peachesofteal · 4 months
peach I love you. and your brain. I remember when you uploaded the first chapter of simple math. I didn't read it because it was kinda A x B x C and I didn't really like throuple fics. but around like the 4th (?) chapter I was like "it's not gonna kill me to check it out" and oh my god. I'm actually inlove. you could be a poet. you should be in the history books 200 years from now. I'm not even talking about simple math anymore. it's just the way you take the words from your head and so perfectly execute them into this amazing story, WOW!!!
cant wait to see how it turns out for bun and the boys. love you 💕💕💕
Yesss welcome to the Ghoap x reader dark side. We have the most fun, I swear (just scroll the tag, you'll see)
And thank you so much. You're really, really sweet and I'm so flattered. I'm thrilled you're enjoying it and I love you too
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tojisun · 4 months
shy, aren't you?
bro whys this kinda-
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but yea :((
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gloomwitchwrites · 5 days
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Task Force 141 Metal Band AU x Backup Singer Female Reader
Signing a contract as a touring backup vocalist with 141 Music Group is a dream come true. Their newest masked metal band, Lechery, is making waves across Europe, and they’re about to set foot in North America for their biggest tour yet. And you’re going with them. At their final show for their European tour, you attend a private afterparty. The masks come off, and you realize quickly that the men behind the masks are from your past. You thought you’d never see them again. You thought it was over. But they haven’t forgotten. You agree to a few days, insisting that it means nothing, but there is an entire tour ahead of you, and they are loathe to let you slip away again.
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Content, Tags, Warnings, & Tropes: Reverse Harem, Why Choose, F/M/M/M/M, second chances, suggestive themes, possessive / jealous / obsessive behavior, partying dynamics, rekindled romance, denial of feelings (graphic chapters will be marked with ** which indicates a Community Label)
Chapters: (ongoing) One (arriving 6/10) // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve // Thirteen // Fourteen // Fifteen // Sixteen // Seventeen // Eighteen // Nineteen // Twenty // Twenty-One // Twenty-Two // Twenty-Three // Twenty-Four // Twenty-Five // Twenty-Six // Twenty-Seven // Twenty-Eight // Twenty-Nine // Thirty // Thirty-One // Thirty-Two // Thirty-Three // Thirty-Four // Thirty-Five // Thirty-Six // Thirty-Seven // Thirty-Eight // Thirty-Nine // Forty // Forty-One // Forty-Two // Forty-Three // Forty-Four // Forty-Five // Forty-Six // Forty-Seven // Forty-Eight // Forty-Nine // Fifty
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @pearljamislife
@miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @enfppuff
@berarenado @saoirse06 @haven-1307 @no-oneelsebutnsu @marispunk
@thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos
@enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project
@burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @contractedcriteria
@lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic
@suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior
@dakotakazansky @talooolaaloolla @hantheconqueror @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah
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blingblong55 · 2 months
Together as one-141& Philip Graves
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Picture credits: @ave661 (right) @/BigMikeMW( left)
Based on a request:
mwIII spoiler! have you watched that scene where graves offers his hand for gaz to shake, but gaz ignores it? 😭 COULD YOU MAKE A ONESHOT OF THAT AND INSERT READER IN IT HAHAHA THANKS!! <33 ---- GN!Reader, one-shot ----
A joint operation…easy no? Well, that's when the trouble comes in. His name is Philip Graves, the same man that the team and you disliked with a passion.
Gaz, Alex, Farah and you walking towards the the man you'd have to be working with. If only everyone closed their eyes and let you do your kind of trouble, oh what a piece of art would Graves' body be.
"We're a go for pre-check." Graves says over comms before he notices the two members of 1-4-1 he recognised easily. Gaz and you, unaware he was already so near you both. He laughs as he approaches you four. "Yeah! We are ready to rumble…?" he says as he extends his hand to greet Farah. "This is a joint operation," Farah says and all you do is send daggers through your stare at Graves.
"U.L.F….141 and Shadow…Together as one.." Farah says and as Graves extends his hand to shake Gaz's hand, Alex is forced to pull you back by your vest.
"Not here, kid. Leave that for off the job," he says to you, hoping he can keep your hotheaded self tamed.
Gaz stares at Graves, not daring to even give him a nod.
Price chuckled as he could see how hard Alex was trying to keep you back. The old man knows you well, after all.
Before Alex loses control of you, Price taps on Gaz's shoulder. Knowing all too well his two soldiers hate liars and traitors. "Gaz…Grim," he says and nods at you guys. Graves still with his hand out, hoping that the problem had already dissolved. It was far from that. He was already on Ghost's red list.
