#tbz collage au
twowooheart · 3 years
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k.sw - “my heart went oops”
pairing: sunwoo x reader
genre: college au, fluff
warnings: player attitude, strong language, kissing
words: 4,800
„back to my question. where are you hiding from me?“
you wouldn’t say that you were obsessed with him. it was just the inconvenience that you probably have fallen in love with him from afar, without him even knowing you.
once in a while you had a crush. they came and go, nothing too serious. but sunwoo completely messed with your heart and you can’t explain yourself why.
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it all started when you leaned against the tree at your usual spot on the college grounds. it was a nice day. the wind played with the loose strings of your hair while you enjoyed the slight glimpses of sunshine that peeked through the leafs and fell on your face.
your friends and people knew not to interrupt you at this spot. if someone did, you would send them a death glare. you went to a prestigious college and as a member of your faculty and president a lot of work had to be done. this was the only time of the day where you had the chance to relax. it was a calm place where everyone knew not to talk too loud or listen to music. generally, everyone kept quiet.
after all this time of peace and harmony someone had to come to start a war. without opening your eyes you could clearly hear out one particular voice.
eric as in a loud student that often got on your nerves. you weren’t a grumpy cat or something like that. you are very liked by the students and laugh a lot. you like adventures and spending time with your friends. you also don’t mind loud or silent people.
the problem was the place. and that it was eric.
after a good ten minutes you decided to confront that chaotic group. first they didn’t even recognize someone approaching them. you positioned your hands on your hips and sent a death glare into eric‘s direction.
with a light cough finally the group and some girls that accompanied them turned to you.
eric‘s eyes widened and he was quick to get down from his sitting position on the table to salute in front of you. while the others laugh you let out a sigh.
„what could our pretty president want from me? a date?“ by now you’re confused why he would think such a thing and your confidence is slipping away at the compliment he just gave you.
get out of it. he’s a well known flirt.
eric pushes the boy next to him a little bit when kevin bursts out in laughter.
„w-what do you mean with that?“ the girls are giving you nasty glares by now not happy with the attention you’re getting.
„this place is reserved for silent studies and not a chat - “ you can feel your blood freeze in your body when suddenly another boy turns around that has black ruffled hair and round eyes. he’s wearing a mischievous smirk on his face and with a snicker he shushes you to be silent.
„you should be silent then.“
you’re completely astonished. just when you wanted to swoon over the boy and compliment his looks in your head he had the audacity to counter you with your own words. that boy had an attitude and he clearly enjoyed the ‚oh‘s and laughs by his friends.
you were too dumbfounded to utter another single word. usually the students respected you and it wasn’t only you who liked the peace here. you thought about the others that liked to enjoy the nature of this tiny place on the campus.
before you regained yourself the group was already back to their business. with slight embarrassment you trotted back to your spot and gathered your things to go to the library.
the next days weren’t any different. oh, but there were different girls. sitting on their laps and even flirting. the sight was so disgusting to you so there wasn’t any other option than leaving the place for good.
it wasn’t like you gave up without a fight. in your meetings you debated and brought up good arguments for setting up rules but no one seemed to listen to you or being interested in the topic. after asking other students and your friends you realized they were way too insecure to speak up to the popular students.
every time you encountered the boys they gave you funny looks and especially the boy, named sunwoo you learned, even winked at you. he was mocking you. unbeknownst to him and the others your heartbeat quickened it’s pace when he looked at you with those round dark eyes. you hated the feeling at first. but soon, what you hated even more, that you wanted to see him at campus.
was he here all the time?
he even sat in some courses with you. yet, you never managed to acknowledge his existence only until the day he made fun of you.
your slight crush kept only growing and growing until you decided to find out more about the irritating student. kim sunwoo was his full name. he was a soccer player and member of your university team. good grades and many friends. to the last part you internally cringed.
very popular with girls. typical heartthrob.
but one to never be in a relationship. he played and never stayed for too long with a girl.
great! you really fell for a playboy. worse: only by looking and speaking one time to him. you really had to get over with it as soon as possible. even if sunwoo would pay you a little bit more attention like with his other possessions it would soon fade and you would be left heartbroken.
and how to get over a crush and a boy you couldn’t have? have fun with another boy! you only had to find one...
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after a few weeks went by you were on your way to the campus garden where you found your new place of peace. it was even smaller and sometimes you helped the gardener club with their duties. fortunately the smell of roses and herbs did wonders to your mind and soul. you felt refreshed and happy everytime you spend your pause in the garden on a bench or on the fresh grass.
today was also the perfect weather to spend some time in the little paradise. while you joined the queue in the cafeteria to get a little snack you jumped when someone tapped you on your shoulder from behind.
„sunwoo?“ the boy stood tall in front of you hair messed up a little bit making him looking cozy and kinda cute. his heart shaped lips formed into a dazzling smile while you probably ogled him like an owl.
„you know my name.“
„w-what? I mean, yes I do. everyone knows you, right?“ your voice was slight shaky and you just wondered what he could want from you.
„yeah, but you, you know my name!“
„yeah, well... anyways can I help you?“ your body reacted on its own again. your palms became sweaty and you couldn’t look into his eyes longer than a second before finding the ground in front of you interesting again.
„I just wondered where you have been?“
you look up at him puzzled. oh, „you probably mean why I am not lurking around in your kingdom anymore.“ a scoff leaves you and before you register that you just said that out loud a hearty laugh brings you out of your thoughts.
