#tales of vesperia definitive edition
somnimagus · 8 months
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did some vesperia chibis, i always forget how happy i get drawing these guys. i love them dearly
[id in alt text]
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demonfox38 · 2 years
Completed - Tales of Vesperia
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World, hard. TItty, soft. Even man titty.
So, life can be a bummer sometimes. Not even in an outwardly splashy way, like with disasters and death. It’s just…well. Nostalgia. A bittersweet twinge of pain from time passing.
I was visiting my sixty-year-old parents, sitting in the living room they have had since 1993, left the only human conscious as they napped from enduring a long, exhausting work week. My entertainment was either what I could get on my mobile phone or what I had packed with my Nintendo Switch. One of the games I had on hand was the Definitive Edition of “Tales of Vesperia.” It was a game I had fond memories of—a game I had purchased for a university buddy who was getting married within a few weeks. I hadn’t touched it since 2010—certainly, not the fancy new version. I figured, what the hell? Why not give it a replay?
“Tales of Vesperia” is one of Namco’s Tales action-styled RPGs, as the name suggests. Originally released in 2008, it was notorious at the time for being one of the few games that actually could get the xBox 360 sold out in Japan. Granted, it wasn’t released in the best shape initially, having many pieces of cut content (including an entire damn character they didn’t have the time to work in) and some fun bugs that could break the game in multiple ways. Like with “Tales of Symphonia,” “Tales of Vesperia” was later reworked for the Playstation 3, re-releasing with the Definitive Edition years later to several consoles, Steam, and probably a couple of toaster ovens. Not sure if they too will lock up if you abuse particle effects, but hey. Anything’s possible!
This particular iteration deals with the world of Terca Lumireis and its subfactions—particularly, an empire and a conglomerate of independent groups called the Guild Union. The characters scurrying atop this world are living in the aftermath of a Great War which almost completely wiped out a magical species called the Entelexeia (pronounced en-till-eh-kay-uh, FYI). Whatever’s left of humanity lives within cities protected by magical stones called Blastia, which consume a crude form of magic called Aer to function. Also, the emperor’s dead, nobody knows who is taking over what’s left of the empire, and the magic sword that would pick the empire’s ruler is gone.
Okay. Got your vocab all written down?
Into this setting, you are handed the main character of Yuri Lowell, a sardonic drop-out ex-knight who enjoys all too well taking justice into his own hands (and dunking people into rivers when they get in his way.) Initially motivated to fix a plumbing problem, of all things, he ends up getting jailed several times, rescuing a princess, chopping his way back through half of the globe to get a magic rock back, then escalates shit a bit by killing twisted bureaucrats when imperial law fails to hold them accountable. And yes—this eventually extends to the head of the knights too, because this is an RPG, after all. Then, when that’s not enough, he and his buddies get together to fix the ultimate plumbing problem of their planet by not only changing how magic is used, but by recreating the summon spirit ecosystem seen by default in other Tales RPGs.
Honestly? Best Tales lead protagonist.
Like, I’ve got other favorite Tales characters. (I have a weakness for…let’s say, a particularly regal man.) But, in terms of the lead character that the game expects you to play by default? Best one of the franchise. The dude’s not book-smart—frankly, he might have low-grade ADHD—but he is both insightful and willing to get shit done. He not only figures out other people’s secrets within milliseconds of meeting them, but is willing to keep cover for them, even when it puts him at odds with other party members. He also gets his hands really, really goddamn dirty, especially when no one else can or wants to. Dude helps someone commit seppuku. Like, someone he respected. Also? He cooks pretty well, too. And then, there’s the open shirt situation. Guy’s a champ.  
Really, this is a solid set of characters and locations, all around. If I praise “Tales of Symphonia” more than this game, it’s because “Symphonia” caused a change of character within myself. Frankly, “Vesperia” aged better than it had any right to. Like, all of the corrupt politicians and bum knights are supposed to be over-exaggerated in their evil and/or incompetence, right? Fuck. I survived/am surviving a global pandemic, U.S. president #45, a regressive Supreme Court, and several economic collapses. A dude feeding kids to monsters might be more than our reality can emulate. But, hey. How far off is that from separating migrant kids and putting them into camps? Nobody’s just using rattlesnakes or mountain lions to torment them. Just dudes with guns.
Yeah, I know. Ha, ha, video games! They aren’t real or reflective of reality, right? It’s just really hard not to throw a copy of FF7 like a shuriken into the head of the brilliant executive that decided Square needed to focus on crypto blockchain bullshit. Know what I mean?
The best RPG players are just a talking tree and a magic sword away from going full tilt.
Right! Swords. Gameplay. “Tales of Vesperia”, like its kin, is a fighting game built into the engine of an RPG. While there are healers and mages, it’s assumed that a human player is going to want to take combat sharply/bluntly by force, chaining moves together to make flashy, effective combos. All of the available characters in this game are built in such a way that someone could go full melee, if they wanted. Yes—even the main party healer, who packed her own sword and shield. The average Tales player is likely to stick with Yuri, but switching to maining Repede (Dog! Dog! Playable Dog! Good boy!), Flynn (Cress standard build), or Judith (aerial combo enthusiast) is also feasible. Your A.I. buddies are likely to be Estelle (healer), Rita (mage), Raven (ranged whatever unit), Patty (manic pixie whatever unit), or Karol (slow fighter), but hey. The dude I bought this game for really liked Rita. That, and hard-locking his xBox 360 by spamming spells.
