polar-stars · 4 years
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Shokugeki + “I want a Baby” - The Master Collection
(I added two more to this nonsense and I thought to myself “yeet why not put them all together?”
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
Also since we’re already at rarepair stanning maybe just some general headcanons Subaru/Nao and Terunori/Miyoko?
Fuck yeah, let me spread some rare pair content!
♥ Probably just my personal headcanon... BUT, BUT BUT... imagine them meeting through Mitsuru. Imagine them both having a common friend and they both help him with his interviews... A TRIO WE DIDN’T KNOW WE NEEDED.
♥ Okay but imagine fucking Subaru copying different people in front of the mirror just to do a perfect confession... He copied fellow Totsuki students, drama series, shoujo manga and he can’t do it RIGHT until he knew it was best to confess as himself- without imitating anyone or anything, just be himself
♥ Nao ends up confessing first and debunks all the hardwork of Subaru, she casually says she fucking loves him with a meal she makes just for him, A FOOD THAT IS MEANT TO ONLY BE FOR HIM
♥ Subaru accepts her feelings with his own words and as himself, so hey, watching other people confess did pay off because it made him realize not all confessions go the same way, but they are ALL memorable
♥ They fucking yeet over to stalk people together, Nao has the camera and Subaru has the fucking locations, they’re named as the CC (Cute Couple, Cryptid Couple, your choice)
♥ “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WE’RE EATING IN A CHINESE RESTAURANT WE’RE EATING IN MY RESTAURANT -Kuga thinking he’s best 2k19″ VS “We’re eating in my restaurant.” -Miyoko, knowing she’s the best 2k19
♥ They’re literally the friends to rivals to lovers trope to me because imagine them having shokugekis to show who’s the best Chinese chef... IMAGINE HER PROVING TO HIM BEFORE HE GRADUATED HOW CAPABLE SHE IS BEFORE SHE TOOK OVER THE CHINESE RS
♥ They take one of the longer ones to get together because Miyoko isn’t the type to let her emotions to take over, but once they are together? THEY’RE CUTE AS FUCK
♥ They watch movies together, their favorite ones are the action packed ones... Miyoko has to watch as Kuga dances along to fucking Kung Fu Panda or Mulan
♥ Nao and Miyoko are dorm mates so once the couple start dating, they have this fucking 4 player games together
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In Tamami's Universe
Masae: Since you're the one who wanted a child first, you get to name the child!
Dai: Oh! What a great offer! Give me a requirement for the name.
Masae: I... don't really have one? Maybe make it Greek? I don't know.
Dai, clarifying: It's a boy, right?
Masae: Yes.
Dai: Let's nAME HIM EROS
Masae: I regret my life choices. Goodbye.
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polar-stars · 3 years
Home Headcanons
It is 3 am, but I finally finished something that I’ve been working on for pretty much a week now I believe.
It’s just an assortment of headcanons & notes on how I imagine some of the Families featured in my Shokugeki Next Gen to live like, hnn.
It’s messy & I got lazy and tired towards the end but I’m just glad it’s finished, jeez:
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polar-stars · 4 years
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A bunch of lazily shaded Chibis that I edited with the power of Photoshop
Anyway, it’s way too rare that I draw any of my Shokugeki Fanchilds in their cooking-attire even though...they’re cooks. 
So today, I offer you the four most important second years because they continue to be one of my favorite groups and I wanted to show what Hiraku’s new cooking uniform looks like as well. 
For anyone who does not happen to know these kids (I mean, you never know) -> Hiraku Yukihira (Son of Soma and Erina), Akio Hayama (Son of Akira and Hisako), Suzume Hojo (Daughter of Terunori and Miyoko) & Shigeo Eizan (Son of Etsuya and Nene)
Also since I’m at it, lemme just quickly flex my new blog because I spent a lot of  work on it’s coding...But yeah, if my Next Gen happens to interest you, they have a blog now 😌 -> @shokugekinokimiko 
Anyways, thank you for the attention 😊 I had a good day and I hope you had one as well (or...have. Idk ahdhd Timezones go brrr)
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polar-stars · 4 years
*cries* After nearly a week of work, I can finally...present this Animatic to you
The animatic covers a future arc of my fanfic “Shokugeki no Kimiko”...I talked about the arc briefly in discord a few times, where it’s become known as “2nd Year Drama Arc”. As the title suggests, the arc takes place when Kimiko and the rest of the 115th Gen are in their 2nd Year of Highschool. 
This is why the characters all have different hairstyles here....They’re Timeskip-Looks ahdhd. 
I kind off wanted to reveal the first Timeskip-Looks for the SnKimiko-Cast for a while now, but I didn’t just want to plainly draw them...that felt too unceremoniously. 
Well but then, @blas-i-us showed me this song from the show “Tangled” and the more I listened to it, the more I thought “this fits 2nd Year Drama Arc rather well” and the idea of revealing the Timeskip-Looks in an animatic with this song was born. But yeah, special thanks for @blas-i-us for showing me the song. 
Also a big thanks to @yourmoontothenightsky . She knows a lot of the Timeskip-Looks already, so I got to show her previews and her excitement for the thing was a huge motivator for me ; 7 ;
It will take us quite some time still till the fanfic reaches 2nd Year Drama Arc, but it’s something I’m still very excited for (although I am also a bit scared I’ll mess it up haha ovo;,) I won’t reveal too much about it, but basically it has tons and tons and TONS of drama. Hence the name. 
Anyways, thank you so, so, so much for watching. It might not seem like anything special, but this took me nearly an entire week and I’m so glad it’s finished ; 7 ; It was a lot of fun but time-consuming. Now I can finally move on, haha
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polar-stars · 4 years
Some Notes on what the grown-ups are up to...(Part 4 | SnKimiko Related)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Basically: Some info on what the canon characters from “Shokugeki no Soma” are up to in my Next Gen Fanficion. 
Nene Eizan, formerly Kinokuni, opened three restaurants over the course of the years. She also became independent from the Kinokuni-family. (Why that is will be explained someday within the story, I promise)
The first restaurant she ever opened, is also her most treasured one where she ultimately also spends the most time. “Chishiki No Hana” in Tokyo. It’s a very expensive place, where Nene perfects her traditional Japanese cooking, not strictly bound to the Kinokuni-Style anymore. Although of course, the restaurant’s crown jewel is the Soba. The interior is more on the noble side but still invokes culture and tradition in the end. Critics praise this restaurant as very authentic.
Nene’s second restaurant is in Seoul and it’s called “Sakura Pond”. This is the place where Nene is probably the most experimental with her dishes, often letting elements of other Asian cuisines flow into her ideas and such. She also really tests herself out in the visual department of her dishes in this restaurant. There’s also a secret menu at this place, which includes dishes constructed by her husband. 
From beginning on the Nene was pleaded by multiple personalities of the culinary industry to bring her excellent Japanese cooking to the West. Many offered spots in Paris, Washington, Rome etc. already. But it was when Nene started to notice her middle child’s love and longing for New York City that she decided to carry her cooking over to the West and opened the restaurant “Chōwa” in Manhattan. This is the place where her cooking is the most traditional and authentic, although the interior is actually rather modern. It’s also, once again, super expensive and high-end. 
Nene is generally seen as one of the biggest, noteworthy names when it comes to Japanese cuisine and her opinion is hold in high regard by many. Occasionally she does publish a few essays or think-pieces in various magazines. 
She is married to Etsuya Eizan and has three sons with him: Masashi, Shigeo and Kei Eizan. Masashi is part of Totsuki’s 113th Generation, while Shigeo is part of the 114th. Both are members of the current Elite 10. Kei most recently started his journey on Totsuki and is part of the 118th Generation. 
Satoshi Isshiki got independent from the Isshiki-Family and more or less cut ties with them over the years. 
After some years of traveling, practicums in various restaurants and some honorary work, enjoying his freedom at last. Satoshi eventually decided to return to the place that became so meaningful for him throughout the years: Polar Star Dormitory. 
He began helping out Fumio in taking care of the dorm and the children and was granted a room in the dormitory once again. It didn’t took long until Headmistress Alice fully employed him as dorm-caretaker. 
Fumio and Satoshi worked close together for some more years until she eventually retired and later on also passing away, which left Satoshi to continue the job and nurturing the dorm with the same care as Fumio did. And he does a great job at it. All Polar Star Members who were and are under Satoshi’s care, greatly appreciate the slightly silly but insanely caring dorm-mom and he’s quick to gain anyone’s trust. He has a careful eye on the children under his wings, advises them when he feels they need it and also has a good understanding on how to approach them all individually. 
