#tetris block
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chaos64sprinkles · 6 months
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Tetris In Pixel Art Animation!
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eggsploded · 7 months
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impromptu homestuck relapse
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boilingdreamland · 8 months
Did you guys even consider that Betty actually Likes being an all powerful extradimensional chaos god?
That being Golbetty IS her Happy Ending?
God forbid women do anything....
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ninyard · 2 days
spent far too long making this for it
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his number was not 10 when I found it. But I did that. For ONE TWEET.
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nano30cm · 3 months
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two east coast girls and their weird white boys
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movedtodykedvonte · 8 months
Okay but can we talk about the Lich’s reaction to meeting Golb? The way he demands answers for having no satisfaction from his purpose is astounding and I love it
No it was really eye opening and clarifying to see it cause it reminded me what Golb is, even when mixed with Betty:
The embodiment of chaos and random force of nature.
Destruction is just one form of chaos and nature that the Lich completely devoted himself to only to be left feeling hollow. Golb has no goals or even long term plans as Golbetty, it just is and it’s a fools errand to think there is something that truly appeases it. The Lich felt like he should’ve earned something cause he simply thought he was worshiping a god but it was more like a concept he could see.
In a way it’s emblematic of Simon who also got his wish but felt empty. The difference is Simon learned what was actually missing to fill that hole.
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spittyfishy · 6 months
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Bonus: Izuru Kamukura
Not properly a remnant or ultimate but a secret third thing (lobotomy victim)
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blinkpen · 5 months
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don't you love it when
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took over a year but i updated the ref of the Some Guy + finally drew what i think his back looks like lmao
some stuffs:
i did a crime and dropped the headphone thingys - he just wears funky, tangible goggles now (they finally make SENSE hell yeah)
went back to making the mask tails a little longer and hang lower
weird pants straps i just replaced with utility packs
i always liked the idea of donnie slimming up his battleshells as he grows to be less dependent on his tech + become an even more skilled engineer, to the point that they more closely resemble his actual shell
i'll do the other guys...probably. maybe.
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L block from Tetris please.
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thecrimsonjaguar · 8 months
Massive Spoilers Ahead
Ok I liked the last two episodes but I have my nitpick. Let's get this out of my head so i can go to sleep.
So I'm not surprised that betty and simon "broke up" but like I kinda am? I've wanted Simon to move on from betty, to be able to live in the present and cherish it for what it is, but I think it's the way they broke up honestly that feels a bit off
They couldn't be together anymore. betty merged with golb and simon couldn't follow, and the cycle of chasing each other eternally wasn't healthy. People say their relationship when they were together was unhealthy and while that isn't untrue, the chasing and obsessing over each other was way worse. Betty tore herself apart for simon, and simon was left with a hole in his heart for 1000 years that he could never fill.
And it's that obsession which feels a bit... i dunno, left out? It's definitely addressed in the show, beth pointing out that nova was obsessed with casper. But it's also pointed out that Nova and Casper did love each other.
And Simon and Betty DO love each other so their parting, as reasonable and as fulfilling as it is, feels anticlimactic in a way? I think they should have parted with tears in their eyes, both acknowledging that they've made mistakes and the past can't be changed but they love each other so, so much and they wouldn't trade their time with each other, as short as it was, for anything. Betty's "You were a wonderful experience" doesn't track with the betty in elements wanting to go back in time to prevent simon from finding the crown and stopping the mushroom war and the betty in the finale who SUMMONED CTHULHU AND THEN MERGED WITH IT TO SAVE SIMON SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE KEEPING SIMON SAFE WAS HER TRUEST, DEEPEST WISH
im being a bit dramatic. the series finale was good i think, and most of everything i wanted happened.
Betty clearly wanted what's best for Simon, and what would be best for him now is to move on. But I think admitting that to herself, to Simon, should have been more painful. That's my nitpick. Simon's tale is a thousand year old tragedy and I think letting go would have been the most painful thing Simon and Betty had ever done.
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jonreytrevino · 1 month
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Repost Classic : Tetrominoes Pico
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seffien · 1 year
(extremely loud screaming)
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templegate · 1 month
Why ate you brainrotting me into a ship that dosen't doesn't exist nooooooooo
Imposter×izuru my beloved
YEAH. I AGREE. Here I'll talk more about it and drag you deeper into the hole
I feel like im despair Izuru hated the Imposter because they had become a perfect imitator. Any of their actual personality being suppressed for the sake of imitation. Like a sort of Ego Death. Izuru hated it because it was too reminiscent of himself. But after the NWP I think they begin to bond.
I mean this is all headcanon-
but I always saw Izuru as a pretty subservient being. I mean the Hope's Peak people probably wanted a good amount of control over him. So he's not really an active person. Needing someone to point him in whatever direction.
Contrasted with the Imposter who is naturally a leader. They care a whole lot about people because they're so good at reading people. And despite their feeling that they lack an identity, they still have aspects that shine through.
Izuru is supposed to be a new personality. A metamorphosis after Hajime Hinata had been completely erased. But Izuru cannot seem to form an identity. Think about it. He never really has anything he cares about, people he cares about, likes or dislikes. Even his constant stating that hes bored is just a statement of fact. Not really said with any malic.
While the Imposter is supposed to be nothing. Supposed to be someone who can become anything. And despite it. They have so much personality. They care about people, have a pension for leadership, love food and love their body. This isn't a person with no personality.
So they both fucked up what they were supposed to do. A person meant to be a void cares, and the person meant to care is a void.
That might be a source of jealousy between the two. It might not. But they're kind of polar opposites. The Imposter's understanding of people leads to them caring more for them. Willing to sacrifice themselves to save someone who they knew was dangerous. While Izuru understands people on such a deep level that he finds them boring. Disliking most people he interacts with and being generally apathetic. Being perfectly willing to sacrifice people around him.
And I think after the NWP, The Imposter starts to come into their own, since constantly pretending to be someone else is terrible for your mental health. They're not used to it at all. They take up a leadership role and kind of have a workaholic duo with Hajime and Izuru. Maybe the imposter also has a better time dealing with the Despair version of themself. Since they already are pretty good at compartmentalizing their identity.
While Izuru- I've spoken before how I think the return of Hajime Hinata to his headspace causes Izuru to like... Be able to be someone. Since the parts of his brain that were suppressed to destroy Hajime are reactivated- suddenly Izuru is like... Capable of feeling and caring for people, and having opinions and a personality. And i see them as a system too. So now Izuru is feeling all these things- is super overwhelmed and can't interpret any of them. And his headmate is there too and his emotions are even stronger.
And i imagine that Izuru has only one person who can possibly understand what it's like- The Imposter. So they have weird conversations with 12 layers of context and subterfuge. And then maybe they kiss as well.
It's literally because they are such great foils to eachother too. Like i wish it was brought up in canon cause they're sooooo similar and yet so different.
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feminetomboy · 5 months
Yeah yeah the mortifying ordeal of being known, but have you ever experienced the mortifying ordeal of trying to pack four very fragile glass ornaments into a check out luggage.
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