#tadc dog
silly-lion-art · 1 month
your should draw the tadc dog character
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ok heres ur doggy :3 thanks for the request!!
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ridthewaste · 6 months
Since I may or may not actually start posting on here more, I thought I might as well figure out from public opinion what else I should post. I’ve got a few ideas cooking (that I’ll probably post regardless) but I’m unsure which one to blurt out next.
(I’m also open for suggestions! Don’t be afraid to throw some ideas out)
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michiruxbna · 5 months
draw a card of rett the dog
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This is him
done here is the dog, a good trainer his sanity not so much
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sad fate for his team and the
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Anyway, if you have questions or anything else, don't hesitate to ask.
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yippeepy · 5 months
TADC Request!! :3
Perhaps you could draw one of the abstracted characters! Possibly the dog or the worm? Or maybe even both. Thanks for considering my request and have a lovely day :)
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Here u go :3 im sad these 2 are abstracted.. ouppy and worm ... maybe we'll get flashbacks of them. thanks for the request i hope you have a great day also!!!
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attleboy · 6 months
Can pomni and bubble pleeeaaseeee compare fangs? 🥺
ooooooo smart..... let's inspect those chompers
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scruffiberri · 6 months
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When you made a new friend cuz you’re both anxious messes.
When I saw that door opening scene in TADC, and it reminded me of that scene in Courage the Cowardly Dog where Courage was opening doors and each doors had weird stuff behind it that traumatized the poor boi.
I have seen so many fanarts of Pomni and Kobeni but none with Courage who was one of the OG anxious cinnamon rolls.
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victorzhuzhakin · 7 months
tadc but caine (and bubble) moved to the human world
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hum kaufmo but idk
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caine and kinger humanizations but my friend's version
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serendippertyy · 5 days
they r soo max and ruby coded to me do you see the vision..
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I’ve been dissecting Ragatha’s character with surgical tools because I am not the least bit normal about this damn doll, and something that I’ve gathered upon rewatch is how much responsibility Ragatha has been taking for Pomni’s first day. Prepare for another character analysis about everyone’s favorite confirmed girl failure
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Useless Lesbian jokes aside, it’s so interesting to me how much Ragatha cares about Pomni liking her. To the point where she believes Pomni’s terrible awful no good very bad first day has some relevance to how she thinks Pomni thinks of her.
At first I thought this was just the result of her people pleasing tendencies that needs everyone to like her for her to have any degree of self worth (no I’m not projecting, shut up), but she doesn’t seem to be this pushy about getting along with anyone else.
Another possible reason for this behavior was that she just wants to make the newcomer feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible to lessen the blow of being trapped, and she’s doing such a bad job of it that it’s making her think less of herself for failing. But here she’s specifically talking about the “horrible experience” of having to deal with Kaufmo’s abstraction.
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Here Ragatha is literally writhing in pain from glitching after getting her ass handed to her by Kaufmo and she briefly stops Pomni from leaving to get the help she needs to apologize to her about having a bad first day.
Honestly, Pomni’s awkward response to this was hella fitting.
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Like, Jesus Christ, Ragatha. Priorities girl.
When I first watched this, I thought her little apology fell under the same category as someone apologizing for hearing bad news, (y’know like a “I’m sorry your dog died” kinda thing) said in a way to express sympathy over a bad situation. But in episode 2, it really feels like she actually blames herself for what happened.
and I think I know why.
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It was Ragatha’s idea to go see Kaufmo in the first place and introduce Pomni to him. We know that she honestly believes that participating in the adventures are essential to persevering a person’s sanity. And yet she didn’t suggest to play along with the game Caine left for them. Instead, she thought it would be nice to check up on a friend who was suspiciously absent. And was, according to what Kinger told them before they left, slipping off the deep end.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but these should have been major red flags for her that Kaufmo may not have been alright and they should’ve all probably stayed away. And I think she realized that too late, which is what might’ve led to that awkward apology to Pomni in the hallway.