Word of warning—this game does commit the grand Action RPG sin of locking you into a boss fight with the slowest character available. (See also: “Rogue Galaxy.”)  Even if you don’t like Karol, you might want to do a little prep work on him.
Like “Tales of Symphonia”’s exsphere system, “Tales of Vesperia” has its own skill system that controls a character’s abilities and statistics. Instead of sponging off magic rocks, the game grants skills based on using weapons enough to make a bar go ding. This also includes elemental modifiers to change your artes (and yes, I do want to call them techs! I am that old and busted!), which can be permanently learned by spamming their base moves either 50 or 100 times (spells vs. melee.) To offset the outrageous cost of weapons/armor and maximize equipment manufacturing, the game also has a crafting system to make items cheaper using crap picked up in battle. And trust me—you’re gonna need a fair amount of this extra crap. (Or, when in need, you can always hock the extra crafting materials for 100 gald a pop. Weird that it's a flat rate, considering the intrinsic value difference between pelts, ore, insect gunk, and gemstones, but okay.)  
You know what the batshit thing about this weapon focus is? Weapon strength in this game is literally inconsequential!
How can this be? Well, the game added a system called Fatal Strikes that allows a player to instantly kill (or highly damage) an enemy once an internal combo bar has been depleted. This breaks down into three different colors, of which each monster has different levels of resistance (red, green, and blue.) Use the right moves, drain a color bar, and then squeeze a trigger to do ‘em in! Bonuses and grade are granted upon their use, so if you are a combo pro, you may want to switch on the Minimum Damage skill and farm this system for all it is worth. It feels weird, but it can be rewarding, particularly if you plan on doing a New Game+ run.
Recipes are still around as well, with a nice little deviation. With this game, certain characters will modify certain recipes to create whole new meals! It’s cool, particularly when you see how one character’s modification can be used by another person to make a completely new dish. Like, one chain goes Sandwich -> Rice Ball -> Beef Bowl -> Pork Stew -> Japanese Stew -> Sukiyaki. Wild! Though, pro-tip: all Repede makes is dog food. And you know what? Yuri’s okay with that. Dude’s totally gone home drunk and eaten some Purina is what I’m saying.
Titles are still present, as well as costumes. Hell, the Definitive Edition throws you a bunch for free. The big controversy around this back in 2008 was that several of the titles could be purchased in DLC kits to skip the events necessary to trigger them. Honestly? I was okay with this. You could still earn the titles in game via certain events or minigames. It’s when they were taken out completely in later games as DLC exclusives that I started having problems.
Oh. Best get a spoiler-free guide for this game. There’s definitely some Guide Dang It! threads here.
As for changes from the default game? Honestly, the only thing I was 100% pleased with was including Flynn as a playable character for…well, more than a handful of battles. Granted, it’s not until the end game before you can run with him entirely as you please, but the game does try to give you a few opportunities to use him in each act. (I didn’t get the opportunity to hit up the bonus dungeon tacked onto this port post playthrough, but I figured I could talk about this game well enough without that.) There are a lot of improperly balanced audio files in the English tracks, which is a bummer on otherwise pretty solid voice acting. (The “Tales of Symphonia” Playstation 3 ports had a similar issue. Guessing that someone wasn’t checking the volume balance and left everything too quiet.) Probably the biggest disappointment is Patty, the character that was undeveloped and dropped from the xBox 360 release. It’s one of those situations where her backstory is cooler than she is. We could have had a rough, bitter middle-aged pirate queen, but ya know. Market trends demand little girls hitting on adult characters, so boop goes a plot spoiler. Hooray. (Although, I do love that Yuri drops her flat on her ass every time she tries this.)
Man, the balls on this game to pull a Samus three times!
Having said that, I think this game has aged significantly well. Better than the rest of the planet, anyway. Its systems are complex and smooth, and its audio/visual elements remain strong. (Frankly, Yuri’s hair animation is perfect. It’s not focusing on every little thread from his head. Just a little polygon sway! All that’s needed, particularly with this art style.) There are probably a few translation elements that may have been handled differently now, but it’s all good and clear. Maybe heavy on the vocab, but hell. I’m not giving you a quiz.
If you felt the need to play “Tales of Symphonia” after my rattling about that game, check out “Tales of Vesperia” as well. There are a lot of elements here that I think outshine “Symphonia” and Tales RPGs that followed “Vesperia”. At the very least, it is equal parts slick and in-depth when it comes to fighting and its systems. “Vesperia” doesn’t have the same nostalgia sting as “Symphonia” does, but a good game’s a good game, you know? At the very least, maybe watch for a Steam sale on this one (although, apparently some people have controller issues with it, so mind the gap.)
