dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Severus Snape RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Potential Informant AGE / BIRTHDATE : 19 Years Old / born 9 January 1960 + birth time up to player ZODIAC SIGN : Capricorn ( sun ), moon + rising signs up to player EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Slytherin House ) BLOOD STATUS : Halfblood
✧     Gabriel McKinnon ( platonic ) ✧     Sirius Black ( antagonistic ) ✧     Peter Pettigrew ( player’s choice )
On the Hogwarts ground, near the Whomping Willow.  He is currently missing following the Battle of Hogwarts.
PLAYER : Tara FACECLAIM : Rocco Fasano URL : @scvcrvssnape
ZERO / RISING. * How is your character perceived by others?  What mask do they wear, and is there more than one?
Two key principles seem to guide Severus Snape: logic and self-interest.
He assumes the air of someone unemotional and overwhelmingly detached (very rarely does he unwillingly allow someone to get under his skin and disturb the veneer that’s taken years of practice to cultivate). He’s the embodiment of silent pragmatism, often found observing from the shadow’s edge rather than jumping into the action himself. Some would call this cowardice, but he chooses to call it tactical intelligence.
Everyone knows that it’s impossible to change his mind once he convinces himself of something. The only opinion he trusts anymore is his own.
Others always viewed him as something rotten and inferior (and maybe he is). But he meets such judgments with frigid hatred or coldhearted indifference, depending on the day. After all, supposedly ice can burn just as sharply as fire.
ONE / THE SUN. * Choose one to explore : what about their personality, general preferences, sense of self / ego, or fundamental traits attracted you to them?
Severus Snape is a character that always captivates me because he’s such a fundamentally terrible person as an adult. And like all humans, he had the opportunity to make choices over the course of his life that could have led him down a separate (and less terrible) path, but he specifically chose not to let anything alter his trajectory.
I do have sympathy for Severus in that he was treated horrifically by so many people during the course of his childhood. He was a victim of classism, and of judging a book based on its cover, and of mob mentality bullying, and of domestic abuse from his father. But. He also chose to respond to that mistreatment with more, and with displaced, hatred and retaliation. He made the active decision to side with the Death Eaters not because he wholly agreed with them ideologically, but because they were the only people who seemed to see his potential value. He steeps himself in defense mechanisms that only make matters worse in most cases. He’s brilliant, but he is immensely stubborn to a fault. It’s his shady sense of morality (a morality which is mostly based on whatever he thinks is most convenient for him at the time) that interests me.
The other complicated thing about Severus is that he IS, weirdly, self-aware, but he lacks willingness to take responsibility. Looking back on his actions, he can’t escape blaming (and subsequently hating) himself— so he forcefully places the blame on others instead. He’s made poor choices, and he knows it, but he also thinks that he can blame those choices on the previous actions of other people (it’s his mindset that everyone expected him to turn out terribly, so is how he’s turned out actually a surprise to anyone?). This cycle hasn’t yet been broken.
A note about Capricorn Suns: “This is a sign that is anything but shallow and superficial; beneath the Capricorn’s cool, reserved and calculating exterior lies a profound resource of emotional strength, psychic resilience and earthy endurance. The recognisable character traits of the sign reveal compulsion, dedication and perseverance in its aims and interests. Capricorns may not impress others by their motivation but neither do they seek the easy approval or widespread attention of others. Their ambitions - in relationships, career and personal growth - are rooted in an ‘inner’ motivation that runs too deep to be easily shaken. Their strengths (and their faults) are based upon the qualities of stamina, fortitude, staying power and survival.”
It’s Severus’ fortitude and dedication that have always been his strengths, though misdirected. Could he be redeemable if his qualities were redirected? What would the stakes have to look like in order for him to change his mindset? What would happen if the options presented to him were different? I’m interested to see how those possibilities might turn out.
TWO / THE MOON. * Which color would you associate most strongly with them and the emotions that dominate them?  Describe however you’d like.
DARK RED. The soft, comforting leather bindings on the books that line his bookshelf. The well-worn, threadbare rug that provides some minimal warmth from the cold wooden floorboards underfoot. Bright red hatred and resentment, dulled over time with the black tint of bitterness and exhaustion. The dark, wet blood he knows must be on his hands (or will be, before long).  
THREE / MERCURY. * What is this character’s area of expertise? Where do they excel?
Severus’ careful sense of precision has served him well; hyper-focused, he excels in attention to detail and in taking the painstaking time necessary to complete tasks to satisfaction. But that doesn’t mean he’s always conservative, especially with magic. He’s willing to experiment and think outside the box, which is why his spell-creations are a secret advantage of his.
