#tcol rivi
The Capture of Light
In a tiny village on the outskirts of Pharos, a boy suddenly falls ill and collapses. A duo of travelers passing through decide to put a pause on their plans in order to find a cure for the mysterious sickness. As their journey progresses, they realize the boy is not one isolated case, and that the sickness' prevalence is far greater than they imagined. Together, they travel from town to town to save the afflicted, joined on their quest by a feisty teenage bodyguard-for-hire, who possesses the strange ability to manipulate solid light.
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I don't know if anyone remembers that original story I wanted to post... but I'm going to be starting it soon! This is a quick drawing of the main cast.
I'll be starting to post chapters on my side blog I created for it, @captureoflight, in about two weeks from now (optimistically), and hopefully update every two weeks from that point on (also optimistically).
I hope those who are interested will enjoy it. :)
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Midnight 68 (roughly corresponds to January 8)
28 years old
ISFJ 9w8
From The Capture of Light
A student researcher at the University of Sirius, studying the phenomenon of wielded light. Has recently taken a leave of absence.
Likes lemon sweets, sketching scenery, and looking at the stars. Can’t stand early mornings and needs black coffee just to survive.
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Oh and here's the little doodles I made for the results. Just because :)
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Tarot Assignment: Rivi
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Thank you for requesting my little guy... :')
Eight of Cups: This card signifies a time of transition, and generally indicates the start of a journey - to step away from regular life and find a purpose of one's own. Rivi, as the instigator of his and Ingis' road trip, is taking the first step towards change and transition, even if that was not his original intent.
Temperance: Temperance is all about moderation, balance, and patience - being able to remain calm under periods of anxiety or stress, and a warning to avoid extremes. Rivi is an understanding and compassionate character who tries his best to keep calm and be a voice of reason. He is still working his way to the upright version of this tarot. It was previously reversed, before the events of the story. (Runner up: Moon)
Six of Swords (reversed): This card signifies that the person in question has been trying to move on and change, but that they are continuing to look back and linger on the past. They are haunted by something they cannot shake yet, and are conscious of the benefits of moving forward, yet resisting the transition all the same.
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could i perchance ask for a detailed description of rivi and ingis?
!!! Like appearance-wise or personality?
I'm actually intending on doing some character profiles as I get further into the story, where I'll have a full design with notes, and basic info about them. However, I do have the basic designs for most of the main cast which I posted previously. I may tweak them a little in future but these should be fairly close to the final look.
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The guy on the left is Rivi, and the one on the right is Ingis. (The girl in between them will be showing up soon.)
Rivi is 28 years old and tall (I don't have exact heights just yet, but probably 5"10' or 11'? He's not 6". I know that much.) He's got dark brown hair that tends to look almost black and grey eyes. His outfit can change a bit, but he typically wears a greyish peacoat with a simple plain shirt or t-shirt underneath, stretchy and comfy dress pants, and dress shoes - he's gotten accustomed to this ensemble from having to attend and help out with a lot of academic presentations (he's a student researcher). He nearly always stands casually with his left hand in his pocket, and gestures around him with his right. He likes the stars and quiet areas, and tends to be polite and affable when speaking with others. He offers good advice, and is generally very kind.
Ingis just turned 20 and is actually not that much shorter than Rivi - the height difference just looks more dramatic because he tends to hunch in on himself. He is broad shouldered and kind of a big guy, but he tends to stand in such a way that he looks much smaller. He dresses more casually than Rivi, tending towards simple shirts and jeans and sneakers, but his constant is the blue knit sweater he's always wearing. It's too small for him and doesn't fit well anymore. Ingis' hair is a light brown, as are his eyes. He has a pair of big, rectangular wire-framed glasses, but his eyesight isn't all that bad and he can do things without them (though nothing is quite in focus). His eyebrows are fairly thick. He never knows what to do with his hands so he typically has them shoved in his pockets or otherwise holding something. Ingis is overly polite and apologetic, and while friendly, he's a bit naïve and quick to get anxious. He really likes young kids but is also nervous around them lol.
I hope that's detailed enough? Like I said, I'll be doing some character profiles for the story, which will contain proper reference, personality traits, and design notes. I also have some of my initial sketches when I was designing them here... they're rough, but I might as well add them
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(Rivi is in his sleep shirt here with coffee hehe)
Is uh. Is this at all what you wanted or did I just go on an unhinged ramble? I hope it was what you meant...!
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TCOL MBTI and Enneagram Types for Fun and Profit
...well just fun actually. No profit. Well, the profit is my hyperactive yet exhausted brain gets to do something self-indulgent and mindless.
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Rivi: ISFJ 9w8
Ingis: ENFP 9w1
Ayr: ISFP 8w9
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Gef: ESFJ 6w5
Bri: ISFP 6w7
Angra: ESFJ 2w1
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Zinnia: INTP 5w6
Emmi: ENFP 2w1
Canna: ESTJ 3w4
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I am trying so hard to finish chapter 2 of tcol but Rivi keeps being too tired sleepy for me to progress to the actual plot
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I thought I was done with my report but then stuff happened so I have to rush to get it done for Monday. Anyways I feel bad about my lackluster uploading, so here, have a Capture of Light chapter 2 preview!
The sun was nearly fully risen by the time the two had finished their breakfasts, gone upstairs to pack their things, rolled their suitcases down to the front entrance, and been caught in lengthy, yet pleasant, conversation with Enith and her husband for the past forty minutes.
