#tabby talk
legobabyofficial · 3 months
every couple of years I read more about OCD and go "huh. I think I, my mother, her mother, and her father all have moderate to severe OCD" and then forget about it until a couple years later when I read more about OCD and go "huh,
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tadpolesonalgae · 11 months
It’s the fact I just saw someone citing all their visual sources in a post about Renaissance and Hellenistic art and I murmured under my breath ‘that’s hot…’
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thetabbybadger · 2 years
I love you pre-Autumn. I love you first chilly night after a hot day. I love you first crunchy leaves on the ground while the trees are still green. I love you cicadas. I love you crickets. I love you dusk sneaking in earlier for the first time. I love you deep sigh of relief after summer.
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movietrailer · 17 hours
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low quality meme i made bc scarlet hollow been infecting my brain
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thiscatiscomfortable · 11 months
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This cat is comfortable.
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marblerose-rue · 25 days
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halsin (as a warrior cat)
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leafdrake-haven · 6 months
Lol I love this dumb game
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pigeonleap · 9 months
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This freakinator... (lightleap)
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Been playing Scarlet Hollow
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Tabitha Scarlet and her weirdo cousin who lives in a storage room of 10 peoples' apartment, sells handmade jewellery on Etsy, mystic/talkstoanimals extraordinaire, Tanya Scarlet.
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occatorcreator · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!
I’ve been recently obsessed with Slay the Princess, it’s a really good horror-meets-love story
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legobabyofficial · 2 months
I'm losing my fucking mind. Do y'all remember the mirror London Tipton had that either complimented or negged her depending on its mood?
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I was thinking about this a couple months ago because comments that this mirror made to actresses on the show stuck in my mind so badly that it literally contributed to the eating disorder I had as a teen (specific phrases are him calling Ashley Tisdale "chicken legs" and telling London she looks puffy). This show and this mirror gave me an eating disorder. Guess who voices the fucking mirror.
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Yes, THAT Brian Peck. Convicted pedophile Brian Peck. Quiet On Set Brian Peck. My eating disorder was fucking worsened by a pedophile doing a gay voice I'm going to scream
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months
Hey Tabby! how was your day?
So this isn't exactly ACOTAR related but I also hope it's nothing personal?
I'm guessing you're from England as you often time your posts to England time and I'm terribly curious about all things around the world and I find it soo soo interesting how easy it is—in this day and age—to sort of just communicate with all kinds of people around the world? and I love seeing the confusion between Americans and Brits when it comes to a lot of things, especially food(I really like those videos on yt where some British students try American food, albeit I'm not on yt much and have only watched like 2 or 3 of those) and I saw a short today about this dish called 'beans on toast' I believe? and someone in the comment section genuinely thought beans on toast meant plain beans on plain bread for some reason and so many Americans in the replies were kinda surprised that's not what it was? and it was kinda hilarious tbh ngl. and out of nowhere, you popped up in my mind fsr?
however, I really like learning about all these foods and dishes that are so commonplace for one set of people and never even touched by another? (in 2 decades of my life, I've never had pancakes😭 I've only ever read about them as one of the greatest breakfasts on Wattpad)
I was wondering if you have a comfort food that you like eating when you're down? do you enjoy certain cuisines? Are you ever astonished that someone in the world hasn't tasted a certain food and that they simply must? do you like beans on toast? fish and chips?(I'm sorry these are the only English dishes Ik TT)
‘I'm guessing you're from England as you often time your posts to England’
I am indeed from England 🫢
‘and I love seeing the confusion between Americans and Brits when it comes to a lot of things, especially food’
I haven’t seen those videos, but I’ve seen ones where people compare English and American for other words like pavement vs. sidewalk, courgette vs. zucchini, aubergine vs. eggplant, and some others I can’t remember at the moment! I think I’ve also seen some where Americans react to Cockney rhyming slang, as well as some expressions/idioms which was pretty entertaining 🤭
‘and I saw a short today about this dish called 'beans on toast' I believe?’
