#tbh I feel like the Loke one will make me cry.
ferrumira · 4 months
You’re telling me that Natsu only challenges Erza to fights but not Mirajane. 100000000% believe that once he knew she was using magic again. It would be constant request to spar and she would. One. Because Natsu’s one of the few Mira let in after Lisanna’s ‘death’ and so he’s like a little brother to her. Two. She knows that he wouldn’t be pulling punches or holding back on her just for being rusty. He would 100% challenge her.
I need to write headcanons today. I think that’s what I will do
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writeiolite · 4 years
Same tho! I never watched any kdramas before this, and tbh idk if i can watch another after this, but since ur on ep 9 or 10(?) get ready for SO MUCH MORE tears and sobbing in the next episodes. I swear to god this show dehydrated the fuck out of me
if u need some recs....👀 remy gave me a list of some romance/romcom ones and i have a couple that i like on my own! i wasn’t expecting it to make my heart ache so bad loke is this normal KSNSJA
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boyf--riends · 7 years
review of Be More Chill!
i’m about to talk a lot about the show and the cast! if you don’t wanna read but you wanna hear about the talkback, the audio posts have just gone up and for those of you who want the review it’s under the cut!!!
- you can see jeremy violently pull down his pants before More Than Survive starts 
- the bus ride was so cute!! the actors jostled around like they were actually on a bus and it was super fun to watch even though it was literally only 5 seconds long
- the reason why chloe calls jeremy out is because he tried to sneakily snake his arm behind brooke to get to his locker and it looked like a weird pervy move
- rich walks straight into jeremy and we were blessed with “dOn’T TouCH Me TaLL aSs!!1!” and jeremy just stands there as rich violently scribbles on his back pack
- michael entered from the audience and accidentally hit my friend in the face with his backpack strap and did his lil marley jam session and the crowd went fucking nuts
- ”boyf. what does this mean?” jeremy turns around and so does michael so their bags read boyf riends and michael turned to jeremy and made kissy faces/noises the mom behind me violently whispered “what the hell is a boyf” tbh its a mood 
- jake lifts christine up in all her glory to sign up for the play and tbh,, i aspire to be that extra
- christine is so excited the whole time and god did her actress fucking kill the part
- when jake talks to christine it was pretty obvious he was nervous but tried to play cool and i really liked that
- two player game started and i shit you not the person in front of me started crying
- jeremy does not like to talk to his dad or about his mom
- “im your favowite pewson” michael nuzzles jeremys shoulder and jeremy shoves him off and he dramatically falls on top of the bean bags
- they had two of the ensemble actors as the payless employees and it was kinda weird but i went with it
- when they said it was top secret stuff michael was behind jeremy taking pictures of the stuff inside the box and it was super funny
-i thought jeremy picked out some kinda unisex blue v-neck ladies shirt not a sparkly pink tube top what the fuck
- “BecauSe SHe chEaTEd on MEeeEEEeeee” he rolled on the ground so fucking dramatically
- Do You Wanna Ride made 89% of the audience so uncomfortable but everyone went wild when brooke went “pi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ink beeeeerrryyyyy”
- jeremy’s voice cracked when he said everything about him made he wanna die and the squip turned the whole thing around but he kept that evil smirk on his face the whole damn time
- jeremy sleep singing Be More Chill while being carried to his bed and getting tucked in was so cute dont make me mention the “sleep tight slugger” bc my heart broke
- chloe totally psychs out christine before Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into and when jeremy enters christine pulls out of that whole funk and it was super freaking cute
- whenever christine does anything jeremy looks so love sick its adorable
- when christine said jake you could see physical pain on jeremy’s face before he grabbed his stuff and ran out
- brooke and jeremy had sex during upgrade (he comes out from backstage after making out with brooke, buttoning up his pants an smoothing out his shirt) and i was so fucking SHOOK 
- michael looked so angry and hurt but he got all excited when he figured out the squip worked but jeremy just stood there and didn’t even move to go after michael
- the costumes for halloween made me nut holy shit the barking unicorn was my favorite
-after the song is over rich is the only one still on stage and he’s twitching and repeating “halloween” over and over again until he walks off stage
- brooke was so excited to see jeremy and christine was so excited to see jake but they both were pretty rude and both girls loked pretty upset afterwards
