#takuren family au
starlight-phantom · 8 months
ya know how in canon Shido still arrested even in Ideal reality? AU Brainrot of why this happen : "Whoever treat Ren horribly instead of no pain they will be guaranteed to get more pain" (the concept he can do some sinister shit simply cos his Love for Ren is very interesting)
#takuren family au
I mean, yeah probably. Even if he refuses to admit it, Takuto was traumatised by that event too since he lost two important people to him so I could see him warping things like that and going to extreme measures.
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hayateyagami · 2 years
takuren family au haunts me but nothing would haunt me more than takuren family au but joker is a trans boy
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inkpens-coffee · 3 years
Had this thought and wanted to share with you: my dad is basically Maruki, if he was like 20 years older, bald, and a physicist instead of a counselor. Best dad ever, love him to pieces. Anyway, my baby gremlin self didn't like my dad's glasses because I couldn't see his face very well when he wore them, so I used to grab them off his head and drop them on the ground whenever he held me. And I wanted to be held ALL THE TIME. Now I'm just imagining baby Ren doing the same to papa Maruki. ;_;
Awww!! Papa Maruki is definitely a pushover and always holds his bubba when he wants to be held. I can see baby Ren snatching those glasses the SECOND Maruki picks him up! Every time he does it he does a little evil laugh that’s so cute Maruki doesn’t have the heart to be mad at him~
Lol imagine him with baby Ren standing in his lap and going “who’s the sweetest baby ever!” only for Ren to yeet his glasses and he just goes “… not you apparently” which lil’ Ren finds funny!
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artekai · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maruki Takuto & Persona 5 Protagonist, Maruki Takuto/Rumi Characters: Maruki Takuto, Persona 5 Protagonist, Rumi (Persona Series) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Related, Maruki Takuto is Persona 5 Protagonist's Parent, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Mindless Fluff, Family Fluff, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Snacks & Snack Food, Pre-Canon, Comfortember 2021, Pillow & Blanket Forts
Takuto and his family spend a lovely night sharing snacks in the blanket fort that Ren built with Rumi's help.
@comfortember Day 20: Blanket Fort
This fic was inspired by @wildcard-rumi‘s Takuren family AU! I hope you like it, Rui ^^
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yusuke-of-valla · 3 years
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Ok but this concept Ren REALLY looks like he could be Maruki’s kid
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gimme-more-caffeine · 3 years
Multiple Persona AUs
I'm trying to figure out all my Persona AU ideas because my dumb brain wants to put them all in one GIANT AU which makes no sense. So here is a list of a few of them with some more details:
> Uncle Shibusawa AU (Also Maruki is Akiren's Dad AU)
- Akiren goes to live with his Uncle/Godfather during his probation instead and actually gets there a little earlier than canon time. The move is permanent as Shibu becomes his legal guardian through adoption
- Possible PT Shibusawa, debating on when mostly. I like @wildcard-rumi's idea/au of Shibu being a PT in the past with Rumi and Maruki. My brain wants to give him a Wyvern style Persona since Maruki has something that looks like an Eldritch creature
- Futaba went to Sojiro from the very beginning. Somehow Wakaba put in her will that should anything happen, Futaba goes to Sojiro
- Akiren and Futaba know each other due to their parents, they have kept in touch as best as they could over their years
- Maruki and Akiren's mother were young when Akiren was born, like first year of college kind of early. Before Rumi at least so Akiren didn't know of Rumi, or at least, what he does know is his mother sounded irritated about her (why he doesn't know)
- Taking inspiration from this fic without full on copying (trying to not copy, I just love a lot of ideas)
> Mishima has a Persona AU
- Two choices I came up with for Personas and weapons: Stingy Jack/Scythe or Sinbad/Chakrams
- Possible element: Dark/Curse or get creative and use water instead of Bufu
- Reason for Stingy Jack: it's one of my favorite Halloween legends/stories, but the one I'm familiar with is the ending where Jack is tasked to guide people in the dark with his turnip lanter as punishment for eternity. This one was told by my Mythology teacher, according to her, this is a lesser well known ending to the legend.
- I probably get the feel of the legend wrong, but I am basing this on the guiding ending. With the Phansite, Mishima can guide those who need help from the Phantom Thieves
- Scythes are one of my favorite weapons so I thought it could fit moon boy.
- I was partially inspired by Celty from Durarara for this
- The major con with using Stingy Jack is this feels more like it would fit the Devil or Death arcanas
- Reasons for Sinbad: Biggest reason, I am a fan of the DreamWorks movie. Also I was connecting the moon to water so pirate made sense to me. I'd replace dual wielding knives with using Chakrams (Blame Axel and Tron [and Colette from Tales of Symphinia]. Tron uses throwing disks and is a computer program so it made me connect him to Mishima). I admit that I also am inspired from the Sinbad anime but that probably doesn't really connect to anything
- The cons for using Sinbad are there is already a pirate (Captain Kidd) and a dagger user (Joker)
- I considered Mishima having a persona based on Tron
- Other Personas (these would be the second form) I wanted to use but make no sense or I can't think of a proper reason: Thoth or Artemis
- Other notes: Moon -> Night sky so something that made me think night traveler. Quick side note: had idea for something involving wolves or maybe an owl but l couldn’t properly find any rebels with these.