On a social level, although he’s clearly never been a people-person, Severus has cultivated the appearance of an even-headed observer. In most cases nowadays, he’ll listen before he reacts, and he’ll think (and sometimes overthink) before he speaks. He rarely reveals his emotions on his face, either; these combined abilities have proven to be valuable cooperative skills.
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tempore-rp · 8 years
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“If looks could kill, we would have long ago been done for”
Name: Narcissa Alba Black  Age: 22 D.O.B: December 31st, 1955 Blood Status: Pureblood Loyalty: None/Her Family Occupation: None Preferred Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight Faceclaim: Holliday Grainger  Status: Taken
+loyal, charming, strong -obsessive, arrogant, self-centered
Brief Biography:
Narcissa was born as the year died, coming into the world on that icy winter’s night in the way most pureblood daughters arrived, to disappointment. She was a surprise, not planned like the others. After two daughters Druella and Cygnus Black had long given up hope that they would have a son, until Druella found herself pregnant two years after Andromeda was born. Instead, they had Narcissa. As light as her sisters were dark, Narcissa was the object of much interest in her early childhood. Fair haired, icy grey eyes, the rumors flew about Cygnus Black’s youngest daughter, mainly that he was not her father. And then there was the matter of her name, not for a star or some celestial being as was the Black family tradition, but a flower and references to a Greek myth full of vanity and pride. But the Blacks are a proud family, and anyone who dared say anything too loudly was quickly silenced.
She grew up protected from the harshness of the world, in that big house she had everything a girl could want, but attention and affection. Her parents watched from afar, cold, insisting that the sisters be as accomplished as possible. All the better to sell off as potential brides. She’d been a surprise, but still a disappointment because she was not a son. And maybe the rumors had gotten to Cygnus more than he would ever let show, but with his youngest he was colder and more distant than with any of the others. Narcissa was Druella’s last chance to raise the status of the family, since she’d so failed in bringing a son. With Bellatrix’s fruitless marriage and Andromeda’s shame, her mother increased the pressure on Narcissa to be perfect. She tried her best, always wanted to please everyone, but she was never enough.
Clear, grey eyes that hold universes, she was much more intelligent than most think. She’s learned to hide that though, bring some warmth to the ice there and fool people with a doe-eyed glance. She learned to be pretty and pleasing too. A china doll, in looks and demeanor. She was everything the perfect pureblood wife and daughter was supposed to be. She even looked happy.
The most defining moment of Narcissa’s life was when her sister left. It fundamentally changed who she was as a person, she withdrew into the cold and aloof person she became. She hasn’t cried since the day the person she looked up to most in the world walked away. Her heart still ached, the dull throb of an old wound, and most days she wanted to rip out the traitorous, bleeding organ and be done with it. Narcissa will never let anyone know how much it hurts, how much she feared that each person she dares let see below her mask will leave her.
Suggested Connections:
Andromeda Black Tonks - Sister Hates
Bellatrix Black Lestrange - Sister
Evan Rosier - Best friend and cousin
Lucius Malfoy - Husband
Dorcas Meadows -  Hates 
Helena Rosier - Cousin
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Poppy has always been someone that loves looking after people. For the first half of her life, it was just something that she had to do – her mother was an ill lady, and after their father had left her, it was left in the six year old’s hands to take care of the sick woman, who was bed bound. It meant that she didn’t have much of a childhood and grew up incredibly quickly, but that never mattered to her. It didn’t matter that she got to go out and play with children her age, because she spent so much time with her mother, sitting on her bed and reading to her, drawing with her, and cuddling with her. Her mother was her best friend up until the age of ten, where she unfortunately died. From the day her mother died, Poppy closed herself off. She didn’t like to let anyone else in, the fear buried inside of her that they would leave her just like her mother and father did, and she was taken into a big school where she lived until she was eighteen, ready to leave the school and make her way in the world. That was the first time she met Dumbledore, when she was ten – he had know her father, and whilst the man wasn’t coming back to look after his daughter, he had asked Dumbledore to do it. Poppy loved living at Hogwarts, playing in the grounds and with whatever creatures were being brought in by the Grounds Keeper, watching Quidditch games and practices whenever she could. But she also spent a lot of time in the hospital wing, watching the Healers do their daily jobs, taking care of students and teacher that came in with ailments. She quickly took to the brewing of potions, and even took a few down to the Hospital Wing in her fifth year that she thought could replace the current healing salves they had in there for burns, grazes and cuts. It was clear that Healing was going to be what she did with her life, and through her life at Hogwarts, she did her classes and then went to the Hospital Wing, to study further. Dumbledore taught her to never be someone who was biased around other people, so she became a field nurse after leaving Hogwarts – she doesn’t care who she helps, as long as she helps them live. Death Eater, Order Member, just a civilian or a supporter, she doesn’t care, and does whatever she can do to make sure they walk away from their injuries alive. She has friends on both side of the war, people she cares about deeply too, but she still rarely lets anyone in. Why would she, when they could die at any moment?
