#thank u for the question anon MWAH <33333
solasan · 2 years
what does sivala carry with her from place to place? is there anything from Before that she holds onto?
honestly, not much!! she's not huge on material sentimentality; the only big thing from Before that she keeps around is her lightsaber, which she uses only sparingly. she's so used to being on the move, having to be prepared to run at a moment's notice, that it would be impractical for her to hang onto much else. even her jedi robes were abandoned at the first opportunity because they were too distinguishable.
for practical reasons, she hangs onto her holoprojector and commlink. that... becomes a bit more of a sentimental thing, too, once her and obi-wan start using them to fill the gaps in their lives with each other. they're her only way of contacting him, so she keeps them close. 
she usually binds her hair with leather ties, so she'll have several of those on her person at any one time; obi-wan winds up with those scattered around his place on the rare occasions she visits, and even before she dies, he takes to wearing them on his wrist. a piece of her, yknow?
hm what else. her blaster goes everywhere with her, for safety reasons. she sleeps with that thing under her pillow, even when her pillow’s just a balled up shirt. a couple forms of fake identification, too, bc u can never be too careful. uhhhhh. i think that rly might be it dhjdsjkdsjk which is so boring :// 
she’s just EXTREMELY practical when it comes to personal stuff (very big on self-sacrifice for the betterment of the many, even in regards to little things like her possessions, and in this case it’s for the best that she doesn’t have anything tying her down anywhere). also i think most of the things she would’ve wanted to have — some of yasta’s stuff, maybe, or vuren’s lightsaber — were impossible for her to get her hands on before she went on the run?
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inkykeiji · 3 years
oh my godddddddd I almost cried reading your response, you are the sweetest angel with an incomparably beautiful soul 🥺<33 your genuine, warm and thoughtful reply really helped me so much and made me feel at home(like u always do w ur blog!!) thank u so so much for your advice, I cannot appreciate it enough and it’s going to help me so much every time I come back to read it 🥺 I love u so much!!! also such an honor to be on your mind through the whole september r u kidding me?!?!!! I can’t believe it that makes me melt <333 (+BTW I wanted to apologize for unintentionally sending u a huge rant when u were in semi-hiatus (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) I didn’t realize it until a while after I sent u the ask and I felt so bad for venting to u when u were on a break :( didn’t mean it at all)
I also wanted to say u are one of my biggest inspirations in many aspects (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ik I’ve said this before but u inspire me so much in various ways. ur maturity and kindness, passion and enthusiasm w the things u love (such as writing, film and anime), how positive and sweet and thoughtful u are etc etc !!!! there are so much to learn from you. u make me feel truly comforted and safe(which is something that’s NOT easy), be kind to everyone(including myself), keep myself motivated and productive, strive for things I truly love <3 you’ve had such a positive impact in my life and I’m sure this applies to all the other lovely anons of your blog as well hehe
anyways did u drink plenty of water today? how r u feeling lately? what r ur interests/hobbies/favorite little things these days? I’m cuddling in my bed ready to re-binge through all ur bmb series and touya nii series again :D also side question: idk if anyone else asked this but have u decided on what u’re gonna be for halloween? I still got no clue </3 I don’t know if I should dress up as someone meaningful(like audrey hepburn) or just be a thot cuz I’m in college HAHAH I can’t think of a good one at all
sorry that I flooded u w so many questions!! (u don’t have to answer all of em hehe) I hope you’re doing well and having plenty of rest, u are such a beautiful soul <33 mwah mwah -🐰
hehehe hi bunny <333
aw sweetpea i’m super happy to hear it!!!! <33333 it always makes me feel really, really good whenever i hear that my advice helps <3 it’s such a special and rewarding feeling!! i love u too, more than u know!!!! <333 oh my gosh hahaha no, don’t worry about it!!! it just meant that i’d get to it a lil later, that’s all <33 i was literally so happy to hear from you!!
WAAAAAH listen bunny 🥺 this paragraph made me cry!!! it made me so emotional that i took a screenshot and sent it to my mom!!! i’m truly at a loss for words in the very best way, thank you SO much for such beautiful, sweet, thoughtful words <333 this means so very much to me!!! i feel really good inside and really happy when i hear that i inspire someone!! since i was three years old (literally lmao) i’ve always wanted to help others. i wanted to be a doctor until i was 16 years old (first a GP, then i wanted to be a psychiatrist haha), but with the help of a teacher i realized that writing/creating art is what i really loved to do and what i was really, truly good at, and that i could still help people through art, as well. so to receive such a lovely message, and hear that i can inspire and comfort you...well, that just means the whole world to me <3 so thank you, so so so much, for sharing such special thoughts with me <333
i only woke up a few hours ago, but i’ve already drank two glasses!! i’m very good with drinking water hehe <3 AH lately my mood is still really chaotic, it’s up and down and all around hahaha BUT therapy is going well so far, it’s a lot of work but i want to become stable again and reign in my illness a little, and i’m just so so SO grateful to have found a fantastic psychologist after two whole months of searching <3 hmm that’s a good question!!! lately i find myself spending a lot of time with my boyfriend’s family, actually!!! i just watched squid game with him + his brothers like a week or two ago and that was super super fun, and on the weekend we went over to his uncles to watch halloween kills which was also a ton of fun!! the two of us are also trying to establish a new habit of playing stardew valley together a few times a week (we have a multiplayer game started), and we’ve been learning italian together, too!! other than that, i spend the majority of my time writing still hehe <3 OOOOH hehehe i hope u enjoy rereading them!!! i have a bit of touya-nii content coming within the next month! <3 and ofc the last part of bmb in november!!!!
HEHEHE i am dressing up as a bunny princess, actually!!! i was at the store not too long ago picking up supplies for my halloween treat bags and i came across a cute lil bunny set with ears and a tail, and then grabbed the cutest frilliest pink tutu and was like AH! A COSTUME! hehehe <3 i’m only dressing up to hand out my treat bags, so!!! OMG LMAO WELL LET ME KNOW WHAT U DECIDE AAAAH
don’t apologize, i enjoy talking to you!!! have a fantastic week bunny babie ilysm!!!!! <333
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