When it’s the holidays and the door is eventually empty, Satoshi does actually offer himself as help for their restaurants to some of his friends, mainly the PSD4. 
Terunori Hojo, formerly Kuga, opened 5 restaurants over the course of the years, with a sixth one currently in planning. 3 of the restaurants are his own while the 2 others are co-owned with his wife Miyoko Hojo. 
The first restaurant Terunori opened is in Chengdu and, well, what can I say? It’s a high-end place where he challenges the gods on just how much fire he can put into his cooking. It’s appropriately named (“Fireball”) and it’s definitely not something for anyone who likes it mild. 
Then there’s “Jade Tingle” in Osaka. This is another super-expensive place (honestly all of them all) where you have to make reservations months in advance. In this restaurant with rooftop bar, Terunori truly challenges himself in presentation (inspired by Soma’s dish from the Moon Banquet Festival, although Terunori would most certainly never say that) and gets the most creative. He’s not as focused on burning the customer’s tongue away in this restaurant, so there’s also quite some mild choices on the card. 
The last of his sole-owned restaurants would be “Feu et fumée” in Paris. This is the place where he aims to introduce the fiery side of Chinese cuisine to Europe. The dishes here are also to behold and insanely spicy, however unlike “Fireball”, Terunori actually develops himself beyond the Sichuan kitchen in this restaurant as he also develops dishes with elements of the Hunan and Guizhou kitchen. 
The two restaurants he co-owns with Miyoko, are two new branches of Hojo-Ra which Terunori urged her to open. She eventually agreed to the idea and over the years the married couple opened another Hojo-Ra restaurant in Tokyo and then later on one in Beijing. Both look like actual Chinese palaces fit for Emperors and Empresses because Terunori was left with the decision of interior and exterior so these restaurants became extra & extravagant af. 
As mentioned already, Terunori got married to Miyoko Hojo, took her last name and also had two children with her: A daughter named Suzume Hojo, who’s not only part of Totsuki’s 114th Generation but also it’s Elite 10, and a son named Takayuki Hojo, who’s part of Totsuki’s 115th Generation. 
Not long after graduation Etsuya’s father retires, quickly making Etsuya the CEO of his family’s consulting company, The Eizan Group.
While he doesn’t opens any restaurants on his own, he certainly has a very impressive line up of restaurants in his hands. But also hotels, malls with food courts and various other establishments are his clients. He’s excellently networked and has a large reputation within the culinary industry.
Adulthood, Marriage and Fatherhood did end up making Etsuya a tad bit more tamer, but he’s still none or less not someone to fool around with. While he mostly resigned off shady, not-all-too-legal tactics through Nene’s influence, he’s still ruthless in his ways and he’s smart enough to drive any opponent in the corner without having to cheat in one way or the other. He ultimately still prefers to be feared over being loved and maintains a rather menacing, remorseless image within the culinary world. 
He has three sons with Nene. 
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polar-stars · 4 years
Shokugeki no Kimiko à la carte Series - Morning Glimpses
Author’s Note
Late entry for Day 1 of @shokugekiocweek​ (Prompt: Breakfast)
This was such a chore and took up the entirety of my day and I even had to cut most of my initial plans and just....I am not even sure if I like the end-product //lies down//. Still, I’m just glad that it’s just finished at least <.< But meep, onto day 2 I suppose ovo;;
Good Morning Totsuki and welcome back to school after the break!
Being the dedicated journalist that I, Sotsuda-Cohen Cho am, I of course arrived as early as possible in front of Totsuki’s gates to witness the return of everyone and possibly drink in a few updates right on the spot.
I was more than surprised to find out that there are people who actually managed to be here before me.
Believe it or not but today, early in the morning, I met Inoue Eito (our current 10th Seat for the people who live under a rock) accompanied by Matsuoka Takeo (our current 9th Seat for the same ignorant people). Seems like our all-known party-lion Inoue-senpai had much of an headache this morning and needed support to walk. The support was given by a very annoyed Matsuoka-senpai, who was quick to order me away from the scenery.
I wonder what exactly Inoue-senpai thought to be a good idea doing in the very night before school starts.
Hopefully the rest of our beloved Elite Ten does not have to deal with such an insufferable headache this morning! Although, I can fairly imagine most of their mornings.
Hayama Akio will most likely awake to the most bewitching and sheer out-of-this-world fragrance one can only imagine. His father is the master of spices and aroma after all. As we all know, Hayama-senpai inherited his father’s godly sense of smell and will certainly be able to guess, no, know the ingredients to his breakfast this morning instantly.
“You made pancakes with cardamom, dad?” Akio asked when coming down the stairs. He smiled. “And I can also smell blueberries, strawberries, grapes, lemons, Blackcurrent-Ginseng-Vanilla-tea and Spiced-Chocolate-Coffee.”
Almost a little startled by this entrance, Akira Hayama looked up from his work in the frying pan to face his son instead. The initial surprise faded quick however as he rather began to smile. “Indeed.” He gave an appreciating nod. “Well done.”
“Since you know what’s served already”, Hisako Hayama took a halt to her hectic walk around the house, “Tea or Coffee?” A very frequently asked question in the Hayama-Household, one could almost say: the most frequent.
Akio‘s smile only grew a bit more. “Today I’ll settle for tea, mom.” Already in preparation to what would happen next, Akio was quick to raise his arm. “I’ll get it myself!”
Hisako, who had already positioned her feet into the direction of the teapots, flinched subtly. After a small moment, Hisako nodded towards her son with a friendly smile. Said smile quickly turned to a slightly mischievous one as she turned her head towards her husband. “He chose tea.” Akira replied without turning around. “Kaori chose coffee. Today it’s a draw.”
They had made it a competition between each other over who would have more success in making their two children chose their individually preferred type of beverage.
Thinking about the morning of Hayama Hisako’s and Akira’s son, also makes one wonder if their daughter had a good rest as well. Hayama Kaori, the greatest talent among the current highschool first-years. Some would say that she embodies grace and excellence from head to toe.
A true gathering of refinement. The Master of Fragrance, a Healer as renowned and skilled to be recognised by emperors and empresses, a diligent Elite Ten member and the icy valedictorian of her generation.
Akio turned his head into the direction of the table. There sitting was his little sister Kaori with the coffee mug in her hands. Even right after waking up, she still managed to look like a proper and fine, young lady. One you could most definitely invite her over to tea with the most posh and sophisticated women of high society and you would do so without worrying for even a second that Kaori would embarrass herself. To Akio it almost felt like she somehow skipped puberty.
He felt his heart sink a little at that sight. Distant seemed the memories of her happily running around Granny Jun’s garden, eagerly naming every flower she spot.
“Kaori, Good morning! I hope you slept well!” He greeted, trying is best in pushing various worried and concerned thoughts out of his mind for now. She replied with friendly words but in a tone that one would rather use in a business meeting than towards a family member. “Good Morning to you as well, Onii-san.”
Akio felt his smile crumbling a little. “I see you look ready and prepared for going back to school. That’s a joy for sure.” He said, not having the heart bringing up the most recent conflict he had with his sister in front of their parents. They all were so rarely together nowadays and Akio wouldn’t dare to ruin it.
Kaori only gave a quick nod as reply and so, Akio turned his head away again to get himself the tea his mother had prepared.
Meanwhile Akira had finished his cooking and brought a plate stapled with steaming pancakes to the table where Kaori was sitting. Once her father was near enough, she spoke up. “The coffee is exquisite as always, Dad. Thank you.” She took another sip of it and as she lowered her cup again one could see something truly rare: a small smile gracing Kaori’s face.
A soft laughter escaped Akira and all fatherly instincts in him could not resist raising his hand and lightly patting his daughter’s head. “No problem, my Blossom. You know I will support you in any way I can on your way to the top and if it’s just providing you with a good waking up on your first day of school.”
Akio turned his head away from the sight to get his tea.
A large portion of humanity will sort themselves into the “not being a morning person”-cult and buy mugs with such lovely slogans like “if you talk to me before I had my coffee I will kill you”. But then there’s the most beloved president of the Chinese RS, Hojo Suzume, who can make the morning sun worry about being outshined by her wide, jolly grin.
Ah, what some would give for the astonishing energy of Suzu-senpai.
“Good Morning!” Suzume cajoled as she threw the apartment’s door open. Some might wonder how she still had air left to do so after she’d just been out jogging for an hour but people who knew the Hojos a little better would know that Suzume has been blessed with many capacities to her vocals by her father’s genes. There were people who wholeheartedly believed she could wake the dead if she wanted to.