STRENGTHS: Kind, Tidy, Unbiased, Controlled
WEAKNESSES:   Strict, Worrier, Unemotional, Snappy
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Dirk Cresswell RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Ally / Potential Recruit AGE / BIRTHDATE : 18 Years Old / birthdate + birth time up to player ZODIAC SIGN : Aries ( sun ), moon + rising signs up to player EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Hufflepuff House ) BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn
✧     Rebekah Abbot ( platonic ) ✧     Gabriel McKinnon ( antagonistic ) ✧     Davey Gudgeon ( player’s choice )
In Diagon Alley.  He’ll learn of the Battle of Hogwarts as the rest of the Wizarding world does.
PLAYER : Logan FACECLAIM : Gavin Leatherwood URL : @dirk-crxsswll​
ZERO / RISING. * How is your character perceived by others?  What mask do they wear, and is there more than one?
  You walk around as if you were broken, a fractured tea cup. Your shattered piece glued together with hope and tenderness; your allure painted the cleavage of your pieces with gold flecks to hide how inadequate you feel. When people whisper your name it is often followed with your acts of chivalry and protection; that even if your blood holds no purity, no nobility—you act as if you were someone of that merit. You consider fairness and kindness to be virtues, tools even that when it comes to mending, solving, or processing this unfair world you might know how to.
 When others look at you they see a boy, strong and handsome a brash tongue always arguing for the good, yet does anyone really see you? You play parts as well as you played being in love with a God you were told was real your whole life—Are you just a jockish Quidditch player? Are you the sensitive poet hiding in the Astronomy tower? Perhaps the big brother to most of the younger student in your house…you know, how you stay up late until the scared ones fall asleep. You might be rougher around the edges, your hearts is nothing but soft and people lean on you for that.
ONE / THE SUN. * Choose one to explore : what about their personality, general preferences, sense of self / ego, or fundamental traits attracted you to them?
   What drew me to make Dirk was the element of using astrology in the roleplay is what sparked my desire. Aries, though I’m personally not one, is one of my favorite signs. They are brazen, passionate, and foolhardy signs but to me there’s so much beauty there. I wanted to play a character who held the traits of a Arien that typical brave, hardy, enthusiastic nature but mix it with the kind and gentle traits of a Hufflepuff then hit out of the ball park with all the water placements in his charts.
  Dirk in my mind is this hodgepodge of personality traits that linger somewhere between a modern day, knight who fights ignorance with assertiveness and understanding whilst also being a quiet poet, who’s language is love and tenderness. The dimensions of himself are that boys can be soft, they can be kind but there is no weakness in that—you can raise your voice, fight for what’s right, and constantly prove people wrong with out hatred…with out violence…and with integrity.
TWO / THE MOON. * Which color would you associate most strongly with them and the emotions that dominate them?  Describe however you’d like.
mus·tard · yel·low—x
   There’s something understated about mustard yellow, it varies in lightness and hue. It’s yellow can be bright and saturated, to a muddled, almost brown tinted color. This color makes me think of Dirk by how his moods can shift, yet never truly negative. He’s optimistic even in the most desperate of times. There are days where he’s vibrant yellow, it’s shade matching his corduroy jumper he loves to wear—or if frustrated, his tone and vibrancy matches that of the earthier yellows. I liked the muted yellows that mustard brings, cause as much as I want Dirk to be kind and cheery, I want dimensions to him. I wanted a color that was rooted in who he is; bright, light, and warm yet showcased his more aloof or distant streaks he has. So for me this color works the best.
THREE / MERCURY. * What is this character’s area of expertise? Where do they excel?
