nvrcmplt · 1 year
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
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@dcwnrisen @avaere @despairforme @elganac @xyuuken @deathmcth @guhamun/@ardenssolis @villxinoux @nezumivc103221 @cantuscorvi @bclasaeg @rotdream @tximidity @gildinbainas @terestris @glasgcw @v-iciious @hellhunted @unwcvering @maqnolya @inunomori/@sidedcoins @laplacemail @lunaetis @phantasmaw @hembralfa @distopea @chenqizi @chaoscrawls @farspirits @rebellixn/@scanncr @igniferous @oleandew @otverzhennyy @killerhubby @semplicementerojuro --- annnnnnnnnnnd all of you, lbr.
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royaletiquette · 1 year
“A lot of people’s lives are better because you’re in them.” / @terestris
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It wasn't often Hibiko had the guts to go into town under the guise of a civilian. Actually, it was hardly ever, almost never. It took planning, luck, and plenty of guts. Being approached by a foreign stranger so boldly is what tested the latter.
"I'm... I'm sorry?" Shit, oh my god, she totally knew who Hibiko was. After a full day of exploring and entertaining herself, she was positive no one recognized her! Most people knew of the royal family with drawings and paintings of the such, but there was hardly reason to raise suspicion without the few guards and her typical overdressing. But, obviously, this girl was different, which meant she needed to leave.
"Um, thank you," a quick bow, "have a good day!" Hibiko spat out and tried to skitter away. It was way too crowded and this could easily turn into something dangerous if she even tempted to entertain the girl.
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unboundwanderers · 1 year
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@terestris | THE BEGINNING.
                  The Quiet Hum of The Tardis interior filled his ears, as did the sound of shifting phase engines... which echoed out its quiet groaning/wheezing that the TARDIS was known for. There in the middle of The TARDIS stood THE DOCTOR, wearing a green cargo jacket- fingerless wool gloves, dark blue jeans, and dusty black and brown sneakers. The Doctor remained very quiet amidst the TARDIS and its flight noises. Moving to click at a few switches and twist a few dials on the OPEN-ENGINE-like Console, The Doctor let out quiet hums to himself as he brought The TARDIS out of the Time Vortex by releasing a lever.
                  He listened quietly as The TARDIS successfully drifted into space, through a cosmic nebula. There, he stood in the control room, looking up at it all quietly... the ceiling and the exposed tubes and wires connecting to the TARDIS walls and its console. He heard his feet tap at the grating on the floor as he rolled on the balls of his feet. Things were quiet, too quiet for a timelord as loud and boisterous as this incarnation of The Doctor. He blanked on where he might want to go today... usually having a suggestion thrown at him by another passenger aboard the ship.
                  But all passengers had gone and left now, and he found himself alone aboard The TARDIS again. Quietly standing there in silence waiting for something to happen. He missed the friends that had come and gone and cursed at the silence softly because he hated the lonely feelings festering in his hearts. He moved to pull the TARDIS monitor toward him and gazed softly into the alien symbols written in his language. He moved to start flicking at miscellaneous switches and twisting at minor switches that kept The TARDIS in stable flight-
                  WHITE LIGHT ENGULFED THE CONTROL ROOM in a SUDDEN BLIND- And The Doctor covered his eyes at that moment, basically falling onto the ground by the invasive force in THE TARDIS, filling it with a flashbang's worth of energy and light that left his eyeballs practically burned out. He almost swore because of how intense the light was, but of course, he'd never go that far... The Doctor had class, you know. However, when the light did start to clear- he let out a nasty groan. "Okay!! Okay... Yep... No... That's fine... Invasive teleport, love to see it."
                  When his eyes opened up, he picked himself up and rubbed at his eyes until he could see clearly, and what he saw- well- he looked in the direction of the light source and peered around and eventually found his intruder. His eyebrows raised to the fullest they could and his mouth was left partially agape. Her details didn't fully register for the moment, because he was so shocked at the idea that someone teleported onto his TARDIS. That was what that was, right? A teleporter? How'd it get past the shields... All he could really let out at this moment was a:
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
𝗙𝗟𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗗 : 𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗔 / @terestris
What was that? // oooo dis seems fun ♥
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❝ What  do  you  think  about  garlic  ice  cream  ?  ❞  A  hum  of  curiosity  followed.  Ice  cream  could  be  made  of  everything  if  someone  knows  how  to  make  it  while  still,  Ace  couldn't  enjoy  it  much  because  of  the  natural  heat  his  devil  fruit  produced,  he  wondered  just  how  far  could  one  go  with  the  flavors.  ❝  I  mean,  would  you  eat  it  ?  ❞
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groazei-m · 1 year
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@terestris liked for an interaction!
