koushirouizumi · 10 months
(My Digi-Advs Inter-national Chosen Child O.C. Shane's profile is up!)
{These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!} [Which will include profile pages for my O.C.s still actively in use!]
(Shane originally didn't have one at time, so Shane's page is new!)
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, sitting off to the side inside a ramen stall during the Obon festival: (...) That Voice at The Back of Shane's Mind, Which Is Totally Not Shane's Mon speaking from The Void, eventually, Speaking Up: (You're sulking.) SHANE: Shane: (I Am Not.) Shane's Mon: (You're scared at the thought of meeting Hikaru again, even when all the conditions are, in actuality, quite good. Aside from the possible return of your earlier "Issue"...) SHANE: Shane: (I think I'm more scared at the thought of seeing Hikaru NOT wearing pants. Or at least, what we looked like while we were stuck in the Digital World together for what felt like *years*.) Shane's Mon: SHANE'S MON: (You're worried your relationship will change because so much time has passed, and Hikaru will abandon you despite the close partnership from before.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (Why do you believe Hikaru would abandon you, when Hikaru never showed any such ill feelings towards you before? You two saved the worlds together, even "back then". Hikaru is not one to throw that kind of partnership away so easily.) Shane: ... {I Don't Want To Say They're Right But} DAISUKE, BURSTING IN: SHANE: (Sits) (Doesn't Budge An Inch) DAISUKE: OI, YOU--- SHANE: (Turning, Casually/lazily) What. DAISUKE: Daisuke: ... Listen, you, we were going to invite you anyway! HIKARU'S (EMPHASIZED) meeting up with us tonight and-! KEN, Casually: We brought you an extra yukata, if you want one for tonight. SHANE: Shane: My kimono's at .. home. Patrick can pick it up for me before it gets late. (Goes back to meal) DAISUKE & KEN, EXCHANGING GLANCES: Ken: (Nods; "Shane's telling the truth") Daisuke: ... Well, uh, then, HIKARU will be here tonight, and Hikari-chan's coming later too, and when that happens, we're all going back TOGETHER. Yeah, that's DEFINITELY what's going to happen!! DAISUKE, TAKING A SEAT RIGHT NEXT TO SHANE: Ken: ... (Sits next to Shane on opposite end.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (They're worried about you wandering around alone during Obon after you ran off earlier.) SHANE: (I KNOW.) Shane's Mon: (At least Ken's not as upset anymore.) SHANE: (INTERNAL GROAN) Shane's Mon: (Now you just have to survive meeting Hikaru without accidentally causing the ends of the worlds again.) SHANE: (STOP REMINDING ME!!!!) SHANE'S MON: (Well, it's a bit quiet in the Void without you...) S H A N E: (YOU could come out from the Void once in a while.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (It is not possible at this time.) Shane's Mon: {Voice Slowly Fades} SHANE: Shane: (Sighs) (I'll figure out what I can do for it Later.) Shane: (For now, I have to get through a whole night of Obon fesitival, and... These Two.)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 & O.C.s
DemiGoldVmon: D'you think Hikaru will like Daisuke's present?? (Fretting a Bit) DemiSilVmon, Not Quite Getting It Yet But: Sure she will, they're really close after all!!! DemiSilVmon: Besides, the present is (actually) cute! {can tell it's Hikaru relevant} DemiGoldVmon: I hope it'll be all right.. (Chibimon's worried too but is hanging with the rest...) DemiSilVmon: Let's just watch over her for now! DemiGoldVmon: .. Yeah, I'm kind of pooped after that battle! (Tired Whines but Then) It was cool at the end when "that boy" Hikaru knew and that other one showed up! What was its name again?? Something like "P"... "Pii-ka"?? DemiSilVmon: I was already Evolved so I was kind of really busy fighting!... But yeah, they helped! They made a really