#terrence truthers suffer but we are still fed
yenforfairytales · 1 year
I saw your response to the Hairstyle for TIG poll and you posted a picture of Terry from season 4 episode 5 of Cobra Kai where his hair is short and I cannot remember that scene at all?? Is it a real screenshot or a fake one?? Was the picture actually used along with the writing???
Hello, dear anon! <3
I did brighten it, but it IS indeed a real screenshot :D (full writing under the cut)
It's from this scene in 4x05, after Terry went to Miyagi-Do with Kreese, and the kids were curious about him:
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Vietnam veteran and successful business mogul, Terrance Silver's insight in the importance of corporate philanthropy and how mission driven works have transformed his career.
Terrance Silver could easily be named the hero of our generation. He dominates the business world and prioritises charity over personal gain. He is selfless and caring. But if you dig a little deeper, you'll learn that he had his fair share of ups and downs.
At the young age of 18 he fought for his country in the Vietnam war. As one could assume, his post-war life was full of difficulties and painful hardships that lead him down the wrong path.
Despite his tumultuous past, Silver managed to reinvent himself and established a multi-million dollar company. Corporate responsibility and giving back to the community have driven his business, creating an equitable and ethically sustainable business model. His impact and selflessness continuously surprises his colleagues and everyone around him as he continues to make the world a better place. And he's easy on the eyes! Look at those baby blues.
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