#tdp teasers
owlrageousjones · 2 years
Really loving the new TDP teasers and I’m hyped for the new seasons
But I do find myself vaguely concerned that Aaravos is going to be reduced to being blatantly Evil - it’s possibly just Zubeia’s own bias or not the whole story, but it does kind of leave the audience seeing Aaravos in an increasingly villainous light.
Which wouldn’t be bad on it’s own, but they’ve repeatedly implied in interviews that he’s more Complicated than just being straight up bad. And so far it’s just seeming like he’s straight up bad.
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raayllum · 2 months
when you realize the most likely scenario is that in s6 you're going to have to watch a girl knowingly kill and ritualistically sacrifice her half brother in one last desperate attempt to keep their father alive
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thrandilf · 4 days
Claudia, Claudia
Predicting a being who always held more cards in his hand than she did was difficult. She'd resigned herself to searching for Aaravos, alone, figuring her best shot was going to Katolis Castle and cutting through whatever and whoever she had to.
His voice surprised her, a voice she could hear when some part of her mind seemed to buzz, a voice that she'd gotten used to only catching whispers of in her ear. Now, it spoke in her mind directly.
I'll come to you. Wait for me.
She stopped in the middle of the forest path she'd been taking west. "What?" she asked aloud. Aaravos had never been one to respond to her when she wanted, much to her fury. She spun around, as if he was really there, still not used to her makeshift new leg, stumbling slightly. "Aaravos, come on! I don't- I don't know what else to do!"
Of course he wasn't there.
Because no one was, nor would they be. Not anymore.
Claudia halted for the day, making camp early, wondering if there was anything to his command for her to wait.
When she next heard his voice, it shot chills down her spine.
Claudia, Claudia,
She bolted up in her bedroll, gasping for breath. Unlike before, when he spoke into her mind, his voice seemed to echo physically around her, cushioned by the canopy of leaves above her.
A figure stood behind the last smoldering embers of her campfire. Tall, silhouette outlined by the moon, every angle from the hem of his robes to the curves of his horns elegant against the sky behind him. His skin glistened with constellations from somewhere far away, but the brightest spots were under his eyes. Even his eyes seemed to glow.
Those eyes glinted for just a moment as Aaravos took her in, expression softening as he knelt. He reached out, the scene still like a dream to her, fingertips resting on her jaw, thumb wiping away a tear she hadn't known had shed in her sleep.
"I'm here."
It was still as though his voice enveloped them both, deep and reassuring, just a hint of breathlessness to it as though he couldn't believe it either, a crack in the mask. She meant something to him- she was the first person he wanted to see.
She was first, to someone.
Claudia stumbled out of her sleeping bag and into his arms without thinking. "He's gone," she said, rambling and trying to catch her breath. "And Terry, he didn't understand- I know he'd leave too and so I had to go first, and- I just-"
"I know." He radiated patience, understanding without condescending. Aaravos returned her embrace, after a moment of hesitation. Perhaps she should have waited, given him time, how long had it been since he'd touched anyone? She almost pulled back but he held her closer, finally not just his voice but his breath and warmth also in her ear. "I never break a promise, Claudia."
Aaravos pulled back enough to look in her eyes, caring smile placating her worries. "I know what true loyalty means, what a gift you are to me." Claudia sniffled, torn between wanting to sob over how the past week had been or trying to be strong, to prove she was powerful enough, to earn what had always been impossible to earn, but there was no need for any of it.
"You have never failed in tests of love," he said, as if he knew what she wanted to hear, what she'd needed to hear all of her life. His lips twitched upwards into a smirk, relishing his own words. "Others failed us, Claudia. We need only give them what's coming to them for it."
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zuppizup · 4 days
The main thing I got from that trailer is that Rayllum are like a million percent married in S6.
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Teaser thoughts
I had to do adulting (leave for a suddenly rescheduled appt) 20 mins after the trailer dropped this morning, so I'm only now starting to get my thoughts settled but omg I have to write this stuff down or how will I know what I think
here we go
Rayllum flying together. Is it cute, romantic, or is it some twist where they're going somewhere for horrible reasons in a hurry and they can't even take the Shadowpaw. Where is the Shadowpaw why are they fl-
Does Ethari have his Shadowpaw back is that why they have to fly
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Love the bisexual vibes here ngl
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Starscraper is over land. It's not a deep thought shhh
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The search for Zubeia. I'm curious why Ezran has let two of his best Crownguard leave his side. Surely this will have no consequences!
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Janaya kiss with Amaya on her tippy toes. Janai has her crown on here. I feel that's relevant for uhh later. I hope this is real and not a dream Janai is having - those have not been going well for her.
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This one makes me sad. The picture is torn, but then mended, and I love that. But it's set up like you'd see at a funeral.
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Is this one super early on in episode 1 maybe? It could be the same night as the end of S5. That feels more likely than Terry catching up to Claudia later on... specifically in her allowing him close after what we got in the other trailer. Aahhh
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This one has so much in it, I can't! It's got star bug stuff which I'm extremely here for, let the gods be gooey. It's got the whole quasar diamond crown right there. It's got Rayllum having a close moment. and it's posed like they're at the altar in a chapel getting married. Also the star is upside down in the stained glass window, so whatever theme is going on it's being consistent there.
