#text from eye strain is written out below the images btw
galaxyeyedphoton · 2 years
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With the unfortunate news of Takahashi’s passing today, I thought I would dig up my old draft of an interview from 2016 that I didn’t get around to posting before (although it’s probably already been posted elsewhere since then of course)
Since the images are a little blurry/hard to read with the bright colors, I added a transcript below. I apologize though, I don’t know how to properly add/write alt texts, maybe this is alright enough? But if anyone wishes to add an alt text/image ID feel free to use a copy of this !
Interview transcript:
“Weekly Shonen Jump Interview!
Jump Festa 2016 Interviews: Kazuki Takahashi 
Here’s the latest in our series of Jump Festa 2016 interviews, in which we asked a bunch of manga artists the same set of eight questions. This week, we present Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Shonen Jump: In a word of two, what does Shonen Jump mean to you?
Takahashi Sensei: The female readership has increased a lot lately, but at its heart it’s shonen manga. Though I’m not sure what’s going on lately with the Jump staples of “friendship, hard work, victory” because I haven’t been keeping up with recent series, but to me Shonen Jump is all about providing children with dreams.
SJ: What about manga?
Takahashi Sensei: Well, as seen with Yu-Gi-Oh!, it can become the foundation for so many different media. It’s entertainment - it’s about having people read your story. It’s also the simplest form of entertainment. It’s cheap - all you need is a pen and paper and anybody can create a story. That’s what makes it amazing. Even a single person can create an entire new world.
SJ: Is there something that you are really into or excited about recently?
Takahashi Sensei: I want to get into Monster Hunter. I’m doing a collaboration with that popular video game series so I’m trying to get into it. But I’m not there yet. I’m still getting used to the controls. I’m looking forward to getting addicted.
SJ: Is there something you are excited about for 2016?
Takahashi Sensei: It’s gotta be the new movie. A theatrical Yu-Gi-Oh! movie will be released in 2016. It’s the twentieth anniversary since the series began, so I created a story for the move that continues the original manga. I’m really looking forward to that and I hope the fans are as well.
SJ: Which of your characters would you want to hang out with at a New Year’s party?
Takahashi Sensei: Jonouchi would probably be the life of the party and make things fun. I don’t think Kaiba would even show up for a New Year’s party. I really don’t think I’d want him there either. [laughs]
SJ: Have you ever had dreams about your manga characters?
Takahashi Sensei: Dreams about my manga characters...? Hmm... Have I ever had one? I don’t think I have. I’m not sure, but I don’t really dream about my art. So if my characters appeared as real people, I might not know who’s supposed to be who.
SJ: How does it feel when you come to events like Jump Festa and see so many fans?
Takahashi Sensei: I’m just incredibly happy that so many people have come here today. I just had the stage show, and seeing that many fans out there was great. I don’t have that many chances to interact with Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, so it’s a great honor when I do.
SJ: There are a lot of fans out there who read your manga in English. Do you have a message for them?
Takahashi Sensei: I know there are a lot of fans overseas, and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. And if they get the chance to see the new movie, I’d be really happy. It continues the story from where the original manga left off, so it should be very exciting.”
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