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"I lied." You cough, frantically wiping your face as the demon grabs the side of your cheek, turning your head towards him, planting a firm kiss on your lips, lingering only for a slow moment, he laughs into the kiss, feeling your body shift, your hands pressing against the dirt ground as he leans further into you. He pulls away and rises to his with a laugh as you try and glare.
His tongue darts over his lips and he turns his back to you. You push yourself to your feet, placing a hand over your warm lips and chasing after the demon.
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i don't remember if this has been asked but do the ros have any pet names for the mc?
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♡ My Love, My Heartbeat, Human
He's very simple with his pet names. He calls you My Love, simply because it's rather common in romance novels and it simply fits. He calls you Human simply cause it's funny and correct.
♡ Songbird, Cutie, Darling, Baby, Angel, Birdie, Silly, Stink Stink (Heard it once and found it hilarious), 15 different versions of your name. My Little Love.
Out of all the love interests, she's the most diverse, loving nickname that is sickly sweet and embarrassing, not for her though, she doesn't get embarrassed easily and is simply extremely open and honest about her love for you. Even before you both are together.
♡ Better Half, My Pride, My Raindrop, Your Name, Dearest, Treasure, My Pet, Human.
Adds 'my' in front of everything. Depending on how you catch R-12 depends on the nickname you'll be called. If she's feeling more feminine, she'll stick to far sweeter nicknames and only in private, but if he's feeling more masculine, you'll get more blunt and "rude" nicknames, R-12 is a spoiled prince at heart.
♡ Your Nickname & Lovebug
Only calls you Love bug when he's tired, if you mention it at all, he'll refuse to acknowledge that he has a soft spot for you. He's extremely awkward with it. So don't expect it often.
Moonlight, My Dream, & Your name.
He does because he wants too. He fits and he likes it.
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68 notes · View notes
you cooked with this game wow... thank you for your services
on another note, what would you say are the main qualities and flaws of the love interests
Ahh, thank you!! I really really enjoy writing it and it's just so much fun for mee!! Now, it took me a hot minute to figure out which qualities and flaws matched them well, and so hopefully this gives a lot of insight into the characters!!
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Double NSFW question: What are the ROs preferences in bed? And what are their kinks?
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The Demon
Preference: None
D honestly has no preferences, since he wouldn't be sexually involved with anyone besides MC. Since they're the only one who can actually handle his high body temperature, anyone else would die before he's done, unless they're another bloodhound, but female bloodhounds are far more dominant and slightly more aggressive than males and D doesn't like being submissive.
Kinks: Any
Though he tends to steer towards more slightly violent and aggressive, any kinks that lead him to being in control.
Favorite Kinks:
Fire Play, Wax Play, BDSM, Primal [Predator n' Prey], Breeding, Exhibitionism, CNC, Voyeurism
The Angel
Preference: Undecided
L-18 loves female anatomy and specific feminine traits, but she also enjoys the male anatomy. She's unlikely to be with someone sexually who's hyper masculine and prefers softer things in people. She's only been sexually involved with other Harpies and women, but she isn't at all against being sexually involved with a man. But she likes exploring.
Kinks: Tame
She's very tame with the kinks she's into, as well as switching in-between being in control and being out of control, so she's a switch. Though, she's willing to absolutely try new things!
Favorite Kinks:
Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Group Sex, Vanilla, & Outdoor Sex [Having sex outside in a garden/forest/in nature]
The Dragon
Preference: Anyone
R-12 has the ability to constantly change his form, switching from male to female depending on their partner, because of this she's very open to whomever, even occasionally switching genders throughout the sexual activities.
R-12 is able to have a vagina in her female form and two dicks in his male form.
Kinks: All
R-12 has been around for a long time and has tried a lot of things, so he's quite experienced and practically enjoys everything. There's not any kinks he would avoid, unless they directly put you in any uncontrollable danger.
Favorite Kinks:
Somnophilia, Breeding, Double Stuffing, Anal [Giving], Sensual Deprivation, & BDSM
The Armadillo
Preference: ???
X-6 has had little to none sexual experience, but likes both men and women, though he has a preference for men, but isn't against having sex with a woman. Though due to his height, he does gravitate towards people smaller than him, but enjoys being dominated by those bigger than him. (He would never admit this)
Kinks: ???
He doesn't exactly get kinks, but he stays away from anything overly extreme since he's slightly weirded out by the sight of anything that can be painful.