“Fuck. Suzu, you’re fucking drenched in sweat.” Takayuki greeted her, before taking a sip of his jasmine tea from a mug that read: “All the coffee in the world can’t make me a morning person”.
His mother, the head-chef of the estimated Hojo-Ra, Miyoko walked by with a basket of steaming Dim Sum in her left hand. Without warning she suddenly raised her right hand to lightly slap the back of Takayuki’s purple head, making him flinch in surprise. “You know the common custom in this civilization is to give a ‘Good Morning’ back, Takayuki.” "Sorry, Ma.“ Mumbled Takayuki into his cup. The woman then gave a nod towards her daughter and held the basket up. “Morning, Suzume. Dim Sum?”
It merely took the blonde teen a few bouncy steps to reach her dark-haired family members. “I think one before the shower can’t hurt.”
After two bites of the warm delicacy and a satisfied hum, she shifted her attention back to Miyoko. “Mom, do you happen to be in the mood to make a smoothie?”
The answer she received was a long, stern stare till finally a little smirk emerged on Miyoko’s lips. “I don’t think so, but who knows? Maybe the craving for a Matcha-Pear-Smoothie will overcome me while a certain young blonde will take a shower, so she’ll be ready for school.”
As president of the Chinese RS, Hojo Suzume obviously specializes in the cuisine of the broad lands that the Pacific Ocean separates our Japanese Isle from. As daughter of two famed Chinese chefs and legacies of Totsuki's long history, including past presidency over the Chinese RS, one can't be blamed to think that taking the president-spot had been the jolly blonde's destiny ever since she was born. But surprisingly enough Suzu-senpai had to earn this spot in a truly brutal and outstretched battle against the former president's, how to call it, cabinet.
It had truly been a thrilling fight for both the participants and the observers and it's safe to say it's memories that have burned theirselves into many of Totsuki's minds, just like Suzu-senpai had burned away her competition with her admirable knowledge around China's culinary wonderland and the excellent handling of a wok.  
Based on my observations thus far her efforts have payed off, as she is hold in high regard by most of the student body and loved deeply by the members of the Chinese RS. Without a doubt, she's one of the most cherished presidents in recent years.
"Should I go with my standard-fan or a more fancy one, since its the first school day after break?" Suzume inquired as she came down the stairs, freshly showered with the fragrance of pineapple-honey melon shampoo wafting around her, dressed in Totsuki's uniform and holding two Chinese fans in her hands. The fan in her right hand was simple and red, the fan in her left hand was white and had black ink-branches besprinkled with red flowers painted ingeniously on it.
Miyoko and Takayuki both turned their heads towards the stairs where Suzume was standing, both having the same frown on their face.
Suzume help up the white one and elaborated. "I think special occasions warrant special fans. But then again-" "I approve. Take the fancy one, Suzu. Yo've got Kuga-Blood in you, Suzume. We're not afraid of attention~"
Suzume turned her head upwards and met the brown, mischievous eyes of her father as he came down the stairs dressed in a ridiculously sumptuous dressing gown and a cocky grin.
"Terunori." Miyoko spoke, lowering the Dim Sum she had nearly been biting into. "I didn't thought you'd grace us with your presence this morning." Pretending to be greatly upset, Terunori placed his hand on his chest in a big gesture and cried out. "Wife, you wound me! But of course I wouldn't miss breakfast with our two most lovely and precious children before they go off to Culinary-Hogwarts, for anything in the world."
Suzume let out a laugh, Miyoko rolled her eyes a little albeit the ends of her mouth lifted subtly, Takayuki raised his eyebrow. "How the hell is Totsuki comparable to Hogwarts, dad?"
"Anyway" Terunori lifted a finger and put his focus back on Suzume. "Take the fancy fan, daughter."
Suzume smiled back. "You know that I don't necessarily need a fan in order to get eyes on me though, right dad?" Before she could continue, Takayuki already commented. "Yeah, last year she entered her first class after break by kicking the door open and shouting 'somebody once told me', I hear."
Another one of Suzume's trademark laughs ensued at the memory. "Yeah and it was epic. But, to get back to the fans, you see: My first class this year is together with…" For the first time of the morning, her smile disappeared as it was replaced with a displeased grimace. "…Four-Eyes."
As all Hojos understood "Four-Eyes" as Suzume's code-word for "Shigeo Eizan" not one sign of confusion could be seen on the family member's faces. Rather, deep understanding found its way on Terunori's, Miyoko remained a stern rock and Takayuki looked like he was about to let out an "ew".
"It's a 40-minute lesson, yet still I'm certain that Eizan will still manage to make one of his 'oh-im-smarter-than-all-of-you'- or 'morals?-kindness?-what-are-those?'-comments and.." She threw her hands into the air, frustrated. "…UGH!"
Terunori gave repeated nods. "Fair." Before he could tell his detailed opinion about the bespectacled family however, Miyoko already sighed. "You're all acting like we're at war with them." Takayuki at that only questioned. "Aren't we?!"
Suzume held up her pretty fan. "Well, it's likely that I'll have to take initiative at some point in the lesson, if his commentary gets too sickening. And I wouldn't want to ruin my good fan for that." She gave a shrug.
Terunori imitated the pose of "The Thinker" as he stated. "That's a tricky one indeed." Miyoko held up a glass filled with a green liquid while she simultaneously leaned forwards a little. "How about you try to not hit anyone with one of your fans today and just sit down and finally have the smoothie you asked for?" She then looked at Terunori. "And how about you stop trying to behave like we're the modern Montagues and make some of your Baozi?"
For a few seconds both Suzume and Terunori only wordlessly stared at Miyoko from the stairs. Then the stars lightened up in Suzume's violet eyes as she exclaimed. "Okay Mama!" She rushed towards the table and took the glass out of her mother's hand. Terunori followed rather quickly. "You're lucky that I love you so much, Miyoko-Sweetheart."
Suzu-senpai might be popular but even she has her critics. Her most vocal and prominent one would be a fellow Elite Ten Member actually. But that certain member, Eizan Shigeo, has much of a certain reputation himself. There could be so many things said about him, that one wouldn't know how to start. Furthermore, it's not always easy to tell which info regarding him is true and which is false.
What can very safely be said however is that he is a man all about the success and results. But maybe that's not all too surprising when we keep in mind that he's been named the heir of a consulting company with a great standing in the culinary industry. Despite not being the first-born son, his intelligence and sharp understanding of business granted him this position.
And wether you like him or not, his tactical, clever thinking is said to make him valuable to the Elite 10 as well. Even if he might not always uses his talents with the best intentions in mind.
"I don't like repeating myself, Umino." Shigeo hissed into his smartphone, making sure to not make too much noise. "For the last time: he has black hair, green eyes and a mole on his cheek. But what's most important is that he still owes me something and although my kind-hearted soul granted him time over the break it seems he forgot about his debt. So in order to remind him, you two morons will get a hold of him when he returns to Totsuki and wait until I arrive for the further procedure." "A-Aye Boss." The voice on the other side of the phone stammered.
Shigeo's yellow eyes rolled upwards, before he said. "Now stop calling me. The instructions are clear and I expect you two, combined, to have enough braincells to follow them." Not giving Umino any chance to say something else he then hung up.
Afterwards he made his way out of his room and down the stairs.
Elite 10 membership runs through Shigeo-senpai's family. Both of his parents used to be in the Elite 10 and after all, our current 3rd seat is an Eizan as well.
Shigeo-senpai and his older brother, Eizan Masashi, can certainly be seen together quite a lot despite the fact that they're not in the same generation.
Both of them are well-aware of their standing within the academy and individual skills. Together they're a force to behold and only the most bravest of souls would go up against them. Still, despite their constant cooperation, they're still brothers in the end. And all siblings bicker here and there. 
"Morning." Shigeo greeted as he came down the stairs. He was promptly greeted by Masashi's curt tone. "There you are! Mother made you miso soup!" Said mother was quick to interfere though with the help of her calm but strict voice. "Masashi, you don't need to sound so aggressive."
Nene Eizan then shifted her focus to her middle son and merely said. "Good morning Shigeo, I suppose you want a coffee?"
The more than familiar trademark smirk appeared on Shigeo's face as he replied. "That would be splendid, Mom. Thank you. I had a call to make, that's why I was not down here sooner." A huff escaped Masashi.
"Don't you think you're a bit too much on your phone sometimes?" Nene sighed, as she began to operate the coffee-machine. "Who is there that you need to call this early in the morning?"