good team with Daisuke and Vmon too!! Especially when they Evolved! DemiGoldVmon, Nodding: Yeah, I want to thank those guys later!! It helped me out by the time I was joining in too, since I can't Evolve yet and there were so many Adult levels around!! DemiSilVmon, musing: Come to think of it, though, I didn't see them hanging around back with everyone else at the house. Maybe they went back home?... DemiGoldVmon, deflating: Maybe... O.C. Shane, Sighing as GoldVmon later joins Shane in Floating Endlessly in a Digital Void: (He had no idea Pika*** was camouflaging itself.) Shane: (And apparently I was not just "part Digital" but "DEAD" and when I "disappeared" {at the end} I was being dragged back into the Void {Death} again) Shane: (But I didn't KNOW IT At the Time) Shane: (I DID get to mess with Daisuke one more time at least by the end but I didn't get to See Hikaru...) Shane's Mon: (So, whoever did "this" to you essentially "killed you" for "some reason". Almost as if to "prevent" you from "being around"... {Hikaru}??) SHANE: (And now GoldVmon {Hikaru's 2nd 'Mon} is here.) Shane's Mon: (What are you going to Do?) SHANE: ... Shane: (In retrospect I'm not completely sure what I CAN do.) Shane's Mon: (Well, you Got Out of Here Before...) SHANE: Shane: (Are you Implying something?) Shane's Mon: (...You could try the same Again.) S H A N E:
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
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{Young Me was Funny at Times, Maybe} DigiAdvs x P.K.M.N ~ "The Fate of Four Worlds"
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Use}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C. Shane & some Unexpected Guests [A.U. spinoff]
SHANE, Waking Back Up next morning after a full day of once again Trying To Human: ... Shane: I'm still (physical). Shane, turning head to the side, noting Daisuke and Ken are already up for the day because they're not in the room this time: ...(Maybe I'll keep sleeping) A Portal, opening above Shane: {whirrING NOISES} SHANE: ????!??!? (Too Stiff to Move wHEN) --- Something round-ish and yellow, falling straight down onto Shane: !!! SHANE: !!!! The yellow thing: (Stares at Shane) Shane, staring BACK: SHANE: PIKACHU???!??!? PIKACHU: Pikachu: ... Shane?? ? ? ? SHANE: (It's *definitely*--) (*It's talking*.) Shane: ({O.C.} Hikaru's Pikachu *did talk* *before*, too.) Pikachu: Shane? Huh? Why are YOU here? (Gets up near Shane's face haha what is "personal space"???) Where's Hikaru?!??! SHANE: ..... Shane, STILL HASN'T Contacted Hikaru: Shane: Ummmm. It's. a long. Story (SIDEGLANCING) Pikachu: I haven't seen you in forever?!??! (I mean, I didn't "see" you a lot before either, you were *kind of always a 'Lone Wolf' type*, as Hikaru would say even if I don't quite Get It Myself but!!1!) We all thought you were in the *human world* *with* *Hikaru* for good--!! Shane: -YEAH, so why did YOU fall from a *portal*-- JOU, opening door: I heard voices, are you all right? Daisuke and Ken sent us to look you over and SHANE & PIKACHU: JOU & ...GOMAMON: PIKACHU, POINTING AT GOMAMON: YOU !!!!!!! GOMAMON: ?!???!? (HUH?!?) (LOOKING AT JOU) (????) JOU: (Don't look at me, I just got here!) (I don't know it either!!) {to Shane} Wait, is this your {"Partner"?? ?} "frien---" PIKACHU, jumping down: We thought *YOU ALL* were back in the 'Digital World' too!!! What's going ON?!? SHANE: Ummm . *Pikachu*. This isn't... *really* {technically} the 'same' Gomamo--- PIKACHU: Shane: (*I don't know how to tell it* that Gomamon was *from a TV series* in *that one Timeline* and *I* kind of *got stuck in* *a MIX-UP between the WORLDS*---)
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs {+02} O.C.s
