#swann and bennet would be besties
quillofspirit · 9 months
Elizabeth Bennet and Elizabeth Swann meet
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They meet
Both charmed, quickly becoming great friends
Miss Bennet insists she be called Lizzy, and Miss Swann settles for Elizabeth
Both in love with their husbands
Both can't hold their tongues
Both women of action
Both married a man for love
They both demand respect, though they rarely find need to voice it
They always strive to do the right thing
Mr. Darcy and Will accompany them, for they must meet this other Elizabeth their wife keeps talking about
Mr. Darcy being visibly taken aback by Will's appearance. Sure, he cleans up nice, but being at sea and a pirate, no less, does harden ones character.
He has an edge that Mr. Darcy has only seen in seasoned soldiers, and scars that would put most to shame.
But Will is respectful
Confident, and humble
Mr. Darcy need a little time to adjust
But when he sees how he looks at Miss Swann, he cannot help but see himself
He knows him enough then
Will is... Will is reminded that his wife grew up in polite society
He doesn't feel inadequate, he certainly feels quite at home with his wife, and Miss Bennet only drives the point home with kindness
He sees why they like each other so much
Mr. Darcy is tall, holds his head high and remains quite stoic
Except when he looks at Miss Bennet
There is a softness, a delicate warmth that lifts his lips ever so lightly
He knows that look
He knows what's behind it
He's felt his own features do the same when he looks at his wife
Both Elizabeths can see the mutual respect their husbands gain towards each other upon seeing the love that resides in the others' eyes.
There's no such thing quite as reassuring as knowing a man has infinite respect and love for his wife
And knowing you share at least that with him
As well as a love for a certain fiery, outspoken, kind and courageous woman
Elizabeth Swann sees Mr Darcy, and can't help but see her first fiancé
Tall, proud and, from what Lizzie has told her, exceedingly kind and loyal
The meeting is quite accidental, though not undiscussed
Lizzy and Elizabeth had talked about making Mr. Darcy and James Norrington meet,
They couldn't deny they wanted to see how they would react to another version of themselves
There weren't many like them, so the event could only be educational
Miss Bennet and her husband were out for a walk, like they normally were, though they did stray closer to her new friend's house than they usually did
Mr Darcy had enough love for his wife's smile to pretend he did not notice until they were knocking, and even more for her enthusiasm to leave it unsaid.
Miss Swann had barely opened the door before she was inviting them in, and seating them in the living room
They shared laughs and pleasant conversation as the tea went cold
They were interrupted by a sharp two toned knock at the door.
Miss Swann was initially surprised, before turning sharp mischievous eyes to her friend and exclaiming "Oh, I had almost forgotten. I expected a dear friend of mine to drop off a book he borrowed."
The knowing look she got back was enough to place a seed of apprehension in Mr. Darcy's mind
Miss Swann practically flew to the door, eagerly opening it to reveal an awaiting Mr. Norrington
No longer adorning his once beloved uniform though his stature would not let anyone doubt he had worn it with pride
Miss Swann invited him inside, though he almost protested before setting eyes upon the visitors, already up to meet him
He couldn't exactly say no, could he? No he couldn't, it would be rude
And Miss Swann had excitedly told him about this Miss Bennet and her husband
He couldn't pretend he wasn't curious
He set the book he had come to return on the side table and stood by Miss Swann as she made introductions
Miss Bennet was indeed charming, that much he could tell, though possibly a little more reserved than his once promised
The man standing by her however, was most intriguing
He appeared just as, if not more, put out by the prospect of having to make conversation with a complete stranger while Miss Swann and Miss Bennet talked away
This proved to be an unnecessary worry, as both men quickly realized the other was just as apprehensive
They even found they enjoyed the quick quips the other made when they could keep up with the two women
Eventually, the impromptu meeting came to a close, though both men came away thinking well of the other
They met again at Jane Bingley’s ball
In truth, Miss Bennet had only agreed to it because her sister Jane had organized it, and she so dearly loved to dance
Mr. Darcy had to concede that though he didn't love the attention, he did love to see his wife dance even if he could would only allow himself to join her for one dance, lest others in waiting be left, well, in waiting
Instead, he most often found himself in a less frequented area, where he was at the mercy of others' conversations
This time, however, he found he knew somebody he would not mind conversing with
He made his way easily through the crowd, which, more often than not, noticed him before he did them
James Norrington had accepted the invitation in no small part because he respected the Bingleys and would never hear the end of it if Elizabeth Swann heard he had declined an invitation from her new friend's sister
While he talked with the Turners, their attention turned to one just behind him
James did not have the time to turn around, before Elizabeth was calling upon the newcomer
"Mr. Darcy! I had hoped you would be able to join us."
He came to a stop beside the group and nodded at the two men
"My wife loves to dance" was the first justification he gave, though he quickly followed it "and Mr. Bingley is a good friend of mine"
"Is he? How wonderful. I can't wait to meet Lizzy's sister." Elizabeth answered quickly, already looking to catch her friend's eye so they might be introduced.
It seems Lizzy had been doing the same, because she waved them over.
"Please excuse us." Was all Elizabeth offered before catching her husband's arm and walking to her friend.
Will barely had time to nod at the two men before they were left alone in their wake.
They passed the time easily enough, finding conversation an unnecessary though not unwelcome distraction.
Instead, they found themselves quite enjoying the dry humour of the other, as they watched inexperienced and nervous boys try to lead their ladies in the various steps, each reminiscing in their own times
Before long, they found they could discuss the changes since their youth, and their respective stations
Mr. Darcy was quite impressed with the military prowess of Mr. Norrington, even as he claimed his exploits quite humbly.
As much as Lizzy and Elizabeth could be said to have become inseparable since meeting, Mr. Norrington and Mr. Darcy often found the others’ company quite enjoyable
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