Favorite Kinks:
Voyeurism, Size-Kink, Breeding, Anal (Receive), Sex Toys, & Edging
The Warden
Preference: Anyone who can listen
Anyone who can listen. He finds obedience one of his biggest turns on, but hates brats, or people who purposely ignore the rules to rile him up, to him it's shameful. But someone who listens and follows well, he enjoys a lot. He takes a dominant role at all times.
Kinks: Any [As long as he's in control]
He's willing to try anything, but be submissive, the closest you'll get to him being submissive or a bottom, is him being a power-bottom.
Favorite Kinks:
Power Dynamics, Degradation, Sadism, BDSM, Size-Kink, Corruption, Master/Slave, Exhibitionism, Ice Play, CNC, & Sensual Deprivation
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which of the ros is a top vs a bottom
also what r their kinks 👀
Since Top n' Bottom are usually for males in gay relationships, so I'll just go w/ dom v sub
Kinks & Preference
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The Demon
May possibly switch roles
The Angel
The Dragon
Dominant Leaning
The Armadillo
Submissive Leaning
The Warden
Will not switch roles
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What are the Lls love languages?
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The Demon
Giving: Acts of Service
D loves doing things for other people, even if he has a scowl or complains half the time, he'll do it. If he silently sees you struggling he'll help, if he sees you overwhelmed he's taking on some of the burden. He loves doing things especially for you/MC since you have his utmost loyalty, which he takes very seriously.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
D rarely has moments of receiving kind words and even less so before Eclipse. So someone saying kind words and meaning it really affects him, but only if it's from someone he cares about. Specifically you/MC, your words whether subconsciously or not affect him.
The Angel
Giving: Physical Touch
L-18 is a very very very social and touchy feely type person. Loves giving hugs, high-fives, head pats, anything physical that shows she's present and there for you.
Receiving: Physical Touch
She also has an issue with object permanence, so if it's outta sight she tends to sometimes forget that it exists. It's not as bad with people since she's practiced with remembering and controlling it, but physical touch helps her remember that she isn't alone. Especially since Harpies arent lonely creatures and are often in groups, so it also helps with loneliness.
The Dragon
Giving: Quality Time
R-12 spends a lot of time sleeping, but can also sense when others are around, so he enjoys the feel of your/MC's presence even if she's sleeping or not actively engaging. There's something oddly romantic about it.
Receiving: Acts of Service
Because R-12 is used to doing a lot for others, it's rare for someone to do something for him, so it always warms her heart whenever you/MC does anything for them. Another act which they view extremely intimate.
The Armadillo
Giving: Gift Giving
X-6 enjoys building and creating things and he likes giving people things for their reaction. He will act like it's the worst thing on earth if you possibly like it, but expect to receive 15 more things just like it. He sometimes hyperfixations on his interests and has a slight hoarding problem, so him giving it away helps.
Receiving: Words of Affirmations
Any kind words you could possibly say, he hates on the outside, gagging if you're ever nice to him, but he does take it to heart. He will try not to show how much it meant to him that you said something so nice, but he hasn't received kind words in almost centuries so it's nice to hear.
The Warden
Giving: Acts of Service
As long as it doesn't get in the way of his time, he'll silently take over your duties, possibly scolding you if you're unable to do it yourself. He isn't the type to get flustered not embarrassed and if you ask him why he's doing one of your tasks, he'll simply say cause he wanted too. Which will come off extremely mean sounding and bland.
Receiving: Acts of Service
If you respect him in any fashion, you'll do what he asks. He enjoys when others follow the rules and when they do so with instruction, already knowing routine.
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Care to tell us some facts about LIs?
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The Demon:
Without chapter two spoilers, D notes that he named himself after the famous author, who wrote [redacted], it's implied that he personally knew the author and read the book when it was first released, meaning that D has lived for a relatively long time as well as lived through major points in time.
Meaning he's a huge fan of literature and the arts, such as theatre, and loved the Renaissance time period.
His favorite color is red and his favorite flowers are Acanthus Flowers, aka Bear's Breeches.
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The Angel:
L-18 isn't literally an angel, but actually a harpy and lived during ancient greek. She loves storms and it's believed that she at one point personally knew Zeus and worked under his command.
L-18 also favorite instrument is the Lyre and Harp, often sending days at a time listening and playing a sweet melody in the dead of night. Which has a habit of alluring people.
Her favorite color is yellow and her favorite flowers are white and pink anemones.