SHANE, FINALLY... Reaching Hikaru's home: (At night) Shane, properly standing outside Hikaru's home: Shane: S h a n e: (*quiet but firm knocking, enough that it won't wake Hikaru's whole family up, but likely Hikaru will hear, because*) SHANE: (*KNOWS Hikaru is a Night Owl*)--- Hikaru, Right on Cue: (*Opening... Door*) ... SHANE: ... HIKARU: ... Hikaru: O-Oh! You're here... Shane: ... Yeah. Hikaru, Concerned: ...Is something happening? Shane: ... Kind of. It'll take way too long to explain, but... Shane: ... I wanted to let you know first. Hikaru: ... Hikaru: OK. Do you want to come insid--- Shane, Unnerved at thought: Just here is fine. Hikaru: We can sit here, then. (*sits on steps*) Shane, following, Sitting Next To: ... Hikaru: I heard a little of what was happening before, but as for "now"... Shane: I know. Shane: ... I... have to go away for a bit again. Hikaru: ... Hikaru: "A bit"? (Not A Short Time?) Shane: ... Yeah. (Not A Short Time.) Hikaru, letting out a small breath: ... I see. Shane: ... You deserve to know. Before I... leave again. I'm sorry I... couldn't tell you before. Hikaru: HIKARU: I don't like that. Shane: ... Uh?? (*sTARTLE, BLINK*)-- H I K A R U: YOU'RE the one who died. HIKARU: You didn't deserve any of that!! It's not your fault that happened to you...!! ! Hikaru: ... Shane: ... Shane: Y-Yeah. Hikaru: I kept waiting. A long time... all through the end of elementary and middle school... waiting to see if you'd reach out online again. And when you didn't... Hikaru: I assumed "something" must have happened to you. Hikaru: So I researched. A lot. I kept up with coding, even if I wasn't sure it'd be completely helpful in locating you. But I realized... Hikaru: I actually grew to enjoy it on my own, too. So I kept pursuing it for myself. Shane: ...Yeah. You had a lot of fun with that site. HIKARU: AND talking to you!! SHANE: ... Hikaru: It was really fun. I think it was some of the most fun of my life so far... and, you "mean" something to me, too. In a unique but "different" way... but "different" from what a lot may perceive that as... does that make sense?? Shane: ... Yeah. (*Nodding*) It does. Shane: And... I'm kind of grateful, too. Hikaru: ... ??? Shane: The "bond" I have with you is important to me too... and I don't want to lose you... Because... I don't think I could stand to lose someone important (again). Hikaru, Never completely learnt about Shane's past relations: ... Shane: But... if you ever have to go somewhere someday... its fine. (I'll be ok. WE'LL Be OK.) Hikaru, smiling: ... The same for you. SHANE: ... Hikaru: ..But you know which e-mail address YOU can reach me at. Shane: (... -- Hikaru still has it.) Hikaru: It never got deleted in all those purges. (*Light laughter*) We saved yours, too... in case you needed it again. SHANE: ... I do. Need. That. Hikaru: For what you're about to do? Shane: YEAH... Hikaru: Let's reinstate it, then. But... you'll have something tying you to "this world" again. SHANE: It's ok. Do it. Please. Hikaru: You don't even need to ask! Shane: (I wanted to.) {Watching as Hikaru sets Shane's old address back up} Hikaru: So.... "Skateboard"... and the numbers. SHANE, GROANING INTERNALLY: I'm sorry it was so standard. (I can't even skateboard now. And it's not like I was really great at it before.) Hikaru: It's ok. I liked typing it out! SHANE: ... (This is why it was nice talking to Hikaru.) (Among... elsewise) SHANE: ... If it's done... Yeah... I have to go. Hikaru: I know. Shane: ... This will probably always be happening to me in some way, but... I'll always try to come back. Hikaru: I know! Hikaru: See you ... next year? Shane: I'll try. For "next year". And... Hikaru: ??? Shane, fading out: Tell DAISUKE and Ken I still need to finish playing against them in their "game"! SHANE, HOLDING UP DIGIVICE: AND I'LL WIN "THIS ONE"! SHANE, In OTHER hAND, Holding TAICHI+DAISUKEs GOGGLES: (*one-handed PUTS ON*) HIKARU, LAUGHING, HOLDING UP D3 IN SILVER, GOLD AND PINK, & PHONE DIGIVICE TOO: I WILL!! SHANE (+HIKARU, IN MIND): "DIGITAL GATE, OPEN!!!"