„I didn’t mean that!“
„oh, the way you always look at me tells me you definitely meant it!“ then he notices your disapproval for his flirty looks.
„back to my question. where are you hiding from me?“ you’re nearly ready to order and think about a good answer for that. wait, did he just say you were hiding from him?
„I am not hiding from you! I just - “ the way he emphasized the word made you fuzzy in the head. it sounded like you were his prey or some sort of that. you turn around so he faced your back again and quickly placed your order. before you can finish sunwoo suddenly chimes in and places his wish, too. leaving you dumbfounded because the next thing he fishes out his money to pay for the two of you before you’re able to do so yourself.
you roll with your eyes when he walks behind you. a small ‚thanks‘ leaves your lips and you try to get away from him as fast as possible. you couldn’t think clear when he was around. his intense gaze brought goosebumps over your skin and you knew this wasn’t a good thing.
you can’t have him. he wouldn’t want you anyways so get over it. he was probably just bored and that’s why he wanted to tease you a little bit.
before leaving the cafeteria you turn around to spot the boy but he seems to have vanished out of the scene completely. not even sitting at his usual table with the popular kids.
your lunch was deliciously devoured between some big trees in the garden. you listened to the birds cheeping soft melodies while reading some lecture. unknown to you someone has watched over you for some time now.
chuckling to himself sunwoo leans back letting out a sigh. „so that’s where you are now...“
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a new week starts and while you are gathering your books in the opened corridor you can hear familiar voices nearing your spot. you’re chatting with one of your friends when the group stops in front of you and eric leans against the lockers to give you a flirty look.
„(y/n)...“ he sings your name in a cute voice while the others begin to laugh and you get yourself busy with ushering your friend away before they could annoy her, too.
immediately you spot sunwoo next to eric who sends you an interested look. back to eric you roll with your eyes.
„what do you want?“
„ah, ah! don’t give me an attitude. oh, did someone already tell you that your eyes sparkle in this light?“
„I am not asking again.“ you’re ready to leave before eric stops you by pulling you back with a strong grip on your wrist. your eyes lock on the spot he just touched you and again, you can’t see sunwoo shifting uncomfortably in his position.
„pretty please! can you show the new boy around? I swear he’s well mannered and good looking! an angel!“ ah, that’s why he’s acting like this.
„oh come on, eric. (y/n) probably has better things to do than that. for example arguing with people who enjoy life.“ you’re sending a death glare to sunwoo and your cheeks are growing hot at the laughter that erupts after that.
what an asshole...
„actually, no, I have time. where’s he?“ with that you stop the bickering and sunwoo‘s smile falls. he didn’t want you to show juyeon the university.
the new student came to the front and with a huge smile he introduced himself. what a good looking sexy god look at his arms and his lips and his eyes and his -
everyone was already gone leaving the two of you behind. juyeon fiddles with the hem of his uniform not knowing why you’re standing in front of him with an opened mouth and still, still clinging onto his hand. oh dammit quick react!
„I am (y/n)! (y/l/n) (y/n)!“ you let go of his hand and he sends you a smile that would bring girls to their knees.
„I already know.“
„oh, yes of course! I am sorry... I should show you everything!“ juyeon mutters a ‚cute‘ under his breath when your eyes indeed seem to sparkle when you start to drag him around the campus.
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after five days you were sure, you really liked juyeon. you spent a lot of time together and he was so easy to be around. he was funny, teasing (in a good way), polite, intelligent and when he had the opportunity to part ways with you he didn’t. that’s because he liked you, too.
he was the perfect definition of everything that kim sunwoo wasn’t and especially to you. a friend and a possible lover.
on the other hand he wasn’t fully able to get your mind off sunwoo. that boy seemed to made himself comfortable in a deep deep part of your heart laughing evilly down there.
you want to emphasize the word evil again. after getting closer and closer with juyeon you couldn’t ignore sunwoo‘s hateful gazes anymore. didn’t he like juyeon hanging around with you? you were probably way to much a loser for them and they wanted the good looking guy between their rows.
it couldn’t be helped. one time you even tried to smile at the boy but that only resulted in him turning around to flirt with the new chick of the week. there he was at it again. pinching your heart again. it hurt much more than you wanted it to. but turning in your seat to watch juyeon eating brought happiness to you.
it was already after another few days and a date with juyeon that you two were clear about your relationship. you could never be a couple. you two found each other attractive at first but now you realized you probably just found a best friend in each other. never having one before the two of you also didn’t know how it felt to find your other half but in a platonic way.
you laughed the whole night about your attempt to kiss. there was nothing. no sparks. no everything. juyeon even apologized for not feeling anything. sometimes it turns out like this. luckily you were now inseparable leaving others confused on if you were dating or not.
juyeon literally begged you to not tell anyone and just wait what happens. that boy turned you into a mischievous kitten that agreed to his evil plan. even your friends fall for it at first. in the end some girls can read their girlfriends better than anyone else and they noticed little gestures between you and juyeon that no couple would do.
there’s still one thing you didn’t tell your bestfriend about. your safe space in the beautiful college garden. it wasn’t a problem either but this place was only for you. (and the hardworking gardener club)
something stopped you in your tracks when you were just entering the herb part. kissing sounds could be heard behind a tree. you wanted to lecture the couple who thought it would be a good time and place to fuc-
it was sunwoo.
your eyes widened and your heart sank to the bottom. your mouth still open sunwoo catches your gaze and locks eyes with you. he starts to kiss the girl‘s neck while she whimpers out his name.
you closed your mouth knowing what he was doing. he knew you would come at this hour. he knew you would find him with the girl. he wanted you to find him with... someone that wasn’t you, again.
this time one the other hand you decided to be confident. you coughed out loud gaining that girl‘s attention who let out a little shriek in the process. immediately she put some space between her and sunwoo and started to correct her uniform.