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❝ I SUGGEST HEADING HOME. this massacre is simple child's play to me. ❞
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mortau · 1 year
@terestris asked: "the best thing of all is to get lost. so completely lost, you don’t know where you’re coming from, or where you’re going." for henri !!
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"Well... i suppose so, but that doesn't help my situation." They weren't quite sure how they ended up here- their sense of direction was awful. "Though i suppose you're right in that I have no idea where I'm coming from or going."
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strywoven · 1 year
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@terestris has requested a story :
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with a smile upon the deities' features, she hands the halfling an intricately crafted piece of jewelry: woven out of bronze are the guides that encompass the ring & its middle piece: an opal. the strings depict various branches as well as leaves that have already faded in color; the life & death that burns within every plant that one is able to encounter within the wild. the opal stone is meant to illustrate the hope of the soul as well as the amplification of one's energy; to grow stronger whilst nurturing nature. // for kaen !!
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It is a rare tribute for a HALFLING of all creatures to be given an offering ; although part of an ancient blood , Kaen never thought themself so w o r t h y as their father to be given anything at all ( not even a decent life , not even a right to survive ) .  So this , to be approached by a TRUE DEITY , neither of their father’s realm , nor even of his bidding to console their long-broken spirit , comes as … A complete surprise , an utter u n n e r v i n g .  It is in them to feel – at first – a great f e a r of the other ; a learned dread that cripples their curiosity and tells them to be uncertain , to question her motives ( why here ? why them ? what did she want from them ? ) .  But then , when she produces the parcel – that simple , innocuous velveteen box – and so gingerly offers it forth with little more insistence than a patient , tender s m i l e , Kaen relents and reaches out to her , plucking the gift from her hold and opening it ⸺
⸺ An audible gasp !  Without thinking , Kaen shuts the box again with a hard snap of the clasps and pulls it close to their breast ( their frightened heart now racing in childish astonishment ) , scarred fingers holding it t i g h t .  They open their mouth , then close that promptly , too , furred ears drooping as they look down to their feet.  Poor creature— What are they supposed to say ?
At last , their voice finds them , soft and hesitant as a fawn treading into a new field , ❝ Ah- Ah’m not sure Ah can accept somethin’ like this.  B’cause ‘ow can Ah … ❞  How can I repay you , is what they intend to say , but don’t , worrying their bottom lip with their teeth.  They lift the box again , opening it and looking down once more at the opulent and carefully forged diadem held within.  It was made f o r them ; it would sit neatly on their head , even with their still-growing crown of antlers … If they chose to wear it.  For a few long moments , Kaen simply s t a r e s at the piece , free hand gently touching over it as if – to them – it doesn’t even seem real ; as if NONE OF THIS is real , either.  They sniffle , brushing at their eyes with their sleeve and look up to the goddess again , attempting to smile , though it must waver at the seams.  ❝ But- but if y’re sure , Ah’ll keep it.  Thank ye , really , THANK YE .  This ‘s th’ most pretty thing anyone’s e’er given me. ❞  One of the o n l y things , too , but Kaen wasn’t about to say that.  ❝ … Can ye ‘elp me … Put it on ?  It- it’d be a waste ta’ keep it in th’ box. ❞
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cantuscorvi · 1 year
ღ // humble her asjhfddj
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following: // @terestris
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
the really cool person bc yeah, you're just so damn cool 👉👈
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
DASH GAMES | make your character into a bunny!
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i decided to make kaiya and yubari into bunnies bc i associate them with similar colors, and i :' )) they look so cute and somehow kinda sad asdfg
tagged by: @terestris ( thank you vee <3 ) tagging: everyone who sees this bc bunnies are too cute uvu
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unboundwanderers · 1 year
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@terestris sent in: “  i don’t think there’s a person in the world who compares to you.  ” // for the looney doctor uwu | flirty memes | ACCEPTING
                  HE HADN'T OPENED A TEAR IN THE UNIVERSE IN A MINUTE. He exhaled softly as he moved to set up various machinery that linked to the TARDIS console room. They had a big open gymnasium to operate with, he'd cleared one out. Now he was just setting everything up. Wiring things into the console- he was bustling around like the little puppy he used to be. Various generators and emitters were put into place. Gaia was in the center of the room- he looked back up, just to make sure-- looking at his friend. He smiled at her, but there was something behind those eyes that indicated that... well... this might be it. They've been together for a long while, now- and so... it was hard for him to accept what was coming-- even when she said that amidst their moment of silence.