[Information Given from H.E.A.V.E.N. Research]
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The Dragon:
R-12 origins are unknown except for the fact that they're from Africa. R-12 also has shared stories of them changing their human form and traveling around the world and mingling with humans often. They also willfully got themselves caught and willfully tested and studied.
R-12 spends a lot of time in the dark, sleeping more than he's awake, she also loves scaring people.
Her favorite color is blue and his favorite flower is the King Protea.
[Information Given from H.E.A.V.E.N. Research]
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The Armadillo
X-6 hates humans, very openly despises them even though most of his life he has spent around humans. He was found and spent most of his time in ancient china, greece, parts of the middle east, and India, his name even comes from Greece. No one is sure why he was specifically in those locations, just that he was and would often migrate throughout the seasons.
He loves animals, adores small rodents such as mice and rats and has a huge fear of dogs, cats, and birds.
[Information Given from H.E.A.V.E.N. Research]
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The Warden:
(Youve already had an interaction with him.)
The Warden has been around just as long as D and possibly longer.
Not much is known about him besides that he loves sour and bitter tasting foods and is a terrible cook cause he has horrible taste buds.
His favorite color is black and his favorite flowers are Blackthorns.
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I am definitely holding out hope for Ro to become an RO then!! 👀
Can you give us any facts/info about him? And also about the rest of our coworkers. How long has MC been working there?
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Facts About Ro!!
Full Known Name: Ro Simeon
Age: 27
D.O.B: June 24th
Favorite Color: Blue
Least Favorite: Red
Favorite Animal: Eagles
Least Favorite: Snakes
Ro Fun Facts:
Ro is short for Roman and one of the meanings of Simeon is "reputation", so his full name means Roman's Reputation.
He adores children and young kids and wants to have a son or daughter, he's not picky at all. But he wants to have a happy family!
His favorite Holiday is Christmas and he loves winter months! Even though he was born in the summer, some say (Mary says) that on his birthday it snowed.
Despite how sweet and honest he is, he's quite secretive. No one knows his original district but that he just moved to District Six. He can easily change the subject and avoid questions without people knowing.
Ro is absolutely horrible with technology. He struggles using his phone except the absolute basics and often is asking questions about how certain things work. It took him a month to properly text and send pictures and stuck to only phone calls. He loves using his voice to text and will do so shamelessly while he's working.
He wears reading glasses but he doesn't need them since he has perfect vision. They make him feel smart.
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More Fun Facts!
No one that works at the Coffee Shop knows much about Ro nor where he lives. Many assume Uptown or Downtown, but no one is sure, not even Earl, who's been working at the Coffee Shop for about 5 years, but Ro has been working there longer. No one knows exactly how long though.
Ro is the one who offered Mary & Thomas jobs.
He offered Mary a job because he met her randomly and she wouldn't stop talking to him and he found that adorable, while for Thomas, he was trying to break into the coffee shop but got caught by Ro, who found it funny and invited him to work so he wouldn't have to get in trouble.
Earl is 34 and purposely mute, though it's assumed if he knows sign language. Only Ro has heard him talk. (Mary and Thomas have tried on multiple occasions but fail everytime.)
Sallie is 23 and has worked at the coffee shop for around three months and recently moved to District Six. They have horrible anxiety and are practically scared of everything, but have a huge social following from gaming.
Mary and Thomas are 16, and they're practically cousins. Going to the same Uptown Highschool and both extremely privileged, neither of them have ever seen Downtown Six.
You have been working at the coffee shop since you were 19, spending the first year in district six unable to keep a job, until Ro saw you walking and thought you had a good vibe and offered you a job.
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How They View You:
Ro: Ro really really likes you! He isn't sure why he does but simply puts it that you have a real alluring vibe and energy that makes him want to be around you! He worries a lot about you.
Earl: He likes you. Treats you like his own child and enjoys your energy when you get comfortable around people. He's quite the protective person.
Sallie: They keep their distance. Not that they hate you, but they just sorta don't like you.... But they sorta dont like anyone, except Earl, who it's assumed they like romantically. Though their hate may be actually a hidden crush.
Mary: Adores you! You are practically her big sibling! She loves you so much and tells you all the time she has the weirdest dreams about you!
Thomas: He likes you as well, he thinks you're a cool person and admires you. There's not much else you know.
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the-six-that-thrive-if · 10 months
Ciel!!! (now I have to rewatch Kuroshitsuji), I have questions. 1. Does Dante age in dog years? 2. Since he's blood hound that means he has a good sense of smell, what I mean to say is, can he smell ya know arousal? 3. Can I bite Ro? It's for science.