„I will report this if you’re not leaving this instant.“ this was enough to let the girl take a run leaving a pouting sunwoo behind.
you walk up to the boy and sigh out before speaking up.
„I don’t care what or with who you’re doing something, kim sunwoo. I just wonder why you have to do it here, the only place I can relax.“
sunwoo leans against the tree and sends you a bored glare. he lifts one of his eyebrows and you watch his tongue poking his cheek from the inside.
„the university garden doesn’t belong to you.“
you scoff at his words.
„I’ve never said that. I - I just thought... you and your friends already won over my favorite spot on the grounds.“
maybe talking honest with him?
„look, I don’t want any problems with you. of course I won’t report this. I just want to have this little space for myself. could you please not come here again?“ you’re sending him a pleading look and when sunwoo starts to emerge your form with painfully slow steps you can feel your skin burning where his eyes land.
he leans down. so much that your noses are nearly touching. he’s so close you can smell his cologne and his breathing is tickling your face.
„I will come here whenever I want. I will bring here whoever I want. I will fuck here whoever I want. tell me, (y/n), aren’t you doing the same?“
you gulp. without much thought your foot collides with his shinbone. sunwoo cries out and clings to his leg sitting down in the process.
„oh god! I didn’t want to - ah, shit! here, cling onto me, I will bring you to the nurse!“ with a panicked voice you try to help sunwoo and the boy only curses out lowly while you and him slowly limp to the nurse.
„okay, sunwoo, look at me“ the boy is still in a lot of pain laying down in the hospital section bed. his eyes have not left you for once and you feel like the boy is planning on how to kill you in the most brutal way.
you’re nibbling nervously on your fingernails after the x-ray and the moment the doctor is out of sight your hands are on sunwoo‘s puffy cheeks. with a determined look you focus his face into your direction.
„you remember what I told you? I didn’t see anything! so you will say this was an accident, alright?“ his eyes darken at your words.
„why should I do that?“
„because! because I will tell them about you and the girl!“
„you kicking me is definitely worse.“ dammit, he’s right.
„o-okay! you can go to the garden whenever you want! I will not go there anymore!“
sunwoo chuckles at that. „a few minutes ago you lectured me and now you’re giving in again? but... no, that’s not helping you, too.“ out of anger you’re shaking his head by now and you don’t even realize how close you’re again.
the two of you flinch and immediately get away from each other when the doctor is coming back. „well, mr. kim. no game for you this saturday. your leg needs about a week to recover so no running and especially no sports!“ sunwoo‘s eyes open wide and after the two of you are left again you are at the verge of tears.
„oh, (y/l/n) (y/n). how do you want to make up for that?“ you’re now leaning down clinging onto him.
„sunwoo, please!“
„not only will you receive a punishment the whole university will be pissed off. I am an important player in the team.“ no, he was one of the best ones. if he couldn’t play that meant they would probably loose. your head is layed down facewards in the sheets while you rumble incoherent words. sunwoo on the other side has to hide a huge smile that’s growing on his face.
„we could say it was an accident.“ your head peeks up and you watch him with big eyes very interested in his idea.
„yes, I will do everything!“ sunwoo chuckles to himself.
„then be my slave this week.“
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oh wasn’t that wonderful. sunwoo would cling onto you the whole week and by now you felt like his personal butler. of course the team lost so the students were in a bad mindset, too. after telling juyeon about the whole story the boy laughed for almost half an hour. he clearly enjoyed the view and gave you a thumbs up everytime you dragged sunwoo through the corridors or over the campus to his next lecture.
on the other hand... no one found out about what really happened. and as crazy as it sounds the boy smelled so good. you practically hugged him three hours a day. he only killed your joyful thoughts when you had to bring him a bottle of water again or only vanished out of his sight for only a minute to talk with a friend leading into him lecturing you.
you also would have found it cute to feed him but the gazes you received from the crowd in the cafeteria brought heat to your cheeks. sunwoo liked seeing you flustered and shy. he literally drank your reactions. he loved your reactions to every ridiculous thing he did or said to you.
the last day he insisted on you bringing him to the garden to have a picnic.
„I don’t feel good being here with you. the last time I got so mad I kicked you.“ he layed on the grass while you fed him with some grapes like he was a king.
„mh, I like being here with you. but, you’re probably going with lee here a lot anyways.“ you pause at his words. juyeon?
„why would I go here with juyeon?“ sunwoo‘s face turns sour.
„he’s your boyfriend after all.“ the boy locks eyes with you after you burst into laughter.
„what?“ sunwoo leans up on his elbows to get closer to you. „you’re dating him, right?“
„no? we’re friends. really good friends. but never would I date lee juyeon!“ you smile at him laughing again at the thought whereas sunwoo groans out annoyed.