                  He smirked, moving toward her and grabbing her hand like an energetic soul that wasn't going to die down soon. "And so are you! We're all so unique! It's a majestic experience, learning about all those other people, and their stories! My story! Your story! We're one of a kind~" He winked at her before he moved her toward the center of the room. "I'm about to use The Tardis to punch through the fabric of reality! It's going to open up a connection to the multiverse! You need to focus on your own- the scent of home, the scent of life! Your home! Yours!" He pointed toward the rift about to open and made her look.
                  "You may go into a trance state, but just focus on thinking about home! The Tardis is going to feed you some energy- supercharge ya! All you need to do is find that link to home-!!" He backed up beating his chest like a monkey, "Badaboomba!" He moved to run into The Police Box, with had wires trailing out, connecting to different machinery and engines. He moved to start flicking different switches and levers- before yanking down on The TARDIS' engine release, which funneled power into the machinery... and GAIA SAW as a MAJESTIC tear in the fabric of SPACE and TIME opened up before her, it was indescribable in its beauty.
                  THE DOCTOR knew better than to stare too, especially when he had forces on his trail that he had to delay for Gaia. He inhaled deeply- time slowing for him as he took just a few microseconds to think about ETERNITY. THIS WAS IT. He always had this prick, in the back of his head, whenever he could feel the final moments of his life coming up when the times were getting desperate when the measures were stretched thin. He felt that prick now... as he walked toward the entrance to the gymnasium, pulling it open and slamming it shut behind him. With The Sonic Screwdriver- he double-locked the doors and rested the screwdriver in his pocket.
                  FEAR washed over his body right now, fear that melted into sudden steel. It's okay to be scared he told himself. Death is scary. He stood at the doors, he could feel it- as he always had felt before... whenever he'd run into this specter before- the air was growing colder. Death was coming, and it was time to face it head-on. He exhaled softly. He wondered if this was how Eula felt before she marched into battle... He shut his eyes for a moment and his fists tightened into balls as he let out another long exhale. He knew what this was all for. Just gotta save one person. Just one more person. That's what he echoed out into his mind. Putting everything on the line so that Gaia can get home. That's what's important right now.
                  Still wish someone was there to hold his hand. He pushed the doors to the outside open as he walked out, hands in his jacket pockets as he stood before an approaching Caspian. The Inner doors were locked, and with a quick tap of The Sonic Screwdriver... so were the outer doors. He grinned at Caspian, a specter who'd chased them from Skaro to beyond... He almost had a sort of fondness for the chase. He shook his head, knowing a darker purpose was near. He cried out, "Hello Caspian~! Lovely to see you--! Knew those Daleks wouldn't nip ya in the bud, pal!" He gave Caspian a celebratory snap and a point before he rested his hand on his side.
                                    "Is your dear old master following close behind~?"
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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Vee  the  sweetest  !! Fellow  pisces  !  It  means  so  much  to  me  bc  gah  damn  it's  my  bday  and  I  believe  I  met  you  around  that  time  like  a  year  ago  ?  or maybe two ? My  memory  may  be  foggy  but  listen  thru  all  the  blogs  we  always  stayed  moots  and  friends  and  I'm  happy  to  see  you  around  my  bday  as  well.  You're  one  of  my  favorite  people  and  a  dear  friend  !!  I  hope  the  month  won't  be  rough  on  you  and  you  find  peace,  a  lil  room  to  breathe  !  You  deserve  all  the  best  things.  Thanks  for  sticking  around  my  dumbass  it  means  a  lot  to  me.
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ardenssolis · 1 year
Let's talk about romance! Muse questions; accepting || @terestris / @itorisen​
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💖 - What traits does your muse find physically attractive?
EYES. Like you have intriguing eyes and Ozy is instantly interested. It can be the eye color (like really pretty shades of red, for example), or it can be the FEELINGS he sees in it that just really make that person stand out from the masses. Someone who is determined has a kind of gaze that should hold even a king's focus, and so when he leans in close and sees that, it's pleasing to him as that means that person is going to push on even in the face of failure, foolishly, perhaps. But really, that's what he looks for the most. There's superficial things he deems are physically attractive like someone's looks overall, but it's the eyes that do it for him always. It doesn’t matter how attractive appearances are as a game changer. I can say with 100% certainty that he will eventually get bored with that person if that’s all that’s going on, and Ozy gets bored rather quickly.
