#tfa ava-lynn
felixkinnie · 3 years
hot take: it is legal and actually quite sexy to hunt tristen stans for sport
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felixkinnie · 3 years
Ava my beloved
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felixkinnie · 3 years
Duality Headcannons
Felix has read Homestuck and kins Karkat Vantas. He also ships Davekat.
Felix has gone to Pride marches at various different points in history dressed in full drag. He also has a track record for punching bigots in the face, including, but not limited to: sexist, racist, homophobic and transphobic people.
Felix's drag name is Sequenza Orgazma and Mercy's is Edge-ger Allen Hoe. If Tristen did drag, his username would be Toxic Tucker.
Felix's favourite song is Tiimmy Turner - Desiigner. He doesn't understand the song, he just likes the beat.
One of Felix's favourite pasttimes is cryptid hunting. He has met mothman in person and the two have gone for coffee.
Mercy cried when Lil Peep and Chester Benninngton died.
Mercy cries at the ending of Dead Poets Society every single time he rewatches it. (This man cries at least 4 times a week, and 3 out of the 4 times Dead Poets Society is the reason for it.)
Mercy also kins Todd Anderson.
Tristen has been sending Felix a subscription box filled with dog shit every month for at least six years. Every time, in retaliation, Felix has filled Tristen's pool with orbeez (except for that one time he filled it with water spiders.)
Felix supports and respects sex workers.
Ava-Lynn is a sex worker and definitely has an OnlyFans.
Felix supports and respects Ava-Lynn, partly because he is a decent human being and partly because he fears that if he so much as looked at Ava wrong she would cut his dick off (he's not wrong.)
Mercy sings Welcome To The Black Parade - MCR up to the lyrics "the beaten and the damned" while washing his hands to time himself.
Felix watches Jacksepticeye religiously and owns various different limited edition official Jacksepticeye merch. He has also been featured on Meme Time.
Mercy never left his emo phase (duh.)
Alannah plays Animal Crossing. She has an obsession with froggy chair and her favourite villagers are Lily and Beau.
Mercy has a crush on Charlie Dalton and Francis Abernathy that resulted from him attempting to join the Dark Academia community. He is also DA tumblr famous.
Felix has read, watched and enjoyed Twilight. He doesn't understand why so many people hate it but will take this to his grave.
Nobody in Duality supports J. K. Rowling's transphobia. Not even Tristen.
Felix has made a worm on a string wall at least once in his lifetime.
Felix has fought God and won.
Felix would rather set himself on fire than admit he enjoyed the Twilight series.
Mercy's breakdown song is Trapdoor by Twenty One Pilots.
Both Mercy and Felix have indulged in the fanfic side of Wattpad more times than either would like to admit. Mercy has also written some of the worst, most popular fics on Wattpad (and is still trying to live it down.)
Felix buys a 50 pack of worm on strings from Amazon a year. This man is obsessed.
Felix has the John Cena hotline on speed dial.
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felixkinnie · 3 years
gangs all here
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