#tacky šŸÆ
sitp-recs Ā· 9 months
Top five smutty fics/moments in fic please Livvy (and they can't all be from euphoria šŸ§)
You know me all too well babes šŸ¤” lol yeah I could definitely do a top 5 just for Euphoria, considering the amount of hot stuff in there (and the amount of times Iā€™ve read it šŸŒ). This was hard enough for Drarry so Iā€™m not including rare pairs this time. Here are my top memorable scenes - funny, no matter how much filth I read itā€™s always the tenderness that sticks with meā€¦
1. Far From Tree by aideomai
He rocked into Potter, slow and then again, and Potter said, voice shaking, ā€œYouā€™re inside me,ā€ and Draco almost sobbed. It felt overwhelming, too much.
ā€œDraco,ā€ Potter said. He turned his face and they kissed slowly, barely moving. A long, golden kiss, and it still didnā€™t feel close enough. Draco wanted to crawl into Potterā€™s skin and live there. He wanted to eat him alive.
ā€œOkay,ā€ Potter said, ā€œokay, okay,ā€ and wriggled, demanding, and Draco did fuck him then, sure and easy, Potterā€™s thigh lifting up into his hold, his back arching up, his mouth open as Draco knocked shocked, pleased noises from him. They were getting loud, getting fast, the hot blur of it, and then Potter hooked his arm around Dracoā€™s neck and drew him down and they were kissing again, rough and clumsy, the sharp tap-tap-tap of Dracoā€™s hips knocking them off balance.
ā€œDarling,ā€ Draco said, muddled against his mouth, half out of his head with pleasure, ā€œdarling, darling,ā€ and Potter, gasping, said, ā€œAgain.ā€ Draco wasnā€™t sure if he wanted the fuck or the names that spilled out of him without meaning to, the embarrassing, heavy-handed adoration, and so Draco gave him both.
2. The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered
ā€œI know itā€™s stupid,ā€ Malfoy said, ā€œbut I donā€™t want you to be with anybody else.ā€ Harry thought of Rabbit.
ā€œLook at me,ā€ Malfoy said, and turned Harry's chin. Harry looked, watched Malfoy taking him, watched as his own hips came up to help him. ā€œI want you to know itā€™s me,ā€ Malfoy said. ā€œItā€™s me taking you. Me fucking you. Me packed tight inside of you. Hold on, Harry.ā€
He was almost all the way out of Harry, he had pulled so far out, but now he slammed back in, head thrown back. It was harder and more brutal than his other thrusts, and it felt so deep and large, it hit the spot just perfectly, and Harry thought he might come without Malfoy even touching his cock. ā€œThat was a good one, wasn't it,ā€ Malfoy said, and kissed him. ā€œIf you're good, Iā€™ll give it to you again.ā€
ā€œGod, Malfoy. Do it.ā€
ā€œI will,ā€ Malfoy said, but now his thrusts were slow again, lazy. ā€œFocus on me, Harry. Donā€™t think of anything else.ā€ Then he did it again, thrusting hard and very fast, and Harry writhed. ā€œItā€™s me,ā€ Malfoy said again. ā€œDonā€™t think of anyone else. Donā€™t think of anything else. Itā€™s me. You can only think of me.ā€
3. Wild, orphaned
ā€œSometime,ā€ Potter said, with a look on his face Draco didnā€™t quite recognise, ā€œIā€™m going to make you ask for this.ā€
ā€œIā€™m already asking,ā€ Draco replied, parting his legs, drawing one knee up to his chest. Potter put his thumb back onto Dracoā€™s arsehole for a few seconds, before replacing it with the head of his dick. He left it there, while Draco breathed in and out and tried not to push himself backwards onto it.
ā€œNo,ā€ Potter said, ā€œLike--ā€ he cut off and wrapped his hand around Dracoā€™s side, his fingers skimming over Dracoā€™s hip bones. ā€œLike, properly ask,ā€ he said.
ā€œLike beg?ā€ Draco asked, turning to look. He smiled, syrupy and sweet. ā€œWhy would I need to beg, Potter? When youā€™re so eager to give it to me.ā€
4. What We Pretend We Canā€™t See by gyzym
ā€œHarry,ā€ Draco says, wondering, and Harry rolls his eyes and slams himself up, the first time, feels his whole body come alive with the sensation of Dracoā€™s cock hitting hard against the back of his throat. Draco gets the idea and itā€™s quick, after that ā€” he tightens his grip on Harryā€™s hair and fucks into Harryā€™s mouth and Harry lets him, encourages him, moans even as tears spring up at the corners of his eyes.