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shcnshi · 1 year
Truth Serum + is there something that you've always kept a secret, even though you want to share it with someone desperately?
truth serum / accepting
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it hurts . . .       it hurts . . .           it hurts . . . make it S T O P  .  i'm scared . . . why are they doing this to me  ??  
            words echo loudly in his head . . . the question isn't unexpected  ,  gaia always pried where it hurts most  ,  as if she's digging her blunt nails into the cracks of his skin  ,  trying to FIND something beneath the stony statue that is shanjie  .  he has a lot of secrets  ,  secrets no one is prepared for  .  one that'll haunt them if they're empathetic  ,  one that'll shock if they're sensitive . . . shanjie has a lot of secrets  .  but he'd rather NOT share  .             it's not government secrets  ,  whatever strange blacklist  .  conspiracies  ,  hidden agendas  ,  kill orders  ,  clandestine missions . . . no  .  that's not secrets he desperately want to share  ,  he doesn't care for them  .  people will eventually find out  ,  if someone does enough digging  ,  they'll find out about all the things the government's kept hidden  .  no  ,  not those secrets  .             lips pulling taut into a thin line  ,  he doesn't want to share  .  if he does  ,  he'll be confronted with reality  ,  with his own thoughts  ,  with his own emotions that he locked away and bottled up  .  those are too much for him to handle  ,  and he wasn't trained to handle it  .  his thoughts  ,  his emotions . . . they never taught him how to deal with it  .             he hates how he HAS to share  ,  staring at the woman with steely eyes that exuded displeasure and stress  .  he can't keep his glance focused on gaia for long and soon finds himself averting his gaze  --  out of guilt  --  as he tries to focus on anything but the present  .  dissociating was what he often did under duress  ,  this was certainly one of those moments  .  he was trained to endure torture  ,  but THIS is different  .             biting the inside of his cheek  ,  he sucks in a deep breath that comes out as a shaky exhale  .  sinking into his seat as his eyes focuses on anything but gaia  .  he doesn't want to see what look she'll have on her face  .  he'd be compelled to comfort her  ,  and that wasn't his forte  .  funny how he's about to bare his mind to someone and he feels he'll end up having to COMFORT them after being asked to do so  .             "  i'm scared . . . people think i'm this fearless  ,  invincible killing machine  ,  "  he murmurs  ,  "  i hurt . . . it always HURTS  ,  my body . . . my mind  ,  everything  .  i'm not a machine  ,  not a robot . . . but i can't say anything  ,  "  he says  ,  "  that's the secret  .  "  he says  ,  it doesn't sound much  ,  but it's always something he desperately wants to let out  .  his cries for help  ,  his cries of pain  ,  his fear that gnaws ever so presently in his mind  .             it sounds like a small thing  ,  but to shanjie who had grown up suppressing all that makes him HUMAN  ,  being punished for any OUNCE of emotion  ,  his body feared the pain more than anything so his young self learned to bite his lips until it bled  ,  just so it'd stop the punishment  .  he learned not to complain  ,  not to say a word when his body hurts  ,  not to utter any noise when he was scared  .  it became a well-guarded secret when his heart raced out of fear  ,  when his body screamed in pain  ,  when his mind shatters from too much duress . . . he said NOT a word of it  .             "  it's nothing big . . . not some earth-shattering secret you were expecting  ,  was it  ??  "  he asks  ,  a soft laugh leaving his lips  ,  tone mocking and derogatory  .  not a laugh directed towards the woman but unto himself  .  he is pathetic compared to many . . .
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
for ezra: ☮☯♔♕
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☮   Position Preferences.
ezra only knows missionary, he has very little experience with sex. so this is his only knowledge, though he has tried to watch videos and read, his attention is captured by other things like touching and kissing.
☯   Kinks
they're not kinks, but he likes being kissed near the base of his wings, also along his spine. his ears are also kinda sensitive but don't blow into them.
♔  What gets them in the mood
subtle touches along the base of his wings, little nips along his jaw.
♕  What is their mood-killer
plucking feathers, he will try to kill you.
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tragedicna · 1 year
@terestris / sc.
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"hm...that's odd," she says, cupping her chin in her fist, "i swear it was supposed to be around here," she insists, looking around, a bit lost, "maybe we made a wrong turn somewhere..."
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