Yes, I did use the Switch controller shaped like a Gamecube controller for this one. How did you know?
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megoomy · 9 months
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got a request for my vesperia berseria au designs and i do have character sheets for them so: everyone is free to draw these if they want! credit is nice but, well, these all heavily reference official tales designs so i dont want to take too much credit for them lol. you can also write about the au and take any amount of what we've come up with, i really don't care, it's all for fun.
UNDER THE CUT: a vague summary of the concept. warning for Profound Self Indulgence and Somewhat Half-Assed Worldbuilding (world...changing? world editing? whatever)
okay basically flynn and yuri met as kids in a village that basically serves as the lower quarter of the au, but after spending a few years together daemons attack the village and nearly everyone dies. yuri survives, but in the process he’s become a daemon. flynn also survives, but is deeply traumatized and gets picked up by the exorcists (conveniently too late to save anyone in typical form). neither knows the other survived. to make matters worse, flynns trauma causes some memory loss…he still definitely remembers that time in the village but its very fuzzy now and as he gets older that only gets worse. and like he thinks all those people died so hes not really trying to remember them.
flynn becomes an exorcist (some flavor of legate) and is going around eradicating daemons when he runs into yuri. he doesnt recognize yuri but yuri is pretty sure he recognizes flynn. but yuri isnt about to say that when flynn is trying to kill him LOL. the general arc is that yuri keeps slipping away and flynn keeps seeing more about him in his efforts to hunt him down, realizing that this strikingly handsome strangely familiar daemon is actually...very kind? takes care of children? helps people for no gain? and this calls into question everything that he thought he understood about the world which is quite troubling.
you can think of them as similar to velvet and eleanor. but I think when flynn joins yuri it's by choice, not because yuri's forced him to be a vessel or because flynn's a spy or anything like that. or at least, he's been thrown out by the abbey for one reason or another and joins yuri instead. (we've tossed around quite a few versions of this. we love playing in the space.)
we've bounced around ideas about the rest of the cast but i only have a sheet for estelle, who is a malak controlled by the abbey ala phi. assigned to flynn, ends up with yuri one way or another. i think rita sees that malaks are people and while she wants to coordinate with them to use their strength she doesn't like how they're treated as tools (the way she feels about blastia more or less).
if you're curious about why flynn and yuri have different fates, like, in terms of lore compliance. i think yuri seeing the thing he holds most dear, the community that cared for him, destroyed in an instant, would probably fill him with malevolence no matter what, especially depending on the circumstances. (like, if the abbey was manipulating things to create daemons or therions) yuri's like...a deeply conflicted character full of self loathing, so, being a daemon really suits him. i think that malevolence would only grow as he sees the world and the abbey for what it really is. unlike someone like rose, yuri NEVER feels unconflicted about Doing Murders.
flynn in canon is pretty conflicted himself of course but i see him as similar to eleanor who can sometimes produce malevolence but has a certain purity of heart that keeps them as pretty good vessel material. nowhere near someone like sorey or rose, and definitely wouldn't have had enough resonance pre-artorius' plot to see anything. also i think the brain trauma and being picked up by the abbey leads to him having very clear purpose and a black and white view for some time, so that helps. (look, let me be real with you, half of the impetus for this au was "it would be funny if flynn had like, religious trauma")
design notes not on the sheets: - yuri's daemonblighted skin is cooler to the touch than his regular skin. but he's a guy with cold hands regardless - i've got purple highlights in his eyes but i think of them as glinting purple in the light. like an animal i guess? - yuri's outfit is mostly inspired by his spirit gear in rays, aside from his normal game canon outfit. - estelle is pulling from a lot of different abbey associated characters but mostly her own design...i didn't want to give her something weird like A FUCKING COLLAR especially bc she's not given to A WEIRDO EXORCIST but i wanted some kind of symbol of captivity so i went instead for a golden mask. pulling from the common malak's gold mask/helmets and seres' mask. in canon a lot of estelle's arc is about being sheltered so i feel like covering her eyes feels, appropriate? idk. - i think yuri still gives estelle her nickname but she wouldn't start out as estellise so its more like yuri gives her a name - you may notice she has the flame of purification (does that have a different proper name? blanking on it) which kind of implies that she's connected to innominat. please don't ask me to elaborate on that point because i literally don't know yet. i think if i were to make her a normal elementally aligned malak she'd be water like her spirit gear in rays, but it feels like she should be Special just like how she's a child of the full moon in canon. we just, haven't really figured out, does the berseria cast still exist, are we replacing them, what would that look like, etc. sorry that stuff should be more important to the concept but we are simply playing with the dolls. teehee
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felixcloud6288 · 4 months
I played Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition without playing the original version. I knew going in that Patty was a new character and Flynn wasn't playable in the original. And I could feel it.
Be aware my criticisms here come from a place of love. I absolutely loved playing this game and my complaints are because I wish it had done even better.
Patty's character arc is entirely disconnected from the story. There are several incidental moments where we get some development for Patty's arc while doing something else, but those moments never tie back into the main plot. And there are several instances, including the conclusion of her arc, where the story gets put on hold and tells you to do Patty's quest.