- chloe rubbed herself all over jeremy and when she gave him the baby bottle full of alcohol jeremy loked genuinely panicked when the squip made him drink it
- Do You Wanna Hang also made 89% of the audience uncomfortable but it turned pretty funny when jake punch through a fucking window
- michael covered head to toe in trash is such a mood but jeremy look so relieved when he finally saw michael
-  “I had this whole spiel about 12 years of friendship going right down the drain” jeremy looked so guilty but michael looked so hurt and betrayed especially when he was trying to explain why the squip was bad
- jeremy shoved michael into the bath tub after he called him a loser, and all the parents who had no idea what BMC was gasped, and everyone was already crying
- Ryan Everett Wood is such an amazing actor and he really made Michael In The Bathroom the best scene in the whole show
- while jeremy and christine exchange weird noises, the dude in the unicorn costume sits up and just starts barking at them before he passes out again
- they make fun of rich for spazzing and asking for mountain dew red before the squip tells jeremy to skedaddle before the fire
- all of the shiny metallic costumes in Rich Set A Fire really highlighted the guys’ muscles and i liked it
- pitiful children was so well choreographed and i really want a pair of those sick light up sneakers
- as the show goes on and the squips control over jeremy gets stronger, the make up gets more intense and the squip starts to look more dishevelled and corrupt
- jeremy totally fucking roasted his dad (his dad looked so sad and shook) and what does his dad do?? run half naked to michaels house of course
- michael is getting high asf and sitting in a onsie burning stuff
- mr reyes is wearing jeremys costume and he looks so proud of himself until he sees jeremy 
- michael made his entrance through the audience and everyone lost their god damn MINDS
- michael is such a petty bitch like,, jeremy is literally on the ground in pain and he’s just “hmmm no sorry u gotta apologize ://///” and if that ain’t me,,,,,
- michael literally holds jeremy with his arms and legs and jake just shrugs and grabs the mt dew red before pouring it out and michael looks so SHOOK
- “did the squip heal your legs???” in the most evil yet nonchalant high school jock voice i’ve ever heard “No I just can’t feel any pain. and its AWESOME”
- when christine comes out michael starts to walk away like “whoops theres christine looks like he won’t give up the squip now” but gets so excited when jeremy tells her to drink the mt dew
- everyone starts shrieking and michael looks terrified and starts screaming too and when everyone passes out michaels still screaming “AAAAAAAOOOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK”
- rich is in a legit full body cast but he looks so happy once jeremy wakes up and starts talking to him
- “oh my god i am totally bi” rich sounded so excited and the audience clapped and cheered
- rich and michael kinda had that “you were the only other person in this hospital room i could talk to and you’re not that bad of a person” vibe when voices in my head started playing
- jake looks like he’s about to punch jeremy but he sends him off with a lil bro hug and it’s such a pure interaction!! jeremy looks so stoked that everyone is still talking to him after the play!!!!
- “i think that all of us want to go out with you” they have sweet make out kiss thing and the whole cast is on the high beams looking down at them so fondly 
- the squip comes back and jeremy just started to sing louder and it was so good and such an empowering moment
LITTLE NOTES ABOUT THE CAST: Everyone was so good and they all fit their roles so well! So much respect goes out to Matt, Ryan, Sal, Lizz, Jason, Billy, Vincent, Lisa, Katie, Emily, Carly, Frankie, and Bridget because without their hardwork and dedication to the show, it wouldn’t have been so good!!
You could also tell how much effort was put into the details of the show like, nothing was there to just be there, everything had a purpose and there was never any weird “i dont have any lines so i’ll just awkwardly stand here” moments with any of the actors!! overall the show was  out of this world amazing and i’m so greatful that I had the chance to see it and meet the wonderful actors behind the original and the revival show!!!!
overall rating: hell yes/10
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amehanaaa · 7 years
Also if ur cool with it: fairy tail questions 1-15
woo, let’s do this and try our best not to cry!!
1. What made you watch Fairy Tail?
I watched Fairy Tail on a whim, but it was a very good whim I’d say 
2. What do you prefer: Manga or anime?
tbh… anime. the soundtrack is perfect and the seiyuus are out of this world. the actual animation is funky sometimes, but the music/voices make up for it for sure
3. What is your favourite arc?
tenrou, forever and always! 