Graves makes a fist and nods, understanding that it still isn't over. As you walk past him, Gaz, in a friendly way, punches Graves' shoulder.
"Together as one…" Alex says as from the distance, he can see you trying to make Graves trip.
"You sure?" He asks once more as he sees that your attempt worked but now you're being dragged like a little kid by Price and Gaz. Graves is being helped up by a shadow member.
Your silhouette only shows how you kept flipping him off.
Together as one…my ass
@liyanahelena @uniquecroissant @johfaam0 @frazie99 @spicypicklesoh @viomast @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien @luvecarson @saoirse06 @strawberrychita @sae1kie @Llelannie @anonymuslydumb @talooolaaloolla @bittermajesties @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @soapybutt17 @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @marshiely @iruzias
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ghostybaby000 · 7 hours
Never Yours | Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Summary: He had seen blood hundreds of times before, but never from you. He didn’t know what to expect while listening to your cry’s on the phone praying you wouldn’t lose consciousness. 
Part one posted above to start this read!
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: violent theme, weaponry use, blood, symptoms of panic
Tag List: @yyiikes @talooolaaloolla (not fully edited, apologies for any inconsistencies!)
He wanted so badly to look at you more thoroughly, but knew that the hospital would be able to help you faster.  He felt as if his heart had entirely stopped, and that the world was moving at speeds beyond light. The car screeched to a halt outside the emergency room as he tore the door open to the car, again picking you up as gently as he could, trying his best to ignore the wetness of your blood covering his hands and in your hair. Leaving the car and the prying eyes outside the building he shut the door with his foot and turned to head inside. He couldn’t hear anyone around him, as he pushed through people in beds and wheelchairs yelling out for help, making it to the front desk. 
‘I-I need someone to help her.’  He was out of breath now from yelling, the adrenaline not letting his brain calm in the slightest. 
The woman at the desk stood up immediately and upon seeing the blood coming from the shirt and the person he was holding and called for help. 
‘Put her down here-‘ The woman pulled a bed out of a room nearby and rolled it to his side.  
He couldn’t let you go. He looked over your eye lids and watched your lips, those delicate pink lips-his jaw clenched as he looked down to the bed.  He had told himself to put you down and let them take you, to help you to make you better. His muscles wouldn’t let the weight of you go, he didn’t want to be away from you again-
‘Sir, please we can get her into an OR. Put her down.’ The woman’s gentle but stern voice breaking his thoughts as he forced himself to gently set you down. He heard the air come from your lungs as he entirely let go, you were being rushed away from him and there was nothing more he could do.
It had felt like the minutes were taking hours to pass by as he waited, his panic never leaving him. After 3 or so hours his mind forced him to think about the events and what he could do. He knew that something had gone bad from the start with the markings on the door and the bathroom being beaten in, and called the only people he knew to call in a moment like this. 
‘She’s getting help now mate, that’s what matters.’ Prices voice rang through the phone, not that Simon was listening much. He was pacing the small waiting room on the trauma floor while rubbing his hands over his face only to wipe them on his pants to rid of his sweat. 
‘I-I should of been there.’ His breathing stammering, his voice hoarse from yelling through the house and the emergency room. 
‘You got her there and now she’s getting help, you have to focus on that.’ 
 Simon took a moment to sit in the chair in the room, only to stand again and resume his pacing. He had tried to explain what he had seen to Price, although the thoughts were fading and blurring as he tried to recall the details. He walked into the bathroom and saw you laying in a small pool of blood, a blade handle coming out of your abdomen. Your eyes shut as you lay motionless, unresponsive to him picking you up or yelling your name. The phone near the tub with your blood smeared on it, and your fragile face cut and bruised down and across the neck. 
He now looked down to his free hand at the blood that had stained it, quickly looking away and pushing his hand in his pocket. A spark of rage had been ignited inside of him at the thought of someone doing this. Rage that was unlike any other he had known for himself, though for now it was tamed by the feeling of panic and concern for you-which came above all else. Recalling it made him feel sick again as he heard the voice in the phone once more speaking to him. 
‘We’re going to do all that we can from our end, and I promise you-you will hear anything that we get over here. You need to stay put and wait for-‘ The line went dead as Simon ended the call. The doctor was headed to the waiting room and as he stopped pacing to face him, he spoke.
‘Are you Simon Riley?’  Simon was trying to read his expression for any indicator to your wellbeing before remembering to respond.
