badmusejail · 1 year
@teleportingprogrammer starter call.
The man standing there was ablaze.
Not literally, perhaps; but it was in his aura; the very way he stood; a pillar of stern confidence, the very picture of wealthy grace. His robes nearly touched the floor; made of exquisite black material that framed his abdomen but tapered out towards his limbs.
His arms were folded behind his back as he peered at the display. The porcelain in question was nothing special, (at least not by magical standards), but they had his attention nonetheless.
Actually, Ozai hated it. He found history pointless; yes, perhaps studying ancient techniques and philosophy could be useful, but why would anyone want some pieces of junk that were hundreds of years old?
But his brother enjoyed it, which meant his father enjoyed it, which meant Ozai was here.
"It's Kangxi, yes?" he asked; tone polite as his gaze shifted over. Never one for small talk, though. That was Iroh.
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cosmiccanidae · 1 year
@teleportingprogrammer continued from here
Was it his imagination or did this guy almost seem... uncertain about his own name? Granted, that could be chalked up to a lack of confidence, though that would be a poor trait in a salesman. Either way, Raisu was a skeptical enough person to keep the possibility of dishonesty being involved in his head.
"Antiques, eh? Well let's have a look at what you've got."
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lettherebemonsters · 2 years
What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to? (for Red Hulk)
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Obviously Red Hulk loves listening to the oldies lol. Probably Elvis and the Rat Pack are faves of his to listen to, along with just regular showtunes from the 20's and 30's. He is NOT a fan of modern music because it's.....well......it's crap lol.
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cmdrjanus-2 · 2 years
"If there can be no arrangement, then we are at an impasse."
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"Then it appears that there is only one way to resolve this dispute. Prepare for deresolution!"
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expanding-infinity · 2 years
Her skin was searing. Churning. But at least she had the decency to swipe a worn blanket from the warehouse she was born into. Well, born among corpses. Brought into this reality screaming like some hellish demon, peeling herself from the miasma between realities. Even now she was trying to give herself shape. To stabilize. Her skin was semitransparent, revealing false bone structures as she tried to copy what was around her to give herself form.
And yet she was completely clueless of who she was, how she was capable of this, or why her body felt like it was filled with magma. Head pounding, and yet not a beat in her empty chest. So certain she was meant to at least mimic a human, but she couldn't get her pale false skin to stop churning like smoke born of a black fire. All she could do was stumble along, the blanket being the only thing to cover her decency through the dark night streets.
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ssatxr-archive · 2 years
@teleportingprogrammer​ liked for a paragraph starter!
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Naezael squinted her eyes at the person in front of her. Being in line wasn’t exactly her favorite place to be. Especially when people hold the line for seemingly no reason. Well, the Seraphim was certainly going to fix that today! She tapped on the others shoulder, her fiery yellow eyes looking down with no discernable mood.
“...You gonna walk or somethin, Miss? Lines been good for the past four minutes...no, wait, make it five.”
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Birds and Shadows
It was the middle of the night, and a heavy fog had rolled onto the city streets. Remnants from a heavy rain. 
The young girl who crept through the alleyways was grateful for the cover, although she could have done without the rain. She gripped her cane tightly, messing with her prosthetic leg- an odd, frankensteined contraption of what had once been a normal prosthetic, now with a scattering of foreign parts and gears- before looking around the corner.
Her target was still in sight, and with him the item she needed. 
It was just one key, and then she would be done with this job.
Her pulse raced, and the only comfort she had was the distant flapping of wings. Old friends come to see what she was up to.
The girl crept forward, and was oddly silent despite the prosthetic- it had taken quite a bit of practice, but she’d managed to learn to walk in such a way that her prosthetic made minimal noise. Not to say it didn’t betray her every now and again- wasn’t exactly in the best of shape, despite numerous repairs.
The key was just in his pocket- a key to some sort of artifact, her client had told her. This target was a rival of her client, apparently. A lot of what was said went over her head, but she knew what she needed to do and that’s what truly mattered.
When in range, the girl carefully lifted her free hand towards the targets pocket...
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solospaceshipping · 4 years
teleportingprogrammer liked your post
Solo sat in her ships open hangar, down in atmosphere.  Seeing someone approach she looked at her device, switching tabs to the application.  “You are...  Megan I assume?”  She asked.  “Looking to work on a hauler?”  She asked.  “Wanting to go off world?  Good at coding.”