"The gorillas, most likely." A third voice found it’s way into the conversation. Turning his head into the direction it had come from Shigeo's gaze landed on the kitchen table and a young, blonde boy sitting at it with a cup of hot chocolate and a bowl of miso-soup.
"Gorillas?" Nene repeated, confused over her youngest son's words. Kei was just about to open his mouth and elaborate further, but Masashi was a little quicker. "Those two indecent friends of Shigeo’s, Mother. Umino and Yamada."
"Oh…" Was all Nene managed to say before Kei voiced his thoughts again. "Shigeo has no fuckin-" "Language!" Reprimanded Masashi before Kei could finish his sentence. Likewise, Nene's face darkened a little. "Kei."
"So…Sorry." Kei stammered, imitated by the strict, warning tone his mother has used for merely saying his name.
Shigeo let out a chuckle. "Don't listen to Kei, mom. He demonizes everything." The overall arrogant tone of Shigeo's voice paired with the self-confident smirk were enough to rile Kei up yet again. "There's no need to demonize you, Shigeo! You and Masashi are demons!"
"How dare you?!" Masashi roared, but before it could escalate, Nene shut her two fiery children efficiently with a single. "Cut it out. Both of you." They followed suit immediately, both not intending to push their luck on this one.
Nene let out another sigh, before handing Shigeo the espresso she had prepared. "Please just put your phone away for breakfast at least, Shigeo. It's not polite." Before Shigeo could reply however, Nene's eyes already trailed to someone behind him and she said. "Then again, can I really blame you going by what example your father is giving?"
Shigeo raised an eyebrow before turning around and witnessing said father coming down the stairs with his eyes attached to his mobile phone, only looking up when Nene raised her voice a little. "Etsuya! Watch where you're going!" The Soba-Master then shook her head. "At times it feels I have four children instead of three."
Etsuya raised a hand to signalize his wife to calm down. "Okay, okay. I'm putting my phone away already. See?" He held the device up in presenting manner, only to put it into the pocket of his suit afterwards. He then casted a suspicious look on his spawn as he said. "Why is your mother in such a bad mood? Did you three have a fight again?"
"Fathe-" Masashi wanted to begin an explanation, but he was cut off by Shigeo. "Please, dad. I never fight. Masashi and Kei however…" He shrugged, not minding the death-glares that both Kei and Masashi threw at him. "What about Suzume-senpai?!" Kei then asked provocatively.
Immediately displeasure spread all over Shigeo's face. "Don't remind me of her. I have my first class today with that annoyance." He groaned. "Hojo is too stupid and irritating for my kindness." "Yeah right." Kei gestured quotation marks into the air. "Your 'kindness'. Good one."
"I've got to say." Etsuya now said. "Her father is the most obnoxious person on the planet, so I can hardly blame Shigeo on that one."
Nene brought herself back into the the conversation. "For being Kuga's daughter, I'd say she actually turned out surprisingly decent." She placed two bowls of miso-soup on the table. "Could I now kindly ask everyone to sit down and have breakfast together? Without any arguing?"
The last, but certainly not least, Elite 10 member from the 114th Generation is possibly the most infamous and yet still the most mysterious one at the same time.
For everyone else, I can make several attempts to envision how their mornings might look like. But for Yukihira Hiraku? Not possible.
Filled from head to toe with talent, Yukihira Hiraku entered the academy as a transfer student last year and took Totsuki by storm. Yet his origins are shrouded in mystery to this day. All we got is his mysterious relationship to the Nakiris, yet it still leaves more questions than answers as well.
Who is he really? The newfound idol of our school? The famed Tongue blessed by Angels?
"I can't believe you overslept again, Hiraku! You two are going to miss the train! Is it that hard to set an alarm. I swear-" Those were some of the things Hiraku caught out of his mother's speed-ranting as she squeezed the bento she had prepared into the mess that was his schoolbag.
Hiraku could only watch her with his usual stoic expression. Kimiko stood next to him, already having been perfectly prepared a hour ago, the school bag in her hands  and ready to walk any second. "You really have no sense of time." She scolded.
"Couldn't we ask Aunt Alice to pick us up still? If we do miss the trai-" Hiraku was just about to bring up but Erina interrupted him. "No. Your aunt is busy running an enormous school and we won't bother her because you still haven't learned how to rise early, Hiraku."
"Come on, Erina." Soma attempted to calm the frustrated blonde. "We've all been late sometime." The answer he received was violet eyes glaring at him and a sharp tongue hissing. "You're not one to talk in this matter, Soma!"
The God Tongue had finally managed to not-only squeeze the bento into Hiraku's messy bag but also close the zipper  of it afterwards, despite the fact that the bag looked like about to explode any second. She let out a sigh, exhausted by the battle that the closing of the bag had been and her own ranting throughout of it.
She then picked the the bag up, to hand it back to it's owner. "Now please hurry up, will you."
Kimiko grinned at that. "Don't worry, mom! We're Yukihiras in the end and we always find a way." She eyed Hiraku. "Even if Hiraku's helium-balloon-brain can cause inconvenience here and there, it's still salvageable and as long as things are salvageable Yukihiras find a way to salvage them. Right, dad?"
Soma laughed in response and winked. "That's the spirit, Kimiko! I believe in you."
Hiraku placed a squid-arm between his teeth and merely said. "I believe we really should be going then, huh?"
"That would be for the better, yes." Erina crossed her arms. But then, that rare but beautiful little smile of her's appeared on her lips at last. "Get to Totsuki safely and remember to have fun, okay?"
Soma appeared behind her and laid his arm around her, giving a thumbs-up. "Meanwhile we'll keep things running over here. And you know you can always check in when you need something!"
Well, no matter wether your morning went down eventful or uneventful, something is certain: Things on Totsuki will never be boring!
In the name of Totsuki Sports, I welcome you back to Totsuki Academy! Let's see what the second half of the school year has in store for us. Of course you can be assured that Totsuki Sports will keep you updated on all things going on in our lovely and certainly most lively school.
Signing off, 
Sotsuda-Cohen Cho !
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polar-stars · 4 years
After several days of work I offer you
More toyhouse profiles
✨ This time we have the Quartett of Friendship and Rainbows ✨
Hiraku Yukihira (Son of Soma Yukihira & Erina Nakiri): https://toyhou.se/554545.hiraku-yukihira
Akio Hayama (Son of Akira Hayama & Hisako Erina): https://toyhou.se/554611.akio-hayama
Suzume Hojo (Daughter of Terunori Kuga & Miyoko Hojo): https://toyhou.se/2661877.suzume-hojo
Shigeo Eizan (Son of Etsuya Eizan & Nene Kinokuni): https://toyhou.se/2662229.shigeo-eizan
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polar-stars · 4 years
Can u do Harvest Moon for Ayano, Embers for Suzume and Champagne for Harumi?
Thank you for the ask (and welp...sorry for taking a bit) ! ;w; It was fun !! 
Ayano - Harvest Moon
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Suzume - Embers
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Harumi - Champagne (The true Harumi-Palette indeed)
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
Hey, if it's not too much bothers can I ask you for headcanon for Terumiyo on pre-dating (like who realises their feeling for the other first, who confessed, was there a rejection)? thanks in advance ^-^
Of course my dude! Ayeeee, no problemo!
TeruMiyo Pre-Date
♥ Terunori, the well known President of the Chinese RS, in love?! Hah! Make him laugh, if someone would be falling in love, it would be the other pers--- *sexy romance music plays on the background, I would have said Careless Whisper but that’s nOT SO ROMANTIC* Terunori is 1000000% the person who falls in love first from these two.
♥ This ends up with him being more playful in a way, dropping little hints he likes her, but it ends up increasing and getting more obvious because he straight up spoils her? DID SHE NOT GET THE HINT???
♥ No, she did not get the hint. She literally thought it was him trying to convince her to join the RS, where in fact, it was sort of indirect flirting. She didn’t get the hint AT ALL.
♥ This ends with him getting totally upset over the fact she isn’t reacting to anything at all and it is the same thing??
♥ He goes to google for answers, and google just fucking tells him to confess with words instead, he does not like where this is going but he gotta? He gotta because google says so
♥ So some months days after searching in google, he decides to be the one to confess to her. Unlike popular opinion, he doesn’t make this confession extra because the way of courting he did for MONTHS was always grand and she never reacted.
♥ His confession ends up being honest, and Miyoko was honestly really fucking surprised that he could be this sincere without exaggerating anything. LIKE HE WASN’T BEING EXTRA AT ALL??
♥ She, at first, didn’t know how to deal with this confession and this was the point where she REALIZED he didn’t do all of that for her to join the RS, she brings up that she believed it was for that and he confirms it wasn’t!