  Something that once started out as a joke, flourished into enjoyment and then a hobby was languages for the boy. Gobbledegook was his first magical language he tackled, introduced to language when he was a fourth year, he practiced religiously over the years. Since then he’s became fluent, even dabbling in other areas like centaur and some mermish (though the results aren’t as great). Something about translations and communications intrigued the boy, liking that no matter his birth, magical status, or region he wanted to be able to communicate with whomever or whatever you were. He knows German and Latin too, thanks to a professor and his uncle.
  Outside of that, magically he is well versed in transfiguration, arithmancy, and DADA. He has an interview lined up to work at Gringotts, hoping to become a curse-breaker by the time he’s twenty one.
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Davey Ariel Gudgeon RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Ally / Informant AGE / BIRTHDATE : 18 Years Old / born 7 May 1961 at 4:10pm IDT ZODIAC SIGN : Gemini ( sun ), Scorpio ( moon ), Scorpio ( rising ) EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Slytherin House ) BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn
✧     Alastor Moody ( platonic ) ✧     Frank Longbottom ( antagonistic ) ✧     Bilius Weasley ( wild card )
In Diagon Alley.  They’ll learn of the Battle of Hogwarts as the rest of the Wizarding world does.
PLAYER : Mod Rivka FACECLAIM : Ezra Miller URL : @goodgeon​
ZERO / RISING. * How is your character perceived by others?  What mask do they wear, and is there more than one?
Davey is a person comprised of many, many layers, not all of which are shared with all people.  To say they were mysterious would be a misnomer --- --- truly, they're a pretty quick study, just don't tell them that --- --- but they are . . . complicated.  They're easygoing, affable, in possession of a quick and scathing sense of humor and an equally vicious wit ; they're difficult, they're petty, they can veer straight into condescension and self - isolation if given the slightest provocation.  They're a show - off, certainly, and they're a know - it - all, too.  They are many things, they are many, made up entirely of a rainbow of facets they flit between from day - to - day depending on their mood, surroundings, relationships, and desires.  ( Does this manifest with a hefty handful of flakiness, too ?  Sure it does.  Alongside a loyalty that's selective, hard - won, and blood - deep. )
Throughout their life, Davey's experiences have asked them to form a particular set of armor, a beautiful, well - maintained shell they've created for themselves to safeguard what they care about most : their Self, their soul, the body that carries them through the world.  A childhood spent learning to trust themselves, despite what others would seek to tell them, built the scaffolding of teenage years spent aggressively reclaiming that energy, outright refusing to budge along or to reduce themselves to accommodate anyone, even in situations where, objectively, they likely should've.  Their reaction to being told they're too much, too feminine, not masculine enough, what are you wearing, what's wrong with you, are you a boy or a girl ? has become to double down, and their reaction to similar taunts about their blood status or disability or family is the same --- --- they've created a life in which any barb aimed in their direction simply plinks off the chestplate of the armor they've spent so long forging.
Davey was raised to never apologize for who they were, told from childhood by their family that what they are is perfect, is priceless, is hard - fought and deserving of defense.  The discovery of their magic and their acceptance to Hogwarts did nothing to challenge this, although the sudden realization of the sliding scale of indifference to HATRED that Davey's blood status fostered once at school certainly did.  But rather than quail beneath it, rather than dim themselves, Davey only got more proud, louder, BRIGHTER, something that made them just as many enemies as friends as they passed through school.  For every student who looked down at them, for every slur thrown their way, every judgmental look, Davey took it and added it to their armor.  And this pride doesn't stem simply from the dawning knowledge of the war rising up outside the castle's walls ; Davey would be proud of who they have become no matter the climate.  They've spent too much time feeling unwelcome in their body to waste another second.
And Davey doesn't have the privilege of living in only one world, either ; they leave Hogwarts every summer to return to their family home in London, as equally a stand - out in their family's community of Orthodox Jews as they are walking the castle's halls.  They could allow all of this to dull them, but they don't.  Instead, they just burn brighter.  But that shouldn't be mistook for extroversion, either.  Davey keeps their circle of genuine friends small --- --- they gravitate toward others on the fringes, the misfits, the loners, the people for whom life has been made hard through no fault of their own, and they are willing to lay it on the line for them.  That's what their parents taught them, from a young age, a story born from millennia of persecution, from scant decades separating them and so, so much death : there is no honor in neutrality, no goodness in standing by simply because what's happening does not directly affect you.  This is what drives them, it's what makes them difficult right alongside what makes them so, so incredible --- --- Davey will never, has never and won't ever begin to go down without a fight.
ONE / THE SUN. * Choose one to explore : what about their personality, general preferences, sense of self / ego, or fundamental traits attracted you to them?
