#thank you for my lovely coraline au commissons linkly!!!!
chaoticquips · 5 years
Wrapped Up
A reminder that @linklyshow is a wonderful person! An angel, best boy.
Continuation to my Coraline AU, although this is more like the end of the movie whoops!
The door slams shut behind him. He’s too busy trying to catch his breath and slow down the mounting panic to really revel in the cold draft that washes over his back. 
It’s all normal again. No magic, no bugs, no sand filled needle creatures trying to grab at him-
It’s over.  
When he moves, there’s a slight sting to his thigh. Grazes left from their fingers-
He pulls off his- Robin’s -glove and tucks the door key inside with shaking fingers. A wave of relief comes in and settles in his stomach as nausea. Numbly, he slides down against the wall until he’s slumped against it.
He almost... died in there. In a little door in a little house in the middle of no where with no one to even realize he was gone. 
Shaky breath in. Shaky breath out. Repeat. He grips the glove tightly, feeling the outline of the key on his palm. It helps a little bit, reminding him of-
The front door opens. Wally scrambles to his feet in what can only be enthusiastic relief. 
“Mom! Dad! Oh my god, I missed you so much!” With tear-filled eyes, he barrels into them. Hugs them tightly and breaths in that wonderful, parental smell of home. They’re home. 
“Whoa! Slow down there, kiddo, you act like you haven’t seen us in ages!” 
That’s... that’s not... 
Eyes wide, he whips his head up to see none other than-
“Uncle Barry?!” 
“What am I, chopped liver?” Iris laughs at his side. She smooths a hand over his wild hair and Wally realizes what a mess he looks. 
And that he’s still clinging to them like a life line. 
He quickly lets go, sniffling. “S-Sorry! What are you guys doing here?”
“Well, your parents wanted us to come see the new place, get our opinion on it since, well...” Barry rubs the back of his head. 
“You seemed lonely, all by yourself.” Iris cuts in, giving him that soft smile of hers that makes his chest feel a little too tight. A little too loved. “Sometimes new environments can be hard to settle into, it’s easier to have some sort of familiarity around, right?”
“What better familiarity than family, right kiddo?” Barry ruffles his hair and Wally chokes back a laugh that almost shoots out of his mouth like a sob. 
“But it looks like you’ve been adjusting fine?” Iris says, shaking off her coat to hang on the rack next to the door. “Look at you, all dirtied up! What have you been up to today, Wally? Hopefully nothing too dangerous?” She shoots Barry that secret little look she sometimes does that makes him all nervous.
“What’s the look for, hun?”
“Oh, you know.” 
Wally feels the weight on his chest disappear. A laugh trickles out as he takes their- warm, soft, real -hands and leads them into the house. 
“There’s a garden outside, you wanna see it?”
“Sure! Let’s get you cleaned up first so your mother doesn’t have a fit.” 
“Iris, we’re heading outside, he’s going to get dirty anyway-”
“Barry. Need I remind you of the dog incident?”
“I’ll shut up now.” 
He can’t stop the smile on his face. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Gah!” At the sudden voice, Wally falls backwards and drops in the deep pit he had just climbed out of. 
“Oh, shi- shoot! I’m so sorry!” Hands suddenly pulling him up, too quickly too quickly, the world spinning as Wally rubs the winded feeling out of his chest. Taking a few deep breaths with his eyes closed, sitting up against the stone wall, he feels hands on his shoulders. 
When he opens his eyes, he glares. 
“Oh, you.”
“Uh, yeah. Me.” Robin says nervously. He’s wringing his hands together and actually looks a little... guilty? Wally sighs.
“Whaddya want now, gonna make fun of me again?” Wally moves to stand up but is swiftly pushed back down by Robin’s surprisingly firm hands. 
Rather than the firm, chunky feeling of Robin’s coat sleeves going over his palms, Wally realizes he’s looking for the soft feeling of gloves. He’s looking for warm, soft blue moonlight on a rooftop where he was taken off guard by someone surprisingly kind to him. 
His face tingles where the Other Robin had...kissed him.  
To push back the rising embarrassment and incoming blush, he immediately tries to focus on the stupidbutreallykindacute way this Robin styles his hair. 
God dammit. 
“I.. I wanted to apologize, for calling you weird.” Robin moves from a crouched position over Wally’s lap to sit with a hard thump on the ground in front of him. “I shouldn’t have said that, I really shouldn’t have. It’s just...” He sighs. 
“I dunno, I don’t really have a lot of friends.” Wally snorts.
“You don’t say?”
“Shut up.” He whines out, nudging at Wally with his foot. “Point is, I said some stupid stuff I shouldn’t have about you and I feel bad. I thought you were like the other kids.” He’s hunched over himself, taking off his glasses for once and rubbing at his eyes. 
Curiosity at what the weird kid who’s been harassing him all summer actually looks like strikes Wally like a harpoon. But he’s still kinda pissed, so he looks at Robin’s shoes instead before he sees anything.
... Jesus, those are some expensive shoes.
“What other kids?”
“The ones I go to school with. They... they say shit about me all the time and I didn’t realize you were just joking around. Defensive measures and all that.” He shrugs, voice muffled by his coat sleeves.
“Doesn’t make it all right though.” Wally says.
“Yeah, I know. It really doesn’t. Trust me, I’ve been beating myself up about this.” With a half hearted chuckle, Robin lifts up his left, bandaged hand away from his face, but stays hunched over. 
“Wha- literally? Dude, what-” 
“L-Like I said, I’m beating myself up about it and now I’m getting yelled at for doing that, so I’m apologizing.” Robin cuts in. A hot flash of sadness and anger rips through Wally. 