Furthermore, Patty never actually contributes to any conversation the party has. She might give a comment or two but nothing she says actually moves the conversation forward. The only times she's actually talkative are the scenes focused on her.
Meanwhile, I always felt like Flynn was just a temporary party member, even after he permanently joined the party. Admittedly, the original story caused Flynn to be doing things separate from the party so it wouldn't be easy to get him in the party often.
When I tried to figure out why I always felt like he wasn't really a party member, I originally chalked it down to his lack of presence in the party. If you had him participate in every fight he could, he'd be in less than 10% of every fight in the game.
Flynn also is not in several important story events. Two of the most egregious moments are the big climactic moment in the second act (and right before then, there was a more personal concern Yuri was dealing with that you'd think Flynn would also have) and the hope spot moment in the third act.
At first, I thought my issue could be solved if Flynn was in the party during those and a few other moments in the game, but it still didn't shake the feeling I had. Theoretically adding him into more of the plot didn't make him stop feeling like a temporary party member.
I eventually figured out what was bothering me so much. Flynn is never in the party during any downtime moments. There is never an instance where the party doesn't know what to do where Flynn can help them decide what they want to do. Each time he joins the party, it's when the party has already decided on what they'll do so it feels more like "We're going to do the thing...and Flynn's gonna help."
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hungrydolphin91 · 10 months
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@magicmetslogic well since you asked so nicely ^^ I have to warn you though, it's mostly just a messy outline:
Tales of Vesperia and Evasive Language:
A while back I was feeling nostalgic and started watching an old stream archive of Vesperia Definitive Edition from back when that came out out, and I noticed how the three guys playing it for the first time didn’t always understand what was happening in a scene until halfway through it because the characters were speaking evasively. The more I noticed it, the more I realized just how often Vesperia in particular uses this type of language to add drama and depth to the story and characters, and even support the game’s themes of justice in regards to compliance versus disobedience. Specifically, that evasive language is used in this game to get around laws, for better or for worse, and even by characters that are otherwise lawful (looking at you, Flynn).
I’m not talking about lying or deceptive language, but more of a roundabout, masked language. The characters in this game tell half-truths or speak about a subject without ever saying directly what they mean, but leave enough context for the others to figure it out. Sometimes the "others" refers to other characters, but it can also mean only the audience, creating drama and foreshadowing. For example, lines like Yuri’s ominous “He will get what he deserves” in Capua Torim after Cumore escapes or Judith promise “I will uphold the guild’s laws. But in my own way,” are not lies, but they’re certainly dodging the character’s true intentions– imagine if they had just said “I’m going to murder that guy” or “My reasons for destroying blastia are actually good, but society isn’t ready for that conversation yet.” These examples, though, are more like writing tools meant to be understood by only the audience to keep them curious rather than covertly communicating with another character. Most of the evasive language is used in a less meta context.
The characters most notable for using this language are Yuri and Judith as mentioned before, but also Flynn, Rita, and Raven. Conversations between these characters often require a lot of reading between the lines, like Yuri and Flynn’s early arguments and Yuri and Judith’s one-on-one nighttime chats. The game even seems to encourage the player to look closely at their lines by calling out their evasive personalities, like Estelle saying several times that “Yuri isn’t very good at expressing his feelings” or Judith claiming she’s “not very good at lying” when they actually are, just in a more coded way.
Sometimes they speak this way to protect a secret, like Judith’s reasons for destroying blastia
Judith doesn’t REALLY lie, she just dodges targeted subjects. In a way she’s even more suspicious than Raven, but I think maybe her charisma helps keep the party (minus Yuri, who knows her background) from suspecting her to be up to something
Other times they talk like this to conceal their own feelings, like Yuri, Rita, and sometimes Flynn. Eg. Yuri’s “Catch up to him? Easy for him to say” or Rita’s tsundere-isms to hide that she just wants to travel more/be with Estelle
And of course there’s Raven, hiding his assigned agenda with evasive language but usually doing such a poor job of it that every party member finds him suspicious as hell. Once he’s actually in the party he straight up lies convincingly rather than beating around the bush
(Though part of his successful deception may rely on him being SO suspicious that he couldn't ACTUALLY be as sus as he seems 😅)
But the most prominent example of evasive language being used to advance the themes of the story is the frequent fluctuation between following the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law, used as both constraints and loopholes, by parties under both the Empire and the Guilds. (Eg. Flynn's 'If I don't return you'll have to take my place' vs. Karol's 'everyone in the guild should be punished because technically we're all kinda responsible' etc.)
The streamers and I both were relishing that scene in Capua Nor where Yuri’s party agrees to break the law and sneak into Ragou’s manor in order to give Flynn’s unit the authority to enter under emergency protocol because all of this is established in evasive language-- no one is admitting to the plan verbally but it's established anyway via loopholes and coincidences. It’s definitely illegal by Imperial law, the Knights shouldn’t be collaborating with a known criminal in order to achieve their ends, but since their enemy (also under the Empire) has twisted the laws to suit him perfectly, they all have to bend the rules a little to enforce justice. This ties in marvelously with the themes of the game, that sometimes in order to stop corruption you have to resort to some underhanded methods yourself, yet also exemplifies how this corruption happens in the first place, with Ragou only being able to run his wicked schemes because he has the authority to go above the law.
