#thank you my favorite archeology white boy!!!!!!
j-femmescoli · 19 days
greatest bit he’s done yet
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shadowlorddemon · 4 years
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Thomas Sides Mario AU belongs to @sugarglider9603
It was story-set of Super Mario Galaxy & Super Mario Galaxy 2 with fantasy mythology and star constellations plus references of twelve star signs and couple references of Greek myths.
But... I want to focus on Virgil as main protagonist here instead. With Logan, Roman, Patton, Remy and Bowceit as victim of kidnapping.
Through the storyline, there’s lot of references to Greek myths. (Idk why but I’m obsessed with Greek mythology)
The story went that Remy invites Sarcastic Bros and their prince boyfriends. Along Bowceit and his kids.
Remy want to show them his favorite planet that was filled of... dragons. Not just your typical dragons. These dragons are unique. (There’s a fucking dragon in Super Mario Odyssey. Why not having dragons in Mario AU too)
Remy: Hey! Let me show you my favorite planet that filled with dragons!
Virgil & Logan & Roman & Patton & Bowceit: DRAGONS?!?!??!!!
The dragons are called Star Dragons. These dragons are ‘born’ from the leftover of dead stars. (When the star went supernova).
When the ship lands on the planet called Contellstars and in the town called Gromeek the two first star dragons they meet is Pandora and Sirius, the sibling dragons.
Sirius is a light gray scaly dragon with orange, yellow and red spots that spattered across his chest, back and back legs. He bore a 5 feet wide leather dragon wings. He have white horn. (Like Impalas) He is stoic boy that rarely express his emotions to public. Only his sister can read him. His tail is club shaped tail.
Pandora have dark gray furry with dark purple and dark blue stripes on her back and tail. She bore 7 feet wide feather bird-dragon mixed wings. She have black horns. (Like Highland Cows) She is anxious but cheerful girl that can read her brother’s emotions. Her tail is spiked tail(three spikes on both sides of the tail).
Pandora: Hello, Remy! Brought your friends?
Sirius: Greeting.
Remy: you betcha! Everyone, Meet Pandora and Sirius. They are Star Dragons I told you about.
Patton: Oh my gawd! Sirius looks cool!
Roman: Yo. What kind name is Pandora?
Pandora: ...Rude.
After meeting star dragon siblings, they meet the dragon princess named Pavo.
Pavo is light green scaly with light blue underbelly. She bore five feet wide feather bird wings that have eyes shaped on each of her feather.(Pavo is the name of the star constellation that represents the peacock after all) She have yellow-green horns. (Like Bongo Antelope) She is peppy girl that like to move around a lot.(dance, fly, jump etc.) Her tail have a single long feather that is same with her wing feathers.
Pavo: Remy! My bestie!
She welcomed Remy first before she noticed Remy bought guests.
Pavo: is these cuties your friends?
Remy: Yup!
She then invited them to her castle which is typically medieval styled castle.
There, they meet the older brother of Sirius and Pandora; Pluto.
Pluto is a gray dragon with light gray under belly with two green spots on each side of his shoulders. He bore six feet wide scaly dragon wings. He have silver curly horns. (Like Kudu Antelopes) His tail have no distant features. He is a geeky boy that have interests in archeological. He wears a emerald green rimmed glasses.
Pluto notices that Pavo brings Remy and guests. He greets them, then asked for his siblings’ whereabouts. He then mentioned that he want to tell them about the stories that he found from the ruins nears the Stardew Valley. That catches Logan’s attention because he is a fucking nerd.
He would like to see the ruins.
Logan: Hey, Pluto? Can we come to the ruins with you?
Pluto: ???? You want to know about the ruins????
Other gets curious as well(except for Roman) and Pluto agreed to take them to the ruin after he finds his siblings.
Soon as he finds Sirius and Pandora, he takes the group include Remy and Pavo.(the star royalty have to go with the guests)
There they found bunches of ancient drawings of certain creatures and objects. Pluto begins to describe each drawing and tell the story behind the drawing.
Roman: Nerd.
Patton: Ro, be nice.
As he reaches the large drawing that features a large dragon with eight stars.