“... So you’re just apologizing to me so you wont be in trouble anymore? If that’s all, fine, you’re forgiven, now go-”
“God dammit, no! I don’t want-!” Robin’s voice cracks as he slams his bandaged fist on the ground. “I don’t- I didn’t mean! Look, I’m trying to apologize!”
“Yeah, and you’re really bad at it!” 
“I know!” He yells out. 
“I mean, most people would have the decency to look me in the face if they were going to apologize-”
“I know, but I-!” Suddenly he stops. Wally watches the anger flow out of his body and hears him take a deep breath. 
“You’re frustrating as hell, you know that right?” He says quietly to his expensive shoes. 
“Hey man,-”
“Let’s start over!” He yells, pouncing forward and covering Wally’s eyes with his hands before he sees his face.
“Wha- dude! What the hell!” Wally reaches up and grabs at his hands, pulling them off. Belatedly he remembers the other boy is stronger than he looks. He doesn’t get far until his head nearly hits the wall behind him with the force of the other boy’s hands returning to his face. 
“Let’s start over! First impressions are everything, right? We just got off on the wrong foot.” 
“A few dozen times.” Wally mumbles. 
“Just-!” Robin stops and sighs. “...Do you think we could be friends? If we actually tried this time? I wont call you weird, you don’t call me weird, no arguing unless it’s banter because it’s actually kinda fun with you.”
“Mm, I didn’t know friendships had rules.”  
“Less rules, more like guidelines. A, what do people call it? A bro-code?” It’s the most anyone has ever tried with Wally before. He honestly feels a little touched his creepy neighbor is trying so hard. 
“I... I think I can work with that. Y’know, considering how desperately you wanna be friends with me.” 
“Oh shut up!” He can’t help but laugh at Robin’s expense and he’s pleasantly surprised to find the other boy laughing too. 
“God, you’re a mess.” Robin laughs out.
“Yes!” It takes them a second to calm down, but finally Robin’s hands pull off his face ever so slightly. 
“I...I’m gonna take my hands off, ok? Then we can start over.”
“Dude, why are you nervous? You’re not horribly disfigured or something like that, right? Like, I don’t care if you are, it’s totally fine, just-”
Robin takes his hands off Wally’s face and gives him a smile so blinding he can’t tell if it’s the sun or not. 
Wait, no, it’s definitely the sun. He had his eyes closed for too long. 
“So what? I can’t see anything man, gimmie a second.” He rubs at his eyes while Robin stays strangely quiet. Then he clears his throat. 
“Hi! You must be Wally West, right? I believe you’re renting one of the rooms in the Pink Palace, right? I’m the son of your landlord, Dick. It’s nice to meet you!” 
When Wally opens his eyes, he almost doesn’t believe what he’s seeing. 
Dick Grayson, acclaimed child prodigy and adopted son to billionaire Bruce Wayne, is sitting in front of him. 
Directly in the dirt he had dug up for the tulips he had been planting. 
When Wally just stares at Dick, his smile shrinks and he moves to pick at his bandages. He averts his eyes from Wally.
“I-I heard you were into science, right? That’s partially why you moved here, so you could go to the academy on scholarship? Or was it to take special summer classes? That’s pretty cool either way.” 
“I’m more of a math guy myself, y’know? And, uh, acrobatics but you probably already knew that.” 
More silence. 
“...Would you like me to grab you water or something? You look kinda pale-”
“You’re telling me,” Wally cuts him off, “That the creepy little shit who kept waking me up in the middle of the night to knock on my bedroom window, who stalked me for most of the summer, and almost got me killed is none other than the Dick Grayson.” 
“Um. I resent the creepy part and... yes?” Wally takes a deep breath.
“Hoooooly shit.” Wally rubs his face with his hands because, wow. Didn’t see that one coming. 
“But you get now, why I had to-”
“Hide your identity and be a total weirdo? Yup. It’s all coming full circle.” He makes a little circle in the air with his finger and Dick punches him gently.
“Unbelievable. That’s... good God, I’m friends with a celebrity.”
“Don’t go telling the world, ok? Mostly because people are, y’know.”
“Nah man, my lips are sealed. Besides, you said it yourself, who would I tell?”
“...Too soon?” Dick gives him a half smile and helps him to his feet. 
“So, uh, what did you mean when you said I almost got you killed?” Wally snorts. 
“That is a long story that I’m 100% sure you’re not gonna believe.” Dick does his little half smile again and Wally decides that he thinks it’s fitting for the other boy. 
“Try me. We’re friends now, I’m legally obligated to believe everything you say.”
“Alright.” Wally looks the other boy up and down, hand on his chin. Dick rolls his eyes with a grin. 
“Your shoes are way too expensive for gardening.” In mock offense, Dick puts a hand on his own chest. 
“Oh yeah? Well your jeans look too new to be gardening in!” 
“My jeans?Take a look at your- dress pants? Really?”
“I might have taken a reaaaally long break from my ballroom dancing classes at the summer house. Don’t worry about it.” 
“I’m gonna, especially when your nanny yells at me for being a bad influence on a ‘high-class citizen’.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Alfred would never yell at you. He’ll just give you the scariest silent treatment and cook your favorite food slightly off so that there’s something funky about it, but you don’t know what.” When Wally gives him a strange look, Dick starts laughing about how Wally looks funny when he’s confused. 
Wally realizes rich people are fucking weird.
Wally also realizes he really wants to reach out and hold his hand. 
Then Wally realizes that without the glasses, Dick has really pretty eyes. 
He’s so screwed.
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