#thank u for sending this i love going insane over lyric parallels always fksjfks
thekidsarentalright Β· 1 year
hi atlas! so i was thinking. "i will never ask you for anything but to dream sweet of me" / "my one condition is, say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe"
so sorry to answer this so many days after u sent it but AUGH this parallel... you are absolutely onto something with that like, it's about the need to be remembered and desired and loved, you don't even have to be Present in the person's life, you could be long gone but you just so desperately crave to be thought about. not only to be thought of, but thought of in a Positive light only, to be remembered sweetly, in a pleasant memory. it's sort of a people pleaser thing too, isn't it? wanting to manipulate your image in people's eyes so they only ever think well of you. you will only ever be liked and be remembered fondly if you mold yourself to such expectations
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