The guilds actually operate under the same principles as the Empire, maybe even more so. A guild’s laws are its pride, as karol says, and this is shown to be true with how the Don was executed because “eye for an eye” is ingrained in guild law. But shortly after Brave Vesperia is formed, they’re already looking for loopholes to do things like take on more than one job. The scene at the Atherum employs more of that evasive language, this time with Rita deciding to deliver the clear ciel crystal for Estelle’s sake since the guild can’t take another job. 
It’s just interesting to me how quickly they’ve all started finding loopholes to their own rules even though creating their own guild outside of the Empire's laws was so important to them. What they’re doing isn’t wrong or underhanded, but it is illegal, and thus they resort to hypothetical suggestions and coincidences.
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thelaughtercafe · 6 months
Fandom List!
Asterisks* next to anime mean I'm completed with the anime not manga so please no manga spoilers! Thank you once again! 
Characters are fine but if I don't know someone I won't include them!
Italics mean I’m on the cusp of hyperfixating and bold means I currently am. Please request for these fandoms as I’m more likely to get them out faster!
Please remember the 5 character limit for headcanons, 3 for scenarios(any mix of fandoms is fine!) and I hope you enjoy your stay! 
Assassination Classroom* 
Fruits Basket*
Brothers Conflict*
Dance With Devils*
Diabolik Lovers*
Angel Beats*
Claanad/Claanad: After Story*
Ouran Highschool Host Club*
My Hero Academia*
Death Note*
The Promised Neverland
Tales of the Abyss*
Avatar the Last Airbender*
Sword Art Online
Fairy Tail
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Danganronpa 3: Future Arc
Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc
Danganronpa 2.5: OVA
Uta no Prince Sama!
Bungou Stray Dogs (Caught up to end of Season 4, including Dead Apple)
Death Parade
Fullmetal Alchemist*
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Angels of Death*
Ghost Hunt*
The Devil is a Part-timer!*
Mekakucity Actors*
Maid Sama!
Seven Deadly Sins*
Violet Evergarden*
Soul Eater*
Yuri!! On Ice*
Akame Ga Kill!
Black Butler
The Dragon Prince (Up to end of season 3 so no spoilers past that please!)
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjutsu
Miraculous Ladybug*
Banana Fish
Cardfight Vanguard Overdress!!*
Cardfight Vanguard Divinez*
My Happy Marriage(Up to episode 8)
Spy x Family (Up to end of Season 1)
Legend of Vox Machina (Finished season 1 and know the characters, just no plot past that please!)
Video Games
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4*
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 7/Remake*/Dirge of Cerberus*/Crisis Core*
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10*
Final Fantasy 12*
Final Fantasy 13*
Final Fantasy 14*(Caught up to the end of Endwalker, but not post patches yet)
Final Fantasy 15*
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates*
Final Fantasy: Type 0*
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition*
Xenoblade Chronicles 2*
Xenoblade Chronicles 3*
The World Ends With You*
Neo: The World Ends With You*
Kingdom Hearts*
Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories*
Kingdom Hearts 2*
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep*
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance*
Kingdom Hearts 3*
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days*
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded*
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory*
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc*
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair*
Danganronpa v3*
Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls*
Tales of the Abyss*
Tales of Vesperia
Suikoden: Tierkreis
Persona 5 Royal*
Dragon Quest 11 S*
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Obey Me!
Collar x Malice ( Finished Mineo and Takeru's routes so no spoilers for the others but please feel free to request any character!)
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail*
Ikemen: Sengoku
Ikemen: Vampire
Ikemen: Revolution
Ikemen: Villians
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Birthright
Fire Emblem: Conquest
Fire Emblem: Revelation
Resident Evil*/Remake*
Resident Evil 2*/Remake*
Resident Evil 3*/Remake*
Resident Evil 7*
Resident Evil 8*
Baldur's Gate 3
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Stardew Valley (I'm on Year 1 Summer, but can already tell Sebastian and Sam have my whole heart so they're the only two I'm able to write for atm, will update as I finish more)
TV Shows
Criminal Minds
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf*
Good Omens
The Walking Dead
The Umbrella Academy*
Asian Shows
Sweet Home(currently up to Season 2 episode 2)
Bride of Habaek(currently up to episode 7)
My Holo Love*
Boys Over Flowers*
Cheese in the Trap*
Murphy's Law of Love*
Squid Game*(I'll be picky with these requests probably since it's been a while <3)
Rise of the Guardians*
Scream 2*
Scream 3*
Scream 4*
The Little Prince*
Meet Joe Black*
The Princess Bride*
A Little Princess*
Phantom of the Opera*
Les Miserables*
The Breakfast Club*
The Santa Clause*
The Santa Clause 2*
The Santa Clause 3*
Spirited Away*
Howl’s Moving Castle*
Princess Mononoke
Iron Man*
Iron Man 2*
Captain America: The Winter Soldier*
Avengers: Infinity War*
Avengers: Endgame*
Spiderman: Homecoming*
Spiderman: Far From Home*
Heathers: The Musical*
Epic: The Musical*
Not sure where to put this one so it gets its own category!