4. How much do you love Ichiya?
omg help he’s so strange and so is his Edolas exceed doppleganger?? why is he the way he is??? why do I lowkey want to know what he smells like???
5. Your brotp?
Lucy and Juvia has a special place in my heart tbh
6. Your otp?
Nalu Nalu N a l u 
7. Your notp?
Stingue, sorry not sorry
8. Your favourite dragon slayer?
there are so many beautiful dragon slayers omg this so difficult. I’m just going to say Natsu because he is one of the most perfect men I’ve ever laid eyes on 
9. What do you love about Fairy Tail?
I really enjoy how intricate each arc is and how much depth each of the characters have. it’s rare for stories to be able to connect fictional characters the way Fairy Tail does. it’s all so natural. not once have I thought “this character is so out of place” and I really admire Mashima for being able to portray how a family should feel like. oops I got a lil deep there
10. What is your favourite zodiac sign?
I’m a Leo, so naturally my boy Loke :* 
11. Which character do you think is underappreciated?
LEVY MCGARDEN. she needed so much more spotlight!!!! we don’t even know if she was wanting to write a story like Lucy!!! my heart feels for Levy. I wish we got to more about her and her personality and her family and her likes/dislikes ugh asdfghjkrgbf
12. Which character do you think is overpowered?
real talk, I think it’s Erza. like yeah, we know she’s basically invincible but I do think there were some parts of the story where she was even stronger than Gildarts. and to me, Gildarts is the Ultimate™ guild member. that’s just me though
13. Where would you want your guild mark to be?
I have a soft spot for all the girls that have it on their thigh. I want it so much ugh brb I’m getting it rn
14. Who is your favourite character?
Lucy Heartfilia is my queen. 
15. What are your thoughts on the final chapter?
it shouldn’t have gone any other way. sure, there were things I disliked and there’s always room for improvement. however, I respect Mashima wholeheartedly. all I can say is how much I’ve appreciated his hard work in creating such a beautiful story and allowing us readers into an adventure that made us feel like we were right with the characters :’) 
thank you so much for asking! until next time, Fairy Tail! 
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thegeminisage · 7 years
zeldablogging! i actually quit playing hours ago but i didn’t have time to post it until now
firstly my bro came over and let me use all his amiibos and i got epona and some SWEET gear, but it's like, a random chance to get one of the three piece fo each one, so he has to COME BACK so can get everything
i got one of link's iconic hats haha im Sad
also i went to the wasteland tower and i can see the divine beast from there!! i think with the flying island bird thing i've now seen them all
altho if that ship thing really is the beast and i can see if from that far away...holy Fuck. they are so Big
my brother wanted me to go north to the woods at the top of the map to get the master sword, but im just not Ready yet. i wanna see more plot. he also told me that there was no special quest for it which like :/ weak?? im disappointed tbh
the interactive map shows a stable along the road so i guess i will start there!
i'm a little intimidated by the big desert tbh
god everything here is so tall and vast...i'm pretty sure bits of this are from one of the cool parts of the trailer
omg there's a talus on this hill
dont feel like fighting it now tho lol
omg four dudes lost in the gerudo region...now THIS sounds familiar
ahaha :')
actually, i think i'm gonna go ahead and head to gerudo town first before exploring everywhere...which is the opposite of what i SAID i wanted to do after death mountain but this desert is big and vast and it'll be easier to keep track of what i've done, and tbh i'm afraid of running into the divine beast while i explore LMAO
plus: i wanna see plot!
i like that horses follow the roads, i can kinda see the sights and scope it out a little before Deep Exploration
wait can i not
oh god can i not ride my horse out here....?
oh jesus
ohhh my god what a long walk.......haha i've become spoiled
oh well here we go
lol i put on the link hat and got like. overwhelmed, emotionall.y too much. so much. to see him in green rn. altho lowkey disappointed he hasn't been in green for most of the game thats just His Color
omg it gets Cold in the desert at night!!
i bet in the daytime it gets hot hahaha
ooh i got a gerudo shield and scimitar from this lizalfos! nice!
why......doesn't my map work rn
what the fuck??
i opened it and?? static??
