and yeah 🥺
Aww thanks nube! You're sweet! ❤️ it's hard to say, but I think the most expressive entry is probably this Pirate Tales entry even though it didn't do very well notes wise.
the whole Pirate Tales series is my favorite of things I've written, but folks seem to take issue with the first person perspective. I think the most creative one I've done was the ghost ship one here. I like that one particularly bc I think the ghosts in the moomins are very silly and I think what I wrote sorta plays on that pretty well.
the newer stuff I'm working on like "South, for what Ails" is fine and all, but I get the feeling readership of them is falling off a bit unless I attach art to them. Sorta feel like I've dropped the ball on Travel Log even though it's only just begun, hoping to fix that soon. I have a hard time writing canon characters, but folks seem to like canon characters more than OC stuff so I'm trying to strike a healthy balance. "A Note on the Door" was short, but leaf's art really encapsulates the feeling I was going for.
There's a lot of individual lines I've written I really liked, like "thick fur and thin patience." And I feel like The Puzzler is a very interesting character, felt very inspired writing stuff about him in one of the Pirate Tales entries. I've got a story I'm working on with him as a central character, but haven't got around to it very much yet.
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