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 + O.C.s
Ken, waking up one morning to find Shane... about to sneak out of Daisuke's place: Ken: KEN: KEN: Where are you going ? SHANE: Shane, Casually: Going for a walk. KEN: Are you SURE ? KEN, LOOMING while moving closer to Shane: DAISUKE'S {EMPHASIZED} going to be up soon, *so*--- SHANE: I'm definitely KEN: ..??? SHANE: SURE! (*KICKS KEN RIGHT IN THE GROIN*) KEN: (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) SHANE: (*BOLTING*) KEN: (REDACTED!!1!1!) Shane: (Ken didn't think I had it in me.) {RUNS}
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 & O.C.s
After a whole round of Ken telling some wild stories involving spirits, cue DAISUKE: H-Hey, Shane, are you just going to stay awake the whole night like that {*again*}? SHANE, (when) still Temporarily Digital: ... SHANE floating around somewhere in the distance closer to the ceiling: I mean. I can't exactly "phase" back "in" at will, so… I guess I'm up for "a while". DAISUKE, Looking At Ken Pleadingly: SHANE: ... I'll leave when I get tired. ("I'll leave if it's a bother." / "I don't really care.") KEN: ... KEN, laughing a bit: Would you like to have a round at the "scary stories"? SHANE: DAISUKE: Shane: Sure. (*floats / is pulled back down, but can't exactly move to "sit"*) I got some really cool ones. I don't know if you'll find them cool, but I do. Ken: Go for it. DAISUKE, WHINING IN MIND but LOOKING @ KEN: (KENNNNNN---) KEN: (We'll probably all be a bit more worn out after, so hang in there for a bit longer.) DAISUKE, Pleading eyes:
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C.s {Shane & Co.}
Patrick (Younger): ... That's what you get for being born in the {late 80's}? SHANE, Groaning at Screen: Patrick: {Shane still doesn't quite Get how on-line communication has changed since 'those years'...} Shane: (I still know e-mail.) Patrick: (Besides e-mail.) Shane: (And forums.) Patrick: (And--) {was born too late to experience the heyday of forums} (Wait---) Patrick: Did you have a site??? Shane: Not really, but Hikaru did. Hikaru was more into site building than I was. Patrick: (...Is that a Yes or a No.) Shane, who was a complete Lurker:
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [... and some O.C.s]
Inter-national Chosen O.C. Shane... entering a certain Place for the first time in 10~ Years: ... Shane: (This is risky, but I need to confirm if---) Person, immediately spotting Shane: (!!) ...Oh. SHANE: SHANE: (SH*T) Shane: (I should have guessed the "head" would still be around, even if enough "time" may have passed in between--) Shane: Sorry. Uh. I didn't want you to see me like this. In fact, you're not supposed to be seeing me. You didn't see me. Sorry, I'll go (*turns to leave*) Person: ... Person: Your brother has been concerned as to your whereabouts "since then". SHANE: Shane: ("Brother.") I can't bother them with this right now. Person: ... Shane: Just... Shane: One request. Person: Shane: I want a "plain" one. OK? With my original name centered on it. That's all Person, slowly Nodding: Shane: (*turns to scram for real*) SHANE, Not Looking Back: (*BOLTS*) Shane, making it outside, not immediately noticing anything else "sudden": (I made it outside. Good, even if I couldn't look around basically at all, no one else has "seen me" ye---) Shane, landing eyes on Someone: SOMEONE, Staring back up at Shane: (??!???!) SHANE: (SH*T) (Gotta dodge before they---) That Someone, immediately running to tackle jump at Shane: SHANE, No Flexibility Since "revival": (OOF) HEY- SHANE: (YOU--) (Harsh whispering) What if I'm an evil {'Mon} posing as your b---?! Patrick {Shane's sibling}: You're not. Patrick: This is an "important" place. Even the immediate surrounding, technically - "Evil" monsters *can't even step foot* inside there... Patrick: For us it's definitely the truth... SHANE: ... Shane: (They got me.) Shane: LOOK, I have to go. You can't come wi--- Patrick: No. I'm coming with you Shane: (My siblings' turned into a DELINQUENT.) PATRICK: (*YOU* WERE THE ONE WHO VANISHED FOR JUST ABOUT *10 YEARS*.) SHANE: (IT WAS AN *ACCIDENT*) PATRICK: (I DON'T CARE "HOW" IT HAPPENED I AM NOT LETTING THEM TAKE YOU AGAIN) SHANE: ...You're really not going to let go are you? Patrick: No. Shane, meeting Takeru's gaze down the steps: Takeru, noticing Patrick: (?!??!) SHANE: (Yeah, this was definitely my bad, but now we BOTH need to go back with you...)
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