„wait.. what is wrong?“ sunwoo had a weird feeling in his stomach after knowing you were still single. all this time he was so jelous and angered about the thought of you being together with someone else...
„nothing.“ sunwoo didn’t feel like it was the right time to tell you about his feelings. he messed up big. all this time of annoying you and being a dick... he liked you. he wanted to show you and fulfill your every wish before he saw you with juyeon.
it wasn’t a good move but he just turned bitter. he wanted you to recognize him. he couldn’t act different than letting out his frustration. it was just how he coped with things. but it was a mistake. with knowing he only managed to push you further away from him. you probably hated him by now. you would never like him, right?
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you fulfilled your service. and you missed spending time with sunwoo. again please can there be another good looking guy entering your college? but, still you couldn’t hold yourself back to steal glances at the dark haired boy. and everytime you did sunwoo already had his eyes on you. you couldn’t read him at all. there was no bickering anymore and no winking. he just looked deep in thought.
maybe he was not interested in you anymore. in no ways. not even to annoy you. it mad you sad. and that’s how the next two weeks went by with you slowly feeling more insecure.
it was at the next month‘s game that you decided to actually join it with juyeon and some of your friends. you couldn’t believe your bestfriend that dragged you to the lowest row where sunwoo‘s friends and their chicks were also sitting.
the girl next to you was a very beautiful brunette. she cheered so loud for sunwoo and when said boy turned around to glance into her direction with a confident smile your heart sank again. you stopped counting how often that happen by now though.
with an annoyed look you watched the game. when your team goaled the brunette jumped up kicking her drink onto your lap in the process.
„shit!“ while everyone claps and howls you poke juyeon to show him your shirt.
„oh no.“
„yeah, whatever. I am going to wash this out.“ juyeon‘s eyes widen at your words that are spoken loudly over the cheering crowd.
„no! ehm, (y/n), the game is finished in a few seconds you have to wait!“ you roll your eyes at him.
„god juyeon we’ve already won.“ he tries to hold onto your arm but you’re quick to leave the field and vanish into the building where your locker is located to change into another clothing. it takes you a lot of time but you smile when you receive a text of juyeon to come back to the field because they’re waiting for you there.
it was already dark and you wanted to change at home to get ready for the after party tonight in one of the huge mansions of the fraternity. when you emerge the field everything was already dark and you could only see a silhouette standing in the middle of the field.
„juyeon?“ you look around to see if there’s another person but knowing he would never ditch you in the dark you take confident strides to the person.
„juyeon, you know it’s really creepy after the horror movie we watched yesterday - “
suddenly the light is turned on and you shield your eyes with your hands before the person turns around and gets down on one knee in front of you.
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„s-sunwoo?“ you can’t breath. your heart hammers against your chest and you have to cover your shaking lips with your hands to prevent him from seeing your shocked state.
„I actually planned this to turn out different... you know the whole crowd was supposed to be watching.“
„watching w-what?“
he looks to the ground and then into your eyes again. a smile adorns his face and he coughs out to clear his voice.
„(y/l/n) (y/n), I want to tell you that, that... I like you.“ you nearly collapse at his words. was this a dream? was he joking around?
„you’re joking.“
he shakes his head. „I am not. I wanted to do this here on the field so when you’re giving me a corb the whole university would see.“
„that is... sunwoo that doesn’t make any sense?“
„it does. it is my apology to you. for being mean and teasing you endlessly. for taking away your favorite spots. I know you love them so much. I did what I did because of my jelousy. and for being a coward for not telling you about my feelings.“
you think for a few seconds trying to register if this was really happening. your head turns and in the far you can see all your and sunwoo‘s friends. with an unsure gaze your eyes land on juyeon. after the boy‘s stoic expression he sends you an honest smile. and a thumbs up.
you let out a shaky breath and turn to the boy in front of you again.
„this is really... surprising.“
sunwoo sighs taking your hand into his. „it is. so please tell me you’re not feeling the same and I can begin sulking.“
„sunwoo. it doesn’t make any sense because“ you push him up by his hand and look into his dark orbs.
„it’s doesn’t make any sense because I like you, too.“ a sheepish smile escapes the boy.
„ahhh, I wished you would say that.“ you raise one of your eyebrows.
„of course. you’re still a tease. you know, you could just ask me for a date and - “
„do you want to be my girlfriend? I don’t only want a date. I want you.“ you bite your bottom lip at his words. you nod and send him a beautiful smile.
„woah. (y/n), eric‘s right in the end.“
your face turns stoic.
„about what?“ sunwoo smiles at you and circles your waist with his arms. his hand glides up to pushes some strands of your hair out of your face.
„your eyes are sparkling. not only that, you’re really shining. you always have.“ your eyes water at his words because would’ve never imagine the kim sunwoo using them with you.
in the far you can hear shouts of ‚kiss‘ and the loudest are from eric and juyeon. you quickly look to the ground but sunwoo‘s quicker to pull your chin up with his index.
he places the softest kiss on your trembling lips and it is the first time you can fully enjoy the butterflies in your stomach.
why did the two of you needed so much time?
124 notes · View notes
lushta1es0nm3 · 2 years
Fill Me Up
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Pairing: Lee Hyunjae x reader
Summary: Never underestimate that one guy that gets on your nerves, I’m pretty sure he has a huge crush on you. It’s up to you to own up to it.