Critical Role (Up to Campaign 1, episode 40 atm)
Baldur's Gate 3 Oneshot*
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transflynnscifo · 6 months
About Hope of the Town - A Title Lost in Translation
heya folks, I am procrastinating writing and discovered that while I had compiled a document for it, I don't seem to have formally made this post on here. so here goes
As the title suggests, the topic of this post is centered around the translation in TOV, particularly the English one. For keen eyes, one would come to notice that the Definitive edition does not have an ideal translation. Notably, there are spelling mistakes, weird usage of syntax in sentences, and sometimes even outdated information between the 2008 XBOX 360 version, and any version of Tales of Vesperia that has come after it. I specify the last bit as such, because in reality, the definitive edition is a remaster of the Japan-only PS3 version, which changes quite a number of things, including more camera angles, the total number of 9 party members, and so on.
The reason for this is pretty simple: I presume that the Definitive Edition did not change the 2008 translation in any meaningful way, and they had only picked up anything that was present in the PS3 version and translated only that, without checking if anything is consistent, or even in need of updating. The clearest example of it is the DE having 9 Fell Arms, but the sidequest for them continuously saying that they are 7 in total.
However, that isn't the main focus of my post per say. My focus is a bit more specific, which is only a byproduct of such an approach to localizing the game. The information will go under cut for the sake of late-game spoilers.
Hope of the Town is a title that players may be able to get the moment the party approaches the staircase of Tarqaron, where the party has a final conversation before confronting the final boss. From here (and even in post-game), players may backtrack all the way back to the Lower Quarter in Zaphias, where they get Claiomh Solais, a sword Yuri can use, and matching titles for Yuri and Flynn. The name of the title is the localization, where in Japanese, the title is called 下町の希望1/2 or, as the PS3 fan translation on Hyouta would say, "Sharer of Hopes"
Here is where things get interesting. Below are the flavor texts for Yuri and Flynn respectively:
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Yuri's flavor text: "So many hopes and dreams lie on your success. If there was only someone to share this burden with."
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Flynn's flavor text: "Leaving the town's troubles in the hands of you two wasn't a(n) unanimous decision, but things will work out."
Now, at first glance, I didn't notice anything off with the texts here, as they match, somewhat. Albeit, Yuri's would seem an odd choice, as if a certain someone wasn't there the entire scene? Flynn certainly wasn't there in the xbox 360 version. And Yuri's title's flavor text has not been touched since 2008. Flynn's is fine as is, as it's part of the text that was translated for the definitive edition.
What many players wouldn't know (unless they played with Japanese text), is that Yuri's title received an update in the PS3 version!
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This is once again from the fan translation website I love to reference when looking for information. Note that the option for Japanese and English text side-by-side is comparing the Japanese script with the fan translation.
Here is the text from the screenshot:
下町の希望1/2 街の希望は2人で担えば、苦しさは半分こ、 もたらす喜びは2倍のお得な相乗効果
Sharer of Hopes With the two of you sharing the town's hopes, your burden is halved, but you bring double the happiness!
And for the sake of having it all in one place, here is Flynn's:
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下町の希望1/2 街の悩みは2人で担えば、いつも意見が対立する。 それでも出た答えは、下町に希望を与えるそんな二人
Sharer of Hopes Leaving the town's worries in both your hands may cause some squabbling, but the result is always for the best.
Does this mean there is possibly more text that may have share the same fate as Yuri's title? Possibly. For all my time spent on Vesperia inside and outside the game, I never fully dabbled seeing all of the 2008 version had to offer, nor am I good enough in Japanese to play the game in it and find differences myself. Does it make me wish that Bamco did better with the translation of such a popular tales title? Yes, of course. Oh my god.
Thanks for reading!
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b0tsbby · 1 year
You won’t believe this but Bandai Namco’s renowned Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is currently on sale on the Nintendo Switch US estore for the bargaining price of 7.99 USD wink wink nudge nudge
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A Decade of Memes
With the 10 year anniversary of me posting my first Vesperia fic, I decided to look back at the 10 years I've had this blog, with 1 shitpost per year.
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I made a lot of shitposts in 2013, but this one is, I think, the most 2013 of them all. I still love doge. This isn't even my only Vesperia Doge shitpost.
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2014 was an iconic year in Tumblr history, as it brought us the legendary Dashcon and its infamous Extra Hour In the Ballpit.
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I didn't actually have many memes from 2015! That was the year I lived abroad and was pretty busy, so unfortunately real life kept me from making too many shitposts.
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Oh, 2016. That sure was... a year. That was the first year everyone collectively said "Wow! This year was awful! Fuck you, 2016!" and then we kept saying that about every year since. But in that dark time, History of Japan was the most brilliant light.