♥ It ends up being awkward because Miyoko isn’t too much of the type to show her feelings, romantic feelings, to be exact. For this reason, she has to reject his confession. She does explain it is more of she doesn’t even know what she feels more than anything.
♥ Kuga gets rejected and it is a surprise that he takes it so well? He was sort of ready for this? He did know that she probably didn’t like him back, but he still wanted to try, you know?
♥ But after some weeks, she finally talks to him about it again, but it wasn’t because of the confession but for something else. She actually realized that she did depend on him sometimes, and she may have liked him.
♥ WEEKS PASS AGAIN and she talks to him about actually liking him back, and he gets so fucking happy. HE YEETS OUT AND PREPARES A PARTY
♥ The end of the pre-date? HELL YEAH, THEY BECOME A COUPLE AT THE END!
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polar-stars · 5 years
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Shokugeki Next Gen x Instagram - Part 4
The Quartet of Friendship and Rainbows The Unmatched 4 of the 114th (alternatively: The Main Four of “Shokugeki no Hiraku”)
Hiraku Yukihira | Akio Hayama | Suzume Hojo | Shigeo Eizan
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polar-stars · 5 years
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Shokugeki Next Gen x Instagram - Part 2
The Nakiri-Twins + Totsuki’s very own Rageball and Shadowman
Lola Nakiri | Mona Nakiri | Takayuki Hojo | Kazuo Mimasaka
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polar-stars · 5 years
Do you have any Kuga x Miyoko headcanon?? Also what made you ship them?
(Sorry the late answer !)
Miyoko and Kuga only share one moment in canon, and that’s this one:
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But as we have already realized, when it comes to ships, I am a very simple person, so that alone was enough for me. I just thought that it was adorable how Kuga is immediately happily rushes to her to ask her if she wants to join his RS, she’s just cooly like “nope” and he’s just “you’re always welcome anyways” !!! 
I just also feel the dynamic between a strong-minded, serious character and a loud, arrogant jokester who probably announces his arrival to the mall with a megaphone as something interesting. Kuga is just so extravagant and Miyoko is hard-headed and I feel there’s some really endearing banter material there.
Also there is the fact that Kuga just simply respects Miyoko greatly from the looks of it (I mean it’s also Kuga we’re talking about, he’s not that respectful with many), something that she’d appreciate over time I feel. 
Also listen, the “Miyoko-chin” is just adorable. Especially in the anime, like just how enthusiastic he says it, I am just “Awww”
Also look they wear the uniform in the same manner
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(also hi, the height difference is honestly just something that I find adorable as well)
I also went into this ship a bit here
For Headcanons:
Kuga is a 100% supportive boyfriend/husband who’s very vocal about how cool and strong his girlfriend/wife is. He knows she can kick ass and he will yell it at Eizan a few rude people like “You should be afraid of my girl, she can wrestle you into oblivion !”
When Miyoko notices he freezes in winter, she’ll give him her coat and he just “But that’s my job-” “Shut up and just take it!” 
Kuga got her to try quite a few new things. He dragged her into a karaoke bar once and she was genuinely amused about his over-the-top performances there. At some point he pulled her on stage to sing a duet and she was quite shy about it but his insistence and encouragement worked through her at some point. 
They share an equal love for Martial Arts Movies
Miyoko knows one of of his greatest secrets which is that he becomes a crying mess at James Cameron’s “Titanic” and while she thinks the movie is incredibly boring she still sits through it with him a lot. And she would never tell anyone about that weak spot of his.
For a long time she tried hiding tears from him but when he took a notice on it, they had a long talk about “You know you can always tell me everything right? And that you don’t have to, no, mustn’t hide such a serious issue as tears from me!”
They both like Phil Collins and so do their kids and it’s the most random headcanon ever but here it is
They both like rock music. 
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polar-stars · 5 years
Shokugeki no Hiraku - Ch.3
-The Lady in Red-
“And this is what we call the facility for Western cuisines!” Kyo introduced a truly enormous building reminiscent of London’s Parliament. Hiraku almost broke his neck while looking up at it.
“Many Research Societies are located here. Of course there is the Western Cuisine RS that goes without saying, but also the Spanish RS or oh!” Kyo snapped his fingers as he recalled an encounter from earlier. He grinned at Hiraku. “Remember that thuggish Barbie from class? She’s part of the French RS, which can also be found here!”
“Oh.” Hiraku scratched his chin and inspected the building closely, albeit not truly gaining anything from it. Then he turned his head towards Kyo. “What’s an RS?”
Kyo blinked as his eyes widened a bit in surprise. “Eh? You don’t know that?” As Hiraku shook his head, he began mumbling. “It’s all on Totsuki’s websit.....ah whatever.” His voice got louder again and he patted Hiraku’s shoulder for the seventh time this day. “Lucky you got me, Yukihira!” He took the hand off the shoulder again and rather lifted his index finger. “Research societies are our versions of clubs. They’re meant to dig further into certain aspects of cooking and explore them in groups of specialised and interested students.” He then laid a hand on his chest and exclaimed. “I am part of the Pacific-Fishes-RS. As I am specialised in Malaysian cuisine after all!”
Hiraku tilted his head a little, something that Kyo interpreted as sign to keep on going. “You can join if you want! We’re a smalle- eh I mean, currently uprising RS! Tell me, what are you specialised in?”
Hiraku’s expression remained neutral. “What are the most important Research thingies?” He spoke, without answering Kyo’s question. Kyo blinked a little taken aback. “Hm?” He then scratched his head. “Oh eh there are a few big ones I guess...Chocolate RS, Seafood RS, Poultry RS....they’re pretty huge I’d say. Most of the more bigger societies are the cuisine-focused ones though. Like the Spanish or French one I just mentioned. ...A......truly massive........titan is...................also the..................”
Kyo’s voice became more and more absent before he stopped talking completely. Hiraku leaned a little closer to his face, wondering if he bit his tongue or something.
Kyo’s eyes however were focused on his surroundings. While he had given an introduction to the Research Societies, more and more students had left the facility of Western cuisine, most in a hurry. At this point an entire sea of people was streaming past them.
“What’s going on?” Kyo questioned aloud. “Maybe they hand out free food somewhere.” Hiraku made a guess. But before Kyo could tell him that a thing like that was not really common on Totsuki, they heard two passing-by girls chat.
“Isn’t it amazing? A Shokugeki! Already on the first day!” One of them gushed. The other gave a nod while laughing. “I know right? Totsuki truly never becomes boring for even a second.”
Hiraku tilted his head. Didn’t he heard that strange Shoku-something term before that day?
Kyo’s eyes teared up in the meantime and he shrieked. “A Shokugeki?!” Once again Hiraku tilted his head, this time into the opposite direction however. There the Shoku-something term was again.
“...Honda......” He began, but Kyo was busy stopping one of the passing students with holding his arm. “Hey! What’s all of this about?” He practically yelled.
A little bit irritated, the student wriggled his arm out of Kyo’s grip while snarling. “A Shokugeki. In the Arena of the Reborn Phoenix, you idiot!” And with a last darkening of his expression, he then turned around and continued running with the mass.
Hiraku had remained absolutely clueless and confused throughout the entire exchange, finding nothing better to do than to do some more head-tilts. However, suddenly his hand was grabbed and Kyo’s face turned to him with an urgent look in his eyes. “Come on, Yukihira! We gotta see that!“ And merely a second later, the still confused Hiraku found himself being dragged into the direction all of the other students were running to.
After a few minutes of running past trees and bushes, Hiraku could see an imposant building appearing at the horizon and coming nearer and nearer with each step.
Architecture-wise it looked very Asian and the architect had made use of the colour red quite a lot. The more closer they got, Hiraku also noticed a great amount of golden phoenixes all over the building. Huge ones, like those being painted on the walls but also smaller ones decorating the roofs or the pillars.
From all sides, students in the same blue uniforms were running towards it. Judging by their visible differences in age whatever event was currently going on drew all generations of Totsuki towards it.
Hiraku found curiosity starting to boil in him. As well as another yet another feeling of fondness for Totsuki’s grand- and extravagantness. This was the sort of decadence he had hoped for.
“There we are....” He heard Kyo breathe in front of him. “The Arena Of The Reborn Phoenix.”
And then he proceeded to pull Hiraku towards the entrance, which had one big, golden and detailed Phoenix watching protectively over it.
Once through, Hiraku found himself in a big and noisy hall with all the millions of different chats between the many students that had already gathered in it echoing to the ceiling very high up above. In the middle of the arena, Hiraku caught the sight of two highly equipped cooking stations and a long stretched out table with three seats.