please tell me it's the divine beast and not an area thing i can't LIVE without my map
wow the air got all green and windy here when i walked towards a shrine...dnw dnw 
see this is why i worried about exploring but it's Right There if igured it'd be no trouble
thats what i get for thinkin
omg a SAND SEAL?? they are so weird lookin haha and it scared me for a sec moving thru the gloom like that. thought it was a monster
it strikes me with no minimap i can't fast travel and everything looks just the same out here...what if i get lost?
oh there's the shrine thank god
omg my map works inside the shrine ;w;
tbh i dont feel like doing it rn i'd fast travel out of this green shit if that didn't mean having to start the whole walk over
i guess i can just fast travel to the shrine itself at least now i know the direction i need to walk to get out
yep and here goes the temp climbing. jesus
luckily i prepped for this when i stop to cook i like to make a bit of everything and i knew i was coming somewhere hot, so
LMFAO out of sheer curiosity i took all my armor off and that worked too.
ohhh amn this no-map green-sand no-visibility thing is WIGGING ME OUT dude i pray it's a divine beast thing bc i can't explore like this AND i couldn't really see the whole beast bc of the sand. so. fingers crossed
please let me find the road please let me find the road please let me find the road
put all my armor back on bc i spotted an enemy and thats super weird even without special food the sun isn't killing me anymore...maybe it's a noontimeish thing? but no, it was sunrise before and 10am now.......mysterious. i don't like it. i do not like the desert. i Do Not like the desert.
oh my god and there it is...what even IS that jesus christ
it's so big im scared and crying
and the lightning!!! it's so powerful!!!!
like, my brother said the dungeons were too easy but the FEEL of these things...they truly are fucking divine
oh thank fuck i see fire. help me please
thank GOD
and i'm at gerudo town i think!! somehow
but i missed the oasis and i know there was a memory there painter dude told me ):
wait, no...this IS the oasis! yes!!!!!! i made it to the road in the perfect spot!!!!!!
wait they;re saying here "voe" aren't allowed in gerdo town...oh my god are they being serious rn
but frankly i can't blame them. tbh if i had a society of all females i wouldn't let any men in either.
there's. so many pretty women in here. they're so tall. i'm so gay
omg there's a rito and a goron here!
oooh the highlands tower sandstorm apparently dies down for a few hours every day!! good to know x_x
god if it IS a regional thing im totally fucked.
oop the temp kicked up again once i left the oasis
WAIT i almost forgot the memory jesus christ!
ok ok
zelda was running from the yiga clan and link stepped in and saved her at the last second AND THE MAIN THEME PLAYED A LITTLE
altho i kinda hate this helpless damsel zelda stuff...i guess it's mostly par for the course, tho - very few games have had her able to fight and even the ones that did got her captured at the very end
there's a rock outcropping here and i can SEE the sandstorms, jesus
i hope they're less frequent after i free the beast
maybe the one near the shrine/tower broke up for a sec and that's why the temp kicked up? everyone says it does once a day...but my map didn't change lol so idk
lol got to tell a gerudo she was my dream girl
haha so they travel and leave to find husbands and have kids? she mentioned "training"... great potential for trans characters here but alas that's WAY beyond nintendo rn
i like that they speak another language, it makes the world feel bigger and more real (and they even teach you some!!)
omg you can RIDE the sand seals?!
i...need a shield...to sand seal SURF
that sounds. like the coolest thing ive ever heard in my whole life
apparently there's a guy who slips in every night that i could follow!! i wish i could just sneak in myself, tho
all right nothing doing so i loked it up and APPARENTLY YOU HAVE TO CROSSDRESS LOL i love it
like i've seen that outfit in guides and i thought it looked a bit nonfunctional
altho i hope this plotline doesn't make crossdressers the butt of a joke!!
aw you can tell the person on the rock "you're a man" but im gonna pretend she's trans and not be a jerk
ok, i absolutely gotta dye these pink
yes i am fast traveling this instant to dye these
i know this game is probably being gross about this but frankly i love the idea of agender link
and these are my favorite clothes i wanna wear them and ride my pink horse all the time
aaah and now i am pink!! tbh i'd love to sneak in now but i have a stream to get ready for ))):
maybe i will just look around really quick i still have a few minutes
im usually a little late starting anyways lol
ooh the music in the day here is rly cool!
why did they let him in! i thought there were no girl gorons
lmao even he doesn't know......omg
omg an OLD gerudo too finally!!!
gaaaah i wanna look around more but my time is up for tonight!!
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