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Straight up smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Please enjoy. 😊
“Alright,” your professor clapped his hands together just as you finished writing down the last bit of notes off the board, “we’ll end class here,” he looked down at his watch as he continued to speak, while your other classmates began packing their things, “remember, you have a report due at the end of this week. I look forward to you all handing them in on Friday. Until then stay safe and sober.” He pointed to the two troublemakers in the back of the classroom.
Everyone laughed but you, it wasn’t funny to you. They got on your nerves because, one they lived next door and two, no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t get away from them. Especially Hyunjae, all the girls flocked to him and Juyeon, but you. Your main mission was to stay away from them, you didn’t want attention, you just wanted to finish school so you could start your career.
With a huff, you stood up after putting all you belongings in your book bag. Praying silently that Hyunjae wouldn’t run up to you, like he did after every class, and ask you if you wanted to hangout. You thought of him as a playboy, mainly because of the rumors about him sleeping with any girl willing. A small part was because he was always surround by girls asking him out every single day.
You stood up, slinging your bag onto your shoulder, you speed walked to the door, ignoring the constant calling of your name. Once you made it to the door, you basically ran out of sight, just to get away from him. Sighing you prayed that the day would go by silently but good luck trying. Because just as you were heading to the cafeteria for a late lunch, you spotted Hyunjae out of the corner your eye. To make matters worse, he was with a girl, a very popular girl. No you didn’t know her name, just her face and her reputation for being a bitch to other girls for no fucking reason.
“Shit.” You mumbled when you heard him cut her off from whatever she was saying and start coming towards you, “for the love of god man. Go away.” You mumbled under your breathe.
“Y/n,” Hyunjae called your name as he started walking beside you, “you ran out of class so fast today, I didn’t get to tell you how beautiful you looked today.” He smiled down at you.
You stopped in your tracks knowing full well that you looked like complete shit, “Hyunjae,” you started looking up at him after glancing at the girl he walked away from. You didn’t miss the death glare she gave you, “I’m wearing dirty sweats and tshirts with pizza stains on it and my hair is in a bullshit ponytail,” you sighed calming yourself down, “I look like shit today,” you huffed out slowly, “bro, the hot girl is glaring at me,” you stated, he looked behind himself at her and then back at you with a shrug, “the hot chick over there wants your number, I want food,” you explained calming, “I’m hungry and my coffee has left my system. I’m not gonna go out with you, so can you please leave me alone.” You snapped, not noticing the hurt look on his face.
You pushed passed him without waiting for him to say anything back and made your way into the cafeteria. Most days, you’d shoot the shit with him for a few minutes after your morning class, then he’d somehow find you after each class and basically bug you about random stuff as he low key walked you to each class. Some days you’d eventually give up and spend that time talking crap to him.
Honestly, on some real shit, you didn’t know that nearly everyone in school thought you two were dating and they thought you didn’t know or care about him being with other girls. They came up with that assumption on their own, I mean, whenever he wasn’t surround by girls or being asked out by random girls, he always made his way to you. Some thought it was because he hadn’t smashed yet others thought it was because you were clueless.
What no one knew aside from the girls that asked him out is, that he actually liked you. Juyeon knew because of course they’re best friends. He was the reason the dating rumor about you two spread. He accidentally told his now ex-girlfriend that Hyunjae asked you out. This girl told some friends and it spread like wildfire, he ended up breaking up with her because of that and because she was only with him for clout. Shaking my head, he should’ve known better.
After eating and two more classes, you went home to your apartment, to your surprise, your roommate was home as well. You both were in different majors but that was cool because you had other things in common. You both were quiet and you both liked the apartment to be clean, so you never had to complain about the other not doing chores.
“Your home early.” You remarked with a small smile.
She turned and looked at you, smiling a little, “Yeah, my professor got sick, so he ended class early.”
“Oh shit,” you dropped your book bag by the coffee table in the living room, “must me real nice.”
She laughed a little “I’m about to make dinner before studying,” she informed you, “what some?”
You placed a hand on your stomach for a second, “yes please.” You accepted her offer.
After a while, dinner was made and she was now sitting at the coffee table with you, studying and eating. A few hours later you both cleaned up and went to bed.
The next few weeks were simple, you did not know why, but Hyunjae stopped bothering you during that time. You were confused, because not only that, people and your roommate were giving you strange looks and whispering to each other whenever you walked into the room.
After some time, you got tired of the confusion and finally asked your roommate when you saw her by chance on the way to your next class . She informed you of all the rumors going on about you. It was the middle of the day and you couldn’t fathom what she had just told you. You huffed and rolled your eyes before facepalming yours.
What the fuck bro, you thought as you sighed again, “Thanks girl,” you sighed out, “wow people are so damn annoying.”
“But is it true?” Your roommate asked an obviously dumb question, causing you to just look at her with a blank face and blink, “right, stupid question,” She acknowledged, “well, I’m off. I’ll see you later.” She waved as she took off to her next class.
You on the other hand went off a search mission for Hyunjae, you were intending to nip it in the bud. How dare he spread false rumors about you and him being together, just who the hell did he think you were? Halfway across the campus, you spotted him sitting in a courtyard, of course, Juyeon and a few other people sat around chilling. But that ain’t stop you from walking up to Hyunjae and grabbing him by his wrist and pulling him a little ways away from his group of friends.