He begins to tell the story of Nova, the great star dragon that grants wishes to whom summons her with eight star stones.
Virgil: is he usually gets this excited about these old stuffs?
Pandora: yea. He does.
As Pluto finishes telling the story, a loud explosion sounds out from the outside of the ruins. Everyone runs out to see the antagonist.
The antagonist is a large black scaly dragon with golden underbelly and red stripe that runs from the back of his head to the tip of his tail. He bore 16 feet wide scaly dragon wings. His tail is two feet long blade(like a dagger). His name is Hercules. (I want to create a villain with unlikely name. I thought since I choose to use Greek mythology, why not use Hercules name? Yes I choose the Greek hero name for the antagonist. Sue me for want my fanfic to based on Greek mythology. Beside, a villain with heroic name? That’s little twisted in a way.)
Pavo looks pissed off when she see Hercules. She then called him out, stating that he shouldn’t be out of his prison.
Pavo: What the fuck, Hercules. You shouldn’t be here.
Hercules crackles manically. He then told her that he found a way out of his prison. Now he’s here to carry out his plan he had for long time.
Hercules: I would get Nova to grant me a wish I always want to have.
He then spotted new unfamiliar faces. He then decided to snatched them up. He summon bunches of five feet tall black griffins to snatching them.
Logan tried to protect Patton but both gets snatched up.
Roman draws his sword but it gets thrown off his hands when he clashed the sword with his own sword(dagger). He then gets snatched up.
Bowceit gets angry at Hercules and breathe fire at him. That didn’t affect Hercules but it angers him. He slammed Bowceit; knocked him out and grabbed him as well.
He grabs Remy which tries to protect the snakes kids. The kids gets grabbed as well. Only Bowceit Jr. escaped.
Pavo then ordered Pluto, Sirius and Pandora to get away and take Virgil with them as well. Pavo doesn’t want Virgil to get snatched. She unfortunately gets snatched.
Virgil: I don’t wanna to abandon them!
Pavo: You have to. Hercules is too dangerous to engage in battle with. Pandora, grab him.
Pandora just grabs Virgil by the hood and lift him up. (Bowceit Jr. end up running straight to Virgil and he just... pick him up and hold him close)
Out of three dragons, Pandora is faster than her two brothers so Pluto and Sirius ends up getting snatched.
Pandora: Bros!!!
Pandora takes Virgil and Bowceit Jr. to Remy’s ship.
Virgil is panicked. Bowceit Jr. was near to crying. Pandora joins Virgil’s panic time.
Virgil: Roman gets kidnapped! Lo gets kidnapped! Patton gets kidnapped! Even Remy and Bowceit get kidnapped!
Pandora: My brothers get kidnapped too. Princess is kidnapped as well. What the fuck should we do???
Bowceit Jr.: I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Soon Pandora calms down and calmed Virgil down.
She then explains that Hercules was probably trying to summon Nova. She tells him that Hercules is very dangerous to them for he won’t hesitate to kill others if they gets in his way. She then muttered about something about Andr-something. Virgil didn’t catch the rest.
She then asked him if he want to rescue others, he need to understand that it won’t be easy since they would likely to travel across the space. Virgil is little nerved by that fact but he is determined to save his brother and the princes along Bowceit. (They are on somewhat good terms here)
Junior(Bowceit Jr.) says he can help too.
Junior: I want save my daddy and my brothers and my sister.
Pandora and Virgil reclusively lets him come with him.
Pandora then tells him that she have ideas of whereabouts of eight star stones but Hercules would try to summon mythical creatures to stop us from sabotage his plans.
Virgil asked Pandora if she would came with him.
Pandora: ???? Of course??? I am not letting you go against Hercules and his summoned allies alone.
Virgil is relieving to hear that.
Virgil: Thank gods I am not alone in this like last time.
Pandora: you are absolutely insane for thinking that I won’t help you.
Somehow, they figured out how to pilot Remy’s ship. (Junior figures it out to Virgil and Pandora’s surprise)
Virgil: how did you know to drive a ship like this?!
Junior: I used to hijack daddy’s ships!
Pandora: I am almost afraid of you.
And their journey begins...
(The story will be launched in AO3 about mid-July, given or taken.)
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