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Was this the most iconic meme of 2017? No, but this still makes me laugh. I may be the only person who ships Yuri/Alexei, soI will make content that appeals to me and me alone.
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2018, the exciting year when Bamco finally said, "you know what? Yes! Yes, that one!" Years of pleading for a localization of the PS3 edition were at last announced and the fandom rejoiced.
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The Definitive Edition came out in early 2019 and the fandom exploded. Suddenly new people were everywhere and experiencing it for the first time. At the same time, this meme of airpods was all the rage.
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2020 will be remembered as A Year for a while, I bet. I made this edit back in March 2020, back when social distancing was still the most talked about prevention method. Oh.... innocent times. We knew not what was ahead.
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I didn't make any Vesperia memes in 2021! This was the year I started working on original fiction and pulled back a bit from fandom. However, I did play Arise in 2021 and could not resist making at least one shitpost about it.
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Nothing will define my 2022 Tales Fandom experience like the blast I had running the Tales Sexyman Tournament. The day I woke up to find that Peony had won was a wild one and I love everyone who commented or made art throughout the tournament.
No memes yet from 2023! As I finish up my novel and start writing another fanfic, we'll see what comes next!
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prnsn001 · 1 year
Lullaby for Pale Souls; Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (2019)
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ladyazzyscoffeecorner · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged in this from @crossroadsdimension
If I need to re-edit this to credit someone, please let me know. Tumblr is a strange place for me and I'm still learning.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
33 works and hopefully counting!
2. What’s your total word count? 92,157 published on Ao3. It's closer to 110,000 considering some of the backlog I have for two fics. I really want to get back to writing some more but life has lifed.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Predominately Tales of Arise, the Tales of Series (Symphonia & Vesperia <3), a smattering of Persona 5 fics, and one Final Fantasy 16 fic with a multi-chapter planned burning a hole in my pocket I want to finish and then begin posting. I have no doubt this list will grow the longer I write and post.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
What's Included in a Promise (175 kudos, Tales of Arise), Is the Coffee Hot or Cold? (160 kudos, Tales of Arise), Fighting Spirit (70 Kudos, Tales of Arise/Tales of Symphonia), Paperwork (62 kudos for the lone FF16 oneshot) and lastly, Law (50 Kidos, Tales of Arise)
5. Do you respond to comments? Always!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Side Quest Blues, is a Tales of Arise canon compliant very short one-shot. I like my happy endings as much as I like my tragedies but I definitely skew towards writing happy.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm probably my ToA Modern AU, although that is three separate stories with an overall happy ending that timing-wise happens in the second fic in the series? Does that count?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have yet to get hate on my fics and my fingers are crossed it stays that way.
9. Do you write smut?
Nothing published and only an experiment. I doubt that I'll ever post anything.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Technically yes! If you count crossovers between different Tales of games. Crossovers have been love of mine for a very long time <3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I feel like this would either be a labour of love done by myself or someone asking (and if so I'd be honoured).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Never co-written a fic but I have been a part of a collab with the Keep The Flame Alive Discord server! This Magic Burns My Soul
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Does my marriage count?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Zephyr lives. I'd love to write more of it! But that's almost a whole freaking re-write of the game tweaking canon events, which considering I plan to do so with What's Included in a Promise? I feel my soul want to leave my body. I should have one-shotted this one. Thank You For Being My Home
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ooooo. I want to say character interactions and dialogue. But I also know that I've done excellent scene work. The subtly of characters interacting with others or their world? Hmmmm I live for that writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting. World Building. Remembering to describe more than just the characters. I get a little too invested sometimes and have to remember there is a world the characters live in, not just their immediate surroundings or dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I think you should at least learn some of the language you're writing dialogue in if you do not already speak it, OR have someone who speaks/writes it willing to review the translation you want to use. Google Translate only gets you so far.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh. Oh I feel old now.
In the before times many many years ago when I was a new face to the interwebs, it was probably Naruto. Do I have those fics or files? Absolutely not. They died with an old computer that will never see the light of day again.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Dad!Duke, my Tales of Vesperia one-shot. But it is tied with Fighting Spirit because without Fighting Spirit introducing me to one of my best friends, the idea of Dad!Duke wouldn't have existed. But it is the fic I get some of my favourite comments on.
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noa748 · 10 months
For the tales of vesperia definitive edition, they didn't bring back Troy Baker, the previous VO for yuri, and had got a new VO Grant George. So, for the new added cutscenes, you'll hear the new VO.
Ohhhh okay! I’ll have to pay more attention, I think I just didn’t notice since I’m not super far in-game yet. Also whoa Troy Baker I didn’t realize! I know him better as Joel from the last of us haha
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bad0mens · 7 months
Tagged by @suspiciouspopsicle and @auncyen
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!!
how many works do you have on ao3?
50 as of typing this!
what's your total ao3 word count?
872,232 (but I've definitely written about 450,000 more of works finished just not posted)
what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, just Octopath Traveler 2, previously for Tales of Vesperia
what are your top five fics by kudos?
