#tbh even at break time - socialise with people?? like by all means check your notifications quickly but you don’t need to be ON your phone
raaven-nerd · 7 years
50 Question Studyblr Tag!
I saw this a while ago, and really wanted to do it, but never got around to doing it until now! 
What country are you studying in now? Sydney, Australia
What’s your major or specialization? none? I’m still in high school lol
What year are you in? I’m in year 9 :)
What courses are you taking (/will be taking if on break)? I take all the mandatory year 9 courses (maths, science, English, geography, history, careers, phys ed), as well as drama, Japanese, and agriculture.
Favorite course? Drama! It’s so much fun. After that it’d probably be Japanese, and then science.
What languages do you know? Want to learn? English and Cantonese (which I speak at home but i can’t read/write) and I am learning Japanese at school. I’d like to learn Mandarin, French and Latin, but I had to drop French and Latin at school because I could only study one language :((
What language do you study in? Do you think in a different language? Nup- English only! Though very very very rarely I might think in Cantonese if I’m surrounded by my family who are only Cantonese speakers
Career aspiration? Vet or psychologist?? Idk I’m still in year 9.
If you couldn’t be #8, what would you be? Doctor?? Idek tbh. Maybe a teacher but kids are crazy sometimes lol
Moment you knew what you wanted to do? Idk, my family’s been a big influence on me, and I’ve always wanted to be a doctor since I was little, but that’s changed slightly as I’ve gotten older.
Where is your favorite place to study? At school in any classroom tbh or in the school library
When is your favorite time to study? Early morning right after I get up or in the afternoon after school
Clean desk or organized mess? Clean desk?? Idk I try to keep it clean as possible but bc I have so many subjects books and pens are everywhere, but I clean it up quickly bc I can’t handle messy desks.
Music or no music? What type? Music. Anything tbh. As long as there’s some noise in the background, I’m happy.
Name top 3 worst distractions. My dog, YouTube, friends (when they text me and the notifications that come up on my phone)
Exam time, dress up or dress down? School uniform lol
Exam time, hair up or hair down? Hair up in a ponytail - it’s my default hair style for school and it keeps my hair out of my face, but I can still play with it :)
Favourite outfit for studying? Leggings and a T-shirt
Favourite study scent? um?? I dont really use scents when i study so ???
Name 5 things you would consider your ‘study essentials’. A highlighter, a black pen, white out, reinforced line paper and my laptop
Hardcopy books or pdf online? Both? If I had to choose one, probably pdf because its easier to transport
Favourite study snack? drink? Cookies/chips with chocolate milk
Favourite pen (or pencil)? Papermate Inkjoys
Favourite notebook/paper? Idk I’m not too fussy and I just buy the cheapest lol
Name 5 apps/tools that help you be productive. Google Docs (allows me to do my assignments on the go), Todoist, Google Calendar, Forest, Google Drive (textbooks + resources saved there)
How many pens/pencils/markers are in your pencil case? 4 pens, 2 pencils, 0 markers (but 2 highlighters, if they count as markers)
Backpack or purse? Backpack
How many notebooks do you have? Wayy too many lol I’ll just list the ones I use (and I’ll include my exercise books for school) so 1 for each subject except drama so 9, one for random notes, one for planning each day out (but not a bujo) and one for drawing
How do you motivate yourself when you’re not motivated? Watch study related videos on YouTube
Pump up routine before writing an exam? Bag packed with all materials, all pens have ink, whiteout isn’t about to run out, go through notes in my head, or listen to music, and keep calm :)
Crammer or pacer? Pacer
Type of learner (kinesthetic, auditory, visual)? Visual
How do you plan? (digital, planner, lists, no plan, etc.) My diary, and I also jot things down in a notebook and in Google calendar/todoist
Preferred note-taking method? Handwritten
Do you make to-do lists? How? Yea, I just write out a list in a notebook
Do you stick to your to-do lists? Mostly, but if something comes up, or there’s a lot to do, there’s not much I can do about that
Group study or independent study? Independent, unless the group is with people who are actually going to study
Average number of hours of sleep during exam time? 7-8, pretty much what i normally get 
Ever pulled an all-nighter? Ye once, and it wasn’t even for anything important, I just got caught up in reading lol
What do you do to recover from getting a grade lower than expected? I don’t normally get too worked up over grades. I’d feel a bit disappointed in myself, and it’d stick in my head for a bit. But I’d forget about it pretty quickly because whenever I get grades, its always during school where I’m with my friends, and we discuss other things to take our minds off it.
One advice you’d give others? I mean, I’m only in Year 9 but don’t stress the small stuff? Just take life as it comes, and sometimes there’s not much you can do about what happens. Try hard, and work hard, and you’ll achieve your goals eventually.  
What are you most proud of right now? I got Dux of English last year, and got an award for outstanding academic excellence in my area in Year 6 
Favorite quote to keep you going? “Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more. Believing in yourself.” - Harry Potter
Favorite way to destress? Socialising, drawing, or watching Youtube/movie
Favourite 5 studyblrs? ahh there’s wayyy to many to list out: some include: @studyquill @emmastudies @studyign @optomstudies @universi-tea
How often do you check Tumblr? 2x-3x a day?? idk it depends on the day
Hobbies when you’re not studying? reading, drawing/animating, 
Favourite compulsory-reading book? There aren’t really that many books I’ve had to read... I remember once in Year 6, I had to read Warhorse by Michael Morpurgo, and I quite liked it. 
First nerdy joke that pops into your head. I once told a chemistry joke, but there was no reaction. 
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