Davey has really presented me the opportunity to indulge in a lot of my Very Favorite Meta Concepts in this universe : I've always had a massive soft - spot for investigating how ' Muggle ' religion and culture intersect with the magical world, how muggleborn children adjust to life at Hogwarts and to life with powers, how the global history and political climate of this time period influence these students coming of age inside a private, closed community locked in a secret war, how disability and difference present and are handled by the wizarding community, how gender and sexuality are examined by a group of people who know that the world has never, will never, be binary or black - and - white.  They're really a neat reason to delve way into a lot of these ideas that I've been kicking around as long as I've been a fan of this medium, and truthfully, I've never really had the chance to stretch my legs - and - creative - muscles with a character that's essentially an OC, before, and there's no time like the present, right ?
Geminis are people of many talents, sometimes disjointed but always insatiable ; adaptable, excitable, and open to whatever the world has to offer them, their investment can sometimes be overwhelming, particularly for people who are unprepared to have their worldviews challenged.  A Gemini Sun inspires an unstoppable force, trading flexibility for fire, tact for speed.  They're flexible, mercurial, and often polarizing, and can shift sharply between being charming and outright off - putting.  Their Scorpio Moon intensifies this, opening a well of emotional sensitivity, fostering vulnerability right alongside an everlasting ability to form and hold grudges based upon mistreatment.  STUBBORNNESS and hard - headedness becomes a dominating trait, only magnified by the rising sign's indication that darkness must be faced head - on in this lifetime, rather than excused or ignored.  Concerned most with the soul, Scorpio rising encourages a life that doesn't dwell in the negative, but seeks to abolish it, by any means necessary, even, sometimes, to the person's detriment.
Gemini is also aligned most closely with Hod ( הוד ) the eighth sephira of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which houses the ten attributes through which G-d reveals themselves.  Hod is the act of submission to obstacles, not in surrender, but rather to overcome : its astrological significance weighs heavily upon Gemini's often aggressive shoulders, warning of times when battles can be fought by simply leaving them behind.  Hod is also thought to be where the truest form of magic is available, and is closely associated with intellectual pursuits, ritual, and the act of breaking concept into smaller pieces for specific mastery.
I really am leaning into duality here as well : Davey's entire existence is politicized --- --- Jewish, disabled, muggleborn, non - binary.  They exist in a space they've made for themselves, a space they've more often then not had to TAKE BY FORCE.  Their perspective on blood supremacy, on this war as a person who was born entirely outside it is so interesting, and I want to see where it goes ; Davey's family fled Occupied France, they were raised by Jews who survived an atrocity that would've seen them eradicated, the concept of some stodgy old group of in - bred idiots convinced of their own mythical superiority isn't a totally new or groundbreaking thing for them.  In a lot of ways, Davey's a wildcard this way : they're neutral, not because they don't have strong opinions, but because they do, because they lie outside a pre - established order of things in a world they weren't born into.  Davey is . . . far too radical for groups like the Order, and I doubt they would've accepted an invitation even if they'd received one, because in their mind, caution is synonymous with inaction.  They have a unique perspective, informed by their family's history, by their people's history, and the understanding that plotting something as simple as the Loss of a Leader by no means fosters a victory, by no means untangles the tendrils of hate that allowed that leader to take power in the first place.
Davey hardly trusts his Order - adjacent friends, sparing that for the closest few muggleborns he considers to be nearly family.  Davey doesn't consider themselves wixen as much as they consider themselves a person with magical abilities, in fact they hold very little affinity for the greater magical world.  And while they aren't privy to all of the Order's dealings, obviously, their anger runs deeper and burns hotter, born from a place of exclusion rather than anything particularly righteous.  I want to see Davey's arc take them to confrontation with --- --- and hopefully, eventual understanding alongside --- --- witches and wizards who believe that Voldemort's death brings the end of blood supremacy.  I want Davey to continue their life - long refusal to be cowed, refusal to be quiet, refusal to shut up and go along for the ride, refusal to be pushed aside ; they come from a very, very long line of people who should've been dead, they aren't wasting time letting their life or their rights languish in anyone else's hands but their own.  The Ministry, the Order and its supporters, the Death Eaters, even the blessed true neutrals who can't be bothered to care : none of them are on Davey's side.  For them, there isn't growth or protection in joining ; I want to see them get proved wrong, or maybe get proved right.  The distinct separation between Davey's worldview, seen from beneath the oppressive lens of day - in, day - out institutionalized and INBORN blood supremacy and hatred, and that of half - blood or pureblood wizards for whom this war has become more about defeating an enemy is vital to this.