He grabs hold of Dracoā€™s shirttails with both hands and holds on, and when he looks up to meet Dracoā€™s eyes again Draco comes with a shout, body pitching forward, one hand still in Harryā€™s hair, the other landing on Harryā€™s shoulder to steady him. Harry sucks him through it, swallows down every drop before he lets Dracoā€™s softening cock slip out of his mouth, and theyā€™re both still for a second, gasping in the quiet room.
Then Draco says, ā€œMerlin, Harry, that was so good,ā€ and slips his hand down through Harryā€™s hair, strokes it over the nape of his neck. And Harry ā€” he comes so hard and so quickly that it genuinely startles him, the orgasm shuddering through him before he even has the chance to process that itā€™s happening. He gasps, head crashing forward to land at Dracoā€™s hip, and for a long moment heā€™s too overcome with the release of it to really register that heā€™s come in his pants like an actual fucking teenager, and that that is truly and properly mortifying.
5. Waiting by an Open Door by Femme
Draco leans back against Potter, arches back, his arms going backwards around Potter's neck. He lets Potter stroke his chest and praise him, tell him how brilliant he is, how amazing his feels around Potter's prick. It feels like it's been hours that they've been doing this, but it's only been a couple of minutes. The strangeness is shifting into pleasure, and when Potter circles his hips, his cock pressing further into Draco's body, Draco moans with the deep, satisfying ache of it. "Merlin, Potter. Again."
Potter leans forward, his mouth near Draco's ear. "Don't you think you should call me Harry if I'm fucking you?"
Draco smiles, leans his head back, seats himself more solidly on Potter's cock. "Why rush things?" He kisses Potter's jaw, bites the soft skin just below.
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sitp-recs Ā· 8 months
A little bird told me you have been asked about your five hottest Dracos... so may I have your five hottest Harrys please šŸ¤­
How could I refuse such a juicy ask from my favorite person šŸ˜Œ imho Harry reaches peak sexiness not only when heā€™s a badass and unhinged (see also: REVOLVEVLOVER) but also when heā€™s desperately hot and wanton for Draco but hey thatā€™s just me, a basic hoe with basic needs. Ugh this felt impossible to narrow down but Iā€™ll go with:
1. Lost in Your Arms by Femme
2. In the Red by @bixgirl1
3. Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid
4. Merlinā€™s Kitchen by @writcraft
5. The Page Eleven Wars by fireflavored
Underrated bonus: You Either Fuck or You Get Fucked by @fw00shy šŸ”„
Rare pairs aka the age gap party:
1. Take Him to the Stars (Cut to the Feeling) by @writcraft (Harry/Scorpius)
2. Beneath a Foreign Moon by @lqtraintracks (Harry/Teddy)
3. Surface Texture by @the-starryknight (Harry/Teddy)
4. Slip Free of My Grasp by @lqtraintracks (Harry/Sirius)
5. Still the pine-woods scent the moon by @fluxweeed (Harry/Remus)
Underrated bonus: Getting Hard by Snegurochka (Harry/Scorpius)
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sitp-recs Ā· 8 months
Hello dearest. Top five HP fandom characters please and thank you! šŸ˜˜
Hi babes, love seeing you here! I went with ā€œcharacters I like the mostā€, the list is slightly different than ā€œcharacters that fascinate meā€:
1. Ron šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ
2. Sirius
3. Luna
4. Hermione
5. Tonks
Bonus: McGonagall because she reminds me of grandma
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sitp-recs Ā· 1 year
hello, oh light of my life! love love love your rapid fire recs and as always your choices are superb. if you're still taking prompts, how about "euphoric" šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
Since this is intentionally meant to expOSE me (not that Birds needs to hear more about it, I know @lqtraintracks got that covered šŸ¤£) I will give in and rec (for the 285367th time) my dear and beloved Euphoria aka the ultimate Dralbus smut. Everyone and their dog know how much I adore this fic, it was my intro to this delicious rare pair a few years ago and it remains my all-time favorite PWP to this day. I wrote a rec that probably doesnā€™t reflect how utterly obsessed I am with this fic but suffice to say I check it out every two weeks to cleanse my skin šŸ˜Œ I could write a whole essay about how and why this fic pushes all my buttons, but I know the ship is pretty taboo niche so Iā€™ll cut my screaming short hehe now, onto some Drarry recs!!!
Husband by @ladderofyears (G, 108 words)
Whenever a person recognised Draco for the man he was, a brilliant flare of exultation bubbled inside him. On AO3
Far Side by @tackytigerfic (M, 833 words) - this inspired me to commission this art by the fabulous @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
Harry has a photograph of Draco and Scorpius on his desk at work. He says it's his favourite. On AO3
Euphoria by @thehoneybeet (M, 35k)
On a cold December evening, Draco disappeared from Harryā€™s life without a trace, and Harry hasnā€™t seen him since. Six years later, Harry is at his witā€™s end with a case involving a string of apparent murder-suicides.