- Moon is connected to water so I was thinking maybe something involving a mermaid, siren or selkie. The Selkie is my strongest contender for trying to find legends.
- Other ideas I had for Mishima Personas (Since both Futaba and Maruki have Lovecraftian Creatures as Personas then maybe I can work this with Mishima?) are Cthulu or a Hyrdra
...Now that I realize it...I have probably repeated past ideas I've done...
> Familial AU (Making a separate post)
- Persona become animals in the real world and share a mental link with their PT
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A Meadow Watered by Tears (father, can’t you hear your baby crying?)
by charlietheepic7  Fandoms: Persona 5, Persona Series
There were a lot of things he could have said. A lot of things he could have done. But now, he'd waited to long and was forced to watch rage and despair fill her gaze. "Why-?" She choked, barely able to spit the words out. "Why didn't you tell me!?"
The only answer he could give was, "I just wanted you to be happy."
Rating: Mature Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gen Relationship Tags: Maruki Takuto & Persona 5 Protagonist Character Tags: Maruki Takuto, Persona 5 Protagonist, Kurusu Akira, Takamaki Ann, Sakamoto Ryuji, Rumi (Persona 5 Royal) Tags: Maruki Takuto is the Protagonist's Father, Female Persona 5 Protagonist, Female Kurusu Akira, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Freeform, Memory Alteration, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Series: Part 1 of Rebellion Against the Light (no matter its source)
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princekirijo · 3 years
Okay had a random thought and had to share it so Rumi from P5R right? We know almost nothing about her. We know her first name, she was engaged to Maruki, she was pretty dang cheeky and strong willed according to Maruki, her birthday is February 3rd, shit hit the fan one night and fucked up her life. That's all we know.
Here's what my sleep deprived brain has come up with: She has red hair, red eyes, and we don't actually know her surname... Rumi Kirijo, anyone?
Like this is such a COOL IDEA???? LIKE IM ACTUALLY LOSING MY MIND IM TRYING TO FORM COMPREHENSIVE THOUGHTS?! I can't remember how old Rumi is but like what if she and Mitsuru were sisters... Or cousins even... Holy shit my brain is thinking to fast but I absolutely love this? I am going to be thinking about this all day omfg I love it. Thank you for sharing and blowing my mind anon 😳
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So I've been looking through the Maruki tag and seeing everyone's different aus and hear me out: Imagine how awkward Yaldaruki must be in the Takuren Family AU. Like Maruki discovering that Yaldabaoth erased Ren from existence on Christmas and staring at him like a disappointed wife whose husband has some 'splaining to do and Yaldabaoth is just like "Yeah, so funny story I forgot to mention..."
Oh goodness that would cause some...... arguing for sure. Not only did Yaldy basically kilI Ren, he also took his money, and basically ruined his life. So for Ren to find out that not only is Yaldy still alive, but is dating his dad. Yaldabaoth is his new father oh no
Maruki loves them both though so I feel like he'd try and get them to start over..... that may involve getting Yaldy to not use any godly abilities anymore, somehow. Oh they'd be a funny family, that's for sure <(_ _)>
Just imagine coming home only to see that the god you thought you defeated a year ago is dating your father
Poor Ren......... but also poor Yaldy because you know Ren is going to find ways to get back at him
Mayhaps Maruki should invest in some competitive video games for them so they don't beat each other up in real life (✿◡‿◡)
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digifangirl97 · 4 years
Yo I just finished P5R and I gotta ask: do you know any good Maruki fics? I crave content of the apple juice man
Firstly congrats on finishing P5R!! I hope you enjoyed it :D And secondly, I actually haven’t read as much fic with Maruki in it as I’d like BUT what I have read is really good!!
They’re all by the author @rui-the-galax-angel and they’re all really great!! Basically any fic she’s wrote that has Maruki in it is gold, especially her Takuren Family AU where Maruki is Akira’s Dad!!!
To help you get started here’s two fics I recommend:
Mind Made Up (Maruki is determined to keep Akira safe)
I'll Take Care Of You (Maruki takes care of Akira Post-Interrogation)
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starlight-phantom · 8 months
by Japanese, Ren mostly call Takuto "Tou-chan"?
I think the "daddy" equal to "Tou-chan" and the "dad" equal to "Tou-san"
#takuren family au
Yeah, pretty much. Like he'd call him "Tou-chan" as a kid and "Tou-san" as a teenager.