Only a little past 7:30 in the morning and it was already starting to heat up. The condensation hung heavy in the air around them. Rivi stretched his arms out a little and felt very thankful indeed for the breeze that at least stirred some motion and kept his skin from feeling too sticky.
He rolled his suitcase over to the car and opened the trunk, hefting it up and shoving it into place, before reaching back and doing the same with Ingis’ suitcase.
“Hey, can you pass me your bag?”
No answer.
Rivi looked up and sighed.
Ingis held his bag in one hand, jar of marmalade held in the other. He hadn’t stopped staring at it ever since he’d given Enith and her husband a glowing review, to which the couple had eagerly shoved the jar into his hands and told him to take it for the road.
“Ingis… your bag?”
Ingis startled, as though he’d been snapped out of a trance.
“Oh, right, sorry!”
Rivi went to take the bag from him as Ingis stepped forward to put it in himself. The two crashed into each other and awkwardly tried to side-step more than a few times. The bag somehow managed to make it safely in the trunk, Rivi having needlessly grabbed the handle and Ingis leaning precariously too far forward in an attempt to avoid colliding with him again.
“Great!” Rivi exclaimed, a little louder than was necessary, shutting the trunk closed. “Now, we’ll just put the marmalade in our food container-”
He reached forward to take it but Ingis held the jar close to his chest like it was his most prized possession.
“Won’t it go bad? Doesn’t it have to stay cold?”
“Not when it’s unopened.”
He held out his hand again, but still, Ingis hesitated, staring down at the jar as if he couldn’t bear to be parted from it.
“…are you okay?”
Ingis looked up at Rivi, and he could’ve sworn he looked on the verge of tears, speaking as he did in a choked voice.
“These people are so nice to me.”
Rivi sighed and snatched the jar out of his hands.
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Rivi 4
…omg someone asked about my guy Rivi… :’)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Ooh this is a tricky question. I designed Rivi’s character arc to specifically be relevant to the eventual thematic elements of The Capture of Light, so whatever I plunk him into would have to at least tie in a little with that… so out of what I’ve talked about on here, maybe something like To the Moon or Omori? Rivi’s chill energy and scientific knowledge, coupled with his desire to exude safety and his passivity, I think means he could blend a little better into something that’s more psychological than action packed, but still has a bit of silliness.
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TCOL Chapter 4 preview!
“I suppose Gef is our son, in a way. Though, I’m not sure only we can make that claim. The whole town treats him as their child, and the children as their older brother.” She must’ve seen the confused looks on their faces, for she continued. “Gef was found by my mother about five years ago, wandering the outskirts of Mimosa alone when he was only eleven. He didn’t talk much about what had happened to him, but we didn’t need to know. He had no home. That’s the worst fate that can befall a child. So, we offered him a place to stay. There hadn’t been any children in the town for a long time, so naturally, we all doted on him. And in return, he grew into the kindest soul you’ll ever meet, always helping the townsfolk and playing with the younger kids. It’s his way of showing gratitude, I suppose, though he owes us none of that.” “It’s no wonder the whole town is so worked up then,” Rivi said quietly.
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TCOL Chapter 3 is ongoing btw. I'm sorry I'm always so delayed. That's why I'm hoping this challenge might put me back on track. Here's an excerpt though for those who are interested.
And right as Rivi carefully pushed his way to the front of the crowd, he made it just in time to witness an old man, with his patched-up overalls, jump up to stand precariously on the fountain’s raised stone edge, red in the face and stamping his foot angrily. “The only way these oranges would hurt nobody would be if I threw one at your damn head!” “I’d like to see you try,” shouted the woman back indignantly. Her sharply pressed black suit was an oddity amongst the casual clothes and work garb of the townsfolk. “I’ll sue you if you do!” “You’ll sue me? For what? What charges? Citrus assault?” “For unprovoked aggression in response to my very reasonable accusations. My superiors in Aldebaran will have words for your lack of compliance!” “Ya know what? Dead center of your blond head is starting to look like a mighty fine target, lady!” said the old man, rummaging through his pocket and pulling out a singular small orange. He tossed it up and down as he wobbled on the narrow ledge of the fountain, squinting one eye shut and sticking his tongue out comically, as if readying his aim.
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5 for tcol cast please🥺 can be for only the ones we know if you'd rather keep the rest a secret for now
Hello! Aaaaa TCOL ask… 🥲
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Huh, you know, this is very strange because usually I have playlists or songs I associate with specific characters for my original stuff, but for TCOL, I do not right now. I guess I can list a few songs I was listening to when coming up with the initial concept? They’re not really applicable lyrics-wise. More vibes than anything.
Ame Wo Matsu - Minami (gives me Ayr and Emmi vibes)
subside - Oso Oso (the triplets, Zinnia too)
Say It Now - Hannah Jadagu (ok I have an animatic idea for this one. the feeling of it is perfect, even if the lyrics aren’t super applicable. gives me major Ingis and Rivi feels but the animatic concept works for the whole cast. Also it’s a pretty song! Please check it out!)
The Only Heartbreaker - Mitski (Aster)
Second Chance - Shinedown (the triplets and Emmi)
Bleed - Grundeis (Ayr, Emmi and Miralee)
Hometown - Twenty One Pilots (Ingis, Gef, Canna and Angra)
Phantom - Of Monsters and Men (Rivi)
I was also listening to a beautiful mix of piano and string music when I was first writing my ideas but I can’t seem to find it atm… maybe I’ll make a proper tcol playlist sometime.
Character ask game here
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