dashalbrundezimmer · 1 year
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julie-salinger-weg // dresden neustadt
sharing is important! whether tapas or news!
film: ilford fp4plus
dev&scan: meinfilmlab
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tmblrlesian · 2 months
Post with many tags. Many many
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lovedrsindsen · 1 year
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Und weiter geht die Tour🚗 • Gleich auf dem Weg nach Mannheim⭐️ • Have a nice day😘😘😘 • • • • • • • • • • • #drsindsen #christmas #tour #rheinlandpfalz #lebach #mannheim #modekönigvondeutschland #tag24 (hier: Tholey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmLuyQlD8TG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"Palestinian plaintiffs and their legal representatives on Friday [January 26, 2024] presented a powerful case in federal court accusing President Joe Biden and other top US officials of complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza.
People around the world tuned in for the long-awaited hearing in Oakland, with plaintiffs appearing in person and over Zoom in an unprecedented effort to hold the Biden administration accountable for its actions in Gaza.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed the lawsuit in November 2023 on behalf of Defense for Children International–Palestine, Al-Haq, and eight Palestinians in the US and Palestine. The complaint accuses President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin of failing to live up to their legal responsibilities under the 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1988 Genocide Convention Implementation Act.
The United Nations convention classifies complicity in genocide, or the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part, as a crime under international law and requires that states take measures to prevent such atrocities.
[Note: This is a big reason why politicians almost never call it a genocide, btw. Because if a country recognizes that it's a genocide, then they actually are legally required to do a bunch of things to stop it, under international law.]
The historic lawsuit contends that the Biden administration has failed to uphold its obligations by continuing to provide diplomatic and military support for Israel's brutal campaign in Gaza. Plaintiffs are asking the court to stop Biden from sending more weapons and munitions to Israel that are being used to kill Palestinians en masse.
The hearing before the US District Court for the Northern District of California took place just hours after the International Court of Justice issued provisional measures against Israel in a landmark case brought by South Africa.
-via TAG24, January 26, 2024. Article continues below.
Court contends with questions of jurisdiction and responsibility
In evaluating the allegations, questioning in Friday's hearing revolved around the so-called political question doctrine, by which federal courts regularly refrain from ruling on political matters seen as best resolved by the president and Congress.
The Department of Justice argued that according to the doctrine, the court has no jurisdiction to rule in the case.
"If the court condemns United States foreign policy toward Israel, it could cause international embarrassment and undermine foreign policy decisions in the sensitive context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," defense counsel Jean Lin told Senior District Judge Jeffrey S. White.
Katherine Gallagher of the CCR countered that the court does, indeed, have a responsibility to step in: "Here, the question is a legal one, whether the actions undertaken by the United States failed to uphold the obligation to prevent genocide, and that is an active obligation that requires that the United States not provide the means by which a genocide is being furthered."
"There is no discretion for any state to evade its obligations, its legal obligations. These are not policy decisions," she said.
Palestinian plaintiffs share powerful testimonies before the court
After legal arguments in the case, Judge White heard two hours of gut-wrenching testimony from Palestinian plaintiffs and a renowned Holocaust and genocide expert.
Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History at Wake Forest University Dr. Barry Trachtenberg shared his remarks before the court in spite of vehement US government opposition.
"To have an event fall under the 1948 Convention on Genocide requires both action and intent, and here we see that very, very clearly in a way that seems really quite unique in history," he stated, noting that there is now an opportunity to stop Israel's unfolding genocide in real time to prevent further loss of lives...
Judge White said he would take the testimonies to heart as he evaluates his constitutional responsibilities, describing the case as "the most difficult judicial decision" he has ever had to make."
-via TAG24, January 26, 2024
Note: I know a lot of people are really not gonna appreciate that last line. I'm not thrilled with it either. But it is worth noting that having a federal court overrule the US president's huge foreign policy and military decisions would be an absolutely massive deal/precedent
This is a case that deserves to be ruled on with an incredible amount of seriousness, if only because if you're a federal judge who's going to make that call, your written decision/legal justification needs to be unimpeachable
That said, if the judge uses jurisdiction to pass the buck here and avoid his legal and human responsibility to do what he can to stop a genocide, I'm gonna be pissed
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elephantaday · 10 months
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Day 500 of posting pictures of elephants! 🐘
Source: Tag24
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enibas22 · 6 months
link https://www.tag24.de/unterhaltung/kino-news/tom-wlaschiha-sachsens-hollywood-star-geht-unter-die-loewen-die-tiere-koennen-sich-nicht-wehren-2994310
26. Oktober 2023
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 Tom Wlaschiha (50) ist Sachsens wohl berühmtester Schauspiel-Export. Der in Dohna geborene Serien-Star schaffte sogar in Hollywood den großen Durchbruch. Doch für sein neustes Projekt stand er nicht etwa vor der Kamera, sondern hinter dem Mikrofon!
Durch seine Auftritte in "Game of Thrones" und "Stranger Things" wurde Wlaschiha auch international ein Star. Doch was viele gar nicht wissen: Der 50-Jährige ist auch als Synchronsprecher sehr gefragt.