It doesn't really surprise me, but I definitely feel the quality in these works versus one's I've written this year.
The Forest of Memories (452) - A Robin Hood AU for Tales of Vesperia where Flynn is the Sheriff of Nothingham, newly returned from the crusades, and Yuri is Robin Hood.
No Such Thing As Fate (322) - A complete retelling of Tales of Vesperia with the premise that Yuri and Flynn hadn't been friends as children and it had drastically changed certain events. Has two different ending.
Legacy (241) - Tales of Vesperia post canon fic where a cult that followed Alexei change's Yuri life by giving him a blastia heart.
Blue Plate Special (171) - A Super Hero/Cafe AU where Flynn is a cop who frequents the coffee shop Yuri owns, and likes him and his super hero counterpart True Knight.
The Knight of Vesperia (159) - Tales of Vesperia post canon fic where Yuri disappears one year after the events of the game and Flynn has to find out why.
(The Prince and the Magpie is my very next one with 130 Kudos)
do you respond to comments?
I do my best to! Sometimes I don't know what to say, but I appreciate it.
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No Such Thing As Fate Ending # 2
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I work for happy endings, so there's a lot of them. The Happiest would probably have to be either No Such Thing As Fate Ending #1, or The Prince and the Magpie
do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some comments that came across as rude, but it wasn't a big deal.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
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Most of what I've written that's on AO3 as smut goes is fairly vanilla. Noteably I've written 3 'sets'. An aphrodiac trope set of 2 fics, a slightly kinky bdsm maid fics (3 total), and a 5 part set dealing with the aftermaths of Hikari and Partitio's chapter events from chapters 3+. Both of my big Fluri fics (Legacy and No Such Thing as Fate0, but there are scenes, but there's also a plot. Pas de Deux is similar.
do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
No crossovers persay. I did write a very large Tales of Vesperia/Homestuck fusion (about 380k words) but I don't know that I'll ever posted it.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had a few that were reposted (I think on wattpad) and I had to go and get them down.
have you ever had a fic translated?
I was asked about a Chinese translation of A Helping Hand, but I don't know what ever came of it.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
@suspiciouspopsicle and I wrote Paper Stack, a 1920s Tales of Vesperia AU, and Brave Pizzeria, a Tales of Vesperia Modern AU around them being workers in vastly different restaurants and finding love through some pretty interesting circumstances.
what's your all-time favorite ship?
ouuhghg don't me choose....
what's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm really not sure. Probably never finish editing the Vesperia/Homestuck fusion.
what are your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas, playing with metaphor
what are your writing weaknesses?
Story and story beats, coming up with titles
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done binary and code64, but I suppose you mean spoken languages. I can't say I remember doing it. i would want to be so particular about it being perfect.
first fandom you wrote for?
GOD, probably Final Fantasy 6 (it would have been Locke/Celes)
favorite fic you've ever written?
Right now, it's definitely The Prince and the Magpie, but No Such Thing As Fate is a close second.
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mabusthedark · 11 months
Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition - Hard Difficulty: Waiting for the difficulty spike!
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forgottenluck · 1 year
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Kie finally got her switch, but the only games she has are the ones through the family plan. Kie isn't complaining nope, but there's so many games she wants that it's hard to be able to play seriously LOL.
The price of games though is outrageous, and Kie can't afford them right now.
If any of my mutuals want my switch code, just let me know and uh...
Christmas is coming up, if anyone wants to absolutely make my day ima list my wishlist under a readmore....
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: 60$ Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition: 60$ Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity Expansion Pass: 20$ Rune Factory 4 Special (plus Another Episode Pack): 35$ Rune Factory 5 Digital Deluxe Edition: 60$ Pokemon Violet/Scarlet: 60$ Pokemon LegendArceus: 60$ Pokemon Lets Go, Eevee: 60$ New Pokemon Snap: 60$ Animal Crossing New Horizons: 60$ Unpacking: 20$ Cozy Grove: 15$ Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin: 30$ Harvestella: 60$ Roller Coaster Tycoon 3: Complete Edition: 30$ Hokko Life: 20$ Digimon Survive: 60$ Calico: 12$ Cattails: 4$ Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition: 50$ Ni no Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom Princes Edition: 60$ Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpice: 80$
The total is almost 1k, which i cannot for the life of me afford any time soon, and I want to be clear i'm not in any way begging for money or stuff like that. This is only if someone wants too do anything! I'll slowly be crossing this list off AS I GET GAMES so this is also a hub for me to remember what I have and what I don't.
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cheriafreya · 2 years
Did you hear about Tales of Symphonia getting a remaster???
Yes, I did! Honestly even though the announcement made me happy at first, I must admit that it's a very disappointing "remaster", sadly :(
Like I'm glad more people will be able to enjoy the game, but it's the same version we've all already played with just a few minor improvements...
Symphonia deserves better than this, either and actual remaster like Vesperia's Definitive Edition which added new party members and such, or a Remake. But this... this ain't it, it doesn’t even look like they voiced the ENG skits.
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