#tails au
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mayziii · 9 months
Shadow: “you’ll get used to it.”
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glitchysquidd · 1 year
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nine my beloved... he's so sassy and emo i love him.
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nejishadow · 19 days
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31 Days of Sonic: Day 31 - Origin
Creation Date: Jan 4th, 2024
The first fully digital thing done on my tablet. No sketches ported in, no bases etc etc. Felt fitting for the final day! I've gotten better since then, just look at some other days, but I couldn't replace it <3
Decided to do a diff take on the day theme. Rather than a character direct origin, like Classic or creation scene, I focused on a Sonic creator whos art just makes me really happy: Evan Stanley! I've enjoyed Evan's work pretty much the whole time she's been with Sonic, but since IDW she's grown and improved so much. Seeing her draw Sonic or Tails just instantly makes me happy, they look so loved
While browsing real old Sonic comics (literally don't remember how I got there, these things are pre-2010) I found out she was doing an adaptation of Darkspeed's "Tails Away". An Origin for her current work if you must haheheh hoo... Yes this is stretching the meaning but fight me! I wanted to redraw stuff from this somewhere in 31 days and the last day felt poetic!!
Tails Away was started in 2003 by Darkspeeds This piece was inspired by Evan Stanley's ( @spiritsonic ) continuation cover, from 2007.
Art transcends time and space. I hadn't even begun learning to draw when these comics were being drawn! And here I am 17 years later drawing the design for a Sonic Challenge originally made to celebrate IDW.
Slightly sorry for long descrip, but I'm passionate about a lot of the comic artists alongside the game artists because they inspire me so much! I wouldn't still be here learning or drawing if these artists didn't love Sonic so much
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Trying to flesh out my Werefox Tails Au a bit
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juphut · 1 month
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Tails is not looking too happy today
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kaylas-world-0 · 3 months
✧*・゚*𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠
Is this an x Reader?
hmm... probably
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"Once upon a time, in a universe far beyond the reaches of our own, there existed a child from the stars. She was full of curiosity and wonder. From the moment she was born, she longed to make friends with the other stars who filled the vast expanse of the universe.
However, as she wandered among her fellow celestial sisters, she soon realized that they were too consumed with their own egos and desires. Each star was solely focused on shining the brightest, competing with one another for attention and admiration. No one seemed interested in the gentle light that emanated from her being. She yearned for companionship, for friends who would truly care instead of pretending not to see her.
Feeling disheartened, she made a difficult decision. She left her sisters behind and venture off into the unknown in search of genuine companionship. With a renewed sense of hope, she set her sights on a new world where their sun and moon wandered idly around an enchanting planet.
As she descended towards this beautiful planet, she was mesmerized by the harmonious dance of the sun and the moon. Their presence filled her with a sense of awe and excitement. With a happy heart and eagerness in her eyes, she wished to make friends with these celestial beings who seemed to possess a unique balance of light and darkness.
Her arrival on the planet ignited an enchanting string of events that would forever alter the destinies of three extraordinary beings. Intrigued, a blue hedgehog emerged from the surface of the moon to see this radiant star's child. His playful nature and carefree spirit complemented the moon's serene atmosphere. She was entranced by his fearlessness and individualist nature, and together they discovered the mysteries of the night that falls upon the world.
Simultaneously, a golden fox came forth from the sun to meet her. With his inner fire and pure soul, he radiated warmth and light like the brilliant sun itself. She was captivated by his wit and kindness, as he showed her the wonders of daylight and the vibrant world that accompanied it.
As their friendship grew, the three companions shared moments of joy and laughter. They danced through fields of stardust and swam in oceans of moonlight, experiencing the beauty of both day and night. She felt a profound sense of belonging, knowing she had finally found friends who truly understood and cared for her.
But amidst the shared happiness, a gentle ache started to grow within the fox's heart. He had fallen deeply in love with her, unable to deny the profound connection they shared. However, in the depths of his soul, he feared that his love for her would forever remain unrequited. He knew his brother meant no harm, but she and the hedgehog seemed to grow closer each passing day, and he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of envy towards him, causing something inside him to turn petrified.
However, as fates often do, a dark cloud of sorrow loomed on the horizon. One fateful morning, as the sun prepared to illuminate their world, a sinister man emerged from the shadows, tearing apart their peaceful night like a cruel paper cut. He wickedly whispered into the fox's ear, flaming that venom inside his heart to burst out like hot lava, his words ravaging his golden essence, infecting him with corruption. Next, he turned his attention to the child of the stars, whispering poison into her innocent mind, dimming the light that once emanated from within. In horror, the hedgehog watched as their friends were consumed by the darkness that had infiltrated their souls.