"Als Schauspieler denkt man ja immer zuerst an Theater oder Film, aber es gibt noch so viele andere Möglichkeiten in dem Beruf", sagte der Sachse vor einigen Wochen im Gespräch mit TAG24.
So ist Wlaschiha auch in seinem neusten Film "The Bastard King" gar nicht auf dem Bildschirm zu sehen. Stattdessen spricht er den Erzähler.
Bei dem Film handelt es sich um eine Mischung aus Drama und Tierdokumentation. Ein ganzes Jahrzehnt lang lebte Naturfilmer Owen Prümm dafür in Tansania, umgeben von Löwenrudeln.
"Phänomenal" nennt Wlaschiha das dabei entstandene Bildmaterial.
Wlaschiha warnt vorm Klimawandel
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"Es ist auf alle Fälle was anderes", sagte der 50-Jährige im Gespräch mit Krone über die Unterschiede zwischen Schauspiel- und Synchronarbeit.
"Vor der Kamera hab ich dann ja noch mein Gesicht und meine Hände und Gestik und nur vorm Mikro muss man es halt irgendwie schaffen, so einen Spannungsbogen zu halten", erklärte er.
Grade bei einer dramatischen Geschichte wie "The Bastard King" sei das durchaus anspruchsvoll gewesen.
Indirekt geht es in dem Film übrigens vor allem um den Schutz der Natur. Laut Wlaschiha würde man wieder einmal die "krassen Auswirkungen" des Klimawandels zu sehen bekommen. "Die Tiere können sich nicht wehren", betonte der Hollywood-Star.
In Österreich ist der Film seit dem heutigen Donnerstag im Kino zu sehen. Wann und ob es "The Bastard King" auch hierzulande noch auf die große Leinwand schafft, ist hingegen nicht bekannt.
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cmesinic · 2 months
Additional proof of cognitive decline.
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unfug-bilder · 3 months
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via tag24.de
Alle anderen Artikel sind hinter Paywalls.
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nation-of-bros · 3 months
He leaves behind two daughters: German Bitcoin professor (†43) is dead
Frankfurt am Main - One of the leading experts in crypto currencies in Germany is dead! Philipp Sandner died very unexpectedly at the age of just 43.
Based on the wording and his position as a professor, it is unlikely that he was a drug victim, and a long history of illness is probably not the cause. Hence another victim of BioNTech's "life-saving shots".
In any case, I can't remember that before the pandemic we had so many reports in the newspapers about "suddenly deceased" people well under 60 years old.
We are yet to see the peak of unexpected deaths, perhaps as early as next year. The vaccinations are designed for the long term; after all, the elites are not stupid. Population reduction must occur slowly.
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hesse42 · 2 years
Ihr Lieben, ich muss mal schnell was loswerden, worüber ich mich sehr echauffiert habe: Erstens: Das Interview mit unserem Vladi bei t-online, welches ich hier auch gepostet habe, wurde auch auf verschiedenen FB-Portalen wie promiflash oder BW24 gepostet. Und da sind einige, zum Glück wenige, homophobe Kommentare drunter. Auch bei dem Ausschnitt von Riverboat auf der Riverboat Seite. Und auf tag24 ist ein Artikel von Vladis Einsatz für die Ukranie und dort wird Vladi, von Putler Fans, beschimpft. 
Oh, Mann. Ich bin ja sonst gegen Gewalt, aber mit solchen Idioten würde ich am liebsten das machen was Adam mit dem fiesen Vater von dem kleinen Jungen im Bus in der ersten Hörk-Folge macht.
Vladi ist eine Seele von Mensch und hat solche Hasskommentare einfach nicht verdient. Ich weiß ich sollte mich nicht aufregen, aber es tut mir wehr. Wie seht ihr das?
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klbmsw · 1 year
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Fusi: "Il pareggio nel derby accontenta sia la Juve che il Toro"
Il doppio ex di Juventus e Torino Luca Fusi, ha commentato il derby di ieri ai microfoni di Tag24: “Penso che il Torino possa uscire carico da una partita nella quale è almeno a strappare almeno un punto. A livello di classifica non ha fatto un balzo in avanti, ma credo che la buona prestazione in una sfida così importante possa portare serenità al gruppo in vista della fase finale della…
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wachendlichauf · 14 days
Genderprotest in München: Aktion an Staatskanzlei hat Konsequenzen
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elephantaday · 1 year
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Day 437 of posting pictures of elephants.
Source: TAG24
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enibas22 · 2 months
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from tag24.de,  © NDR/Thorsten Jander
"Der Dresdner Tom Wlaschiha tritt am Samstag (dem 2. März 2024 um 20.15 Uhr) in der ARD-Familienshow "Klein gegen Groß" gegen Anastasia (12) in einem Duell an, bei dem es um Zeitverschiebungen geht.
Kennt sich Serienstar Tom Wlaschiha (50) besser mit der Zeitverschiebung aus als seine junge Gegnerin?"
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world-of-news · 1 month
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