inertive · 11 months
I am currently reading The Playground by Aron Beauregard. I have never read a splatterpunk book before but I have always been greatly intrigued by them. I am on chapter 13 and I started yesterday afternoon. I haven’t read a book in a long time that I don’t want to put down. For books, I often make summaries on each chapter and a character chart. My chart has their names and character traits, how much I like or dislike them, and how they die and when. It’s all very detailed and I haven’t gotten to do this for a book in a long time.
I wasn’t feeling the writing at first, I felt like it was very vague, but as you read, the way he writes becomes worth it for certain scenes.
I will be looking into more splatterpunk novels, just not his, honestly. We will see. I’m certainly not reading The Slob, as I know the twist already and find it stupid and ridiculous.
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mieszkos · 2 years
Hello, we are Mieszko, a subsystem within the Amaranthine System ( @amaranthinesys ). As a collective, we use x/xs pronouns.
We like to hoard labels. these are kept on @amaranthinemogai .
We are a shapeshifter. We are a Not-Them. Here are some of our members who are more active:
also called “marten” for differentiation purposes
he/they/it/x pronouns
tags as “martin”, “mart.txt”
xe/xim pronouns
tags as “thaddeus”, “thad.txt”
she/her pronouns
tags as “vivien”, “viv.txt”
they/them/x pronouns
was once a copy of another system member. whether or not that’s still the case is iffy
gender and other label hoarder
tags as “agnethe”, “agn.txt”
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inertive · 1 year
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Call me Thaddeus or Thad. Please do not give me nicknames if we aren’t friends. He/zir pronouns only. It/it’s is preferred if we aren’t close but I have no true preference.
I am an alter in a system, if you don’t like that or are here to bitch and moan about it, I’d rather you leave now. I am a fictive introject from DC comics so I may occassionally mention it or mention source things. My role in our system & how it corelates to my source is no ones business. If I want to mention it, I will. It’s my blog. Our body is 23 and I am 20, if age is a make or break factor. I do follow back from @luvsickself.
I don’t do well with others. I don’t mesh well with most. But I do my best to at least seem approchable and civil.
You may be wondering why I made this blog at all at this point. I wanted a place to reblog posts I like, talk about my experiences within our system and maybe occassionally post my poetry. My poetry means a lot to me and I may only share some occassionally. I ask that no critisism is given on them. If they are labeled as not to reblog, respect that. My poems can be personal and it takes a lot for me to even post them. I may post abot books I am reading, Pokemon, Dead By Daylight, Stardew and Animal Crossing, DC comics, music that I enjoy, DIDOSDD posts, etc. I do post traumacore, and vent based media without tags. I will tag sui/cide, S/h, and SA posts along with any other heavy topic. If you would like to follow but need something tagged, please send me an ask or message and I will create a tag.
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Here are some general tags that are not trigger tags (body horror, s/h, SA, Scopophobia, etc) or fandom tags: - #v; - vent based media. This will include traumacore - #a; - General art posts, usually not fandom based - #tpoems; - Poems I wrote - #p; - Other poetry based posts - #same - Posts I relate to - #f; - The F stands for Funny - #starboard - my favorites tag - #thad.txt - Just me talking. - #sys; - System posts - Divider Credits: X X X | Icon: X 
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Basic DNI criteria, if you use slurs you can’t reclaim, you believe in “reverse racism”, you shit on people who are sexual assault survivor with hyposexual & hypersexual behavior patterns, you joke & invalidate about someone’s trauma unprovoked when it’s NOT your trauma, you mock and/or sexualize age regression, treat fictives as characters from the source that they’re from, if you believe fiction =/= reality, if you are endogenic or support endogenic systems, you belive protectors/persecutors are “evil alters” ans abusers, you use any mental illness as an excuse to be a dick or abuse others, if you’re a self proclaimed “unfriendly” person (you guys are usually abusers, so.) More can be added at any time. But you get the idea.
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I know my dni seems like a lot, I would just like to avoid any conflicts. I do block at the first sign that youre a dick or if I just don’t like you much. I reserve the right to block anyone who makes me uncomfortable who rubs me wrong, sorry.  Please keep in mind I also tag / label my posts with do not reblog or do not reply to often, I ask that you please respect this. Even if you relate, even if it’s a post that says only systems can reblog, please listen to my labels. I do sometimes post vents here and I do often delete posts, vent post and other posts. I do what makes me feel safer even if in the moment it is not logical. I have BPD and very intense paranoia and act on it at times. Please be patient with me and respect my boundaries. Thank you.
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