With unfaltering determination, the hedgehog sprang into action, desperately trying to reach the corruption inside of his friends in hopes to purify them. He pleaded with them to see the truth, to break free from the tangle of lies, but anger and grief clouded their perception. The hedgehog's earnest cries fell on deaf ears, for the corrupted hearts of his friends refused to hear the truth. As the pain within their companions grew, the stars themselves began to dim, mirroring their sister's agony. In the same vein, the sun, witnessing the suffering of the golden fox, unleashed its wrath upon their world, scorching everything in its path. The celestial harmony crumbled, and the very fabric of the sky descended into turmoil as the sun waged war against the night.
In the midst of the chaos, the dark blue hedgehog, his soul aching with sorrow, unleashed a powerful silent cry, which pierced the surface of the moon, tearing open a deep chasm and craters. His hearts bled for their fallen friends, caught in an eternal struggle he could not halt. His pleads for reconciliation went unanswered, his pain echoing through the desolate battlefield.
And so, the selfish and relentless clash sparked a war that seemed to stretch across eternity, leaving their world in perpetual conflict. Peace became a distant dream, nothing more than an elusive memory. The moon, looming above the planet, reflected a bright light tinged with anger and sadness, once a reflection of the love shared between close friends. Her light now shone mournfully upon the planet, nestled amongst the dim, distant stars. Fearing her child would witness the pain and destruction, the moon hid her son, sheltering him from an unbearable reality. Upset, he went into a deep slumber there.
Years turned into eons, and the war claim turned into a cold war, dividing the planet into two distinct halves. The sun stubbornly clung to its pride, refusing to move from its position, casting its eternal light upon the morning side. On the other side lay the night, where the moon, ever-present and comforting, bathed its inhabitants in soft, gentle rays of hope.
Until one day, in the deepest corners of his heart, the golden fox could bear his longing for his cherished friends no longer. His body turned to stone, no longer able to burn like before. Their absence tore at his soul, tormenting him with grief untold. He dropped to his knees, seeking guidance, turning his desperate gaze to the sun. He pleaded for his assistance to reunite him with his lost friends, to let him go. Yet, the sun, scarred by the pain his child had endured, hesitated to grant such a request, fearing his beloved son would face further harm. He warned the fox of the consequences awaiting those who abandoned the light.
"If you leave, as punishment you can never come back." Sun warned his son.
But the fox, consumed by determination, turned his back on the sun's pleading cries. He vowed to find a way to reach his friends, even if he had to forsake the light forever. He set forth, distancing himself from the comforting rays, embarking on an arduous journey that led him to the night, where the stars hid, shrouded by the moon's guiding light.
With every step, the fox's heart burned with regret, acknowledging the chaos and pain he had played a part in. He searched relentlessly, desperate to find a single star, a glimmer of hope, but they remained concealed. At the brink of despair, he found himself under the moon's light, begging for assistance once more. The moon, who had witnessed the devastation caused by their meaningless fight, could no longer disregard the fox's pleas.
"You seek to reclaim that which you had a hand in extinguishing," the moon spoke softly, her voice laced with sorrow. "Your fight, born from pure selfish anger and ignorance, led us down a path from which there is no return. You must be held accountable for your actions. No star shall shine under my light. Darkness shall be your companion, forever concealing the light you now long for."
And so, the golden fox was left alone, enveloped in darkness, bearing the weight of his regret. His beloved star remained forever invisible, lost to the void, as he himself was doomed to dwell within the shadows. She was, for him, the brightness of stars. True to the moon's decree, he would never shine again, forever burdened by the absence of his dear companions.
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In the sprawling expanse of the universe, their story serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the consequences of selfishness and strife. The blue hedgehog, the golden fox, and the child from the stars had once been creatures of light, destined to shine together. Yet, they succumbed to the darkness that lurked within, their actions leaving behind a world shattered by their own hands.
Their tale, forever etched in the annals of the universe, serves as a somber reminder that true enlightenment lies not in the dominance of one's light but in the harmony and unity of all lights combined. And so, their story remains a timeless lesson, urging hearts to seek peace, to cherish friendship, and to guard against the eternal dusk that lurks within us all."
"That's how it ends?"
"But that's so sad! He couldn't even see the one he love again!"
"Well, not all stories end good."
"That's not fair."
"Maybe but in order for there to be a fair world, there must be dark times so that good people can learn from it. Just like light and shadow coexist. There needs to be a balance."
"But that doesn't explain why he have to stay upset forever!"
"Everyone faces the consequences of their actions, dear. Beside, this is the side we only know, we don't know what happend after. Maybe he moved on and find happiness in other things?"
"Hmm, well... that's really nice to think of."
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You blink your eyes open, slowly awakening from a strange and vivid dream. As the morning sunlight pours through your window, its gentle warmth embraces your body, providing solace against the remnants of your unconscious vision.
Your mind feels foggy, attempting to recall the intricate details of the images that had played out within your dream. They had been so tantalizingly vivid. Yet, as you struggle to grasp at the elusive fragments of memory, they slip through your fingers like sand.