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sitp-recs Ā· 2 years
Just wondering if you fancy doing that ten characters you love thing that's going round, Liv? šŸ˜˜
Tacky babes, this took me AGES but thank you so much for sending it my way!! It was really fun to put this together, some choices were so easy like Tony and Shikamaru but I had a hard time picking between Leslie x Ron (Parks & Rec) and Flint x Anne (Black Sails). Choices, choices! Anyway hereā€™s my top ten, and Iā€™d love to know yours if you feel like doing it (no pressure!)
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Tony Stark (MCU): perfect daddy material character arc
Leslie Knope (Parks & Rec): the ultimate role model! Iā€™d love to have a friend like Leslie
David Rose (Schittā€™s Creek): forever serving iconic looks, lines and gif reactions, ty for your service Dan Levy
Meredith Grey (Greyā€™s Anatomy): love her unhinged but compassionate energy, and this might be one of the most empowering speeches ever. I see a lot of myself in Meredith
James Flint (Black Sails): GAY PIRATE ICON LETS GO šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø
Aragorn (LotR): gentle warrior, elves lover, plus the Boromir scene!!!! this guy is the true mvp amirite @wolfpants
Lagertha (Vikings): ā€œno regrets, and yet every regretā€ is such a powerful line! Sheā€™s hot af, ruthless and ambitious as all girls should be, we stan
Spike (Cowboy Bebop): the coolest guy Iā€™ve ever seen on TV, #spacecowboy is an eternal mood. Also ā€” ā€œlove the kind of woman that can kick my assā€ damn right sir!!
Shikamaru (Naruto): my spirit animal, we share the exact same energy except for the fact heā€™s a badass war strategist and Iā€™m just me
Ron Weasley (HP): we love and appreciate a hung ginger KING in this house!!! Glorious art by upthehill
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sitp-recs Ā· 3 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
Hello beloved! Itā€™s always a privilege to see you in my inbox, thank you so much for this lovely ask and apologies for taking two centuries to reply lol this was a quite emotional trip down memory lane for me - I couldnā€™t decide whether to go with rec lists or single recs (oof I havenā€™t written one in so long šŸ„²) because theyā€™re both so different and special in their own way. In the end Iā€™m gonna do lists because I think theyā€™re generally more helpful and popular! Iā€™ve been going through a creative / fandom slump for a while now, so this was great encouragement as it made me look back at my own recs with joy and kindness. Thank you babes šŸ’œ
1. I actually still love the Drarry for Beginners series! Fun story, I wasnā€™t very confident about it at first - I was getting many requests for a classics rec list back then but I donā€™t really vibe with the ā€œMUST read these or youā€™re not a valid fandom memberā€ mentality so I tried to come up with a different format that felt more like an invitation than a lecture. I think I found a good balance of well known fics and hidden gems, so Iā€™m very proud of that. Also, the banners looked really good! Especially the redemption arc and the Muggle!Draco AU ones if I do say so myself.
2. The Hidden Gems series is also one of my most precious babies - it took me a long time to plan it out, read all fics and prepare the small blurbs for each one and I really love how it came across, the authors I chose to highlight, and the fact that I was able to mix Drarry and rare pairs. I remember getting an ask back in the day that accused me of only reccing my friends (anon really overestimated my network size šŸ¤£), they could have at least checked the hidden gem series before going for public embarrassment lol thereā€™s so much to explore there, and I really wanna come back to it one day to finalize the second edition that I started posting in 2022. Hopefully this year!
3. 35 Romantic Shorts: my heart is so very soft for this one, not only because the ever generous @bluebutter-art has let me use her stunning art for the banner, but Iā€™m also such a passionate champion of short form and I feel like this list really embraced the concept and delivered great recs. Iā€™m not a fluff gal by any standards so this was a nice exercise finding the softest, most romantic and soothing reads that made my heart beat faster. It would be lovely to go back and maybe add a couple more lists with new shorts, or alternatively make new lists for medium-length and long fics. So many ideas, so little time!
4. It feels like a lifetime ago but Iā€™m still very fond of my ā€œsmutty recs weekā€ that I made to celebrate one of my first followers milestone. Ahh the nostalgia! All lists can be found here and include a wide variety of themes and kinks like voyeurism, dirty talk, gang bang and others. Those banners are some of my favourites too, they turned out very sassy and clever if I do say so myself. I had so much fun with them! I gotta find the time to sit down and update some of those lists with newer treats!