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Kinger is right to reassure her that Pomni doesn’t blame Ragatha for what happened (which is why she thought Ragatha was being weird for apologizing in the first place), but I imagine Ragatha is the type of person who can’t help but dwell on the “should’ve, would’ve, could’ve”s of life. So it makes sense that she would continue to take things personally. And I bet it got even worse after
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…yeah. That.
Of course, I don’t think Ragatha could’ve known that was gonna be the outcome. But she was very wary when Pomni suggested it, loudly wondering if that was even “allowed”. But she went along with it cuz it made Pomni happy.
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Yeah this woman’s self esteem so about to go into the negatives. Which is why I’m really hoping for a good heart-to-heart between these two. Cuz they both really need it. Ragatha especially.
I think it would really help her to know Pomni wouldn’t want her to feel like less than nothing.
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mushimadness · 4 months
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The Amazing Digital Menagerie (1/3)
Jumping on the tadc au train. The idea was that the game they entered was an animal circus management game thing but instead of entering the player role, they instead entered the animal roles.
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berrybeanfoolery · 7 months
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Pomni is actually CRAZY affectionate sometimes, Ragatha loves it.
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puppycharmz · 4 months
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blah blah 'i bet on loosing dogs' or something
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perrysoup · 7 months
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A thank you to @i-ate-your-dog-srry for the second of a few commissions I put in for Connecticut Clark/Malfina x Kinger/Queener (or Queenie, the community seems unsure)
Reference comic:
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fizzlewizard404 · 7 months
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i... yeah
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Armed Detective Agency, Yokohama
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chronicbeans · 7 months
I've heard a lot of theories about Caine's name, and while I'm not sure if anything's been confirmed by the creators (I don't use a lotta social media and stuffs so I'm not entirely in the loop if they've said things on there), but I have my own little theory. It's not really that complex or anything, but here goes nothing! This is based just on what was seen in the pilot, so I may be wrong about Caine's characterization. After all, we only have a little to go off of, so far!
So, I hear a lot of people mention the Cain and Abel story from the Bible, but I personally don't believe it is connected to that, so far.
I think it might be a reference to novocaine, an anesthetic which is most commonly used during dental procedures to numb an area of the mouth. It's not the most common drug used for dental procedures, since that's now lidocaine (which, well, also ends in CAINE), but it the most commonly known drug and used to be the most common. I mean, for one, Caine's head is literally a set of teeth with gums, and novocaine is injected into the cheeks or gums. The other reasoning I have for this is that while Jax, Pomni, Zooble (is her name is referencing something I just don't know what it is), and Gangle's names don't have much to do with their appearance, Kinger, Ragatha, and Bubble's names do. Kinger's a chess piece, Ragatha is based on a Raggedy Ann doll, and Bubble is... well, a bubble!
Another reason I have for this is a bit more metaphorical. Since Caine is and AI and the ringmaster, as well as the fact that he is clearly trying to keep the humans trapped entertained, he's essentially there to try to numb the fear, dread, and mental pain that being stuck in the Digital Circus causes. By distracting them with adventures, witty dialogue, and even going as far as to try to make a fake exit to keep them hopeful, he's basically doing what he can to just keep them sane so they won't abstract, even if he isn't the best at doing so. He can't get them out, he can't 100% for sure keep them from going insane, but he can provide mind numbing distractions and games to give them something... possibly with the hopes that someone outside the program may, one day, get them out. It's a bit like how novocaine can't *fix* the problem you're going to the dentist for. That's the dentist's job, not the anesthesia's. The novocaine can only numb you up while they do so.
EDIT/ADDITIONS: Another thing is that the reason why most modern dentists don't use novocaine is because, even though it is a minority of patients, some people have severe allergic reactions to novocaine. It is less likely to have a reaction to lidocaine, which is why most modern dentists use that, or other anesthetics, instead. This could relate to how Caine WANTS to help the people trapped, but due to his own obliviousness and habit for mischief, he more often tends to cause distress instead of joy or fun. He has every intention to help them, be it bringing joy or simply distracting them, but there is a flaw that is causing problems with him being successful at it.
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