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cursedcup · 3 months
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I feel like i should be shamed for watching a show made for younger audiences at my age 🤧
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spoonicksmaximus · 1 year
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mmidk. Had this funny little fan comic idea about Tails getting stuck in an incomplete Chaos Control. Made some concept art for what he may look like in the glitched chaos form. Or something, I haven’t thought of names.
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galactirabbit · 1 month
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(I didn't want to leave this unposted while on a hiatus, so here it is without its Sonic counterpart that I've paused working on)
Flare (the Maned Kit) is a descendant in a long line of mages hailing from the Goldenrod Kingdom that had been serving royalty through generations.
While talented in the rarely-mastered fire element and respected on his family's legacy only, Flare isn't particularly chuffed about upholding their high status and often involves himself with people and activities that seem to be "below" a mage of his bloodline, rebelling quite often against the authority.
Skilled, hotblooded and maybe a bit eccentric, this kit is a headache to anyone who opposes his views, and as such has had a rather hard time making friends he'd be able to keep.
When a journey to the Roseate Kingdom leaves him and his father locked in the cursed city, he ends up discovering that the local king he was supposed to serve might be more alike than he thought...
Obviously it's an AU take on Tails, though a more general post on the AU's premise itself will come a bit later when I'm done doodling the Sonic of this world. :^] The premise and execution is a bit... unorthodox, they are AUs of official characters, but also they're their own characters in of themselves, so they're not 1 to 1 reflections design and personality-wise.
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gh0stlyk4ttsstuff · 4 months
Uuhhhhhhhh fuck it we ball
Wooh! Sonic AU!
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This is Grimm, the Tails of the AU obviously.
More or less he's died and is kinda roaming the land of the living as a sort of grim reaper esk person thing idk anything he touches seems to just drop dead
Tbf the world kinda needs a grim reaper more than ever since there's a disease of black lung going on from Eggman kinda laser...ing.. the city in half and like half of the world so
Lots of fumes and radiation and what not. Very not good lols
Might go more into depth on it later
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Tails Intimidation (for Ancade, and other stuff)
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gremlin-draws · 4 months
Here’s a update on my sonic and tails au: finally made a title for it-
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So in one of my posts. I mentioned this au which was in the process of being worked on. and now I’m officially telling the background of the story, and changing a few things-
When miles was younger he reported that sonic was crazy and killed a bunch of people, so he was brought to a asylum for many years,
through those years tails got paranoid, he got taller, and eventually also started killing while sonic was getting treated for his unstable mind-
Knuckles started keeping an eye on miles. Until the fox freaks out and claws one of knuckles eyes accidentally… that was the last anyone seen tails except knuckles, since he locked himself away-
Then years later (sonic is 24, and tails is 17 at this age), sonic was stable enough to live on his own, until both the fox and hedgehog was called into a meeting….
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Here was the dialogue of the meeting: ((warning there is cussing in this-))
“Hey knuckles! you wanted to talk to me?”
“Hey sonic, yeah I wanted to speak to you and a special guest..”
“S-special guest?… who is… no.”
“Hey knuckles I got your call-
… I’m leaving…”
“No get back here both of you.”
“So knuckles. One of my best palls… why am I sitting next to a lunatic hedgehog?”
“Hey I saw the report about you, you can’t say S*** about ME.”
“it was on the news, ‘mysterious fox caused killing spree’ does that ring a f***ing bell tails, DOES IT?!”
“Don’t call me f***ing TAILS.”
“STOP YOUR BICKERING, both of you are sadistic killers, what a shocking surprise… you both are the first criminals ever existed”
“Your sarcasm was unnecessary, please stick to the point…”
“Sticking to the point. You both need to be friends again. What happened to ‘sonic and tails’?”
“My name is miles. Not tails. I don’t go by tails anymore-“
“SKILL ISSUE TAILS. also that’s impossible knuckles. Sonic and tails was when we were little.”
“Please just give your friendship a chance… if it doesn’t work then you both can be on your own.”
“We’ll.. give it a chance..”
So yeah that’s the backstory basically- old friends going on a killing spree together, and fixing there friendship eventually:]
I’m also working on a different au, except it’s a exe au so- yeah:-:
Honestly glad that I explained the background of this au ngl
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that-sunshine · 5 months
So tails, what do you think of Amy?
( the Amy he knows is called Thorn )
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‘She’s like a mom.’ He signed. Embarrassed. ‘I’ve never had one before. She tells me to eat and stay healthy. That’s what a mom does, right?’
( sun makes small writing reply?! more likely than you’d think )
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What name you think for this guy?
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This is a very early doodle I did for a Sonic Unleashed AU of mine where Tails also became a werefox. Haven't fully figured out the design and I don't have a ton of ideas for the story yet, but it would be fun to explore
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