Kyo was in the meantime wildly turning is head in search of a familiar face or something. And luckily he spotted one, who by perfect coincidence also happened to sit next to two free seats. Still holding onto Hiraku’s arm, Kyo pulled him further.
“Tsujimoto!” Kyo called out and instantly the blonde, sitting with crossed legs and crossed arms looked up. Her expression, ready to kill. Not due to personal dislike towards Kyo but rather simple genetics.
Harumi quickly scanned him from head to toe before snarling. “And who are you supposed to be?” Kyo blinked for a short second before he laughed, scratched the back of his head and exclaimed. “Haha, come on. What an old joke, haha. It’s me Honda Kyo!”
Now Harumi leaned forwards a little, raising an eyebrow. “Who?” But before Kyo could list all the numerous of moments he and Harumi had shared in their lifes, Hiraku peeped from behind Kyo which resulted in Harumi’s expression immediately darkening.
“Oh it’s the thuggish Barbie.” Hiraku bluntly stated.
With the speed of a butterfly flapping its wings, Harumi rose from her seat, her blonde locks flying high in the process while her hands balled two fist. “What the fuck was that?!” She yelled.
Kyo felt his body-temperature rising and the drops of sweat forming. Hiraku in the meantime only blinked and then pointed to the slightly pale Kyo. “Honda called you that. I forgot your actual name, sorry, that was just easier to memorise.”
But before Hiraku could inquire what her actual name was, he was already grabbed by the collar. So was Kyo. Harshly Harumi pulled the two closer to her face and barked. “You two assholes are pissing me off!” A few people around them eyed the three suspiciously or with raised eyebrows. Some dared to shush, annoyed with the noise Harumi made.
“No....No...Now calm down, Tsujimoto!” Kyo stammered. Hiraku kept his neutral expression, while Harumi screeched: “Shut the hell up!” However just as she had done so, the lights in the hall suddenly went off.
The noise within the hall died down slowly as many rather focused their sight on the middle of the arena. Harumi’s grip on Kyo’s and Hiraku’s collar also loosened a bit as she turned her head as well, alongside the mass.
A spotlight was cast on the stage. And very soon an enthusiastic voice cajoled through the hall. “Hello-Hello! Welcome back to Totsuki and herewith I, your favorite host Kawashima Hideyoshi, greet you to the very first Shokugeki of this season!” An uproar of thrilled hype was heard afterwards, alongside female swoons for “Hideyoshi-kun” and male snarls about “that attention-whore-brat”.
Hiraku watched a bit of the spectacle before he turned his blank face towards Kyo.
“So what’s a Shokugeki?”
Those four words resulted in Kyo’s eyes widening in shock and a surprise also going through Harumi as she let go of Kyo’s and Hiraku’s collars.
For three seconds the two remained silent, the only sound that Hiraku received being the continuing noise of the hall. But then Kyo and Harumi equally exclaimed. “You don’t know that?!”
Hiraku merely shook his head. “I wouldn’t ask if I knew.”
Harumi crossed her arms once again and turned slightly away from Hiraku, as if she was afraid of getting somehow infected by his ignorance. “You really are an idiot, hm?”
Kyo took a small step closer to Hiraku and began to explain as usual. “It’s Totsuki’s kind off battling. A cooking duel with a specific theme chosen for it that allows the students to settle all kinds of arguments through their culinary techniques.” That certainly sparked interest in Hiraku and he leaned a bit closer as Kyo elaborated further. “Both parties have to be willing to give something up in case of a loss and also have to agree that both of their compensations are equal in value. For it to be formally accepted as Shokugeki it also needs validation by an authorised person, an odd number of unbiased judges and both parties have to be in agreement on having said Shokugeki. One of these is about to happen right now apparently, however....” With that, Kyo shifted his attention back to Harumi. “How the hell is it possible to have one on the very first day?! Who is even participating? Did they even have time to prepare ?!”
Harumi gritted her teeth. An attempt to signalise Kyo that she was annoyed by him talking to her. Albeit grumpy, she did answer however. “From what I heard they somehow planned the entire thing already a week before school starts.”
Almost has if he wanted to confirm her, the student in his last year of middle school division who had been tasked to host today’s Shokugeki, Kawashima Hideyoshi, announced Harumi’s exact words. “Today’s competitors were to meet week ahead in the holidays and the challenge was given there. Totsuki was informed and got it to roll. If that’s not a beautiful showcase of our battle-hearted school, I don’t know what is!”
“See?” Harumi gave a slight but smug smile. She then pulled a package of bubblegum out of her purse and threw one of the pink stripes of chewable sugar into her mouth.
Hiraku only looked down to Hideyoshi, thinking about how it must be like to stand down there. Kyo leaned over the reeling. “But who’s-“
The question burning on Kyo’s tongue was answered before Kyo could even complete asking it. “Then let’s call today’s warriors in! Please focus your attention to the Southern Gate !!”
He made a presenting gesture towards said gate and immediately all heads followed Hideyoshi’s stretched out arm. Slowly walking in, they saw a student that was a year older than Hiraku, Kyo and Harumi. He had blue, wild hair and one bang that was longer than the rest. On his lips there was a confident smirk and same confidence could be seen glimmering in his light-violet eyes.
“Coming in from the south, we have the youngest of the famous Tazawa-brothers. The four sons of Tazawa Tanzan, the man who build himself a restaurant empire all over Japan which each restaurant offering a different kind of Asian cuisine, which manifested in his sons. The oldest is known to specialise in Japanese cuisine, the second oldest is known to specialise in Korean cuisine, the second youngest is known to specialise in Thai cuisine and finally, the youngest took on the cuisine of China. We can greet him today, one of the grand aces of the Chinese RS: Tazawa Masazumi!!”
Cheers and claps where heard, which prompted Masazumi to grin into the mass giving a nod.
“He looks sure that he’s winning this...” Hiraku commented. Kyo was about to give input as well, but Harumi was a bit faster. “He’s a bitch.”
“Opposing him....” Hideyoshi called out in the meantime. His stretched arm now showed into the other direction. “Please turn your attention to the Northern entrance!”
Once again everyone did as told. and only with their mere presence he opposed managed to take a few breaths away once entering.
In came a girl that was a year younger than her opponent. She had an elegant stature and an almost regal kind off walk. Confidently she had rested her left hand on her hip, while the other gracefully held a red, Chinese fan.
Just as red was the beautiful, expensive-looking Cheongsam that hugged the girl’s rather well-developed body perfectly. Down to her shoulders fell wild, blonde locks that had a sort of free spirit to them.
The pink lips of the girl were smiling. A smile that knew it would be victorious and you could see the exact same certainty in the girl’s sparkling, violet eyes.
Hiraku didn’t know why but somehow he felt that Masazumi would stand no chance. The girl had a sort of glimmer in her eyes, reminiscent to what he only had ever seen in his family’s eyes whenever they took on a challenge to this point.
He found himself slightly intrigued.
“Ah it’s her.....I could have figured that out....“ Hiraku heard Kyo whispering next to him. “....Of course it’s one of the three to kick off this year with a bang.”
“Incoming is the heiress of the infamous Hojo-Ra as well as the daughter of a former Elite Ten member out of the 91st Generation. She’s a quickly uprising talent within the Chinese RS and considered one of the three most promising students of the 114th Generation. Please welcome, Hojo Suzume!”
Loud claps and cheers followed once again. Suzume began grinning, winking and waving at a few people in the crowd as she walked closer to the stage.
Kyo looked at Harumi. “Is it about....” “Yeah, it is. Of course it is, you idiot.” Harumi didn’t even let him finish his sentence and didn’t bother to look at him either. Rather she put another bubble gum into her mouth.
“Hojo really does have some guts....” Kyo focused on the stage again. “Well idiots like you really build her ego up after all.” Harumi commented.
“She looks a bit like some Chinese princess.” Hiraku said while having his eyes locked to the stage. He couldn’t deny that he was interested to see how this would go.
Downwards, Suzume now also came to a hold in front of the one she would be facing in today’s fight.
“Hiya, Tazawa-senpai!” She exclaimed and took her hand off her hip so she could give a slight wave to Masazumi. He did not greet her back but rather arrogantly smiled into the upper rows of the hall.
Hideyoshi raised his arm high up the air, as he spoke into his microphone. “The theme for today are Chinese noddles! Furthermore, which ever of the two losses....” He took a break for dramatic effect. “....will have to leave Chinese RS forever.”