5. Now highlighting something more recent (from Feb 2023ā€¦ LOL) Iā€™m super proud of my Rare Pair Romance list for Valentineā€™s Day. It was a great chance to compile (most of) my favorite rare pair fics in one place and include different ships and tropes. Iā€™m always looking for an excuse to rec het pairings which I know itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea, so this was the perfect way to do it.
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sitp-recs Ā· 8 months
Dude I found a screenshot of a fic while going through photos on my phone but could not figure out what fic it was from. I knew it had to have been a rec from you so I was perusing your lists, looking through my bookmarks, etc. (i was on a flight so i had some time to kill lmao) turns out! It was the lovely Collapsed in Love by tackytiger! Which was a gift to you!! What a beautiful work so thankful for you and tacky of course!
Ahh Iā€™m so happy you found it and it ended up being a fic by @tackytigerfic! Iā€™m biased af but CiL is one of my absolute faves, I could live in Modern Loveā€™s universe forever! Also this part always gets to me šŸ˜­
ā€œYouā€™re so good with him,ā€ Harry says quietly, and he puts an arm around Dracoā€™s neck so he can get even closer. ā€œHeā€™s so happy when youā€™re around.ā€
Heā€™s smiling and he works hard to keep his voice light, but Draco can hear the thin thread of regret, because Harry still canā€™t quite work out how Teddy went, so quickly, from being a boy to being a teenager. He worries about Teddy all the time, especially since he started school, and Teddy, whoā€™s been loved all his life and is confident that he always will be, has no compunction about being a little shit to the people who care about him. And Harry cares about him the most.
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sitp-recs Ā· 5 months
Omg did you see it!!!šŸÆ
DID I???
My dear anon, I saw the notif before going to bed on a Sunday night and couldnā€™t get proper sleep without reading it twice in a row, crying a lil bit then screaming into @tackytigerficā€™s DMs and finally re-reading Toeing the Line as a treat (thank you @shiftylinguini for your service šŸ«”) to serve my Tedrarry needs. Iā€™ve been smiling/ daydreaming the whole day, this totally ruined my plans to start the week fully focussed on work lmao rip Liv
For those who donā€™t know, earlier today the sneakiest loveliest šŸÆ dropped a breathtaking birthday gift for me! Wield Me is a brilliant 10k (!!) get together fic with badass blacksmith Draco (!!!!), dilf Unspeakable Harry (šŸ¤¤) and mysterious edgy Teddy wielding a sword (!!!!!!!) as a lil treat to indulge my rare pair tastes. But never fear Drarry fans, I promise this is peak Drarry romance with a lovely charming Harry whoā€™s totally smitten with Draco and also fiercely protective of Teddy. Be still my heart, this was a personal attack to my feels!!!!
To see my 3 favorite characters so beautifully portrayed (as per) by my favourite author feels like a huge privilege, one Iā€™m not worthy of. I wanna live inside this verse and feast on their dynamics, so tentative but full of longing and devotion. I wanna know everything about these characters and their life before, during and after the fic events take place. Thatā€™s how obsessed I am with the universe Tacky has so brilliantly put together within just 10k. Once again they tug at my heartstrings just right and leave me dizzy with their talent and prose, exploring so many different and nuanced emotions in a short fic. If youā€™re looking for todayā€™s read please go treat yourself with Tā€™s trademark triad: devastating tenderness, fabulous characterization and creative magic lore. You better run donā€™t walk towards this beauty!!!
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sitp-recs Ā· 4 months
hello dear one, since your top 5 asks were so brilliant i thought i'd come back with another, if you ever feel like revisiting the theme! Top 5 heartkick moments in fic šŸ’–šŸ¦¶
An ask after my own heart šŸ„¹ thank you for the ask babes, I know it took me 5965145 years to reply but I loved putting this short list together! Iā€™m sure I mentioned these fics one too many times and probably no oneā€™s surprised by my picks; mind you, I could easily think of ten more heart-kicky scenes but in the spirit of making this short & sweet here are the top 5 requested. I wonder if we have any in common since our fic tastes are so similar?? I would love to hear about your top 5, T!
1. Draco sees Harry wearing his Puddlemere jersey in Far From the Tree by aideomai.
2. ā€œYou know me. Expecto Patronum!ā€ sequence from TBWOLT by lettered
3. Clubbing scene aka ā€œthe Bowie kissā€ from Little Compton Street by Writcraft
4. Harryā€™s goodbye in An Emerald in the Sky by corvuscrowned
5. Consummation scene from Take the Moon by one tacky šŸÆ
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