#tarble keeps somehow .. in his language in his speech .. making them out to be friends and comrades and buddies
dballzposting · 2 years
Reasons that Vegeta and Tarble go clubbing together
1. Nobody else will go clubbing with Vegeta (Bulma is often busy or tired, and hes not on friendly terms with anybody else) and he needs to go out to show off his new fierce fit
2. Tarble wants to hang out with him and is pretty much down for anything. Hes not judgemental and doesnt really care where they go
3. Cheerleader effect, Vegeta will look taller in comparison
4. Bulma approves bc she doesnt necessarily want Vegeta to go alone but she doesnt want him to make clubbing friends with questionable constitutions, so this works out really nicely . Plus Tarble often brings his wife so it's just like a nice family event and Bulma thinks that that's good for Vegeta
5. Tarble actually has a tragic backstory in which when he came to earth for the first time he was all optimistic and made some earth friends with whom he could "taste the town" with, and they'd go out partying and stuff, but actually it was more like there was a group of wild frat boys and Tarble became their bitch boy who would clean up the messes and pay for the drinks and stuff. The last straw was when he woke up one morning and some classic frat boy pranks had been done onto him, which on one hand made him feel included, but on the other hand he DID feel like the teabagging had crossed a line. He shares this story at 4 am when hes at the bar with his wife and vegeta and he literally follows it up immediately with "but that's why I like going clubbing with you, you're trustworthy. I know that you would never teabag me, Vegeta-niisan."
And it's so completely infuriating like why would you fucking say that. It's infuriating for at least 4 distinct reasons but I'm not going to delineate them here becasue that would make the post too long. But one of them is that it's just so completely infuriating when Tarble says smth agreeable bc Vegeta hates agreeing with him and he hates the things that Tarble says in general and the way in which he phrases them and also his overall affect but he has to agree this time. So theres a really long pause and then a hard "Yeah." and he doesnt participate in the conversation again for a very long time . OR he says "I would kill you if only it wouldn't disappoint my wife so." OR maybe he just starts strangling him i dont know what's funniest at this time
6. Seriously that's what I mean when I say that Tarble is annoying . He'll just say things that sort of make you uncomfortable but hes being 100% earnest and it just makes you think hes pathetic or something. But hes completely confident hes not insecure anymore bc hes past that point in his life. Hes EARNED the right to be himself and if you're Vegeta that's SO annoying bc you DONT really approve of that self-love attitude and you feel like Tarble should try to be somebody else bc he sucks.
7. I love Tarble and I love Vegeta Fierce Fashion Friday and i want them to hang out so the natural conclusion is that they go clubbing together so that i can have the world . End post
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