“Hyun freaking Jae,” you started, “when the fuck did we start dating, huh? Why does everyone think we’re together, like seriously?”
He looked away from you, furrowing his eyebrows a little, a sigh lift his lips and that made you even more upset. So, your short ass pushed him, making him look down at you “Do you think this is a joke?” You yelled out, at this point, you didn’t care who heard you.
“Who said it’s a joke,” He finally responded, his voice laced with frustration, “I’ve asked you out multiple times, you blew it off. Yes, I’m in love with you. I don’t give a shit about a rumor,” he was experiencing himself and no one could stop him, “you blew up on me a few weeks ago, over a broad I could careless about-,”
“Because,” you cut him off, “you’re always surrounded by people, I don’t want any parts in that. Have you noticed, I don’t have many friends. Your presence is so loud, yeah, sure, you’re hot but wh-,”
“Wait,” Hyunjae cut you off, “you think I’m hot?”
“Did you hear anything I just said?” You questioned folding your arms.
“You said I’m hot.” He said again.
“Oh lord,” you mumbled, “look playboy,” you started out loud, “that’s not the point, I didn’t just say that,” you sighed and dropped your arms, “you need to fix this rumor going around, cause we are not in anyway da-,”
Hyunjae kissed you, cutting you off. Not a peck, a real kiss. You froze, your eyes grew wide and your hands went up to push him away, but, too late, Hyunjae had wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him. Now, who’s gonna lie, he was a bomb ass kisser. Which also surprised you because you were kissing him back. It felt like it lasted for eternity, I mean sis, shit felt like it was moving in slow motion.
He finally let you go and sis, on the real, you were dizzy and very moist down in your south pole. You could feel how red your face was, wow, was all you could think. Unexpectedly the words slipped out of your mouth, making Hyunjae smirk. But, dizzy or not, you felt the need to evaporate into nothing because something like this never happened before. How did just kiss make you wet? That shit should be illegal!
Without saying a word, you threw up the peace sign and quickly walked away, doing your best to ignore the cheering from observers. Your goal was to go home and hide under the covers for the rest of your life. Shit, Hyunjae had got you good, low key though, you hadn’t been needy for a very long time, since your last boyfriend from high school. You know the one that broke up with you the moment he saw Hyunjae talking to you.
The guy didn’t even blink, he just dumped with one sentence and left never to be seen again. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t get horny for anything and it was working for the most part. So this situation was fucking with your flow, but that was cool, you could handle it at home, fuck it, you were dripping, sis, might as well get off a little bit.
Or, you thought, a week of hiding and trying to pleasure yourself wasn’t working. You were annoyed by this and eventually gave up, you never thought Hyunjae could do that to you. It never crossed your mind, not even when you first saw the man. So what the actual fuck did he have that your ex’s didn’t? Maybe it was because he’s a Virgo, shit sis, I don’t even know. The man just got the juice, point blank period.
It was late, it was now the end of another week, your roommate had left for the weekend to visit her family. Leaving you alone to deal with your frustrations of life. She bid you goodbye, saying she’ll be at school Monday morning and that she hoped you handled your situation. You walked into the kitchen, you had just tried for the hundredth time to ride over the bridge to blissful pleasure. You walked to the refrigerator, you grabbed a bottle of water and opened it, taking a nice long drink from it. You were tired but horny as fuck, out of breath much?
With a sigh, you walked into the living room and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 1:35am, you sighed again, deciding sleep would be awesome. Like fuck it that orgasm wasn’t gonna come anytime soon. But just as soon as you took a step towards your room, loud knocking came from the front door.
Who the hell is dumb enough to come knocking at this time of night, you thought, especially when you were so needy and frustrated. The knocking didn’t stop, instead it was done along with the sound of your doorbell ringing nonstop. You got angry and rushed towards the door and swung it open “Who the fuck-,” you cut your words short. Hyunjae was standing in front of you, he didn’t look quite like himself.
“What the hell,” you started, “why are you here?”
“I miss you,” he pouted out, blowing his breath, the smell of alcohol hit your nose, “I’m sorry, just go out with me, you said yourself, I’m hot. But I’m only hot for you.” His words almost slurred together.
Damn, he was on his level, you sighed, “You been drinking, where is Juyeon?” You asked looking around, no one was in the hallway.
“Do you like Juyeon and not me,” he started whimpering like a kid, “you never look for me, has it always been Juyeon?”
You ignored him and took the few steps down the hall to his apartment, the door was open, so, you pecked inside. No one was there, and to your surprise, the apartment was cleaned. You turned around to go back to your apartment but Hyunjae was right behind you.
The drunk man wrapped his arms around you, you looked up at him, “Hyunjae,” you whispered, “let me go.” You were frustrated, he was drunk. This wasn’t gonna end like you wanted. This man shook his head with his bottom lip poked out, damn he looked so cute, how dangerous.
You sighed again, “I need to get you to bed.” You stated, managing to free yourself from his grip. You pushed the door closed and grabbed Hyunjae’s hand or more like he grabbed your hand. Passing by the kitchen, you saw the many empty bottles of alcohol on the table. Damn how much did he drink, you quickly figured out which room was his and pulled him inside. You pushed Hyunjae onto his bed and made him lay down. He didn’t let go of your hand, so you sat down on his bed beside him.