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inkpens-coffee · 4 years
Ya know I'm like you that I think Maruki is still quite young but after reading that Takuren Family AU by Rui... I've noticed that he does have quite a dad-ish fashion sense. I mean... His casual outfit looks exactly like something my dad would wear. So maybe that's why everyone thinks he's older than he is? Cause he dresses like an old man 🤣
Now I can see Ren shaking his head at Maruki’s dad fashion sense so they go clothes shopping together and he has Maruki try on a bunch of cute things to make him look less old
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artekai · 3 years
Ooh for kindergarten teacher Rumi scenarios: What if it's thanks to her that they figure out Ren needs glasses? Like she notices that when he's sat near the board, he gets loads of work done but whenever he's sat near the back, he just kinda sits there looking confused. So she mentions this observation to Takuto and maybe getting Ren a check up to which Takuto immediately thanks her for the heads up and agrees. And then the next Monday, Ren comes in with glasses that match his dad's.
Awww, I love it! :')
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gimme-more-caffeine · 4 years
Uncle Shibu AU
After reading @wildcard-rumi's Takuren Family AU (great series by the way, go check it out!) for like the tenth time, I can’t help but think, what if instead of going with Sojiro in the beginning, Akiren lived with his Godfather Shibusawa (I call him Uncle Shibu whenever I see him in the Takuren Family AU and this AU is basically a "Maruki is Akiren's father" AU). 
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Coffee Dad. I ADORE him, he's one of my favorite Confidant Links, I just really love Uncle Shibu in the AU and it makes me wish there was more to him in the game. I admit to wanting to write this AU at some point, I just don't have a lot of time at the moment. So here are some thoughts I had on this:
- Shibusawa is the one Akiren goes to live with for his probation. Akiren doesn't know how his mother got in contact with his Godfather since she basically all but wiped Mariki out of Akiren's life
- Shibu is worried about Akiren's mental state after the initial arrest and believes that Akiren did the right thing
- Shibusawa is all too happy to show his protectiveness of Akiren, he stands up for Akiren when he says that Akiren was defending a woman from a drunk (Akiren told him the story)
- (Lowkey I want a glaring match between Uncle Shibu and the Shujin Principle with Shibu sticking up for his nephew)
- Akiren copying some of his Uncle's fashion style and maybe mannerisms
- After getting Morgana, Shibu is all too happy to pay the fee (if there is one). If animals are not allowed where he lives, it's a fun game of "Hide the cat"
- Shibu calls Morgana, Akiren's therapy cat. He probably has some note for this just in case so Akiren shouldn't get in trouble 
- Whenever Ren does something suave/charming, Shibu: "He learned that from me!"
- Every time Ren is adorkable (Like in the manga), Shibu to Takuto: "He got that from you."
- Shibusawa talking to Takuto about how he thinks Ren can understand his cat due to how Ren responds/argues with Morgana
- Some times, Shibu just looks at Ren and sees Takuto, he accidentally calls them by the others name from time to time
Other Notes: 
- Thinking of making Shibu into the Hierophant as well as making other Arcana swaps but not too sure 
- I think in game, it mentions that Shibusawa is recently engaged, but I can't remember
- Possibly earlier Shibusawa - Maruki reunion since the wiki says that is their first time meeting up in a long while
- May switch around events or even Thieves, still not sure
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princekirijo · 3 years
Now that I think about it, Maruki's motives are quite similar to Ryoji's... You know in the way that they wanted a world where no one has to suffer. Granted they had very different means of achieving this but still similar motives. I'm just imagining Mitsuru giving Maruki a thinly veiled threat to never pull that shit again because once was enough and he made her go through it again a second time so there's no way in hell she's letting happen a third time.
"You know we had an old friend who tried to achieve that same goal as you..."
"Oh reall-"
"He's not alive anymore."
"..." *Nervously shuffles away*
JSJDBXSJNZJ OK BUT LIKE MY MIND HAS BEEN BLOWN BY THE PARALLELS BETWEEN MARUKI AND RYOJI??? Because you're so right omg... They both didn't want those they cared about to suffer but go about it in the most fucked up way possible...
AND DJXNDIJDUDJDUD MITSURU JUST BEING SO PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE TO MARUKI IS SO FUNNY 💀 but like Mitsuru would definitely be pretty pissed at Maruki for all the shit that's she and her friends have been dragged through like she would definitely threaten him 💀 I kinda want to draw that interaction now 👀
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starlight-phantom · 8 months
Lol what make me very interested in Takuto is Ren dad is cos simple chat PT have in game. I forget when it happen but it is basically someone mentioned that have "frizzly or curly hair and wear glasses" Ryuji say "i dont know sound like Ren to me"
Yeah, ngl, I made the AU before the game even came out and the reason I came up with the AU was because I saw Takuto in all the trailers and promotional stuff for Royal and thought "Wow, this guy looks like he could be Ren's dad" and then my brain went "What if?"
So I guess I was unintentionally Ryuji for a minute there.
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