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This is one of my favorites: Ezran out on his own castle bridge defending it. Ye Olde Narrative of Strength got to him! Opeli looking worried has me worried - she's usually so certain and swift. This could be Viren trying to come home like a half drowned rat - will they let him in? Don't make me think of the men of Númenor right now, do not.
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Battle couple battle couple! Rayla and Callum teaming up again! (she's the dark blob kicking free in the upper left) I love when a couple fights together. gonna be super normal about that.
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This top down view of the Starscraper is a little dizzying, ngl. With Callum and Rayla tiny at the bottom, three floors down, these flying, circling elves give me shark vibes. What if they're not nice. like at all.
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Why was Stella falling!? what are the Celestials doing, are they helping or are they trying thievery? Is this just a big mob of seagulls here
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Janai is losing control of her emotions, she's furious and sad. She's setting fire to the Sun Seed tree. We know the Seed was stolen, but maybe this is her finding out, early on. It's less angsty if it's early, you know how things always get Worse during the course of a TDP season lmfao. If it's later on, maybe the fact that she isn't wearing her crown is... important.
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Rayla in the frozen ship. Why's it burning, what's she there for? why did she go alone? This gives me some Banther Lodge infiltration vibes ngl.
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Okay I am all about this altercation. Viren shoving Kpp'Ar to the floor in fury. are they arguing about Soren? dark magic? both? neither? What's the logo stand for, what's the I for in IK? Does he have a show called It's Kpp'Ar and they're just on set? lmfao the real reason there are gears everywhere is to change the rooms around isn't it. Kpp'Ar just got sick of those extra 29 steps to the kitchen.
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Few things are scarier than a True Believer getting everything he wants. this shot of Karim being so filled with elation cannot be saying good things for Janai's prospects. He's got all kinds of cool Sunfire stuff on, too, including a crown, and his old tin ring from his mother. Those things were confiscated when he was exiled, which means he must not be exiled anymore. He could be king, having displaced Janai somehow, and he's fulfilling his intentions to his people by bringing back the glory of the Sunfire elves by healing their injured archdragon. Or so he hopes, anyway! We'll see if it works.
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Sol Regem has come out of his cave and he's got that Power Dragon Wingspread going on. Looks like he's been convinced to take a swing for uhhh big dragon things! I wonder how far his power will reach... and his bitterness. We might get a new Dragon King that makes Avizandum look soft.
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It's so interesting to me what we did not get to see in the teaser, too. There's no Aaravos, no Aanya, no Runaan or Ethari, no Kim'dael. If we get another trailer before July 26, maybe they'll be in there! Or maybe we'll just have to white knuckle it until release day.
Hold on tight! S6 is coming!
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byghostface · 2 years
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He grows up a bit!🤏
(edit note: Apparently he is 17 in s4, my bad)
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tategaminu · 7 months
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The teaser starting with this scene 🥺
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littlegreengent · 7 months
Ringer doesn’t even cover it. They’re putting Claudia through the hydraulic press.
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photoniccyclone · 9 hours
OK SO. First of all spoilers for some TDP S6 Shots from the "The Dragon Prince: Xadia" reveal that just got posted.
I was wondering why Zym was blasting at Ezran
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But then I looked a little closer and realized he wasn't!
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Ez was on his knees earlier, along with Corvus! Zym was saving Ezran!
And given that these are Sunfire elves, and hostile to Ezran, it's likely they are Sol Regem supporters.
Ezran gets captured by Sol Regem's army in s6!
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What do you think the S6 teaser will be?
Spoilers for mention of leaked screenshots and parts of S6E1.
My speculation: Teaser will be the full S6E1 start scene of crying Aaravos
Since we're probably getting S6 in late March 2024, (AE confirmed the gap will be similar to previous seasons) I feel like it won't contain any major information like a proper trailer, since those usually release 1 month before the season, so what will it contain?
Best case, since episode 1 has already been shown at a con maybe they'll release part of/all of episode 1? (fingers crossed)
Worst case, just the intro with Viren crumbling to dust.
But the caption of the promotional art they released on Twitter today—“Do stars weep, too?”—and Aaron's rt of art based off a leaked screenshot:
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It makes me think that if we're getting any part of S6E1, we're most likely getting the scene of Aaravos crying at the start (+ the altered intro perhaps).
Also because the S5 teaser was the scene at the start of S5E1. 👀 So following that pattern, S6 teaser would be the scene at the start of S6E1. (+ the month of the release date.)
Or maybe if we're really lucky, we get the rest of S6E1 that they didn't show? since the episodes are usually around 23 minutes and only 18 minutes were shown at NYCC) Maybe it's the rest of the Aaravos scene was was cut and perhaps we'll get to see the reasons for his tears?
I’m curious to hear other’s thoughts as well. Please say any/all theories in replies/RBs
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themistdragon · 7 months
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OH..... MY GOD!?!?!??!?!?!??
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raayllum · 3 hours
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Callum and Rayla in Book 6: Stars
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thrandilf · 4 days
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zuppizup · 9 months
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If season 5 gave us star gazing, mayhaps season 6 aurora gazing?
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rayllurn · 2 years
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i am ready to be in pain
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percabetn · 8 months
imagine the lyric “how you’d kiss me when i was in the middle of saying something” being rayllum’s next kiss- like idk rayla saying something and then callum just goes and gives her a kiss
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