💀💀 I get that alot w/ my name 💀 and The second question...
1. I mean, if he could if he so desired. But age isn't a really relevant thing to him, so he doesn't even remember when he was born nor when his birthday is, or even how old he is. Just that he's been alive for a long ass time.
2. He does have an incredible since of smell, and can easily distinguish different people. But along w/ that, most humans smell gross and rotting—since compared to non-humans—humans age quickly and he can smell that.
So MC due to the illness already attracts him, but they also smell sweet, and or nice, compared to the other humans. Dante wouldn't be able to exactly tell when you're aroused, just that you smell slightly different, possibly more potent.
But he wouldn't need his sense of smell to tell when you're aroused, since he would simply know due to you both being bound together.
3. Ro would let you. He would let you do anything to him. Tell him to dive off a cliff and he's doing it.
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the-six-that-thrive-if · 11 months
Refusing to even close his eyes until you're laying down beside him.
Cici you are not helping my delulu one bit😭😭
And I implore you to write more fluff coz it genuinely feels like a warm hug🛐
Damn that's crazy cause currently writing a POV of Dante having his first kiss w/ MC. I aim to corrupt.
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"to have lived so many lifetimes..."
His eyes dance across your face, holding your face in his palm, while the other gently holds your waist, drawing your closer. Memorizing the shape of your lashes, the curving of your nose, the slight tremble in your lips, and the hesitation yet certainty in your stance.
"he's never met a human quite like you."
His kiss is softly, slowly sinking into depths truly unknown to him, ever so slightly pressing his lips firmly against yours, inhaling through his nose and exhale through his lips, pulling away for a moment, watching your lips part, before he kisses you again. Feeling your lips mold against his.
[alil drabble that I plan to share sometime this week on pat.]
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oh man I cant wait to meet the warden after seeing "humorless" in his flaws so my mc can annoy him with jokes and then get beat up (with love its ok)
He's def the type to simply put his hand over your face to silence you, having gone most of the day ignoring you and going on about his business, but if he hears another lame joke he will get violent. Very tempted to shove you down the stairs so that you'll be quiet permanently. Decided against it only cause he was needed elsewhere last minute. After he's finished with whatever he's doing and you still refuse to leave him alone, he's literally putting you in time out in his office.
"No, you cannot leave the corner, you've used up your talking privileges. Remain Silent."
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Honestly can't wait to experience the poly between the Warden and F-24 :)) Could I ask what the poly is going to be like, if that's fine?
Trying to go into it, would reveal too much, but imagine really competitive and a lot of sarcasm. Honestly you'll see more of what I mean later, but I love Warden and F-24 dynamic, like it's funny honestly. MC for sure either the meditator in this situation or instigator.
I want outta my way to find examples:
F-24 = Hardworking Idiot, Warden = Bitter Genius, MC = Straight Man
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F-24 = Too Much Energy, Warden = Angry, MC = Calm
F-24 = Too Much Energy, Warden = No Energy, MC = Too Much Energy
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F-24 = Sunshine Protector, Warden = Sunshine Protector, MC = Sunshine
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F-24 = Too Much Energy, Warden = No Energy, MC = Calm
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F-24 = Devil Incarnate, Warden = Cool Guy, the only one who can fight devil incarnate, MC = Softie, an Angel
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no guillotine will be able to stop the head i'm going to give D
I've been horribly bedridden and sick and when my eyes finally can see, this is what I come back too. But I ain't even made, D is helllaaaaaa fine.
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Ro saw you walking and thought you had a good vibe and offered you a job.
My MC has a depressed wet cat vibe but the more i think about it the more I see that my MC fits just right lol. The coffee shop sounds chaotic af.
The Coffee Shop is so outta order and chaotic and I love it, I feel like in-game, Mary says that Sallie almost flooded the kitchen sometime in the morning. Though it's well liked and frequently visited place, so people do actually work.
But Simeon absolutely views MC in a sense as a wet cat, and he loves helping others. Providing homes for those homeless, jobs for those jobless, he's an absolute saint.
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How old is Ro compared to MC? I’ve only had him for two chapters and I love him so much already. Since we can’t romance him, I’m either going to think of him as MC’s older brother or MC’s father figure depending on his age.
—the current love interests can always expand. Hold out hope, cause I absolutely adore him.—
Ro is currently 27, born June 24th! He's a Cancer! So he's only 5 yrs or so older than MC!
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