‘Yes that’s me- how is she. How is Y/N?’ His breath was caught in his chest with anticipation as he stared daggers into the doctor’s eyes. 
The man in the white recognized Simons panic and lowered his clip board, to look and speak to him directly. 
‘She’s stable.’ Simons entire body felt a surge of momentary relief as he sat down into a nearby chair, letting the breath he had been holding escape. The doctor gave him a moment to breathe before continuing to speak.
‘It wasn’t an easy surgery by any means.’ Simons eyes shot up to meet the mans-he had never been so focused, the concern again rising in his mind as the doctor continued. 
‘She’s going to need quite some time to recover after this, were you injured at all?’ The doctor looked over his blood stained shirt and hands. Simon protested that he was fine and that he had found you and not been involved in the incident. He accepted this response for the time being and began to talk about the procedure using terms that Simon didn’t entirely understand. He wasn’t listening to all of the details and complexions of the things they were doing to you, it had only made himself feel worse. 
The doctor tried to ask about the situation that caused it or how it had happened- questions that he couldn’t think to answer. As he had seen it many times before, the doctor gave Simon time, telling him that she would hopefully be able to have visitors in a few hours. 
Before leaving, the doctor added that if he wanted to, Simon could leave a phone number to contact him for when she was ready, and he had the option to leave until then. He wouldn’t move. He didn’t go to the bathroom, he didn’t eat, he didn’t drink until he was able to see you. He found himself staring at a movie playing, not taking in anything that was happening but distracting himself from the situation. The movie had ended and begun another as he felt his eyes begin to close, he heard the distant voice of a man that awoke him instantly. 
‘Simon?’ He shot up out of the chair he had been in trying to locate who was talking to him, his heart jumping to an alarming rate. He spun around to find that same doctor as before was again coming towards him, his breath was caught in his throat. 
‘I found it important to update you myself on Y/N. There was a complication with one of her sutures after we had gotten her closed up, she’s lost quite a bit of blood tonight and we-‘
‘Is she alright?’ Simon’s body had gone practically numb, his low gruff voice almost yelling out of his chest. He wasn’t able to be patient anymore, he wasn’t able to give the time to wait even to finish a sentence to hear if you were okay. His eyes again staring into the doctors, flickering between the two.
‘She’s just about stable again, but she won’t be seeing anyone for a few more hours at least. Whatever it was that happened put a lot of stress on her body, more than we anticipated.’ The doctor paused for Simon to add any input he had on the situation to the conversation, but to no avail. 
Simon had been standing to speak to the doctor and when told it would be a longer wait, again planted himself in the chair. This time his arms sitting on his legs he let his head fall between his knees, his adrenaline coming back to him. Listening to the beat of his heart pound in his head, moments later he felt a light tap on his shoulder breaking his trance, looking up to see a white cone cup the doctor was handing him. He looked past the man at first to the water machine, then taking it into his own hands.
He thanked the doctor for updating him as he nestled again into the chair that held him up as he waited through the night. He didn’t care how long it took, as long as he would be able to see you. He finished another movie, not bothering with anything that was happening as people came in and out of the waiting room, or as people scurried by to get to another wing of the hospital. Spending most of the night pacing the small room or sitting and bouncing his leg, thanking the passing nurses who came to check on him seeing his blood ridden shirt. Although not by his choice, exhaustion forced his body to slip into a light sleep, one that he was fond of when on duty. The next morning he jolted awake as a nurse tapped lightly on his arm. 
‘Y/N is asking to see you in room 412, you are Simon Riley aren’t you?’ She stepped back from the large man that had made such sudden movements, only to point down the hall to where the room was. 
Without another word he got up and practically sprinted to room 412 leaving any bit of exhaustion in the chair, only slowing to move past doctors and other patients being transported. 
He didn’t want anything to keep you from him-yet, he found himself still as stone when trying to move for the door handle to your room. His heart was beating faster than he thought possible as he pulled in a shaking breath and felt the cold metal of the handle. He pushed open the door and walked in the room where he saw you again. This time bandaged and wrapped in blankets, but alive. 
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i absolutely loved the neighbor Simon thing you wrote and would love to see it continued, if you’re comfortable of course!
PS this is my first ask to anyone like ever so sorry if it’s weird or wrong
Thank you for my first ask! I'm honored to be your first ask as well!
Part 1 Part 2
Proofread by the lovely @crashtestbunny and @talooolaaloolla
Tw: female reader
A few minutes later, Ghost thought he must be in heaven. If he was dreaming before, then what was this? He didn't know how it happened. Maybe there was some exchange, a few pleasantries? He felt like his brain was utterly scrambled.