TWO / THE MOON. * Which color would you associate most strongly with them and the emotions that dominate them?  Describe however you’d like.
NEON.  Buzzing signs and the black - lit smudges of a blotter sheet, a rainy city’s night reflected back in puddles disrupted by quick steps in patent - leather boots.  Hallucinations and their accustomed heaviness, the soft - edged weight of exhaled smoke and candlelight, unnatural pinks and reds crawling from flowerpots in a greenhouse that could make any child fall in love.  The brilliance of blood against white teeth, fuchsia lipstick against stubble, satin, silk, leather, velvet, something sumptuous and traffic - stopping worn with all the impenetrable confidence of chainmail.  Spell - pops, spell zings, the heat of magic and how it always feels just the smallest bit of a miracle, the brilliant - blue of a withering patronus and the rainbow’s worth of charms and hexes yet unmastered.  Loud prints, pasted - up posters, glow - in - the - dark and glitter and the wash of bar - room bathroom halogen light.  The sunset flare at the end of a cigarette, at the end of a joint, at the tip of a match held to a braided candle bearing witness to Havdalah.
THREE / MERCURY. * What is this character’s area of expertise? Where do they excel?
Davey is a gifted Herbologist ; they took to the subject overwhelmingly well at Hogwarts, and count Professor Sprout as both a tremendous influence and a friend.  They’ve gone out of their way to combine Muggle sensibilities with magic, and alongside acting as a drug dealer ( ' florist ' was the slang term of the day ) for both the Magical and Muggle communities in London, Davey spends their time experimenting with new ways to grow marijuana plants and synthesize other psychedelics, as well as cultivating various expensive, rare, or otherwise uhhhhh illegal plants to sell to potioneers or anyone else in need of such ingredients.  They tend to test most of their experiments on themselves, especially to ensure they're safe --- --- their magical physiology affords them a bit more protection and durability than their muggle family members, for example --- --- but they also have a habit of asking their magical friends to test the final products, free of charge of course, as long as they allow them to hang around and see what happens.
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Davey Ariel Gudgeon RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Ally / Informant AGE / BIRTHDATE : 18 Years Old / born 7 May 1961 at 4:10pm IDT ZODIAC SIGN : Gemini ( sun ), Scorpio ( moon ), Scorpio ( rising ) EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Slytherin House ) BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn
✧     Alastor Moody ( platonic ) ✧     Frank Longbottom ( antagonistic ) ✧     Bilius Weasley ( wild card )
In Diagon Alley.  They’ll learn of the Battle of Hogwarts as the rest of the Wizarding world does.
PLAYER : Mod Rivka FACECLAIM : Ezra Miller URL : @goodgeon
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Castor Black isn’t your typical member of the Black family, and he likes it that way. He’s never been one for fancy balls or large family dinners, and he’s not into all of their extra-curricular activities either. The kidnap and torture of innocent people with different blood types to them doesn’t interest him at all, and that’s one of the reasons that he left. The middle child, between Walburga and Cygnus, Castor doesn’t like settling down, and never stays in one place for too long. In fact, this is the first time he’s had a stable job in a long time, and is happy to stay in one place.
It’s still a mystery to him why he wants to settle down, but he has a feeling it’s something to do with his family. He’s heard rumours that the Black family is going to shit, with Sirius having been disowned, Andromeda hanging around with a muggleborn boy, Bellatrix being her usual vindictive self and Narcissa not being happy with her arranged marriage, and he’s come back to make sure that it doesn’t happen any longer. His family needs something to hold them together, and fun Uncle Cas thinks that he may be the one to stop the Black family from imploding on itself.
Castor has a thing about staying with the same woman, and he has a three strike rule. He won’t sleep with a woman more than three times, because then feelings become involved and he can’t stand that. He made the mistake once before, of sleeping with a woman more than he should have done and she became far too attached to him, and wanted him to settle down. The thought had crossed his mind at the time, but now he’s glad that he didn’t. Cas can’t even imagine where his life would be if he had settled down all those years ago - a stable job, a house, and a family perhaps, and he can’t stand that idea. His life is so much more fun, and he loves it. 
STRENGTHS: Smart, Confident, Flirtatious, Hard
WEAKNESSES: Unemotional, Playboy, Indecisive, Sarcastic
CONNECTIONS: Famly: Black Family; Friends: Iain Fraser, Marcus McKinnon; Ex: Calliste Delacour
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