#tbh if u dont like the two readers thing u could Also imagine the noblewoman who got married off to be emma
pluvi my beloved…how do knight!draken and arranged marriages connect 🙏
knight!draken who returns a war hero. the campaign had been long and grueling, but he returns victorious, the death of the former king well and truly avenged and himself little less than a legend.
when your parents tell you that they've arranged a match for you, he's hardly the first on your list of suitors. you've never met him, and knights are not among the pool your parents typically would choose from. you know his name, though; can't conjure up a face but you know of him. the prospect is more than a little terrifying and it only increases as the day of his visit draws nearer.
he's more handsome than you're expecting. taller, too; a little imposing but clearly doing his best not to intimidate. you'd expected the rumors to be exaggerated yet you find every one to be accurate or, to your surprise, find him to exceed them. your parents have already made up their minds—it's obvious when they leave the pair of you alone for a moment. perhaps he knows that as well as you do. perhaps he notices the way you stiffen when they leave. whatever it is, he takes the opportunity to talk to you and asks you if you're willing.
the question comes as a surprise. you wonder why he'd bother, when your opinion of the matter is hardly important. you'd blame it on your surprise at the question, but you respond truthfully and tell him as much.
and he surprises you further by being thoughtful, by responding with sympathy. by telling you that he has no intention of marrying through force and that if you truly wish not to have anything to do with him then he'd discuss with the king (my friend, he says pointedly, the man who initially approached your parents about this union). but then he continues, and he says that should you be interested he would like to be a good husband to you.
he tells you of his affair with his charge in the turbulent times prior to outright war, tells you of how she'd been candid with her fears. he tells you that he wants to be different for you. and you know just how rare of a man he is, you're well aware that though he's given you the option you'd be a fool to give him up. so you don't. you tell him that you wish to marry him.
when he kisses your hand in farewell it lingers, both his lips and his fingers. he makes eye contact before he stands to his full height—towering, but not intimidating. not anymore.
you think you could see yourself loving him.
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