“I’m really sorry,” he kept saying over and over again, “I love you, please go out with me.”
You rolled your eyes, getting tired of hearing him say it, that and the built up frustration from being unable to get off were making you so angry, you ended up erupting, “Stop talking,” you huffed, “thanks you, I’ve been horny as fuck for the past two weeks. So stop talking before I do something I’ll regret.”
Hyunjae stared up at you speechless for a moment, before a smile spread across his face. You gave him a side eye and looked away, this mutherfucker, you thought, staring at the door. The sudden shift in the bed made you look back at Hyunjae, he had sat up and was now all up in your grill.
“What the fuck.” You let out in a small shocked voice. He didn’t say shit, he just stared at you with a look of mischief, “I don’t know what your drunk ass is up to but-,” he kissed you deeply, cutting off your words.
You went to stand up, but a firm hand on your shoulder pushed you down on the bed, “I don’t think you want the smoke.” You warned when he finally let go of your lips.
He smirked, “I can handle the smoke, but I don’t think you can.” He remarked kissing you yet again, this time, he was on top of you and there was no place to run to. You, my dear, was kissing him back with equal force, the longer you kissed the less you reasoned with yourself not to do it. But I mean he was the reason you had to take cold showers but to no avail, so telling yourself not to was useless.
Haha, girl seriously, fuck it, there’s literally no turning back, because you both were naked in no time. Hyunjae kissed up and down from your neck and chest leaving trails of burning heat. And just when you were about to beg for it, this man spread your legs wide and placed an open mouth kiss on you clit. Shit, was all you could think, he swirled his tongue around and licked you like you were a melting ice cream cone in the hot sun. It felt so good, your legs tried to close and the burning hot feeling in your stomach caused you clench up.
“F-fuck!” You moaned out.
But Hyunjae wasn’t having that, he stopped just when you thought you were going to cream. Damn. He held you legs open and teased you with his cock, enjoying how you threw your head back and basically begged for more. Sis you have no idea how long he has wanted to do this to you. The poor man had once even came down with a case of blue balls, when he first met you. He almost lost it once and smashed some chick, but he caught himself and locked himself in his room. He played with himself until he was somewhat satisfied enough, but not as he was at this moment. Girl, do you have any idea what was going through his head right now?
Finally, he entered you, and kissed you deeply in the process. He didn’t hold back, his drunkenness had began to wear off. The way he was pounding you left you speechless, his kisses made you breathless. For the first time in your life, you where getting dicked down so good, you saw stars.
Hyunjae looked at you, never taking his eyes off of you. It felt like a dream to him, looking down at you under him in complete bliss. He unknowingly, reached up and put two of his fingers in your mouth. You latched on automatically and began sucking them as you opened your eyes hooded by the never ending yearning lust that continued to build up inside you.
“Do you like it?” Hyunjae asked you, his thrust becoming slow and deep, you nodded and he placed his hand on one of your breast, he let your legs down after watching himself slide in and out of you few times. Laying chest to chest with you, he thrusted into you deep and painstakingly slow. You wrapped your arms around him and he did the same, he kissed you softly as he thrusted into you, “that’s it baby.”
You moaned, he was so deep, just the way you like it, “Let me fill you up.” Hyunjae beckoned while marking up your neck. You didn’t answer, too busy trying to hold back your loud moans, so he placed a hand on your hip, holding you in place he began grinding into you hard.
You lost your breathe due to the new sensation, it made the pit of your stomach trembling and clench, “Fuck,” you moaned out, “please.” You begged for release, you were so close.
“Please, what?” Hyunjae teased, knowing what you wanted, but he wanted to hear you say it. So, he started going slower.
“Please fill me up, please.” You moaned out pleadingly, “make me cum.”
Hyunjae smirked and went in for a deep kiss, he picked up his pace. Grinding into you harder and faster making your hand fly up and latch onto his arm, he was hitting it just right, a tingling sensation rained down on you as you creamed so hard, you dug your nails into his biceps while letting out a loud trembling moan. Hyunjae didn’t stop kissing you, he kept going, ignoring your need for air. Yet he let out a raspy throaty grunt pushing himself into over drive, he slammed into you a few times before slowing down and cumming deep inside you. He was trembling as if he was cold but he was covered in sweat and his body was hot against yours. He trailed kisses up and down your neck, licking and sucking on certain spots.
Unknowingly you rolled your hips back and forth, making him cum more. You felt him smiling against your skin, both of your chest rising and falling rapidly gasping for air. Hyunjae grip on your hip was still there, he himself had also dig his nails into you skin. He looked down at the place where your bodies meet, wondering if he should pull out or not. Looking back at your dazed eyes he kissed your chin and decided to stay in place. Laying flush against you, you wrapped your arms around Hyunjae’s neck. Exchanging soft pecks and small caress in the silence made everything seem like a dream.
So unreal to the both of you, but neither of you acknowledged it. Too wrapped up in the feeling of pure bliss, admiring each other with your eyes and leaving traces of sex, lust and dare I say……love. That was something you had just come realize, you were in love with him, when did you fall? Maybe that was the reason you wanted to try and keep your distance….somewhere in the night, you let those words slip out during another round, it earned a smile and a kiss because he was too busy tryna break your back in.