You heard gaps from everywhere at that. “But Tazawa-senpai is one of their aces!” Kyo exclaimed. “He’s considered highly important to the RS and it’s known that he was given quite the power by the president!”
Masazumi now finally brought himself to meet Suzume’s violet eyes. He grinned. “Well, finally you maggot will be gone. You’ve been quite the annoyance lately within the RS.”
Suzume’s smile grew a bit and elegantly she closed her fan before giving her answer. “Is that the best trash talk you can do?” She spread her arms lightly, pretending to be surprised. “Ah! Maybe I shouldn’t have expected too much from you. How stupid, stupid of me stupid, stupid maggot indeed!” She playfully hit herself lightly with her fans before her expression became serious again. “Let’s just hope your cooking is not the level of your words, because if it is I’ll have you crushed in just a matter of minutes.”
“You don’t believe that yourself.” Masazumi replied. His expression not as prideful as it had been before though.
Kyo rubbed his chin. “She really is confident that she will win this, huh?” “I believe she will.” Harumi voiced. Hiraku did not add anything but rather continued to watch.
“Now!” Hideyoshi spoke up once again, raising his arm another time. “Let the Shokugeki....Beginnnnnnn!”
It almost felt like a flash.
But in the end Masazumi was on the floor, his knees defeated by the taste of Suzume’s dish which she had crafted with a visible, broad knowledge around Chinese cuisine and expertise in holding and using cooking utensils. Above Masazumi hung the digital board that read “Tazawa vs. Hojo: 0 - 3”
The crowd was in awe.
“She really did it...”
“A second year.....”
“That’s a member of the three for you....”
Harumi, who had consumed 7 chewing gums throughout the match, popped the pink bubble she had blown and proudly flipped her hair. “Told ya so.”
“Hojo really is something else.” Kyo muttered. “But that’s to be expected, considering she’s one of the three.“ Harumi crossed her arms. “She’s who I have estimated my future rival, of course she’s competent!” Kyo turned his head towards her and gawked. “Why would you choose one of the three as your rival?!”
Harumi huffed but before she could answer, Hiraku spoke. “I’d like to taste her dish.” What he had seen looked delicious but in the end only the tongue could decide after all.
Down on the stage, Suzume walked past Masazumi and took her fan off the counter. She took a brief glance into the crowd, looking for particular faces. As she spotted them, a boy with violet hair, a tall dark-haired girl and a tall boy with same dark hair, she grinned for a second before she walked on, opening her fan in the process with the same grace as she had closed it earlier.
However, she took a halt to her walk as she heard “impossible” being muttered behind her.
“Impossible.” Masazumi said under gritted teeth while eyeing the floor. But right in the next moment he lifted his head to look at Suzume instead. “I refuse to fucking accept this !! Something must have been bribed or something, I don’t fucking know. No way, that-“
Suzume made a half turn, still smiling. “A so-called maggot defeated you?” She then, swiftly made a complete turn and began laughing. “Nyahaha, I must say this must all be reaaally embarrassing to you. You were such a promising member of the Chinese RS after all. How will you even tell your parents? Don’t worry, senpai, I will always remember your presence there!” She grinned. “Once I am the Chinese RS President I’ll make sure to tell them all your little, pathetic achievements don’t worry.”
Masazumi clutched his fist. “You will never get through with this! No way in hell you will be the next president!”
Suzume still kept her smile.
“Just lean back and watch. I’ll promise you a good show in the upcoming weeks.”
She turned around again, but looked over her shoulder for a last time. But suddenly the smile went out of her face and her eyes hardened. “Oh and also.” Her voice got harsh. “Don’t call me or anyone else ‘maggot’ ever again, or I will kick your ass harder than today and straight out of Totsuki.”
With that she walked away. And everyone knew that she today hasn’t satisfied her.
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polar-stars · 5 years
Shokugeki no Hiraku - Chapter 4
-One of the Three-
“Do you know her?” Hiraku asked while him and Kyo were walking out of the arena. “Huh?” Kyo responded. Hiraku’s face remained unreadable as he continued. “You said you know everyone, so doesn’t that mean you also know that Kung Fu-girl?” For a short moment Kyo remained silent before he exclaimed. “Oh? Hojo? Ah.” He began scratching the back of his head once again. “Ahahah, of course I know her. I had a few classes with her throughout middle school and I told ya I am tight to the big personalities of our Generation, didn’t I? Shall I introduce her to you?” Hiraku didn’t answer but still Kyo took his arm and dragged him to the side. “We’ll wait in front of the Arena, maybe we can meet her once she leaves!” And so they did. The sky had already turned orange and most students already begun walking into direction of wherever their home was while Kyo and Hiraku remained in front of the Arena. Hiraku had his eye fixated on the entrance they were standing in front of, while Kyo was sharing all of his grand achievements on the academy thus far. “And because my former English teacher was such an unfair nag, I started to rebel. She tasked us to write 200 words for our essay, but get this, I wrote 202 to show her she’s not my damn Boss. So Yukihira, should you ever have troubles with a teacher, you know who to call!“ “Hm.” Hiraku hummed as a response to Kyo’s rambling to which he paid about eighty percent of attention. Kyo however seemed satisfied with Hiraku’s response, as he gave a proud nod before exclaiming. “Oh, I should tell you about that time where I didn’t wrote a date on our math test because the teacher was basically bullying the class and I just couldn’t let that sta-“ Hiraku had raised his finger a bit and pointed towards something in the front. “There she is.” He spoke dryly as always. This made Kyo interrupt his monologue and to rather ask. “Who?” Hiraku stoically responding “The Kung-Fu Girl” made him realise what they were here for in the first place and how he had turned away more and more from the entrance while talking. Now that he was reminded he did make a turn and instantly saw the figure that was leaving the gate. 
The bright, red fan, easily spotted from a far revealed instantly who this figure was and the nearer she came the clearer became the other distinguishable features like the wild, blonde hair, the extraordinary long, flowing cowlick that sprouted out of her head like a flower and the shining, confident, violet eyes which all in entirety made Hojo Suzume. She was not in a Cheongsam anymore which Hiraku assumed to be in the sport bag she held in her fan-free hand. Instead she had now put on a blazer coloured in a more than familiar navy blue accompanied with an equally familiar checkered skirt. Unlike most students on Totsuki however, Suzume had unbuttoned her blazer and you could see the white shirt that was worn underneath it. There was also no sight of either a striped ribbon or tie on her collar. “Hm.” Hiraku looked down on himself and the equally unbuttoned blazer and equally missing tie. “On my old school I was the only person to wear my school uniform that way. Now I don’t feel special anymore.” As Kyo failed to find any words to cheer him up about this fact, he just decided to say nothing and rather raise his voice to call up Suzume to show how tight he was with her. “Hojo!” He waved with a friendly smile. 