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The Superhero Game
Nyx had been on one of her usual patrols among the city streets, looking for any sign of trouble- from purse snatching to bank robberies. Although, she had to admit, she'd yet to end a bank robbery. It was only a matter of time, though.
Still, she'd expected superhero work to be more immediately exciting- she hadn't even found a super villain to fight! Where were all the super villains? They were on the news all the time but this city seemed barren of them, which while objectively good for the city was subjectively boring to Nyx.
About to give up on the patrol that night, she was stopped by movement in the corner of her eye, in an alley. Summoning her magic staff, she pointed it towards the source-
-and saw nothing.
Wait, no- there was something. She squinted in an attempt to see past the shadows, but then realized- it was the shadows. Sort of. A moving, shadowy mass squirmed on the ground- no, multiple masses were present.
“What the hell-?” Nyx crept closer, tip of her magic staff pointed towards the... whatever they were.
She heard a nervous whine from further in, and walking closer she saw a small dog backed up against a corner. The shadows converged on shaking canine.
“Hey, back off!” A blast of purple-black magical energy hurtled towards the creatures. And then another and another, until the shadow creatures finally turned and scrambled towards Nyx-
-and then right past, down the street.
Nyx cursed, about to check on the dog but finding it was already running the opposite direction of the shadow creatures. Relieved it was okay, Nyx turned her focus to darting after the shadows, blasting at them with her staff.
She grinned, adrenaline taking over as she pursued them.
This is what she had been waiting for!
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gatecoeur · 5 years
teleportingprogrammer needs a hideout
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“Shadow demons?” the vigilante asked curiously. “They wouldn’t happen to be from the Shadow Realm, would they?”
Arelette was suddenly very eager. A possible lead. Probably the best one she’s had in a long time. How did none of these creatures ever come to her attention? The thought frustrated her, but she didn’t dwell on it; she was ready to soak up everything this woman had to say.
{ @teleportingprogrammer }
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kxllingjoke · 5 years
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These shadows were new, but it seems their powers of persona were still quite effective, the shadow in question resembled a lion, however, it’s true face laid against an iron ball chained around one of its paws where lies its mask. As much as Joker wanted to play off his injury as ‘nothing’ the female did have a point, any further battles with this creature will result in an even greater loss of blood, he grits his teeth until he finally mentally surrenders.
“Alright, you’re up. Teach that shadow a lesson it won’t forget anytime soon.” Words of confidence were exchanged with his new battle companion. “Name’s Joker by the way.”
continue // @teleportingprogrammer
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monster-or-man · 5 years
teleportingprogrammer liked for a starter featuring both Achim and Bruce!
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Through the sparks and the smoke was a beast of unspeakable power. Buildings crumbled simply cause the monster walked through them. If one were to get a good look of it’s face through the ashes being poured into the atmosphere by the fires, they would instantly notice that it was more man than monster. A bellowing roar erupted from his throat as the monster placed his clawed hand on one of the skyscrapers nearby. It appeared that the rampage had only just begun, judging by how many buildings still remained in tact.         Slamming his foot into the main street, the giant focused his attention on a nearby structure, an office building that housed workers that were still trapped inside. With little hesitation, he headbutted the glass, mouth wide open in order to catch any human that was dumb enough to stand next to the windows.
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          On top of the largest building in the city stood a black coated scientist who was watching the destruction with a grin on his face. The screams of the innocent were music to his ears, just all in a days work. This was a typical order that needed to be fulfilled, destruction of disgusting city to pave the way for the future.  
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cosmiccanidae · 1 year
❛ if you tell me yours, i’ll tell you mine. ❜ (Fumetsu)
"Fair enough." He wanted to know who this being was, and introducing himself first seemed like a fair enough trade.
"My name is Raisu Sovez, space pirate captain. And who are you?" he pressed again with a questioning eyebrow raise, his good eye staring the other down expectantly.
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lettherebemonsters · 2 years
"Perhaps we can help each other out." (From Java for Red Hulk)
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" Doubt it. I had to learn the hard way that some things you gotta handle yourself...."
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theketchupspy · 5 years
@teleportingprogrammer cont from here
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Gemüse rolled his eyes, but slipped his hand into his pocket and withdrew his wallet, flipping it open to show his ID for the ABC.
...she didn’t say it had to be meaningful for the average human.
“You won’t remember this in a few hours anyways.”
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After learning from previous teleports, Miles brought a change of clothes in a backpack. If he was gonna travel worlds, he needed to not always be Spider-man.
After arriving in a new world, Miles walked out an alley as he tucked his costume away.
"Well, let's see what's around..."
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