Girl he loved the way you looked when you orgasmed, along with the soft cozy feeling of your body against his. Legitimately, you drove this man crazy and you didn’t even know it. He didn’t what to stop fucking you, he didn’t wanna stop holding and loving you. With tender kisses and soft touches, breathing in the air that you breathe while watching your chest rise and fall for him. This was now his paradise and he didn’t wanna go back to reality. But he had to, because at some point you both fell asleep. Feeling tingly and fucked out for the last time that night, falling into a wonderful abyss. You slept so comfortably in his arms anyone who knew you would be surprised. But reality came knocking, sadly.
The next morning, you awoke in an empty bed. You sat up almost in complete confusion, your recalled last nights events and climbed out of Hyunjae’s bed. After searching for your clothes and putting them on, you left his room, looking around for him, he wasn’t there, but Juyeon was. You nearly gave him a heart attack, you asked where Hyunjae was and he shrugged saying he didn’t know.
So, you went back to your apartment, feeling stupid, because, you let him do you in unlike any other, but mostly because you told him you love him. Shaking the panicking thoughts away, you showered and changed. Regardless of the issues going on, you had missed too many days of school. So you sucked it up, aiming to act like a big girl, trying to convince yourself it was nothing when it was something so fragile and important you were afraid it would break you down into nothing.
You arrived at your first class of the day, and just as you walked in, everyone became quiet. So you knew they were talking about you, sighing, you went to your seat and began taking out your books. Trying you best to ignore the stares and whispers, you rolled your eyes, just as Hyunjae and Juyeon walked in. He was chatting animatedly with his friend, as if everything was normal. Making you think and feel like he had played you like a fiddle. Holding back your emotions, you did your best to not look up, not realizing he had saw you as soon as he walked in, and you trying to ignore his voice made you skip over the fact that he was talking about you.
Like girl, if you don’t pay attention and stop acting like that! You the shit even thought you don’t feel like it. The closer he got, the more you thought he’d go to his usual seat in the back with Juyeon.
But to your surprise, Hyunjae sat his things down in the seat beside you and kissed your forehead “I been looking everywhere for you,” he sighed taking a seat and scooting as close to you as possible, “I even bought coffee,” he smacked his lips, “ah, you hurt my feelings.”
You stared at him for a second before responding “man, what the fuck,” you started, feel a sudden sense of relief come over but that was replaced with you familiar banter, “it would’ve been smart to leave a note.”
“It also would’ve been smart to stay put,” he argued back, lightly poking he tip of your nose, “this…..this won’t do,” he huffed out, “I need compensation.” He puckered his lips and pointed at them, “pay me.” He ordered.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, he has lost his mind. He had closed his eyes, waiting patiently, so, placed you hand on his lips gently and he opened his eyes, “Hey,” he whined out, “seriously, I’m not gonna ask you twice.”
You laughed at him, just as the popular chick that gave you the stink eye walked up, “Look at this, acting all cute and shit,” she started with an attitude, not even looking at you, “Hyunjae-ah,” she called the man cutely, “I need to talk to you for a second.”
You rolled your eyes, the moment Hyunjae looked at her. Opening your notebook, you thought he’d follow her, I mean you weren’t together completely, you guys just fucked each other’s minds up in the span of a few hours.
But sis, stop being stupid, because, his response made you freeze, “I’m actually busy talking to my girlfriend right now, so could you please leave us alone.” Your eyes shot to him, as he looked back at you, he reached up and pushed the stray strain of hair out of your face while looking at you lovingly.
“Really,” the chick scoffed, “since when, everyone knows your cheating on her, I mean look at her. She looks like someone’s great grandma or something.”
Hyunjae frowned, you could feel his annoyance rolling off of him, that was new. He went to stand up and you tried to stop him, but you were a little too late, “Look, compared to you, she looks like gold. Don’t get too ahead of yourself, I wouldn’t give you the time of day,” he remarked, “I’d never bullshit over someone’s feelings like you. She’s my girlfriend, that means I’m taken, have a nice day.”
She frowned about to say something else when her words were cut short by some girl from the back, “He’s not lying, when I asked him out he shot me down.” Following those words were some other girls saying the same thing.
“I think you should leave.” Juyeon suggested coming from the back of the room. He pointed towards the door just as your roommate and professor walked in. Juyeon smiled at your roommate and waved before rushing to her giving her a peck on the cheek and taking the book she held in her hands from her.
You gave them both a confused look because when the fuck and how the fuck did those two get together? Your professor looked around, his eyes landed on you, but you were too busy pulling Hyunjae back down into his seat.
“Ah,” your professor said loudly, “good to see you finally being open about your relationship. But please don’t cause trouble and try to focus in my class.”
The classroom erupted in laughter as your tried to hide in your textbook. Hyunjae placed his arm around you and smiled like a happy ass kid before pecking your cheek “I have the best girlfriend in the word.”
“Shut up fool!” You huffed out, “you play too much.”
“Alright, settle down.” You professor announced when everyone started laughing again.
“I’m not playing,” he whispered in a low voice as the professor began class and he pulled out his own books, “if I don’t get compensation for this morning, I’m gonna make you regret not giving me a small kiss.” He whispered in your ear.
You turned red and stared at him, but he turned towards the board and started copying notes. Was that a threat or a promise? You blinked a few times and wrote down your question on his the top of his notebook. To which he wrote back and winked at you.
Fuck around and find 😏 ���
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