I fully squawked and had to put my phone down when l read that 😭
‘and someone in the comment section genuinely thought beans on toast meant plain beans on plain bread’
I mean, everyone has different ways, but I know one of my friends freaked out when they found out I put the cheese on top of the butter but beneath the beans so it melts and becomes soft and stringy 🫢
‘(in 2 decades of my life, I've never had pancakes😭 I've only ever read about them as one of the greatest breakfasts on Wattpad)’
Honestly I think it’s one of those things relating to association? Idk what it’s like outside of England, but in primary school (roughly ages 4-11) we always had pancake races on pancake day, and during assembly we would have pancake flipping challenges too (to be fair, it was a C of E school, so maybe that affected it a little) so there are a lot of good memories surrounding pancakes which probably adds to the flavour enhancement :)
You also aren’t supposed to have them that often because they’re unhealthy to have all the time without balance, but that made them super special since once a year you’d get to have pancakes for breakfast! 🥞 (<- I’d call these American Pancakes)
And I’d like to specify, not American pancakes that are more stout and thicker, but ones that are thin that you can roll up with lemon and sugar or maple syrup 🤤
‘I was wondering if you have a comfort food that you like eating when you're down?’
Honestly in summer probably tomatoes on bread with salt and pepper, in the autumn winter it’s definitely soup, and spring probably beans on toast because they’re just so easy to make and don’t cause a hassle 😭
‘do you enjoy certain cuisines?’
I have to admit, my palette is not particularly extensive, but because of certain choices I’ve made for what I’m willing to eat, Italian probably suits me best :)
‘Are you ever astonished that someone in the world hasn't tasted a certain food and that they simply must?’
No, because one of my friends was such a picky eater. And I mean picky.
Anyway, having grown up with that, I’m more astonished when people have no limits at all—no allergies or spice tolerance, open to trying new things—basically someone who’ll eat absolutely anything amazes me.
‘fish and chips?’
Okay I’d say I’m pretty good at trying new foods and not turning my nose up at them, but anything with fish in I physically am unable to hold down 😭 (aside from tuna 🤔) I’m okay being around fish in supermarkets and that, or if people are eating it around me, but it’s not pleasant :/
Although, I LOVE vinegar. I used to put it in my water as a child and to this day have it with pasta 🫢
Honestly I’d like to learn more meals to cook. Someone I know recently learned how to make a sauce(?)/dip(?) called baba ganoush/baba ghanouj and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever had and would love to have it more frequently if I had the time to make it because honestly it’s 🤌🤌🤌 (my mouth is currently watering)
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thetabbybadger · 1 month
If I wanna learn to make sweaters, is it better to learn to knit or to crochet? What about blankets?
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i think they should kiss
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tabbystardust · 1 year
A non-angsty reunion scenario: Ed hears about Stede’s “death” (okay so a little bit of angst) but then there are rumors about some “Captain Edwards” bumbling his way across the Caribbean, leaving chaos and confusion in his wake, and looking for Blackbeard, and Ed is like “well fuck, that can’t be anyone but Stede”.
And when they finally meet again it’s flirty as fuck like
“Captain Edwards I presume?”
“You’ve... heard of me?” 🤭
“Oh I’ve heard all about you.” 😏
And then they kiss.
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foxaes · 2 months
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The Camera Crew! (+ Maria)
Hi, work made me stop existing online pretty much, and these guys (among others) are a big part of why! We got the top two as 6 day old orphan kittens and had to raise them (and, a week later, Maria- another orphaned baby with a neck wound). We've had them just under two months now (also while working ~50 hours a week at the shelter) and they're all big enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted out through the shelter, but we're holding off because of some health concerns with Fuji. She insists on being concerning.
Anyway! In order: Polaroid, Fujifilm, and Maria Catlas.
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