Hearing her surname made Suzume stop in her walk and rather turn her head. Accelerating her walk a little bit she then approached the two with a friendly smile on her lips. “Hiya!” She greeted Kyo once near enough for him to hear. As she came to a hold then, she asked. “Do I know you?” To Kyo it felt like 50 kg weight were dropped on his head. “Ahaha!” He laughed slightly forced. “Hojo you’re always been much of a joker.” His “laughter” faded and he revealed. “Honda Kyo, we uhm had a few classes together throughout middle school.” Suzume continued smiling friendly while her eyes blinked two times. Clearly she could not recall on bit of memory of the purple-haired boy in front of her. Kyo began scratching the back of his head like it was common for him, as even Hiraku had noticed at that point. “Eh well, whatever. First off: Congrats! You’re one step closer now, eh? That was certainly impressive.” At that Suzume grinned and eagerly nodded four times. “Ah, Thank you, Thank you! And yeah!” Her nodding stopped but the grin remained. “We’re in the grand finale now.” “Ahaha.” Kyo laughed a little awkwardly once again. “We’re all behind you! Well except for....you know...But ah, who cares about him am I right? Anyways, Hojo I wanted to introduce someone to you...” He made a presenting gesture towards Hiraku, which made Suzume turn her head to him and for the first time see him in full on detail. “Hojo, this is-“ Before Kyo could finish, Suzume had already leaned closer to Hiraku’s face and exclaimed. “Oh, it’s the transfer student!” Her eyes grew a bit bigger in genuine curiosity about Hiraku’s persona. “Yukihira was it right?” She left him no time to confirm her assumption as she rather begun to giggle. “Your speech was really funny!” Hiraku tilted his head a bit in wonderment about that statement. He could not inquire about it however as Suzume already dropped her bag to the floor and held her now free hand out to Hiraku. “Well let me take my responsibility as one of it’s three aces and formally welcome you then as a part of the 114th Generation!” She winked. “Nice to meet you.” For three seconds or so Hiraku stared at the hand as if he was inspecting it on any possible taint or ink that could stain his hands, before he took it and shook it. “Nice to meet you as well......er....” A significant silence began stretching as Hiraku just stared into Suzume’s violet orbs, while holding on to her hand and she only returned the gaze expectingly. Kyo’s eyes widened. “I just said her name not too long ago.” He hissed. “She just had a Shokugeki, how could you forget it this quickly?!” Hiraku turned his head to Kyo and said. “Ah sorry, when you two had your talk I was thinking about squid recipes.” “You what?!” Kyo shrieked. Suzume however pulled her hand back and began to laugh. “Nyahahahaha!” Her eyes which had closed while she had her outburst of laughter opened again and eyed Hiraku with no anger or even displeasure in them. Just pure amusement. “I like you! You’re a really funny one indeed!” Hiraku shifted his attention back to Suzume and tilted his head in response. Suzume widely grinned and proudly put her free hand on her hip. “Don’t worry about it! I’ll give you my introduction!” There was an almost mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she lifted her fan a bit closer to her while simultaneously raising her index finger. “I am the daughter of two of the best Chinese chefs to have ever lived.” The mischievous glimmer turned to what Hiraku had already seen in her eyes when she was having her Shokugeki. That sort-of onfident and ambitious spark he had only seen in few people so far. “Future head Chef of Hojo-Ra, future 1st Seat of Totsuki and....future president of the Chinese RS.” Her voice got louder and she began to pose. “Hojo Suzume is my name. And believe me that this will be the last time you forgot it!” “You sure have many plans, Hojo.” Was the first thing Hiraku after Suzume’s speech was over. The girl began laughing once again afterwards. She then picked up her sports bag from the ground and looked at the two. “Well, you always gotta have some plans in life, no?” Kyo only nodded in response while Hiraku couldn’t come up with one. “I hope you two enjoyed the Shokugeki by the way!” Suzume hummed then. “I hope I gave you a good impression of Totsuki, Yukihira.” There was no doubt to anyone that despite her words she was sure that she had done so. And to her credit Kyo, who was more in the position to judge this than Hiraku was, made no attempt to doubt her. “Your dish was impressive as always, Hojo! You really showed that guy, ahaha...” Another laughter of Suzume’s ensued and at this point Hiraku felt he would never, ever forget the sound of it. “Well, I certainly had fun! But thanks for the compliment!” In her mind Suzume replayed the footage of her victory being announced, which resulted in a slight chuckle once again. “About those Shokugeki things.....” Hiraku suddenly brought up, earning him the simultaneous shift of attention to him by both Kyo and Suzume. It was almost as if all noise around them shut down for him to say the following words. No birds chirping, no classmates chatting in the distance, no wind shaking up the trees. Just Hiraku saying: “You think we could have one of these?” Absolute silence. It truly was like Mother Nature itself couldn’t believe what had just been said. Kyo’s eyes widened and his jaw fell open. The ends of Suzume’s everlasting smile sunk a little bit, while her usually so lively eyes became blank for a second of legit astonishment. Hiraku however remained just the same, wondering what caused Suzume to take so long for her reply. The first one to speak up was Kyo however. “Yukihira!” He yelped. Straight-faced as usual, Hiraku shifted his focus to him. “Hm? What is it, Honda?” His expectations for a detailed explanation were disappointed however as Kyo just began stammering. “Did you just.....? Yukihira, you can’t.......! This is a different level........” More confused than before, Hiraku blinked and leaned a tad bit closer wondering if Kyo had whispered the second parts of his sentences and he just didn’t caught them. Kyo took a deep breath, preparing himself to give elaboration. However just as he had opened his mouth, Suzume’s voice found its way back into the conversation. “You are a funny guy indeed.” Perfectly in sync, Hiraku and Kyo turned their heads back to the blonde. Her little moment of surprise felt like a distant memory, as her smile was back and friendly as always and her eyes shone ever so brightly again. “I had a feeling you would be an entertaining addition and I guess I was right.” Hiraku felt that there was honesty in her voice. “You must be talented to have been approved on this school and I don’t doubt it at all. I am sure you will stir up the rest of the 114th Generation real good, me however....“ Her voice became a lot more firmer and once again it was as if nature surrounding them silenced itself to give her a stage to speak. And to also make sure that Hiraku would fully understand Suzume‘s following words. “I am sorry but you’re really not something  I want to focus on right now.” She initiated a pause, letting the words hang in the air and sink further and further into Hiraku’s mind. That way she was making sure to let her statement be a final. Once she had decided it had been enough, a jolly laughter emerged from her again. “Well, I gotta go now! I still gotta meet up with a few people! But!” A grin as bright and wide as the sun flashed up again. “It was nice meeting ya!” She made a swift turn, keeping her elegant stature throughout it. “Bye-Bye, Purple Phantom of Middle School Classes and Squid-Brain!” And with a slight bounce in her feet, she walked away. Hiraku watched her, not in full understanding about her words. He got the information that she didn’t want to battle him however what he didn’t got was the why. He decided to inquire the all-knowing, tight-with-everyone Kyo Honda about it. However as he made the head turn towards the purple haired teen something about the wide blue eyes, slightly furrowed brows and pressed together lips told him that he did not even have to voice his question. “Yukihira.” Kyo began. “You can’t just casually challenge everyone you meet to a Shokugeki. That right there was Hojo Suzume. One of the three. One of the last persons you should challenge to a Shokugeki.” A long “Hmmmmmmmmmmm” full of wonderment escaped Hiraku. After a bit of analysis in his head, he spoke. “But she refused didn’t she? So is it really a problem?” “Yeah!” Kyo instantly answered. “You still gotta learn a lot. One thing being to not just nonchalantly challenging the titans to a fight. You greatly embarrass yourself that way, Yukihira! Think about your image!” As Hiraku merely tilted his head, Kyo realised that his tirade was not very effective when the other party was only understanding half of the situation. So he took a deep breath and went into explanation. “Wanna know why she refused? She considers you way out of her league. And wanna know why?” The tone in Kyo’s voice reminded Hiraku slightly of the tone his mom had when scolding him, so he had the feeling that he was left no real choice anyway but he gave a nod regardless. Kyo raised his index finger and laid more urgency into his voice. “Within the 114th Generation there’s three students greatly outstanding from the rest. From day uno on their accomplishments within Totsuki had been much grander and notable than any of the other students in the generation. Throughout our three years of middle school it came explicitly clear that the three can outclass any other member with ease.” Hiraku felt like he was being told some legend about knights, kings and gods. “It is without doubt that they’re talent-wise ahead all of us. They basically have spots in the Elite 10 reserved for them next year.” He nodded towards the direction Suzume had left and with full seriousness stated. “Hojo Suzume is one of them. She’s part of what we have dubbed: ‘The Unmatched Three.’” “Cool name.” Was Hiraku’s first input to the conversation. Kyo huffed. “None of the three is in any way concerned with battling one of us! They have their focus set on completely other things already! Hojo for one has shifted her attention to the second years, as you saw. And as you also saw, she possesses the skill to outmatch them!” Hiraku had placed two fingers on his chin, his brows furrowed in concentration as his eyes had a calculating sense to them. He seemed to be in deep thought, which made Kyo decide to stop his ramble. Relief was going through Kyo. Maybe Hiraku had understand that you cannot just challenge whoever was passing by and would be a bit more considerate from now on, sparing him and Kyo a lot of troubles. Hiraku took his hand off his chin as a possible sign for him having come to a conclusion. Not the conclusion Kyo wanted to hear however. “I have herewith decided to become one of the Unmatched Three.” Hiraku stated as dry and blunt as ever. The other party in this conversation showed a bit more emotions towards this. “EEEEEEHHHH?!” Just like you’d expect it of him at this point Hiraku only repeated his new-found goal: “I will become on of the Unmatched Three.” Before he could outline his plan further however, Kyo interjected with fists balled in frustration. “You can’t just become one of the Unmatched Three! It wouldn’t be the Unmatched Three then anymore now would it?” Hiraku’s eyes widened a bit at that as he realised that he did not consider that. “Hm, that’s a problem indeed.” He then replied and began rubbing his chin. “I suppose it would be the Unmatched Three  Plus One then....” Was his resolution. Kyo protested. “That’s just an absolute Utopian thought, Yukihira!” Hiraku’s eyes narrowed. “Uto-what?” Kyo could only groan in response.
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