You were standing in his kitchen, if one could really even call it that. A stained sink, cracked countertops, and rotting cabinets, along with a gas stove/oven set that almost certainly violated local safety ordinances. Somehow, it seemed better and worse with you there. Better, because it seemed like everything would be infinitely better near you. Worse, because he wished he lived in a perfectly maintained mansion so you wouldn't mind visiting. Staying or a few minutes, a few hours, a few lifetimes.
"Need any help unpacking? Cleaning?"
Your sweet voice shook him from his reverie, brought him back to the situation at hand: You being angelic and him dumbly holding the container of cookies, staring.
"Ah-" He paused. If he said yes, would you think he was telling you he only wanted you as a hire-on maid? No, that was stupid. Neighbors were just friendly. Normal people were friendly. If he said yes, maybe you'd stick around. Maybe he could make you smile brighter. He didn't think he was very funny, but the lads did. Soap. You'd like Soap, he could tell. Maybe he could introduce you two? He didn't really have friends to tell you about. Not that you'd asked about them. Not that you would.
"That'd be nice." He finally responded tonelessly.
"Great! I have cleaning supplies in my flat, I can go get them-" You paused suddenly and Ghost panicked. Had you seen a gun? An assassin? Were you okay? Had he done something wrong?
"-Unless you have some?" You finished.
"...No." He immediately wanted to beat himself up. He was too abrupt, too rude. He should be soft for you, gentle.
And cleaning supplies! Bloody supplies. Of course he should have some. He hated when things were dirty. Wasnt his barrack always spotless? But he hadnt been planning to be here much. Although, now that you were here, maybe he would take a little bit more leave.
Cleaning supplies. He didnt want to inconvinience you, he should have his own. He could go buy some tonight, maybe? Or this afternoon. Or right now. Or-
"I'll go get mine, then. That works better, even. I have very specific taste in scrubbing utensils." You winked at him, then, playfully, and there was laughter hidden just below the surface of your voice.
He could die a happy man right then and there. The wink was so familiar. So happy. He didn't deserve this, it should be ripped away from him. Except- except. Except he had to go buy cleaning products that matched yours so that he could have backups if you ran out. Except he needed to know your favorite color so he would know what new pair of bedsheets to buy. Except he needed to know your favorite food so that he could cook for you, maybe. Except he needed to know your favorite flower so he could give you some.
"Alrigh'" Was his only response. You smiled at him one last time before leaving the room, walking towards the door. He wanted to scream, cry, beg you to please never leave him, never turn your back to him. But you were just leaving to have a reason to come back. You'd be back.
You had to be.
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sinkovia · 4 months
Besties Ik that I said I would get the next chapter of coffee shop out today BUT I WANT TO PLAY WARZONE SO FUCKING BAD I CANT. I GOTTA PUT ME FIRST IM SORRY 😭
ALSO THIS NEW SOAP SKIN LITERALLY MADE ME CACKLE. (I bought black cell battle pass so fast even though I need to save money. Intrusive thoughts won besties)
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@talooolaaloolla Ik what I said but I’m going back on my word 😭soap
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tojisun · 4 months
i dont watch jujitsu kaisen. i dont watch anime at all. but all these drabbles about that toji are nice and honestly? im here for it.
oh u absolute sweetheart <33 he is such a fun (and fine!!) character so im glad that the insane ramblings in my blog are hooking u teehee <3
i love him sm. he makes me ache in a way thats so crazy like hes so complex and beautiful and so, so flawed and i love him soooo much ☹️
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tojisun · 4 months
yes what the other anon said. I loveeee ur nun!reader fic and I'm literally a Muslim. it's funny isn't it
OMG?? THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥹🫶🏼 im glad that u luv it too teehee mmmwahh!!
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tojisun · 4 months
can I be tagged in whatever you post. literally anything. all of it. it's always soo worth it reading what you write
thats??? such an honour oh my god??? im sobbing so hard rn hhhhh but yes omg of course!! so much of my works are silly drabbles but i still hope that youd like them teehee <333 thank u again my luv!!
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tojisun · 4 months
woahhh ur so pretty I didn't even notice the one in the middle until anon mentioned it. gorgeous!
hi??? omg i fell asleep before seeing this :(( thank u so much my luv 🥹🫶🏼 love u smmmm n good morning/afternoon/evening/night to u bb <33
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tojisun · 4 months
sometimes when u tag me it dosent actually tag me. it lags or something sighhhh
tbh sometimes i forget to tag u so its a russian roulette for the two of us ε>
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